
Chapter 1077 Mad Emperor

The Cihuang's hair turned gray, with a look of ridicule and indifference on his face, and his stomach was filled with cynical words. These words were more destructive than the strong winds in the cold winter. All the listeners were discouraged and trembling. But no soldiers fled because of this, not only because he was the emperor of mankind, but also because he had an unshakable strong will. It was with this will that the last army of the Holy Talisman Dynasty was able to survive, and nearly 100,000 people were able to survive in troubled times. Survive.

He led more than thirty followers - this was the most streamlined team, and the flags in their hands could prove the identity of Emperor Ci - to see General Mu. Emperor Ci did not agree with this arrangement at first, but he heard that the Patriarch Tower was After being outside the city, I reluctantly agreed.

When he could clearly see the Patriarch Pagoda ten miles away, Cihuang stopped for the first time and sneered, "The Taoist priests are really heartless and abandon their desires. Even if they kill hundreds of millions of living beings, they can still be indifferent, but they can escape There is one emotion they cannot lose, and that is to show off. Look at their tower, which is higher than the city of the Holy Talisman Dynasty. They pretend not to care about anything, and then wait for mortals to envy them and respect them. "

Including King Huaibi, the entourage did not say a word. Everyone knew that communication with Emperor Ci was impossible and might even be dangerous.

The Cihuang urged the unicorn to continue moving forward. It was a scarred unicorn with one horn broken and the scales on its body incomplete. However, its limbs were still strong. It could still reach more than ten steps in one leap. It had to control its speed to prevent it from falling. The horses fell too far.

When they were about three miles away, Cihuang stopped again. This time he was looking at Duanliu City, "All the towns in the Holy Fu Dynasty were destroyed, but it remained the same and was still wearing ice armor. What does this mean? ? Could the city also betray? Ah, it would indeed betray. Who was King Xijie? Who was the emperor? Duanliu City didn't care. It only knows that there is a princess and a general. Hey, in the end, even its own residents betrayed it."

Emperor Ci turned to King Huaibi and said, "We want to reconquer this city and then destroy it. It is not qualified to stand alone in this world."

"Yes." King Huaibi responded. Even if Emperor Ci asked him to charge into the sea of ​​fire single-handedly, he would agree. The Talang Kingdom has been destroyed, and his status as a vassal king is no higher than that of an ordinary follower.

Approaching the Patriarch's Tower, Emperor Ci stopped for the third time. This time he didn't say anything. He just raised his hand to signal his followers to stay where they were. Then he rode his unicorn to the foot of the tower alone.

Emperor Ci looked at it carefully. After a while, Mu Xingqiu came around from behind the tower, put one hand on the tower and said, "Has King Huaibi made it clear to you?"

"Well, he said that you have lost your memory and have forgotten most of the past events before the Five Elements Tribulation." Emperor Ci did not wear a helmet, which was also an obvious difference between him and the generals in the army. "This is a good excuse not to abide by the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers. ”

Mu Xingqiu smiled. He had heard Yin Buchen talk about many things. He believed that even if he had not lost his memory, there would be no courtesy between the emperor and the emperor. He pressed the body of the tower with his right hand and continued to circle.

This is a new way of writing characters, which is faster.

Emperor Ci regarded this behavior as contempt, but he hid his anger in his heart, "The famous Patriarch Tower, the most powerful Taoist treasure, actually looks like this."

Although the Patriarch Tower is taller than the city wall, its appearance is mottled and ancient, as if it has stood outside Duanliu City for thousands of years.

"The Patriarch Tower is just like the Taoist priests, it is a hypocritical tower!" Cihuang said loudly, as if the tower could understand his words, "Since it is powerful, why not show it? Let out a ray of light, shake the earth and mountains, and make mortals Wouldn’t it be easier to let all living beings crawl on the ground out of fear?”

Mu Xingqiu came around again, "Controlling spells means control, and control means another kind of power. The Patriarch Tower must take care of its own spells and not let them leak out at will."

"Well, that's right. You have to control it at ordinary times and don't reveal your power. Once it is released, it can reach thousands of miles and kill countless people." Cihuang jumped off the Qilin's back, strode up to Mu Xingqiu, and stared into his eyes for a while. , "Remember Queen Xun?"

"Princess of Xijie Kingdom? It is said that I should know her." Mu Xingqiu heard many past events from Yin Buchen, but he had no impression in his mind.

"She is my queen, but the person she likes is you." Cihuang's eyes were cold, and a few strands of iron-gray hair were blown by the cold wind, like the last flag.

Mu Xingqiu stepped forward and continued to circle. Cihuang stepped aside and walked side by side with him. "She is dead. Everything has disappeared."

Mu Xingqiu said nothing. In his memory, he had never felt such strong emotions from a person. Emperor Ci was like a crazy horse, running non-stop without being spurred.

"Do you want to challenge Kun Chaos?"

