
Chapter 134 Ancient God Statue

Granny Mei became the hero of the Immortal Collection. The wolves jumped towards the mountains, and the howling sound continued. The people who were waiting behind heard the sound and ran over. They saw the old woman holding the statue high and reciting incantations that they could not hear at a very fast speed. There were hundreds of steps around her. The grass forest inside rotates and falls regularly.

The wolves disappeared, and occasionally howling sounds were heard, full of fear and panic. Granny Mei stopped chanting the incantation, the wind stopped, and the vegetation returned to normal. She turned around and took the opportunity to talk about the benefits of believing in the ancient gods. Dozens of men threw away their instruments and knelt down to listen.

Xiaoqiu got out of the way. In his opinion, Granny Mei just cast an ordinary spell. The posture was amazing, but the actual effect was average. If those wolves were smarter and attacked her together, the old woman would not be able to resist.

This is exactly the opposite of the low-key and effective five-element spells of Pangshan Taoism. The few spells he has come into contact with have a common characteristic: narrow range, clear target, not so stunning to look at, but fatal effects once hit.

But Xiaoqiu was still very shocked. He silently recited Granny Mei's wrong spell in his heart, but the familiar feeling did not appear. To him, these were five useless words.

A group of people lit the torches again and returned to the gathering of immortals.

Grandma Mei stood at the south entrance of the market, once again preaching the power of the ancient gods and winning more believers. Finally, she promised that she would stay in the Immortal Market until the wolves were completely driven away.

Xiaoqiu returned to the inn. He was not interested in Granny Mei's propaganda. This old woman probably just happened to learn some specious side magic by chance, which was very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people. In the eyes of a Taoist disciple, it seemed flashy.

Xiaoqiu once again felt the gap and difference between Taoist priests and ordinary people, he thought. When this gap and difference reaches a certain level, it will become the pride and indifference of Taoist disciples.

He felt a little confused. He claimed to be Mu Xingqiu from Yelin Town, but now he was more like Mu Xingqiu from Pangshan Taoism, with a greater reputation but an even humbler status.

Veteran Pan Sanye sat on the box. The room was dark, but he refused to light the lamp.

"Walls have ears," he said. Didn't lower his voice.

Xiaoqiu looked at the table. The welcoming charm next to the statue was motionless.

"Just when you were going out, the paper talisman moved." Mr. Pan said. At that time, Xiaoqiu was talking to Granny Mei outside the door. The yard was so noisy that the sound made by the paper talisman could not be heard.

"Grandma Mei knows magic, maybe she triggered the paper charm."

Mr. Pan shook his head.

"It was still moving after you walked away, so the 'guest' is not her."

That is, Xin Youtao probably guessed correctly: someone among his companions reported that Sun Dujiao was going to meet Mu Xingqiu here, thus attracting eavesdroppers.

Mr. Pan pointed at the box of talismans and armor, "Use them with care. I don't know why you want them. But as far as I know, Taoists usually don't like these things... Don't bring trouble to the princess." Bailai Ginpo The armor and dragon-eye helmet are specially designed to defend against spells. In a place where there are no demons, they can only be used against Taoist priests. This is the worry of veterans.

"I will be careful." Xiaoqiu understood what the veteran meant. But I didn’t want to say anything more to him.

After handing over the hot potato, Mr. Pan no longer has to worry about his armor. But he was still unhappy, "The welcome talisman is different from ordinary talismans. It can sense the malice of the visitor. It flapped particularly hard just now. A useless veteran like me should not deserve such malice." He laughed. "Of course, mistakes are often made in talismans. The paper talisman you used has not been polished for several years, and its mana has been seriously lost, making it easier to make mistakes."

"This is just a game we are playing." Xiaoqiu said with a smile.

The door was not closed, and Granny Mei walked in directly, "Catechumen, I want to say a few more words to you."

The welcome charm on the table remained unchanged. Mr. Pan bowed respectfully to the old woman, lit the oil lamp on the table, and took the initiative to exit the room.

"Did you see my spell?"

"I see it"

"what do you think?"

"Grandma Mei...where did you get the statue?" Xiao Qiu hoped to avoid this question.

"That was a few years ago. The Ancient God Religion has flourished again, and people are spreading it everywhere." Granny Mei waved her hand, "You have seen my spell. It is effective, very effective. I knew Chuan An before he died. What I said will not be meaningless, but it was not until I met the ancient god that I understood the true purpose of the spell..."

The more Granny Mei talked, the more excited she became, as if the person standing opposite her was not a young Taoist priest, but the resurrected Mei Chuanan.

Grandma Mei showed a trace of hesitation, thought for a moment, took out the statue from her arms, wiped it gently with her sleeves, then held it in both hands and handed it to Xiaoqiu.

Xiaoqiu also took it with both hands, and immediately knew that this statue was different. Although it was a clay sculpture on the outside, there must be something made of copper and iron on the inside, so it was heavier.

He has not yet learned how to test whether an item has special power, and he does not dare to act rashly. He is afraid that if the item is damaged, Granny Mei will lose her faith and dependence.

