
Chapter 1102 Half the City

The area east of Duanliu City suddenly became depressed, and most of the humans and monsters left, confused, not understanding how the battle was fought just now, and with a little hope: Qin Lingshuang guaranteed that Nascent Soul was fine, Mu Xingqiu also arranged tasks for everyone, and things seemed to be moving in a good direction.

Mu Donger waited for a while, wanting to say goodbye to his father before leaving, but it was not until after nightfall that Mu Xingqiu woke up from writing the talisman.

"Everyone has left?" Mu Xingqiu barely noticed the passage of time and looked towards Duanliu City with a confused expression.

"There are a few left, besides me, there is Mu Lie. He wants to stay and challenge Zuo Liuying. Yin Buchen said he wants to go to the land of monsters with me. I think he is afraid of Lord Yishi's revenge. Jiang Huo'er, he has no idea what everyone is going to do. Oh, Qin Lingshuang is going to use Jiang Huo'er to hold a ceremony on the seventh day of July - Father, can you believe it? The fight between Qin Lingshuang and Zuo Liuying is over, not at all. They exchanged a few words with each other using magic, and then the winner was determined. I guess the two of them didn’t engage in a real fight, they just argued a few words.”

Mu Donger finished all the words in one breath, paused, and said, "I'm leaving, father. I will definitely be back before the seventh day of July."

"Wait a minute, do something for me first."

"Okay." Mu Donger smiled. He felt that this farewell was too plain and different from the scene he imagined. He was very happy that his father asked him to help.

"Walk to the west gate and then back."

"That's all?"

"Well, you can only walk, not fly."

"All right."

Mu Dong'er fell to the ground, and Yin Buchen walked out from behind the tower. His head was still covered with black cloth, and he raised his head slightly like a blind man. In fact, he could see everything. If he was willing, he could even look in all directions with the help of the earth monkey. He just likes this posture a little bit, especially when the other party really thinks that he is blind and takes less precautions against him, he will feel even more proud.

Mu Donger would not be fooled again and snorted coldly, "I haven't set off yet, you wait here."

"I'll go into the city with you, so we can take care of each other." Yin Buchen said with a smile.

"No need, it's just a walk around. What kind of care do you need?"

“Care beyond the eyes.

"Don't be pretentious, you have more eyes than anyone else."

"Then I'll lend you a few."

The two of them walked towards the city while arguing.

The rare building has been put away by Mu Dong'er, and a small tent has been added to the original site. Mu Lie is demonstrating sword skills to Jiang Huo'er outside the tent. One is practicing seriously, and the other is fascinated.

Yin Buchen said to Jiang Huo'er: "Little guy, if you spit some fire, you will know who is more powerful."

"Hey, are you going to kill Mu Lie?" Mu Donger scolded, sizing up Yin Buchen, "You won't become a bad guy like Mr. Yishi, will you?"

"Of course not. Either he is worse than him, or he is the complete opposite. In short, I will not be like Ishi-kun. He is my defeated enemy."

Jiang Huo'er was always half-aware of other people's words, but knowing that Yin Buchen was talking to him just now, he followed a group of monkeys, thinking that he was invited.

Mu Lie stopped wielding the knife, hesitated for a while, and then followed, thinking that this was a collective action and everyone had to participate.

Yin Buchen saw it clearly and didn't stop him, and Mu Dong'er didn't care.

In front of the East City Gate, they stopped and lined up, looking at the sheen left by the fleas. It spread throughout the day and now enveloped the city of Broken Current.

"You should ask your father if there is a way to pass through this light." Yin Buchen said.

"Father has been writing talismans. I don't know what happened here. Where can I find a solution?"

"But he must know something when he lets you enter the city."

"Why don't you use this trick when fighting with Mr. Yishi?"

"There's no time." Mu Dong'er took a deep breath, preparing to spit out his unique secret fire.

"Don't worry, Qilin is here. Yin Buchen has many eyes, which is indeed good for him.

Flea fell from the sky and stood in front of them, looking down at Mu Dong'er.

"You guy, you quietly followed Zuo Liuying and completely forgot about us?" Mu Donger raised his head and asked. The flea had been staying with the beast masters, but it suddenly disappeared a year ago. Yang Qingyin sent people to search for it for a while, and did not give up the search until she heard that it appeared next to Zuo Liuying.

The flea shook its head, dug its front hooves on the ground twice, then turned and walked towards the city gate.

"That's pretty much it." Mu Dong'er was the first to take the first step, passing directly through the luster without any hindrance. Yin Buchen led the monkeys to follow him. He had a hunch that there would be no danger in this trip.

Jiang Huoer then shivered all over when he passed through the luster, and Mo Lie jumped up because of the heat when he finally passed through the luster.

There was no change in the city, it was still frozen, and all the damage caused by the Holy Talisman Army remained intact.

Flea led the way with broken steps, and Mu Donger suddenly woke up, "I understand, Flea used to be my father's beast, so that's why... it was called by my father to open the door."

"The two of them have a good friendship. Even if they haven't practiced the method of refining beasts together, Flea will open the door for him." Yin Buchen lowered his voice, "What a unicorn, a servant and two masters, Zuo Liuying and Mu Xingqiu, It’s really picky.”