"I am challenging." Mu Xingqiu has found the Kunchaos spell in the Patriarch's Tower. Writing the spell means arranging his troops. When the time comes, he will launch a decisive battle.

"Kun Chaos is the source of all evil. He deceived everyone and wanted to destroy the entire world. Daotong must be responsible for this, at least he must be responsible for negligence, but Daotong is also a victim, so it can be forgiven."

"As far as I know, I have already quit the orthodoxy."

"I know that this happened many years ago, but no one can truly quit Taoism. As long as you practice according to Taoism and gain the power of a Taoist priest, you will always be a Taoist priest. 'The fire of Taoism never goes out', Taoist priests That’s what he said, and that’s what he asked for, so you are still a member of the Taoist tradition, and the Patriarch Tower is proof of that.”

"Okay." Mu Xingqiu didn't want to argue. Emperor Ci's mood had already reached an alarming level, and there was no need for him to add fuel to the flames.

"The Taoists must correct their mistakes and shoulder their responsibilities. You said that you also want to challenge Kun Chaos. This is a good start, but it is not enough. Can you find other Taoist priests?"

"There is another person in the west of the city who is a Taoist priest. There is a demon and a swordsman who can't do magic in the city. We can be considered a group."

"I `m coming out."

"The cost is losing your memory and then having to make the same mistake again."

Mu Xingqiu stopped and sighed softly, "Listen, I'm not arrogant enough to challenge Kun Chaos alone. I believe more people will join in the future. If you want to join forces, I agree, but I don't. What responsibilities do you think you have?"

The Ci Emperor showed a mocking smile, "Only Taoist priests can get rid of their shackles so easily. Mortals can't. I can't. I am the emperor of mankind and the commander-in-chief of the last army. Even if I am overwhelmed by my responsibilities, I can't." Come on, I can't let it go either. We must fight constantly. Do you know how many battles we have fought in the land of monsters? Do you think that the Five Elements Tribulation has cleaned up the world? He is the most evil person in the world. He uses magic to kill those who may be harmful to him, leaving behind all the villains like him. Human beings have degenerated. They stand in front of the royal flag without kneeling, and even take advantage of the situation to rob them. Monsters. The tribe is even more shameless. They cheer for destruction, pay tribute to Kun Chao, and rush to worship him. All the burdens are on me. This army is the only clean force in the world."

Mu Xingqiu understood where King Huaibi's fear came from. The Ci Emperor was close to madness and was running unswervingly towards the cliff. He was not the only one who did this, but behind him was an army of nearly 100,000 people. .

The Holy Talisman Dynasty concentrated the power of all mankind in the world and created a huge army of millions of people. Now these are the only ones left.

"Human beings are depraved and monsters are shameless - who are you fighting for?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

"For the world!" Cihuang slapped the tower with his palm and said angrily, "No one can take the world of mankind, the world of Fu family, and my world away from me, not even Dao Tong, not Kun Chaos." !”

Cihuang was so angry that he ignored the pain in his hand. After a while, he realized that the ordinary Patriarch Tower was hotter than the burning fire and was about to scorch his hand. He hurriedly retracted his arm and looked at Mu Xingqiu kept pressing his right hand on Ta's body, "This is the power I need."

"Sorry, I can't transfer my power to you." Mu Xingqiu gently pushed Cihuang away and continued to write talismans in circles.

Emperor Ci stood there and waited for Mu Xingqiu to go around to the other side. He said loudly: "You think I am stupid and dare to challenge Kun Chaos without any confidence, right? You are wrong. I am prepared." , However, I need your help, a little is enough."

Mu Xingqiu came around and asked, "How can I help?"

"Lend me the Patriarch's Tower."

Mu Xingqiu shook his head.

"I'm not going to take it away. I'm going to form a magic circle here. The magic circle is very powerful. If it can be assisted by the Taoist treasure, it will be even more powerful. It will be easy to defeat Kun Chaos."

The Cihuang's eyes flashed with crazy enthusiasm and confidence, "You said you are willing to join forces, then make a show of joining forces. You have failed, and the orthodoxy has also failed. It's time for you to believe in mortals, especially me, No one cares about this world more and hates Kun Chaos more than me.”

Mu Xingqiu reluctantly nodded.

The Ci Emperor showed an approving smile. Even in this smile, there was a trace of ridicule and madness. "It will take some time to set up the formation. In seven to ten days, I will use the Patriarch Tower. I will not lose my memory. I will Remember your help, the descendants of the Fu family will remember it."

Emperor Ci turned around to leave, but Mu Xingqiu stopped him, "Wait a minute."

The Cihuang's face immediately turned gloomy. He knew that no one in the world could be trusted, and the promises he made would be forgotten in the blink of an eye. This was the behavior he hated the most, "You have already agreed."

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word, I just want to give you a little more help."

"What?" Cihuang frowned.

Mu Xingqiu raised his left arm and quickly pressed his fingers on Cihuang's forehead, "The help you need most."

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