
Chapter 139 God Summoning Ceremony

Yang Qingyin did not hide her whereabouts. Although this place is not owned by Taoism, it is still part of Pangshan. It is only a few dozen miles away from the Laozu Peak where she has lived since she was a child. It is even closer than Zhiyong. To a Taoist priest with the third level of inhalation It's just a short distance away.

The disciples of the Taoist sect have strange thoughts about mortals. They feel that they are just as human as themselves, but they also despise their life span of less than a hundred years and their short knowledge. Of course, Yang Qingyin cannot get rid of this kind of thinking. She stood at the foot of the mountain and looked at The team of hundreds of people meandered forward, giving rise to an invisible and unfamiliar feeling.

There were men, women, and children in the team. Each one held a three-headed statue in his hand. They marched in a weird and swaying posture. They stopped every five steps and shouted "Thunder" in unison. It seemed ridiculous at first, but slowly became more and more popular. A little more solemn.

An old woman in the middle of the team took out a statue and handed it to Yang Qingyin a dozen steps away.

"Are you Mei Chuan'an's mother?" she asked, taking out the statue and shaking it to show that she had one too.

The old woman shook her head without answering, put away the statue, paused in her steps and shouted "Thunder".

The team climbed up the mountainside like a giant centipede. The short, fat old woman at the back walked with a normal posture and stopped in front of Yang Qingyin, "I am Mei Chuanan's mother."

"I'm Mu Xingqiu's... friend. He has something to do and can't come. I'll watch the God-summoning ceremony on his behalf."

"I hope he can come. This is a rare opportunity, but - welcome, is your surname Shen or Yang?"

Yang Qingyin was only a few years old when Mei Chuanan became possessed. She knew about this incident but had never seen him before. "My surname is Yang and my name is Yang Qingyin. You really know Lao Zufeng very well."

Only mortals in Jinghu Village can recognize the characteristics of Pangshan Taoist disciples at a glance. Grandma Mei stretched out a hand and motioned Yang Qingyin to go with her, "Although I have never been up there, my son always says to me every time he goes down the mountain. Many things happened on the mountain... He reached the Starfall state at the age of twenty-eight."

"I've heard of him. The youngest Xingluo Taoist priest in the Nine Dao Tradition's three hundred years, only slightly worse than Zuo Liuying. Yang Qingyin laughed a few times, "I may not reach this level in my life. "

"Oh, I'd rather he didn't even have Dao roots and just farmed the land, got a wife, and had children in the village."

Yang Qingyin didn't know how to talk to an old mortal. In Pangshan, a person's age had nothing to do with his appearance. Shen Shang, who is more than a hundred years old, is still like a child, and his head is white and his heart will not grow old. Taoist priests rarely regret. This is a sign of weak will and will delay practice, even if they do something wrong. They will not give birth to hope of doing it all over again, but will work hard to cut off the entanglements and move forward.

“The wisest people are willing to take the riskiest path,

Others can't see through it, but he enjoys it. "

Yang Qingyin just said something perfunctory. She had heard similar words countless times since she was a child, but Granny Mei was deeply moved, with a strange look on her face. Holding one of her arms tightly, "You are right, my son is the smartest person, Jinghu Village is full of mediocre people, and there are not many sharp-eyed people in Pangshan Taoism. They didn't even see clearly. The truth is, my son is not a demon, he is a prophet. He saw what happened today more than ten years in advance."

Yang Qingyin began to feel uncomfortable, and finally understood why that bastard Mu Xingqiu refused to come to see Granny Mei. The old woman was so stubborn that she could no longer listen to other people's words, and even regarded all words as agreeing with her own opinions. If this is a practitioner, this is a sure sign of being possessed.

Mortals cannot become possessed by demons, or there is no point in becoming possessed by demons. Demons look down on weak ordinary humans, and coincidences like Bald Man's are rare.

"Will anything be summoned in today's summoning ceremony?" Yang Qingyin changed the topic.

"No one can predict in advance what the ancient gods will give, but I will sincerely pray for a powerful protective object. I hope that Taoist Yang can hand it over to the catechumen on my behalf. He is a good man with a kind heart and one of the few Someone who understands the greatness of my Son.”

Yang Qingyin frowned slightly, feeling that the old woman was really hopeless. The "catechumen" refused the invitation, but she still couldn't understand the other party's true feelings.

The mountain is not very high and is covered with low shrubs, but the top of the mountain is bare. A team of more than a hundred people automatically formed a circle without lighting a fire. Everyone looked up at the round and big moon and swayed in place. Back and forth, still shouting "Thunder" in unison every once in a while.

"Taoist priests never participate in this kind of thing, but if you are willing, you can stand in the middle and feel the power of the ancient gods." Granny Mei pointed to the middle of the bare mountain top, where a stone more than three feet high stood. Glittering slightly in the moonlight.

Yang Qingyin just came to see weird people and strange things. Granny Mei can indeed be called a weirdo. The weird things in the summoning ceremony have not happened yet, so of course she will not refuse, "Okay, I am willing to stand in the middle." She breathed three times. The Taoist priest has no fear of mortal methods, "But if I scare the ancient gods, don't be angry."

Granny Mei smiled and said, "No, absolutely not."

She did not make it clear whether the ancient gods would not be frightened, or whether they would not be angry.

