
Chapter 112 The Demon's Desire

It has always been the young demon who has been imitating Xiao Qiu's behavior. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

He fought, practiced boxing, ran, thought, and even condensed pills, and it did everything correctly. Finally, things were reversed, and Xiaoqiu felt the pain of the young demon.

The palm formed by the black smoke tightly held the young devil in his hand. The pressure was like a huge stone falling from the sky. Each one was stronger than the other. The magic power of the Xingluo Taoist priest was endless. The disciples of Huotong Santian were just grains of sand, but the young demon was The demon still did not appear in the eyes of the great law enforcer, nor did it disappear.

It was still insisting, emitting a weird scream that only Xiaoqiu could hear.

Xiaoqiu was also insisting. The pain of condensing pills was nothing to mention at the moment. All the blood in his body seemed to have condensed and his bones were crushed into a ball. He felt that his soul would leave his body and fly away in a short time, never to be seen again. Can't come back.

The arrival of Tujia Lin Sa eased the pain between him and the young demon.

Facing the attack of several streams of black smoke, Lin Sa placed the iron ruler in his right hand in front of him, pinched several Taoist formulas with his left hand, and cast five spells to intercept them.

The five spells shone brightly, but could not block the black smoke, and were swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

All Lin Sa needed was this little time. He knew very well that even ten of himself were no match for Shen Zhun, and he had to call for help.

"Qin Lingshuang! Danger..." A line of black smoke passed through Lin Sa's right chest, and his strong body fell to the ground.

Shen Zhun glanced at it and his eyes fell on the table, "Sound transmission incense burner." Shen Zhun laughed, "Let the people from Laozu Peak come and let them know that I have found the demon seed and it is in my hands. Ning Qiwei, come and take a look. This is what you brought back to Pangshan Taoism. You were fooled, but you didn’t know it. Zuo Liuying, look at the devil you let go. Why did you give up on tracing it? ? If it weren’t for me…”

The more Shen Zhun talked, the more excited he became, and suddenly something came flying towards him. A puff of black smoke came out to block it. The black smoke that had just made Dinxia Taoist Lin Sa unable to resist had no effect on the object. Instead, it was sucked in.

The bald man's head jumped towards Shen Zhun, his face was even more ferocious than his, with blood-red eyes and two rows of white teeth, even if two were missing, they looked extremely sharp.

The first puff of black smoke failed to stop him, and the second and third puffs were also absorbed by him instantly.

Shen Zhun was furious and used his left hand to catch the flying head. He is a Taoist priest in the Xingluo realm and the great law enforcer of the Discipline Department. Not to mention a demon head, he is not afraid at all even when facing the demon king.

But Bald Man's power was completely beyond his expectation.

When Shen Zhun first arrived, he casually slapped his head and knocked him unconscious. At this time, the bald man seemed to have undergone a transformation and regarded the powerful magic power as if it were nothing. He hit Shen Zhun's palm directly, opened his mouth and bit the tiger's mouth tightly, his eyes widened even more.

Shen Zhun has been practicing for hundreds of years, even before condensing the elixir. He had never been attacked at close range by anything. He only felt severe pain in his palms, the tiger's mouth had been bitten, and blood trickled into his head.

"Let go!" Shen Zhun roared. The black smoke all over his body condensed into a ball, transformed into the shape of a giant python, and swallowed the whole head.

The young demon took the opportunity to break free from his restraints. Even though it was floating in the air, it still staggered. It was scared and just wanted to escape. It turned into blue smoke twice, intending to disappear and return to its daily residence. However, it always re-condensed into shape involuntarily - in Shen Zhun's right palm. The oil lamp was still casting its spell, blocking it out.

The young demon shook his head and made a clicking noise, as if asking for Xiaoqiu's opinion, and then he continued to walk the Tiangang steps.

Xiaoqiu's pain was mostly relieved, the sinking feeling in his abdomen was restored, and his process of condensing Qi into pills was still going on.

Opposite him, the bald man was not swallowed by the black smoke, but instead bit his teeth tighter. A wooden muzzle was tied around his neck. There was not much blood in his mouth, but he still kept sucking. Finally, with a pop, the wooden muzzle After being shot to the ground, blood spurted out, like a red snake eager to escape.

Shen Zhun was shocked and angry. He didn't understand why his powerful spells were ineffective against a demon head. He could only act like the most ordinary person, raising his arms high and trying to smash the head on the table.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Inexplicably, he felt that this head was very important, even more important than the life of Pangshan's great law enforcer.

"Aren't you going to admit that you are possessed by a demon?" Xiaoqiu's body was still stiff, but she was able to speak.

Dujiao Lin Sa was lying on the ground, not knowing whether to live or die. His previous judgment was correct. Shen Zhun was possessed by a demon. Even his spells were demonized, so they were ineffective against the bald man who harbored demon seeds.

"It's you who wants to be possessed by the devil, not me." Shen Zhun said coldly, letting his blood be sucked by his head, and suddenly became frightened, looking left and right, "Where is the devil? Where is the devil?"

"In Mu Songxuan's mind." Xiao Qiu glanced at the sound transmission incense burner with her peripheral vision. Although it had fallen over, there was faint smoke coming out, "The demon species has smelled the scent of the possessed person and wants to merge with you. , but the Soul-Securing Alchemy you blessed at the Ancestor Peak is indeed very powerful, and the demon cannot escape from Mu Songxuan, so he has to drive him to bite your palm and suck your blood."

This is an obvious fact, and Xiaoqiu can guess it without much knowledge of Taoism.

