
Chapter 1092 West of the City and North of the City

Yin Buchen flew towards the Patriarch Tower in a panic, and suddenly encountered an extremely strong resistance. He hurriedly landed and walked into the tower. The monkeys lined up behind him, like a multi-legged centipede.

It is said that there is a special universe in the Patriarch Pagoda, which can display the names and images of Taoist priests in the past dynasties. Yin Bushen entered the tower several times and had never seen anything like this. All he saw was the mottled old stone walls and stone stairs, but it was very special. Clean and spotless, no matter what his feet stepped on outside, as long as he stepped into the tower, not even a footprint would be left.

There is no one on the first floor. From time to time, talisman patterns suddenly appear and slowly disappear, like the ripples an angler sees on the river. He fully expects it to be a big fish, but nine times out of ten he is disappointed. When he reaches the surface Calmness returned, and the big fish didn't even show its shadow.

The talismans in the tower may appear anywhere, on walls, steps, the ground, or even in the air. Parts of the talismans may suddenly appear, like steaming water vapor, or like a dragon that has never seen its head or tail, swaying and disappearing into the air. middle.

Yin Buchen walked with awe and looked at the wonderful scenery in the tower. He originally thought that Mu Xingqiu would give up the art of talismans after regaining his memory, but he did not expect that he would promote the talismans instead. The slightest exposure of the tower made him feel frightened. , often wanting to give up his vows and fall at the feet of Taoist Master again.

The monkeys leaned closer and reached out to grab the shoulders of the companion in front. The one at the front tightly grasped Yin Buchen's skirt with both hands.

Yin Buchen couldn't hold back, reminding himself over and over again: The talisman is very powerful, but it has nothing to do with him. The Demon Lord's rectification is a lesson. He learned it through hard work, but in the end he took advantage of Lord Yishi, so it is not his own. Force, since there is no need to force, there is no need to envy, and there is no need to envy to be equal to any strong person.

There was no one on the second floor, and it was not until the third floor that Yin Buchen saw the talisman writer.

Mu Xingqiu stood there motionless, pressing his hands against the wall, his ten fingers glowing faintly. His method of writing talismans was different from others, there was no movement of brush, and in a blink of an eye, a talisman had been written. Behind him, Yang Qingyin acted as a protector, surrounded by seven or eight magical instruments. The incense burner puffed out smoke, the copper bell rang slightly, the bronze seal trembled slightly, and the sword buzzed... She patted Mu Xingqiu's back regularly. A palm.

Yin Buchen was in awe, and really wanted to give up the idea of ​​equality. He endured it again and again, took a deep breath, coughed twice, and finally kept his legs upright. He summoned a wooden box, held it in both hands, and whispered : "Spiritual King, I have brought the sea-breaking pearl."

The monkeys were squeaking, all holding large and small boxes in their hands.

"Everything else is gone too." Yin Buchen added.

Mu Xingqiu did not move, Yang Qingyin turned around, smiled and said, "Thank you."

Yin Bu Shen's waist was about to bend involuntarily. After realizing it, he hurriedly stood up and said in a pretentious manner: "You're welcome. Congratulations to King Ling, Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons has found Mu Dong'er."

Yang Qingyin nodded, indicating that she already knew about this through other beast masters.

She waved her hand, and a small alchemy furnace appeared next to her. The sea-lifting pearl in Yin Buchen's hand and various materials held by the monkeys flew into the furnace one after another.

"Is this a non-stop furnace?" Yin Buchen said in surprise.

"Yeah." The ever-changing furnace can be used to melt iron or make elixirs.

Yin Buchen first admired King Ling, and then felt that Taoist Qin who presented the treasure was more worthy of admiration. Finally, he gave all his respect to Mu Xingqiu, "The talisman and ink made with the eternal furnace must be very powerful. There is no need to be afraid of Kun this time." Chaos?"

Mu Xingqiu had been using his own blood as ink, and the effect was good, but there was still room for improvement. Yin Buchen went out to look for ingredients for him. The beast masters, Xin Youtao and others in the All-Son Holy Mother Army provided most of them, and also Some have to go further and to more remote places to find them.

"Try it and then talk about it." Yang Qingyin walked slowly around the non-extinguishing furnace. She was a Taoist priest of the Honglu Branch. She had learned how to monitor the furnace since she was a child, but it was rare that she had the opportunity to cast spells on the non-extinguishing furnace.

"I have taught the sword skills to Mu Lie, and he learned it very quickly." Yin Buchen glanced at Mu Xingqiu's back, "Does this make sense? Mu Lie is just a mortal. Of course, he is Mu Lie My relatives are separated by several generations."

Yang Qingyin smiled and said, "To be honest, I don't understand either." She also glanced at Mu Xingqiu, "He said that Mu Lie gave him a lot of confidence." "

"Oh, Mu Lie challenged Zuo Liuying, and Mu Xingqiu wanted to compete with Kun Chaos. Both of them knew it was impossible." Yin Buchen nodded, then shook his head, "It's a pity, I believe Mu There are not many people in Xingqiu. Shen Jixian from Pangshan came and actually wanted to worship Taoist Qin as the thirty-ninth generation patriarch. King Ling said it was strange. "

Yang Qingyin kept walking, occasionally casting spells on the furnace, "It's not surprising. If Qin Lingshuang is willing to accept the position of Patriarch, it will be a blessing for Taoist priests."

Yin Buchen was taken aback, "Is Taoist Qin really so powerful? Then... I'll take my leave first. If King Ling has anything to do, just ask Black Phoenix to call me."

