
Chapter 1109 Rise

Qin Lingshuang did not carry the Great Light Mirror, but the Zhaoshan Treasure still stood on the Xizhao Lake in the west of the city, which could be seen from within the city.

Seeing Mu Xingqiu and his son, she smiled, not surprised at all, "I thought I would have to wait a little longer."

Mu Dong'er asked in surprise: "You clearly defeated Zuo Liuying in the battle, so the world you created should be higher than him."

"You have also been defeated by Mr. Yishi. The world he created a month later is not inferior to yours? Besides, it is very difficult for anyone to defeat Zuo Liuying twice in a row."

Mu Dong'er said warily: "Are you waiting for my father?"

Qing Lingshuang smiled again. It was not the shy smile that Mu Xingqiu was familiar with, but the confidence of a controller, "I am waiting for anyone who can enter the world of the Great Light Mirror. You will be the first to arrive, followed by those who work hard to ascend. "

"Can you see other worlds?" Mu Xingqiu was also surprised.

"You can only look down, not up." Qing Lingshuang waved her hand, and a shaking scene appeared in the shaking air, changing one after another, revealing different levels of the world.

The world of the Patriarch Tower is still at the bottom. It is empty. There are no spell casters and even the spectators outside are gone. Qin Lingshuang explained: "The Patriarch Tower was supposed to belong to Mu Xingqiu. After he refused, Kun Chaos did not look for the spell caster again. , this world is ruined.”

The first thing that appeared in the second layer of the world was not Duanliu City, but two women and a copper gourd. Mu Xingqiu recognized them, "Princess, Zeng Fu and Ba Mo Dong! They should not know magic."

"They don't know spells, so the one who chose them was not Kun Chao but Zuo Liuying. This was his little trick and the privilege he got from serving Kun Chao. When you and Shou Que escaped, Ba Mo Cave Shou The damage is serious and it is no longer worthy of being called a treasure. Kunchao is willing to give it to Zuo Liuying. The world of Bamo Cave is the most similar to the real world, and it is almost integrated. "

"It's good that they're fine." Mu Xingqiu was even more surprised. He never expected Zuo Liuying to care so much about Zeng Fu.

"Zuo Liuying would do such a thing?" Mu Dong'er also found it unbelievable.

The world scene of Bamo Cave changes to Duanliu City. Mu Lie is still looking for enemies everywhere with a knife. He is a mortal and can only enter this layer of the world.

The scene changed again, and Duanliu City became lively. A large group of Taoist priests, casual cultivators and magicians were fighting in the streets. The leaders were Yin Buchen, Yuan Qijing, Ouyang Hao, Shen Jixian and others.

"No, there should be an eternal furnace above the Devil's Cave." Mu Xingqiu remembered clearly that it was also an empty world with no spell caster in sight.

"That's what happened just now. The Furnace has already risen." Qin Lingshuang waved her hand again, and the world of Sword Washing Pool and Siming Ding appeared at the same time. Lord Yishi and Shou Que were still fighting, each of them separated a large number of souls, and the entire flow was cut off. The city was filled with smoke.

The smoke disappeared, and the world of the Everlasting Furnace finally appeared. There were more than a hundred humans and monsters floating in the city, all looking up at the sky, feeling safe and sound.

"Feifei, Kunchao gave Feifei the eternal furnace?" Mu Xingqiu saw that the person hanging in the center was Feifei. The origins of the demon race are complicated. There are practitioners in the four camps in Duanliu City, and all of them are strong.

"He was too humble, so his position was relatively low when he first entered the treasure world. He was also very smart and knew how to combine everyone's strength. He persuaded everyone to cast a spell together to raise the eternal furnace to the sixth floor, and it is still rising. , not far from us.”

"Feifei is really secretive." Mu Donger praised, thinking of all the rude behaviors he had done in the past, she felt a little embarrassed, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's continue ascending to find Zuo Liuying."

"It can't be done." Qin Lingshuang said.


"Zuo Liuying was ordered to seal the passage to Kunchao World. At this moment, he is casting spells in the Demon-Suppressing Bell World."

"So what?"

"This is the task given to him by Kun Chaos. He must complete it, otherwise he will be replaced. The power of the sealing spell lies in its ability to absorb power from the lower world. The faster we rise, the more we will destroy the Demon Suppressing Bell. The world stands taller.”

"So this is Kun Chaos plan!" Mu Dong'er finally began to believe his father's words, "No wonder he supports many powerful people. In fact, everyone is doing things for him whether they are willing or not. But there is always a way to get up, right? ?”

"There is one way, and that is to cut off the connection with the treasure and ascend alone.

"But without the help of the treasure, our spells will become much weaker. Kunchao is really insidious." Mu Dong'er said angrily.

Mu Xingqiu guessed Qin Lingshuang's intention, "Are you waiting for someone who can control the Great Light Mirror for you?"

"Do you still believe that the demon species was cultivated by yourself?" Qin Lingshuang asked. She could observe the lower world and heard the conversation between the father and son.

Mu Dong'er was silent. At this time, he had to believe the fact: like other strong men, he had received help from Kun Chaos, but in different ways.

"Sorry, I can't control the Great Mirror of Light for you." Mu Xingqiu didn't want to take on this task, "I must continue to rise."

Qing Lingshuang smiled and shook her head, "I won't force you. Since you insist, I'll send you up."