"I'm not possessed." Shen Zhun's voice was low and calm, full of unquestionable authority. Suddenly, a green transparent image floated out of the bald man's head - he was summoned out of his soul again.

The head that was sucking blood became sluggish. Shen Zhun flicked his hand and the head fell to the ground and rolled to the side of Yang Qingyin, who was still unconscious.

The soul couldn't stay away from its owner and floated towards the head. Shen Zhun grabbed the soul with his bloody left hand. Looking at the green thing, his breathing gradually became heavier. "Even the enemy has to admit that the demon species has its own characteristics." On the beautiful side, Taoist priests must absorb a trace of demonic seeds into their main magic weapon, only in this way can they be handy. "

Shen Zhun flipped his right hand back and forth, the oil lamp in his palm disappeared, and there was a light gray wooden Ruyi in his hand, which was his main magic weapon.

"Why do the best magic weapons always contain a trace of demon seeds? Because the demon seeds have the most powerful influence on the heart. The heart is the Jiang Palace. As long as the trace of demon seeds can be controlled and used properly, Jiang Palace and Dharma can be better communicated. weapon to cast more powerful spells."

Shen Zhun's statement is exactly the same as the knowledge imparted by the cultivators of Yangshen Peak. However, the cultivators repeatedly emphasized that even if there is only an insignificant trace of the demonic species in the magic weapon, they cannot be subdued by themselves. They must go to the northernmost Wangshan Taoist order. , using the mountain-suppressing weapon there to send the demon seeds into the magic weapon.

But Shen Zhun looked at the green soul with more and more obsession. He almost forgot about the other "devil seed" and that his left hand was still bleeding. "I want to suck the demon seed into the dead wood to make my magic weapon more powerful." Powerful, yes, it’s a good idea.”

Xiaoqiu glanced at the people on the ground. Yang Qingyin was not in danger for the time being, Lin Sa didn't know life or death, Baldy had lost his soul, and once the demon seed was sucked away, he would definitely die.

The dead tree Ruyi obeyed its master's wishes and gradually emitted a layer of dazzling light. The soul in Shen Zhun's hand also trembled with excitement. The demon inside longed for a more powerful place to reside. It was too weak to break free from the shackles of the bald man's soul. But applying for permission can help it regain its freedom.

"Shen Zhun." A woman's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Shen Zhun looked at the sound transmission incense burner on the table, "Qin Lingshuang, haven't you called Zuo Liuying and Ning Qiwei yet? They must admit their mistakes in front of me."

"The Grandmaster and the Chief will be here soon." Fangfang pretended to be calm, but could not hold back the worry in her heart and asked: "Xiaoqiu, are you okay?"

Xiao Qiu hummed, and before he could speak, Shen Zhun laughed, "Little girl, you're not very good at lying. Ning Qiwei and Zuo Liuying will be there when they say they will. How can there be such a thing as 'will be there soon'" Argument? Well, Mu Xingqiu’s demon hasn’t fully appeared yet, so let the two of them wait a little longer.”

Shen Zhun's right hand Ruyi points to the Sound Transmission Furnace. He is a Taoist priest in the realm of Xingluo. He has the ability to cast spells through the incense burner. Although the power will be greatly weakened, it is still easy to use against a disciple who has not yet condensed the elixir.

"No!" Xiaoqiu jumped up suddenly and threw herself at Shen Zhun.

He had been able to move for a long time, but he was afraid of affecting the condensation and did not dare to make any moves. But he could not wait any longer. Shen Zhun was possessed and could not listen to any persuasion. Even if Yang Qingyin woke up at this time, he would still be in pain. Killer.

"Save Shen Hao!" Xiaoqiu shouted in the air, hitting Shen Zhun with a plum heart punch.

With a loud bang, the sound transmission incense burner turned into powder, and Fangfang's scream could be faintly heard from inside. Xiaoqiu's punch had no effect on the great law enforcer, but he himself was bounced away and hit the wall heavily. fall.

Shen Zhun looked at Mu Xingqiu, as if he had just remembered his existence and the purpose of his trip, "Don't worry, once the demon appears, you will be free, and you will thank me then. I won't blame you, because mortals He is so ignorant that he has to put the living facts in front of him before he is willing to believe his mistake. "

He let go of the soul in his left hand and cast a spell to control it in a halo of light. He turned on the oil lamp again and searched for traces of another "devil species".

Black smoke enveloped him again. This time he had experience, and his black hands easily caught the circling young demon.

Xiaoqiu got up from the ground and walked the Tiangang footwork without hesitation. When the young demon was controlled, he had to continue condensing the pill. This was the only way to delay time.

Is Fangfang of Laozu Peak harmed by magic? Did she hear Xiaoqiu’s last-minute reminder to save Shen Hao who was possessed by the devil? Can the master Ning Qiwei and the first Zuo Liuying be found in time? Xiaoqiu didn't think about these problems, he only knew that he had to persevere.

The black hand held the invisible young demon and placed it in front of Shen Zhun. He didn't bother to interfere with Mu Xinglai's footwork, and stared at the small patch of void with his deep eyes, "It's right here, I know, you are right here." , come out, show up, you can't escape my grasp, I am the great law enforcer of Pangshan Taoism, even the devil is no match for me."

The little yellow light from the oil lamp suddenly jumped up, like a small firefly, flying to the young demon and burning violently.

The young demon twisted in pain, and Xiaoqiu, who was condensing the elixir, also felt the heat of the burning flames.

"I saw it." Shen Zhun shouted, "I saw it!"

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