
Chapter 1072 Slave of Memory

Yin Buchen gently placed the newly conquered monkey on the ground and stood aside respectfully, as if it was the Taoist founder himself. Then he made famous gestures while whispering: "I think I need to sleep for a while, you guys?" Let’s talk first, don’t wake me up, just let me…”

Yin Buchen did as he said, and fell down softly. He fell asleep on the dough that looked like ice lumps, and soon began to snore. The monkey stood beside him, his eyes rotating in opposite directions strangely, his mouth opening and closing, but no sound came out.

Mu Xingqiu held the Patriarch Tower tightly, tapped two or three times on his forehead, chest, abdomen, and left and right arms, wrote the amulet, and sent a signal to Qin Lingshuang outside the city. Writing talismans and sacrificial talismans were all normal, but the signal was not sent out. In just a few words, the surroundings were filled with unspeakably powerful spells. The talisman technique was completely swallowed up not long after it spread.

Mu Xingqiu had forgotten the fight before entering the Demon-Batting Cave. For him now, this was the first time he had experienced the strength of Kun Chaos.

He can feel the spells, and he can also absorb the spells as his own, turn them into mana and cast them out again. However, there are too many spells around him at this moment, as long as the vast ocean. Let alone absorbing them, it is difficult to even protect himself. For example, once the best player falls into the sea, he will have no clue what to do, and his skills will still be of no use.

The vast ocean of magic did not swallow up Mu Xingqiu, leaving him with a small island.

Then Dihou spoke, his voice was dull and ruthless, and he could not tell whether he was male or female, old or young, "Some people say that I deliberately released you from the Demon Drawing Cave, but that is not the case. Your escape was an accident. I I don’t like accidents, but in the current world, accidents will still happen one after another, and no one can stop them.”

Mu Xingqiu remained silent. As far as he knew, Kun Chaos vision was very accurate. As long as the humans and demons were found by the Taoist ancestors in various ways, they would all become followers without exception. Some people may regret it later, but in the No one would hesitate when accepting the offer.

To be favored by the most powerful man in the world is enough to make you desperate.

"In the new world in the future, there will be no accidents. Every person and every demon has already determined his life from the moment he was conceived, or even before that. So there will be no doubts, no disputes, everything will go according to plan, everything will be in order. The cycle goes on and on.

"And everything is under your rule forever." Mu Xingqiu stared at the monkey, imagining it as Kun Chaos himself.

"Of course, but sentient beings cannot feel my presence. Since everything is going according to my ideas, why should I intervene?"

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, "It sounds like a very boring world."

"It is very boring. In the words of Taoism, this is a quiet and inactive world. All living beings are in a messy mood and cannot stand a perfect world. Therefore, I only select a small number of qualified people to accompany me into the new world."

"Do you think I'm qualified?" Mu Xingqiu was surprised. Not only him, but also the followers Kun Chaos had previously selected were all extremely innovative in their practice. They didn't seem to be the type to accept "quiet and inactive" at all.

"No, you are not qualified." Kun Chao's voice didn't have the slightest inflection, but his meaning was clear and clear.

Mu Xingqiu laughed, "You just came to tell me this? It's really disappointing. I thought I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thank you for letting me give up. When can I be with you?" war?"

Kun Chao was silent for a while, as if he thought this question was too ridiculous and not worth answering. Finally he said: "Zuo Liuying is my gatekeeper. Only by defeating him can you enter my gate and challenge me."

Mu Xingqiu tried to sacrifice the talisman again, but nothing happened. He suddenly didn't want to talk big anymore. It was meaningless. The gap between him and Kun Chaos was too big now, and he was not worthy of being an opponent at all.

Neither worthy of being an opponent nor a qualified target, Mu Xingqiu was a little confused, "What on earth do you want to see me for?"

"Everything has a cause and a result. I want to plant a cause in you and reap the result in another person."

Mu Xingqiu was even more confused, but knew that nothing good would come of it, "What are you going to do to Mu Dong'er?"

This was the first person he thought of.

"Memory is so ridiculous. You only remember your own son, and you think he is the most important, and that others take him seriously. In the new world of the future, memories must be erased regularly, and no one is burdened or bound by memory. "

Mu Xingqiu held the Patriarch's Tower and poked at the spell in front of him, trying to write out the talisman, but each stroke seemed to be pierced into the mud bricks that were about to be dried. It was difficult to move. Not to mention writing the talisman in one go, he wanted to draw It is difficult to draw a straight line.

There are eighteen levels of talismans. During the process of writing the talisman, one movement of the heart will result in one section. No section is perfect. Seventeen sections is the minimum requirement. If the mind moves too much, the whole talisman will be invalid. Before Mu Xingqiu finished writing the first stroke, his thoughts had already exceeded the limit of seventeen sections, and the talisman became invalid, but he still insisted on writing.