"Thank you..." Mu Xingqiu only said half of it. After all, this was Qin Lingshuang, who had died for him and lived because of him. The word "thank you" was a bit cruel, but he was surprised that she was so easily persuaded. Perhaps it was the Taoist heart that made her no longer obsessed with anything.

Mu Dong'er's fighting spirit subsided a little, "Okay, let father go up first. If he loses, it should be my turn next, right? What should we do next? Just wait here?"

"You can stay here and wait until others come up and tell them not to rise any further. That will only make Kunchao World rise higher."

"You can see the world below. Can't you just cast a spell to tell them? Do you have to wait for them to come up?"

"This is the subtlety of Kunchaos spell. Each layer of the world offsets part of the mana of the person in charge. I can accept the information from the world below, but when I want to cast a spell, the great mirror of light will rise. As a result, I The further you cast the spell, the farther away you are from the lower level, and the spell will never reach it.”

"Okay, I'll wait here." Mu Dong'er said helplessly.

"If you are willing to hand over the demon seed, it will be a great help." Qin Lingshuang made a second request.

Mu Dong'er became vigilant again, "Why do you want my demon seed?"

"The demon species are connected. It may be easier to find Kun Chaos through it."

Most of the demon species are in the hands of Kun Chaos, which is indeed a clue.

Mu Dong'er looked at his father and said after a while: "I did this solely to prove to you that I am indeed controlling the demon species."

"You have proven that you are purely helping me this time." Mu Xingqiu saw the innocence of the child in his son's eyes again. Although he was a little regretful, he would rather Mu Dong'er was more like a child than an adult.

Mu Dong'er made a fire spell with both hands and asked Qin Lingshuang: "If you hand over the demon seed, my world will not decline, right? If it falls lower than Mr. Yishi, I will be embarrassed."

"The treasure world only rises but never falls. Even if you lose all your magic power, it will stay where it is and still belong to you."

Mu Dong'er sighed, and took turns pressing Santian's position with both hands. A ball of green light flew out from the Niwan Palace and floated towards Mu Xingqiu, "I used magic to bind it, at least for a few hours." It will be very honest."

Mu Xingqiu nodded, and also formed the Fire Technique with both hands to contain the flying demon species.

Qin Lingshuang was about to cast a spell, "The Great Light Mirror World will rise a little higher, Mu Dong'er, warn those who come after you not to go beyond it."

"Go." Mu Donger shook his fist, "Father, you must come back alive, otherwise my mother will not let me go. Also, don't leave for a few years. Also, you must send Baldy to the hospital. I'm here……"

The shaking intensified and soon stopped, and the Great Bright Mirror separated from the rare building.

Qing Lingshuang smiled and said, "Okay, I won't accompany you on the rest of the way."

"Oh, it was exposed so easily, so let's say goodbye formally. Goodbye, Mu Xingqiu, goodbye, Qing Lingshuang, Mu Dong'er said everything I said: you must come back alive..."

The magic power in Mu Xingqiu's body became more and more abundant. At the same time, he discovered that there were not only demons in Niwan Palace, but also an extra guest.

Qin Lingshuang's voice rang in her mind, "Please forgive me for lying. As soon as Shou Que entered the world of Siming Cauldron, the dragon demon returned to the body of the true illusory body. I have handed over the Great Light Mirror World to her control. I want Let’s go to see Kun Chao with you.”

"Can the heart of a Taoist priest also lie?" Mu Xingqiu asked, the Duanliu City in front of him shook like an earthquake.

"The heart of a Taoist priest is not a shackle. When necessary, he can do anything. Lying is just a trivial matter."

Mu Xingqiu had nothing to say. Strictly speaking, Qin Lingshuang didn't lie, she just concealed some things. That's why Mu Dong'er was willing to stay in the lower world.

Mu Xingqiu just felt that this Qin Lingshuang was even more unfamiliar.

Duanliu City stopped shaking, and he finally saw the world of the Demonic Clock controlled by Zuo Liuying.

There was no ice or snow in the city, and there were children everywhere. There was no formation or any restraints. They were all running around happily. The bald man with the height of an adult jumped down from a wall, waved happily to Mu Xingqiu, and then He ran away in a hurry, with a group of children chasing behind him, including Jiang Huo'er.

"Hey, that's great. You're here too. Duanliu City is even more lively." Xiaohao ran from a distance holding up the little turtle in her hand.

"Why are you here?" Mu Xingqiu was surprised again, Xiao Hao couldn't be that strong.

"Zuo Liuying's remains were brought to me. This can be regarded as a token." Xiao Hao said with a smile, patting his waist a few times with his other hand, as if to summon the remains.

Zuo Liuying abandoned his physical body when he entered Zhibu State. When he came out, he used a Dharmakaya. His physical body withered and was collected by Xiaohao to this day.

"No need." Mu Xingqiu stopped him hastily, "Where is Zuo Liuying?"

Xiaohao raised her finger to the sky, "He handed over the world of the Demonic Clock to me and flew away."

The mana in Mu Xingqiu's body increased rapidly again, and Qing Lingshuang's voice sounded in his mind again, "It seems that I am not the only one who lied. Zuo Liuying did not keep his promise and went to find Kun Chaos before me."

The scene in front of him started to shake again. Mu Xingqiu was ready for a decisive battle. He could still feel the self-cultivation talisman in the Patriarch Tower, but something was wrong. Not far away, a brick fell from a wall. , fell to the ground and shattered.

"Wait!" Mu Xingqiu said loudly, remembering something important.

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