
Chapter 1067 Unsinkable

Yin Buchen's father was a beast demon, and he himself was a half-demon. No matter what kind of demon he was, he would usually only transform into the symbolic beast of his clan, such as the Iron-backed Dragon, and it would be considered a shame to transform into other beasts.

Ever since the Demon Lord's righteous law that he had practiced hard was taken away by Yi Shijun, Yin Buchen had little shame left, so when Qin Lingshuang asked him to transform into a red-haired fox, he did not show any embarrassment, but only asked one question: "Can it work? Ordinary illusions can't deceive the Taoist's eyes."

Qin Lingshuang did not perform ordinary illusions, but the advanced magic recorded in the Taoist secret book. It might not deceive Taoist Fu Rimang, but it was enough to make it difficult for ordinary Taoists to distinguish the true from the false. She even asked Yin Buchen to take out two crystal eyes and cast a spell on him alone to cover up the demonic aura.

"Sun Yulu used the water avoidance technique not long ago. The Taoist priest of Luanjing Mountain is most likely hiding underwater. You can find it out. You don't need to do anything. Come back and inform us." Qin Lingshuang showed off four treasures in front of Sun Yulu, not only showing off, but also quietly checking them.

"Taoist Qin has great magical powers, ingenious calculations, and is amazing... It's ridiculous that the Taoist priest of Luanjing Mountain wants to avoid seeing him." Yin Buchen said flatteringly, and when he found that he shouldn't speak human words as a fox, he hurriedly shut up.

"Be careful, I have hidden most of the magic breath for you, but if you reveal it yourself, I can't help you."

Yin Buchen hurriedly shook his head, then turned and got into the thorn bush. From now on, he concentrated on pretending to be a fox and looking for water in the direction Qin Lingshuang pointed to him.

If a fox wants to speak human words, it must rely on sorcery or magic, which will reveal its whereabouts, so Yin Buchen dared not speak again, nor did he dare to run too fast, but he began to complain in his heart.

"I am the son of the Dragon King!" He thought angrily in his heart, as if he was speaking to Qin Lingshuang, "In the sea, the Iron Dragon Clan is the king of all monsters. Even on land, no monster dares to look down on us. Wherever the Iron Dragon is, the beasts avoid it and the monsters bow down to it. Alas, we have fallen, like a dragon swimming in the shallows and being played by shrimps..."

Yin Bushen imagined the lofty status of the Iron Dragon Clan that had never existed, while sniffing around with his nose to find nearby water sources.

There are streams, springs and ponds in the mountains, and there are many water sources. Yin Bushen found several in succession, all of which were clear and there was no place to hide.

"Qin Lingshuang - no, even in my heart I have to call her Taoist Qin, so that I won't call her that in the future - Taoist Qin is really ridiculous, giving random advice. Even if those female Taoists are really hiding underwater, can't they cast a spell to cover it up? I can't cast a spell to turn into a fox, so how can I see through these disguises? Alas, Mu Xingqiu has fallen too. In the past, he always made decisions, and at least he would listen to my advice. Now, he stands there like a piece of wood, not saying a word for a long time, not even a word of objection. The word lust is like a knife in the heart, and it seems that Mu Xingqiu has been hit hard." Yin Buchen was full of complaints. The fox he turned into had almost no flaws, but there was only one thing wrong. Unlike a real fox, he was not as alert and dared to go anywhere. He was also focused on finding water sources and rarely paid attention to other situations. Therefore, when he ran into a tiger, he was completely unprepared. The tiger was lying in the shade of a tree, half asleep, with its mouth slightly open and its belly rising and falling like a bellows. There was half a deer corpse lying beside it. Yin Buchen was caught off guard and thought it was an ambush set by the female Taoist priest of Luanjing Mountain. His reaction at this time was really like a fox. He fell to the ground with one foot and kicked his four legs. He immediately wanted to cast a spell to escape, but he was too anxious and Qin Lingshuang's magic was too powerful. He couldn't get rid of the beast form for a while. He could only run with his tail between his legs, and went wherever there were dense thorns.

After escaping two miles, Yin Buchen stopped. The tiger was probably full and didn't chase him at all. He remembered that he didn't need to be afraid of ordinary beasts, so he had to blame the embarrassing behavior on Taoist priest Qin: the fox she turned into was too realistic, and even changed her mentality.

After walking a distance, Yin Buchen suddenly felt something was wrong. He ran into the tiger when he was heading for the water source, but he ran away without seeing the water source. What if that was the hiding place of the female Taoist priest? The tiger looked very real, maybe it was also transformed by advanced magic.

Yin Buchen hesitated. Finding the target was a meritorious service, but angering the female Taoist priest was a way to his own death. He walked back and forth several times, and finally made a decision. He took a look from a distance, and then went back to let Taoist Qin judge for himself.

He bypassed the tiger. Even if it was just an ordinary beast, he didn't want to fight it with the body of a fox. Qin Lingshuang didn't know what means he used. His demon power was getting weaker and weaker, and it was already negligible, and he couldn't cast magic.

On a cliff, Yin Buchen looked down and saw that the valley was full of trees and branches and leaves. Nothing on the ground could be seen, and the tiger's position just happened to guard the only entrance.