"This is why you are unqualified. I like perseverance, but I don't like stupidity. Your actions are stupidity. There will be no place for you in the future world. Now, your stupidity is very useful to me." ”

The monkey raised his right arm and pointed his slender fingers at Mu Xingqiu, "You are the slave of memory. I will give you back a little memory and let it be your master. It doesn't need a lot, just a little is enough."

Mu Xingqiu didn't want this kind of memory, so he ran the Patriarch's Tower harder. This was no longer a battle of spells - he was unable to cast spells at all - but a statement that no matter how big the difference in strength was, he would not surrender.

The monkey's left eye stopped moving and shot out a small ball of light, which passed through his fingers, continued forward, and hit Mu Xingqiu's forehead again.

Mu Xingqiu was still dizzy, but he didn't notice any new memories.

"Your demonic body is already very powerful." Kun Chaos obviously failed, so the monkey's left eye glowed again.

This time the spell was like a polished iron ball. Mu Xingqiu could not absorb it, so he could only concentrate his willpower to resist a little, "Didn't you expect that I could block the first attack? Kun Chao, you have disappointed me even more." ”

"Because of the existence of people like you, the world is not perfect. I will still make mistakes now. In a short time, I will never make mistakes again." Kun Chao was not angered.

Mu Xingqiu wanted to say something more, but the magic in Niwan Palace exploded, and a large fire suddenly appeared in his mind, and then disappeared, and he fell into darkness.

He did not lose consciousness, on the contrary, he could feel the subtle changes around him: Kunchao's powerful spell was fading, the earth monkey made a squeaking sound, hesitating between running away and staying, and then half asleep. Yin Buchen murmured as he woke up.

"The Dragon Demon asked me to find an opportunity to remind you... to remind you... Qin Taoist... to save the calamity..." Yin Buchen was probably talking in his sleep, but it soon turned into snoring.

A new force suddenly came, overwhelming Kun Chaos remaining spells and pulling Mu Xingqiu out of the darkness.

With a bang, Qing Lingshuang appeared in front of Mu Xingqiu. She came with the teleportation technique. Due to interference, the teleportation was not very successful. The sound was loud and the movement of her magic power became stagnant. Her face became redder and her expression was serious. , but there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

Mu Xingqiu took a staggering step back and immediately steadied himself, "I'm fine."

Qing Lingshuang nodded and took back the sword-washing pool, the furnace and the instant platform floating in her hands, and the panic in her eyes gradually disappeared.

"Kun Chao said he wanted to stuff some memories into my mind, but I seemed to be blocking it." Mu Xingqiu shook his head, not realizing that he was remembering more past events.

"Don't be careless. Kun Chao will not return without success. I will do some checks on you outside the city." Qin Lingshuang finally spoke, her tone as calm as usual.

"Okay." Mu Xingqiu smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm a burden and made you worry."

Qin Lingshuang also smiled. No matter who this body belonged to, no matter how many experiences her soul had gone through, she was still Qin Lingshuang. Some words would only be kept in her heart rather than spoken out.

"If there are no burdens and no one to worry about in this world, why go through all the trouble to come back?" This was what she did not say.

"Should we wake up Yin Buchen?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

"No need, he will wake up later." Qing Lingshuang glanced at the monkey twice more, "Zuo Liuying is as difficult to guess as Kun Chaos."

The two of them left the city together.

Yin Bu had a good sleep. When he woke up, he felt that one side of his face was numb from the cold. He rubbed it vigorously with his palms while staring at the monkey who had not left. He said angrily: "The Patriarch is gone. Dao Zun and Qin The Taoist priest has also left, why are you staying? I don’t want an ugly and incompetent earth monkey to be a beast, so go back to your cave. Oh, I thought the ancestor was here to find me..."

The monkey probably didn't understand what Yin Buchen was saying, and still didn't leave. He stood there blankly, with his arms hanging down, looking up at Yin Buchen, like a stupid child who was scolded but didn't know the reason.

It didn't take long for Yin Buchen to start to be surprised. More monkeys emerged from the stove pit. They were all just like the first one, standing in front of him blankly. There were more and more monkeys, and finally there were no more monkeys in the room. gain a foothold.

"I obviously tamed one!" Yin Buchen inexplicably owned forty or fifty beasts.

Outside the city, Mu Xingqiu sat alone in the practice room transformed from the Great Light Mirror, undergoing inspections of several treasures in turn. He had to work hard to enter a state of reflection so that the inspection could be more thorough, but it was difficult to do so. Ever since he lost his memory, he had rarely thought about it, and occasionally it would only last for a short time. This time it was especially difficult.

After a long time, he couldn't help but ask himself: "Is it difficult to think about it?"

"It's not difficult at all. You first clear your mind and then focus on something." A familiar voice answered.

"What are you thinking about?"

“Don’t be mean, think of the first thing that comes to mind.”

Mu Xingqiu's mind immediately showed the image of Fangfang covering her mouth and smiling.

He remembered.

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