"Have you ever thought that the power of the spell actually comes from the idol?" Xiaoqiu returned the idol.

"It's not from the statue, it's from the ancient god." Granny Mei carefully put away the statue. "My son said that this spell is a message, but it is actually a message from the ancient god. He had a premonition of the ancient god more than ten years ago. Will come back to the world, look -" the old woman became excited, "In just a few years, the Ancient God Cult has flourished in the border areas, is heading inland, and will soon spread throughout the world!"

Xiaoqiu hesitated again and again, but still did not tell the mistake of the spell. Some things are so difficult to choose: mistakes and concealment can make a person live happily, but correctness and the truth can destroy a person's all hopes.

"I wish you all the best." Xiaoqiu decided to end the conversation and prepare to leave.

"I said I would repay you." Grandma Mei reached out and grabbed the young man's wrist. Her palm was so thin that it was almost as hot as burning coals. "On the full moon night of March 15th, we will be in the mountains - where the wolves are fleeing. In the mountains - there is a ceremony to summon the gods. As soon as you come, I will give you a gift, a treasure given by the ancient gods. "

"Pangshan disciples cannot accept it casually..."

"I understand the rules of Pangshan. You have forgotten that I am from Jinghu Village, and my son is a high disciple of the Forbidden Secrets. There is no contradiction between the ancient god's gift and Taoist practice. Let me settle one matter. I will come to the Immortal Assembly Just for this."

"Okay." Xiaoqiu said perfunctorily, breaking free from the old woman's hand, putting away the welcome charm on the table, picking up the box containing the armor and walking out the door, "If I have time, I will definitely go."

"Not everyone can get the gift of the ancient gods." Granny Mei said loudly, took out the statue again, raised it above her head and shook it twice, "You have to come, call Miss Qin here, Chuan'an has been waiting for ten years I just told you two the incantation, it must have a deep meaning, the ancient god also wants to see you."

Xiaoqiu was not sure whether he would go to the so-called summoning ceremony on March 15th, but he knew that Fangfang would definitely not go, and he did not even plan to tell Fangfang about it.

There was a rope on the box, so Xiaoqiu easily carried it on his back and said goodbye to Mr. Pan at the door of the inn. There were not many residents in Xianrenji, but the street was full of people at this time, and they were all talking about Granny Mei's wolf driving and the ancient god religion with great interest, so that no one paid special attention to the young Taoist priest in Pangshan.

Xiaoqiu had a lot of emotions, and she was particularly puzzled by one point: the Nine Dao Traditions obviously possess incomparable power, enough to make the so-called miracles of the ancient god religions worth mentioning, but the Dao Traditions are used to keeping a low profile and do not participate in mortal affairs easily. Even the magic itself does not like to be displayed. Ordinary people who have not opened their eyes and have no clear vision cannot even see the effect of the magic, and can only see an unclear gleam.

A few years ago, Xiao Qiu would have felt that Daotong's choice was a big mistake, but now he thought there must be a reason for it, but he just couldn't understand it as he had just condensed his elixir.

The world in the eyes of those Taoist priests who are still young after a hundred years must be so different from that of ordinary people. Suddenly, even Shen Zhun's obsession with demons and Yang Baozhen's constant birth of "geniuses" no longer seem so weird.

Xiaoqiu was full of worries, so when she saw the people on the roadside, she was not surprised at all. The first sentence she asked was: "Does the ancient god really exist? Why don't you tell everyone the truth?"

Sun Yulu's smile is both holy and charming under the starlight, which is enough to make mortals crawl to the ground in obsession and easily defeat the small clay statue of the god.

"There are many 'gods' in this world, and there are countless sects. If you have carefully read the history of Taoism for more than 130,000 years, you will know that these gods and sects always rise and die suddenly, like wildfires that occur every few years. , like the demon clan who refuses to admit defeat. Do you still have to work hard to find out the truth? No, you just need to look at it. Waves. Our only enemies are demons and demons.”

Xiaoqiu nodded solemnly, a similar answer came to his mind. anh.But it was said by a Shanxia Taoist priest, which made him even more convinced.

"I'm sorry, someone may have leaked the secret. Ancestor Feng may already know that I asked you for help."

"I know that a Taoist priest is following you and even wants to eavesdrop on your conversation in the inn."

"Did you see the stalker?"

Sun Yulu hummed, without revealing the identity of the stalker, "Come on, I'll take you to the Yangshen Peak Patriarch Tower."

Before Xiaoqiu could speak, Sun Yulu stepped towards him and held up one of his arms, "Do you know how Dengzhuke flies?"

Xiaoqiu shook her head. Suddenly, the surrounding flames suddenly burned, but there was no trace of heat. Then the flames soared into the sky, carrying the two of them and flew dozens of feet into the air, drawing a huge arc and flying towards the north. The mortals in the Immortal Assembly cannot see this flying flame.

Xiaoqiu was confused when Luanjingshan Tujia took him to Yangshen Peak in such a fair and just way.

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