
Chapter 131 Asking for help from Dujiao

Pan Sanye is fifty-seven years old this year. He is an experienced veteran of the Xuanfu Army. He is tired of wars and only hopes to spend his old age in peace. Therefore, he is very satisfied with the princess's arrangement and is willing to live in Pangshan Immortal. Set to be a laid-back messenger.

But he still retains many of the habits of a soldier, such as being good at observation, being able to recognize those who may be dangerous at a glance, and not looking at them with a glance. Therefore, after the young man described it briefly, he knew who he was talking about, "That's right. She comes here at least once a month, usually a few days at the end of the month, stays in the hotel in the evening, and leaves early the next morning. She doesn’t see anyone else or interact with the guests in the store.”

"Hey, you seem to be very interested in this woman. Didn't you say she is ugly?" Xin Youtao curled up on the chair, not looking at the veteran, but staring at a small statue on the table.

Mr. Pan had long been accustomed to the contemptuous attitude of the nobles, and the prince's behavior was considered very kind, so he smiled and looked at the two-year-old boy in the room. He felt that they were old enough to talk about some sensitive topics. When he was this old, he had been on the battlefield and witnessed his village mates being bitten in two by monsters.

"Although that woman is average-looking and seems to be quite young, her buttocks twist when she walks... Haha, at first glance, she is pretending to be an old woman, and she has a lot of magic power. Naturally, I want to observe her more."

"Can you tell that she has great magic power?" Xin Youtao glanced at the veteran, obviously not convinced.

"I have seen demons and Taoist priests, and I have a... special feeling towards them."

Xin Youtao curled his lips and no longer cared about what the veteran thought, but Xiao Qiu was very curious, "Can you recognize the Taoist priests' changing shapes and appearances?"

"Yes." Mr. Pan nodded with a smile, "Actually, it's not that difficult. Whether it's a Taoist priest or a demon, the transformed image will definitely not have any flaws for ordinary people like me. But they will reveal a certain He has a unique temperament, just like—" The veteran glanced at the prince before continuing, "It's like a dignitary paying a private visit incognito. Everything about his dress and behavior is fine, but he is a big shot after all, and he will always deal with some of the most common things. They don't think anything of it, and those who observe carefully will immediately know that this person is different. "

Xiaoqiu laughed deeply, and he suddenly remembered all the clumsy ways Xin Youtao behaved when he wanted to win over him.

Xin Youtao frowned, "You still haven't said what special temperament a Taoist priest has."

"That's just a feeling, I can't explain it." Mr. Pan replied briefly. He wasn't lying. He was a soldier. As long as he could make quick judgments, it was never necessary to express all his feelings clearly.

Of course Xin Youtao would not pester a veteran with questions.

Said to Mu Xingqiu: "Do you really think she can help you?"

"Yes. Only she can do it, not even the Taoist priests in Pangshan can do it."

In order to re-enter Yangshen Peak, Xiaoqiu must find a Taoist priest who is above Xiaxia for help. The first person he thinks of is Lin Sa, but Lin Sa is recovering from his injuries and has always opposed Xiaoqiu's study in cardiology. The second candidate is Lin Sa. Zuo Liuying. This idea was rejected immediately. The head of the Forbidden Secret Department was not a person who could do business. He appointed Mu Xingqiu to be a research tool, but would not provide any help beyond that.

So Xiaoqiu told his friends the name of Sun Yulu, the Dengzhuke Tujie who was seconded by Jingshan Taoism last year.

The companions were surprised at first, and soon began to provide information in a flurry of information. Yang Qingyin said: "I know this person. She is still at Yangshen Peak. She is the seconded tutor who has stayed in Pangshan for the longest time."

"I heard that Sun Dujiao has successfully persuaded several Pangshan disciples to choose Dengzhuke." Xiao Qingtao added that Luanjing Mountain only accepts female disciples, so she can understand more rumors.

It was Zhou Ping who provided the most important information. "Sun Dujiao? I saw her in the Immortal Collection more than once. She didn't show her true face, but I remember her appearance after the transformation was similar to when she led the Luanjing Mountain disciples to visit the Patriarch Pagoda a few years ago."

Zhou Ping was greedy for worldly enjoyment and often went to Xianrenji to buy wine and groceries. He recognized Sun Dujiao, but Sun Dujiao did not remember this Pangshan disciple.

In this way, Xiaoqiu and Xin Youtao came to Xianrenji, originally just wanting to inquire about the general situation from Master Pan, but they did not expect that the veteran already had the information they wanted.

"It's a coincidence that you are here. That woman will probably come again today." Mr. Pan glanced out the window. It was almost dusk, and the phantom female Taoist priest should be arriving soon.

"Didn't you say that she usually comes only at the end of the month? Today is only the ninth day of the Lunar New Year." Xin Youtao said.

"The end of the month is a day she must come, and she will come occasionally. She stayed one night yesterday and left today, but the room has not been checked out. She will definitely come back."

Xin Youtao didn't say much more. He felt that the veteran should reveal this information first. He pointed to the statue on the table and said, "I didn't expect that you are also an ancient god."

Mr. Pan became serious, "I am a poor man, and poor people believe in ancient gods."

Xiaoqiu had already noticed the strange statue: a coiled snake body, with the upper part upright, and three heads on top. One was a skull, one had no facial features, a complex strange character was written on the face, and the last one was "Futai". female statue.

Xiaoqiu is also a poor man. He has never seen such a statue, let alone heard of the Ancient God Sect.