Yang Qingyin walked to the stone on the top of the mountain. After thinking about it, she decided that it would be better not to sit down. She took out a hairpin and bit it in her mouth. She rolled up her long hair and inserted the hairpin into it, becoming a standard Pangshan Taoist priest.

Grandma Mei stood in the middle of the human wall. She had her own place and was very important. She held the statue with both hands and raised it high above her head. Everyone got the hint and stopped shaking and making no sound. Their eyes turned to the full moon in the sky. Go to the female Taoist priest in the middle.

Yang Qingyin felt uncomfortable again, but she would not be afraid, let alone run away. With her head held high, her left hand hidden in her sleeve, holding the stolen pearl, forget it if it was just for fun. If the so-called ancient god dared to do something serious, she would not fear.

This was a weird song, with each word being pronounced in a long and hoarse voice, like an enduring whistle. Yang Qingyin couldn't understand a single word, but she found it very interesting.

Slowly, others began to sing along. Yang Qingyin was immersed in it, and gradually felt a sense of sadness. This was probably a song for the living to mourn the dead. Mortals have different understandings of death than Taoist priests. They have There are more fantasies, thinking that the soul can still live on after death and can feel the call of relatives, but they don't know that the soul will completely dissipate in 7749 days, leaving no trace.

But she still felt sad, as if someone she loved would never appear again. Taoist priests also have joy, anger, sorrow and joy. But practice is to get rid of the interference and restraint of these emotions. Yang Qingyin knew that she should not be lost in sadness, but she was reluctant to get rid of it.

Sadness also has its charming side, and sometimes it is even more powerful than joy. No one can keep smiling for days or years, but many people are addicted to sadness and cannot extricate themselves, even if this sadness has no reason. He was also willing to stay inside and enjoy the floating feeling of constantly falling.

Yang Qingyin's situation is not that serious. As a Taoist priest, she can always maintain a ray of clarity in her mind, monitor her falling speed, and pull herself up before the real danger arrives.

I do not know how long it has been. Yang Qingyin broke away from her sadness and curled her lips, feeling that the ancient god was really capable.

The mortals around were still singing slowly. They couldn't get rid of their sorrow easily, and they didn't want to get rid of it, so some burst into tears and some trembled all over. Even a teenager has hidden sadness, and it all comes to mind at this moment, making him unable to control himself.

Only Grandma Mei was smiling. She squinted her eyes as if she were in an illusion, holding the statue firmly with both hands. She seemed satisfied with her sadness, and her three heads were also smiling vaguely. Even the faces of skulls and thunderbolts are smiling in strange ways.

Such a scene was too weird. Yang Qingyin became vigilant, and the stolen pearl in her left hand slowly rotated. She knew that there were all kinds of side spells in the world, but none of them could compare with the eighteen Taoist subjects. Even if there was only one The disciple's Mind Mind Technique is much more powerful than these thaumaturgic techniques.

She would not harm the mortals on the mountaintop. But if necessary, they must know that the so-called ancient gods are just a trick. Yang Qingyin reluctantly admitted that Xin Youtao's previous disdainful attitude was correct.

Stealing the Pearl suddenly became hot.

This bead is not the main magic weapon, but a protective magic weapon like a lamp, mirror, and bell. It never gets hot for no reason.

Yang Qingyin turned around and saw a group of wolves going up the mountain. The leader was a one-eyed black wolf. Mu Xingqiu said that this was not a demon king, but it did look like it.

This group of wolves walked slowly and slowly, not seeming to launch an attack at all. They seemed not to be interested in the humans surrounding the circle at all.

Yang Qingyin's vision was more accurate than Xiao Qiu's. She saw the unmistakable demonic aura from the one-eyed black wolf. It was this demonic aura that aroused the vigilance of Pirate Pearl, but there was only a faint trace of it, and its only effect seemed to be to make it A bit bigger.

The pack of wolves dispersed to both sides, with one crouching next to each person. The one-eyed black wolf chose Granny Mei.

More than a hundred people, more than a hundred wolves, no more, no less. If the wolf doesn't howl, people won't be frightened, and everything will be fine.

Even Yang Qingyin, who likes weird people and weird things, found this scene disturbing. She walked towards Granny Mei and looked at the black wolf at her feet.

More than ten steps away, kans.com Yang Qingyin suddenly showed the stolen pearl. She wanted to see if this wolf had any hidden power.

The fan-shaped light stopped a few inches in front of the black wolf and could no longer move forward.

The black wolf took a step forward, actually forced the light back, and then spoke. This is definitely an ability that an animal with only a trace of evil spirit can possess. "Why you?" it said, his voice sounded disappointed and angry, " You are not the one I want."

"What a pity." Yang Qingyin was about to launch a move when a figure jumped up from the bottom of the mountain and shouted: "They want to save the demon king!"

Xiaoqiu finally arrived and stood behind Granny Mei, looking at the circle formed by humans and wolves.

The black wolf turned around and suddenly stood upright. Under the gaze of the two Pangshan Taoist priests, he turned into a long-haired man. He didn't have any clothes on his body, but he had no shame. He stared at the visitor with a happy smile on his face. : "The Demon King is my twin brother. His falling into the hands of Taoist Priest Pangshan is an irreparable loss to the Demon Clan, but I am not here to save him. An ordinary wolf is not worth saving. I am here for you, Mu Xingqiu, the messenger of the demon clan, I am here for you."

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