"Ha, this tiger is really a bit problematic. It may be a real tiger, specially used to intimidate mortals and not allow them to enter the valley." Yin Buchen felt that this was enough, and he could go back to ask Taoist Qin for credit. He turned around and walked a few steps and changed his mind. Mu Xingqiu was easy to deal with, but Taoist Qin was a big trouble. He couldn't answer a few more questions.

Yin Buchen hesitated again and again, but still turned back to the edge of the cliff, found a relatively flat place, and jumped down little by little with the help of the horizontal trees.

There were no wild beasts guarding the valley bottom, but there were many small animals. They ran away when they saw the fox. Yin Buchen chased it for a while, feeling proud, and then he started to do serious work and sniff the location of the water source. It was getting dark, and he hoped to find a clue as soon as possible and report back.

There are three water sources in the valley, including a small stream flowing out of the valley and two clear springs. None of them are special. Yin Buchen is quite disappointed. As a result, except for the tiger guarding the entrance, he has nothing to say after returning. Taoist Qin will definitely not be satisfied.

Yin Buchen raised his head, took a deep breath slowly, and found nothing new. He walked a little further and sniffed again. He did this seven times, circling more than half of the valley, and finally smelled a faint trace of water vapor, which was different from what he had seen before. The directions of one stream and two springs are different.

Yin Bu Shen was so happy that he even forgot to act cautiously and immediately ran along the water vapor.

The new water source was a pool located under the cliff. He had passed by it once before and didn't notice it. The pool is very small, less than two feet at its widest point. The sun cannot reach it, and it looks dark, with no depth.

"That's enough." Yin Buchen reminded himself, don't worry about whether there is any problem with the pool, let Taoist Qin investigate it himself.

After turning around and walking not far away, Yin Buchen still stopped. He thought that he was already a living demon weapon, completely controlled by Lord Yishi. He didn't know how much suffering he would suffer in the future. It seemed that the only one who could save him from the sea of ​​suffering was Taoist Qin, and Bu Li Yiyi How can I ask for mercy from her with two justifiable feats?

"Find a stone and throw it in to check the depth." Yin Buchen thought this was a good idea. There was a small stone not far away. He ran to pick it up in his mouth, lamented his downfall again, and then returned to the water. Just as he was about to throw the stones, his feet slipped and he fell into the water.

Yin Buchen was startled, stomped on all fours, and wanted to jump back to the shore, but as soon as his head came out of the water, he discovered something strange. He actually shed his fox form and turned into a small dragon. It is no more than two feet long, has no horns on its head, has scales on its body, and has slender four legs growing under its belly.

Yin Buchen felt confused for the first time. The series of actions he had just taken were not like his usual self. This transformation was even more unintended. Could it be...

The thought disappeared as soon as it arose, "These are all Taoist Qin's spells. She is really powerful, maybe even more powerful than Laojun." Yin Bushi thought so, and became more eager to make meritorious deeds. Instead of jumping out of the water, he dived headlong into the water. Go down.

Tiejiao is good at water. Yin Buchen has lived in the South China Sea since he was a child, and his water quality is quite good. After diving a few feet, he became more and more convinced that this pool must have hidden secrets.

The water pool is very deep, and its buoyancy is gradually increasing. As a descendant of the iron dragon, Yin Bushen has his own way. He does not need to use magic, but absorbs water. He keeps absorbing water. Slowly, the thin body of the dragon turns into a ball. He looks like a ball. He continued to dive like a turtle.

Thinking of Wugui, Yin Bushen naturally thought of Fei Xiao and cursed secretly in his heart.

No matter how deep he dived, the buoyancy in the water suddenly disappeared. Yin Bushen stopped immediately. He knew that only powerful magic could cause this strange phenomenon.

It was pitch black at the bottom of the pool. Yin Buchen was thinking about how to observe the situation when his eyes suddenly lit up and he could actually see. Although it was not particularly clear, he could see the general situation.

Yin Bujue felt doubtful for the second time and felt that everything was too coincidental. Then he attributed it to Taoist Qin's powerful magic and settled down to look around.

There was water everywhere, not even small fish or shrimps. He spit out the water in his stomach and carefully continued to dive deeper. After dozens of feet, his eyes lit up again. This time, it had nothing to do with the crystal eyes. The light came from outside world.

Yin Buchen's courage has reached its limit, and there is no reason for him to continue taking risks. However, there is a force in his body pushing him forward. He is surprised to find that his body seems to be beyond his control.

Then he saw a cauldron, a huge cauldron, eight or nine feet high. The light was emitted from it. A group of female Taoist priests were standing or sitting around it. The number was more than Yin Buchen expected, at least a hundred.

"Okay, there is no more direct evidence than this. The Siming Ding is indeed in the hands of the female Taoist priest." Yin Buchen said to himself, hoping to persuade the power that controlled him to disappear so that he could go back and report to Taoist Qin.

The power disappeared, Yin Buchen breathed a sigh of relief, slowly floated upwards, and put away the demonic power of the crystal eyes, for fear of being noticed by the female Taoist priests.

But things would not always go smoothly. Yin Buchen suddenly felt a tightness on his body. He was held by something and he sank quickly. In a moment, he was near the giant cauldron.

Sure enough, he was held by a hand, and a clear voice said: "What a strange water snake, with four legs."

Yin Buchen struggled hard and yelled out in human words: "I am not a water snake, I am an iron-spine dragon!"

"Well, dragon meat should be delicious."

Yin Buchen felt that the voice sounded familiar. He turned around and was startled, "Xiao Hao, why is it you?"

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