Mr. Pan walked to the table, raised his left hand to protect the statue, and introduced: "The snake body represents the ancient times. There was no Taoism at that time. Demons were just slaves crawling at the feet of the ancient gods. Humans were the favorite race of the ancient gods. , the ancient god even gave his appearance to human beings. The ancient god has three heads. The skull represents death. Everyone dies. After death, the soul returns to the ancient god. The woman represents compassion. The ancient god has mercy on the world and responds to all requests. The other head represents. There is no difference, no matter whether you are male, female, old or poor, rich or humble, you can all be protected by the ancient gods.”

"That's not a word, it's a symbol of indifference. We usually pronounce it as 'thunder'."

"Lei? What do you mean?"

"It means no difference." Mr. Pan said in confusion, feeling that he had explained it clearly.

"Ha." Xin Youtao let out a laugh, "Are you taking it seriously? This is just a story made up by a few poor people to comfort themselves. How can it have so much meaning? It sounds like a long time ago, but in fact it has only been circulated for three to four hundred years. Not many people truly believe in Fu Lu. Only Fu Lu is the true god of the Sheng Fu Dynasty and the subjects of the Twelve Princes."

Mr. Pan opened his mouth but said nothing. The Ancient God Religion was the faith of the poor and there was no need to explain it to the prince. So he respectfully moved the statue a few inches to the side, farther away from the prince, to show his attitude.

Xin Youtao didn't pay attention, pointed out the window and winked at Xiaoqiu.

Sun Yulu really came. She looked like the middle-aged woman she had been when she came to Yangshen Peak a few years ago. She walked into the inn courtyard with her head lowered. She suddenly stopped, changed direction, and actually walked towards Mr. Pan’s room. .

The three of them quickly retracted their heads. Mr. Pan whispered: "This woman is not simple..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.

The three of them stood up, looked at each other, and Xiaoqiu went to open the door.

The door opened, and Sun Yulu standing at the door showed her true face. Smiling slightly, he stepped into the house.

Mr. Pan was dumbfounded. He was a veteran who had met countless people. Most of the military pay and rewards earned by working hard on the battlefield were thrown into the pile of rouge, but he had never seen such a beautiful and exciting woman. Even though Princess... He immediately cut off his random thoughts. He truly respected the princess. Even in my heart I would not have the slightest blasphemy against her.

"No one can avoid the gaze of veterans." Sun Yulu said with a smile, "If I continue to show others my disguise, I will be disrespectful to Mr. Pan."

The other party actually knew his own name. The experienced Mr. Pan felt his knees were weak and he really wanted to kneel down immediately to express repentance and respect to this beautiful woman.

"Fellow Daoist Xin, I wonder if I can use this room?"

Xin Youtao despised Pan San's vulgarity. She felt that Sun Yulu was much more beautiful than she remembered, so she coughed awkwardly, "Of course, I... let's go to the market to buy some groceries."

Xin Youtao left with the veteran. As soon as he walked out of the inn door, he said, "Remember. She is at least a hundred years old."

Mr. Pan looked at the prince blankly, and immediately understood that these words were not meant for him.

In the room, Sun Yulu smiled and said: "I heard that you have condensed the elixir and are preparing to join the mind-reading department. Congratulations."

"Thank you Sun Dujiao for your concern." Sun Yulu took the initiative to come to the door, disrupting Xiaoqiu's plan, but he quickly calmed down, "I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Sun Yulu tilted her head slightly, with a look of interest on her face. She seemed to have been waiting for this day for a long time. Xiaoqiu regretted it a little. The disciples of Luanjing Mountain were somewhat weird, and they always seemed to have hidden ulterior motives. In the past, Grandma Feng was like this, and so is Sun Yulu now. What was originally a normal plan turned out to be a bit reckless when they met face to face.

But Sun Yulu once hinted that Xiaoqiu should join the Nianxin Department, as he was the most likely tutor to help, so he said: "I hope you can take me into the Yangshen Peak Patriarch Tower."

"Oh? You want to reaffirm your heritage?"

"Not only that, the successor of Nianxin Science seems to want to tell me something. I didn't pay attention to it at the time, but it is very important now that I think about it."

Sun Yulu gave a long hum, "Is there no one in Pangshan who can take you in?"

"I am the only disciple of the Nianxin Department, and I can't find any seniors in the same department to help me in Pangshan."

Sun Yulu thought for a while, "You know, I very much support you to enter the cardiology department, w.kansh. If the inheritance of mind and heart can be restored from you, it will be a good thing for the Nine Paths Tradition."

"Yes, I know, so I'm here to...ask you for help."

Sun Yulu smiled, "But do you know why I support you?"

"I hope Dujiao can tell me." Xiaoqiu said seriously. He has known since he was a child that asking someone who is not a relative to help will eventually have to pay a price.

Sun Yulu suppressed her smile and said, "I want you to tell me all the spells you have learned one day. Luanjingshan is very interested in the mind science."

Xiaoqiu was a little puzzled, "Is there no book collection in Luanjing Mountain? I can only study and study on my own in the Forbidden Secret Tower."

"Not today, not the books in the Forbidden Secret Tower. Sooner or later you will learn some lost mind-reading skills. I hope you can teach them to me. Renewing the mind-reading technique cannot rely on just one person. Luanjingshan is willing to participate."

Sun Yulu turned her head and saw the three snake-headed statues on the table. She frowned slightly and pointed with her hand, breaking the statue into more than a dozen pieces.

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