"Flea is not a servant." Mu Dong'er corrected.

Flea turned his head and glanced at Mu Dong'er. Yin Buchen covered his mouth, not wanting to offend Qilin again.

Duanliu City is not big, and the main street is not very long. From the east of the city to the west of the city, you can see the big bright mirror and the surrounding small houses at the city gate, but no one can be seen. Under the influence of Qin Lingshuang, the Taoist priest They spend most of their time practicing.

"It's so quiet." Mu Lie whispered.

Qilin turned around, and when he passed by Mu Dong'er, he lowered his head and licked his face, then exposed his horns to Yin Buchen, and the half-demon and earth monkeys hurriedly got out of the way.

"Is it that simple? What on earth does Father want me to see? I should walk around."

Yin Buchen didn't think this was a good idea, "Your father made it very clear that he would go from the east of the city to the west of the city and then go back the same way. He is still waiting for news from you."

"Okay." Mu Dong'er walked back reluctantly, looking around, hoping to find something special, but he was about to walk back to the east city gate, and still found nothing. Duanliu City was like an upright gentleman, without any There is no secret.

"No, I have to take a closer look. I can't just walk away like this." Mu Dong'er couldn't help it anymore and jumped into the air to inspect the entire Duanliu City.

He jumped up, but did not fly in the air. He fell back three feet from the ground.

"Huh?" Mu Donger was surprised and happy. He tried again, but still couldn't fly. He fired a spell at will. The process was flawless, but no spell appeared. "It turns out that you can't cast spells in Duanliu City."

"Who said that? It's normal for me to see things with the eyes of an earth monkey. This can be considered a magic." Yin Buchen rolled up his sleeves and prepared to send out a cloud of smoke for everyone to see, but he just shook his hands, which also had no effect. " Huh?"

Yin Buchen repeated this several times and finally believed Mu Dong'er's words, "I can't cast spells anymore, but why can I still see with the eyes of an earth monkey? Is this a restriction set by Qilin?"

"Maybe this is the fighting style between the two of them." Mu Lie said.

"Do you know magic?" Yin Buchen snorted disdainfully.

Mu Dong'er had increased her mana to 90%, but still couldn't cast, so she had to give up trying, "Mu Lie is right, this may be the result of the battle between Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang, but where is the victory or defeat shown?"

Yin Buchen also felt strange. He sent a few monkeys to run around, but found nothing special.

Although Mu Lie guessed that this might be a kind of fighting, he was still at a loss about the whole thing. He looked down at Jiang Huo'er and suddenly smiled, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Huo'er stretched out his two arms, palms facing upward, and raised and lowered them gently, as if weighing the weight, but there was nothing in his hands.

Jiang Huo'er raised his head, his face full of interest, and he screamed a few times.

Mu Lie also raised his arms, but didn't feel anything special. Jiang Huo'er waved and asked him to stand in front of her. Mu Lie did so. After a moment, he took a breath of cold air and said, "Oh my God!"

Mu Dong'er and Yin Buchen were worried. When they heard Mu Lie's voice, they didn't care whether he knew magic or not, and asked in unison: "What did you find?"

Mu Lie's two arms were also gently rising and falling together, and his mouth was wide open. He didn't know how to describe his feelings, "It's strange, the left and right sides... seem... to be different in weight."

"You always practice swordsmanship with your right hand. Of course it's not the same weight." Yin Buchen raised his arms, "Look, I'll be fine. Spells don't distinguish between left and right hands."

"You stand here and try." Mu Lie pointed to his feet, stepped back and gave up his position.

Yin Buchen came over, coughed, straightened his clothes, and then slowly raised his arms, "Look, I still don't feel anything. Mu Lie, you're a fool with your practice."

"But Jiang Huo'er..." Mu Lie didn't believe that it was just an illusion. Jiang Huo'er stood not far behind him, still playing the game of raising and lowering his arms.

Yin Buchen could see Jiang Huo'er without looking back. He glanced at the east city gate and Qilin under the city gate, and suddenly understood something.

Mu Dong'er had already understood, and jumped to the place where Yin Buchen was a few steps away. He also raised his arms and looked at the west gate, "We are standing on the center line of Duanliu City. The left and right sides, that is, the north and south sides... ..." Mu Dong'er tried his best to put away all his magic power, and his two arms began to rise and fall together, "It's not that the weight of the arms is different..."

"It's the weight of the two worlds that is different!" Yin Buchen finally woke up and took a breath of cold air, "Oh my God, Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang each created a world that is exactly the same as Duanliu City!"

"They each created half of the world. The north... belongs to Zuo Liuying, and the south belongs to Qin Lingshuang." Once he grasped a corner of the truth, Mu Dong'er could detect more details, "Zuo Liuying did lose, he The world has lost a few inches and is still slowly shrinking..."

Mu Dong'er's self-confidence suffered another blow and she walked silently outside the city. At the city gate, the flea flew away. It only flew above the city wall and never crossed the border.

"Father!" Mu Dong'er shouted towards the Patriarch Tower.

Mu Xingqiu appeared at the window, "I understand, you can leave."

Mu Donger couldn't leave calmly, "Mr. Yishi said that he would find a helper to fight with you today. Who is it?"

Mu Xingqiu was silent for a while and said, "Zuo Liuying."

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