Yin Buchen hurried out of the tower with his monkey, flew to a tower, and looked at the bright mirror in the west of the city. There was a restriction there and he could not see anything. "Is it possible that Taoist Qin is better than Mu Xingqiu and Zuo Liuying?" Is she still powerful? Do you want me to say hello? No, I can’t go. No matter how powerful she is, she may become the 39th generation ancestor. Why should I join in the fun?”

The monkey was squeaking again, and Yin Buchen turned around and said, "Why is King Ling in such a good mood? This has nothing to do with his strength, nor does it have anything to do with the materials we brought back. Alas, there must be losses when there are gains. No wonder Taoist monks have to practice hard. To overcome the calamity, one must be ruthless and give up desires. But everyone’s pursuits are different from the beginning, right? For example, that silly boy Mu Lie is not enthusiastic about magic and gold, silver and jewelry, but when he sees sword skills, he is not interested at all. I’m being reserved. Is this stupid or smart?”

The monkeys nodded or shook their heads, all showing contemplative expressions, and Yin Buchen's level of consciousness seemed to have risen.

As the level increased, his curiosity would not weaken. In the next few days, Yin Bushen often looked to the west of the city. Every day, new Taoist priests came from all directions and headed straight to Xizhao Lake. Five days later, the restrictions around the Great Light Mirror disappeared, and dozens of large and small buildings appeared on the lake, with more than a hundred Taoist priests coming in and out.

Soon, Yin Buchen had to go to the Kingdom of Sacrifice to look for a few demon bones. This was a long and time-consuming mission. It took more than ten days to go back and forth. During the period, he also had a fight with a big demon who led him from afar. According to the order of the Holy Mother of All Sons, she clearly agreed to hand over a demon bone in her hand, but when the matter came, she regretted it and wanted to keep it to protect herself.

Yin Buchen was in a good mood after seizing the Demon Bones. Without the Demon Lord Zhengfa and the help of a strong man, he defeated a big demon by his own ability. Of course, there were also the earth monkeys, these ugly guys who seemed to be weak. , but it is very helpful for casting spells, and their squeaking sounds can also disturb the opponent's mind.

After more than ten days, the appearance outside Duanliu City changed again. A large number of houses appeared in the west of the city, and the Great Light Mirror became taller and taller, like a shining crystal mountain. It was not only Taoist priests who came to seek refuge with the new founder, but also Sans. build.

There is also an additional building to the north of Duanliu City. In the middle is a mountain-like bell. The residents are relatively complex, including Taoist priests, casual cultivators, and magicians. They always look towards the large bright mirror in the west of the city, facing the city. The Patriarch Pagoda in the East doesn't care much.

Yin Buchen had no choice but to go south to see Mu Yang and the two of them. However, there were no changes in the Patriarch Tower. Mu Xingqiu's talismans had already been written on the fourth level and were still far from being completed.

"Is that the Demon Suppressing Bell standing in the north of the city?" Yin Buchen asked after handing over the Demon Bones.

"That's right." Yang Qingyin was more focused than before, smearing the refined elixir on the palm of her hand, and then slapped Mu Xingqiu's back with a palm, not only to enhance the effectiveness of the blood ink, but also to save his life. .

"Has Zuo Liuying already arrived?"

"Not yet, it's said to be coming soon."

Yin Buchen took the monkeys to say goodbye. There were still more than three months until the seventh day of July, and he began to feel the strong fighting atmosphere.

Mu Lie was practicing the Five Elements Sword Technique at the base of the city wall. He swung out his sword as if fighting an invisible enemy.

Yin Buchen flew over and sneered: "Boy, why didn't you challenge Zuo Liuying?"

"I've been there, but he's not here." Mu Lie said angrily without stopping.

"Ah? Then how did you come back alive?" Yin Buchen asked in surprise. Zuo Liuying's subordinates never tolerated others.

"I went to find Zuo Liuying. They said he would arrive in a few days, and then I came back. It's that simple." Mu Lie finally stopped, his face flushed.

There must be someone secretly protecting him, and Yin Buchen didn't point it out. He turned to the monkeys and said, "Look at this relative. After several generations, my father has never been so kind to me."

"What did you say?"

"Practice your sword skills, maybe you can wink twice in front of Zuo Liuying."

Yin Buchen flew to the top of the city tower, looked at the Demon Suppressing Bell in the north of the city, and then looked at the large bright mirror in the west of the city. He was very puzzled in his heart: "It's so close, we should have started a fight long ago."

"You look close, but they feel far away." A voice said.

Yin Buchen first raised his head, then lowered his head, "Hey, Feifei, when did you come?"

"Yesterday." Feifei looked at the sky, and saw a large group of white clouds floating slowly, hiding his Xuanwu Destruction.

"Tell me about the situation here. You must know a lot." Yin Buchen was a little panicked, but also a little excited.

"The Taoist priests are divided into two groups. One group supports Zuo Liuying, and the other group is led by Qin Lingshuang. The former is more dominant."

"Don't the Taoist priests in Hongshan want Taoist Qin to be the patriarch?"

"She refused, saying that she had to wait until the thirty-eighth generation Kun Chaos Patriarch died before a new Patriarch could be elected."

"It's too rigid."

"A month later, Qin Lingshuang and Zuo Liuying will have a decisive battle here."

"Ah, what are they two fighting for? Fighting for the Nascent Soul?"

"More than that, there are more reasons that I don't know very well. It is said that this battle is inevitable."

Yin Buchen turned around and glanced at the Patriarch Tower, "The time is finally coming. I want nothing more. I just want to see the result. Is it death or life? Or how did I die."

Yin Buchen sighed, "Why are Mu Xingqiu and King Ling busy writing talismans? With this little time left, they can be used to do other things. The Patriarch's Tower...can't compete with the Great Light Mirror and the Demon-Suppressing Bell. ”

It was difficult for Yin Buchen to maintain confidence in Mu Xingqiu.

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