
Chapter 159 Yashan Taoist Priest

The nine masters passed by in a flash and did not stop at Hongshan at all. They just stopped here and immediately headed to Luanjing Mountain. Most people only had time to see the figures they were most familiar with. When there was a lot of discussion afterwards, they all claimed that they saw nine people clearly.

"The Patriarch looks really old. Why doesn't he make himself younger?"

"Actually, he's not that old. Seriously, have you seen what he looks like?"

The crowds near the Hongshan Instantaneous Platform queued up again, and the focus of discussion quickly shifted from the nine masters to the strange movements of the demon clan in the south.

Yang Qingyin was very concerned about this matter, but what annoyed her was that the person with the most information turned out to be Shen Jiyi. He came from the Yashan Five Elements Branch and was a Pangshan Dujie, so he could understand the movements of demons in the world in real time.

"Three days ago, all the masters gathered at Wangshan Mountain to check the situation of the Demon Suppressing Bell. They transferred to Luanjing Mountain so quickly, which shows that there is no problem with the demons. The Southern Siren wanted to attack Luanjing Mountain, but it seems that he did not accept it. Lessons from Demon King Qi Wushang..."

Yang Qingyin became impatient, turned to Mu Xingqiu, and said loudly: "Didn't you just meet Qi Wushang a few days ago? Maybe this is his conspiracy to lure the nine masters to the south so that he can take the opportunity to escape. What do you think?"

Mu Xingqiu did feel that the black wolf he had seen was a bit weird, but he never thought that the demon king had the ability to command the demons in the world. He hummed awkwardly and didn't say much. Yang Qingyin, however, kept on guessing, completely covering up Shen Jiyi's voice.

In her description, it was a huge conspiracy. Taking advantage of the siren chaos in the south, the demon king Qi Wushang fled back to the land of demons. He regained his strength through various cruel sorceries that no one had ever heard of, and then launched an attack on a certain Taoist lineage. "Wangshan, he wants to attack Wangshan. The demons want to break the demon-suppressing bell and release all the demons. Then The whole world is filled with demons, and the power of demons increases greatly."

Her speculation aroused the interest of many people. But no one took it seriously. They all treated it as a joke while waiting for the instant transmission. Shen Jiyi kept smiling politely. When Yang Qingyin finally shut up, he raised his hands and clapped, "It hits the nail on the head. What you said. I really feel that This time the Kraken is a bit unusual."

Yang Qingyin said with a cold face, "I'm talking nonsense, but you actually take it seriously, which shows that you are simple-minded. If you don't think so in your heart and just agree with your mouth, it shows that you are a flatterer. You are not even worthy of being a Taoist priest."

People around him were snickering, and Shen Jiyi was speechless. Fortunately, it was their turn to use the instant platform to rescue him from the embarrassment.

Yang Qingyin was very proud of this, but Mu Xingqiu quietly observed and came to another conclusion: Shen Jiyi was probably more interested in Yang Qingyin.

It's only two quarters of an hour.

The group of people traveled from Pangshan in the northwest of the Shengfu Dynasty to Yashan in the northeast, a distance of thousands of miles.

There is no tall main peak in Ashan. The peaks stand like rows of teeth piercing the sky, hence the name.

Yashan Instant Platform is located in the middle of several small peaks. It is about the same area as Pangshan Mountain, but it feels cramped and small. Yang Qingyin has actually been here once, but she still pretended to be visiting for the first time. She glanced around and curled her lips and said: " No wonder the Yashan Taoist priests are so petty, the place they chose is not good.”

Yashan, who has a "little family spirit", is very enthusiastic towards his guests. He first ran past more than ten Taoist priests to welcome Shen Jiyi back home, and then greeted the guests one by one. One of the young Taoist priests had been to Yangshen Peak a few years ago. Patriarch Ta Cunxiang inherited the inheritance and knew Mu Xingqiu and Shen Hao. When they met again, they recognized each other at a glance and felt very cordial.

There were also female Taoist priests in Yashan's welcoming team, and they quickly became familiar with Qin Lingshuang and Xiao Qingtao. Not far from the instant platform, Yang Qingyin was also impressed by the other party's enthusiasm and felt that she could not offend Shen Jiyi alone. The whole Asan started talking and laughing.

Hongshan is just a transit point. As the first stop for several Pangshan disciples on their weapon-refining tour, Yashan is indeed a good start. Shen Jiyi has a high status in this Taoist tradition and is very popular. Taoist priests from all disciplines come to meet him. Even Lan Qizhang, who is obsessed with spiritual practice, has found two or three close friends and talks endlessly about various Taoist traditions. The similarities and differences in the Forbidden Secrets Department are like talking about them at night.

There was no need for Baldy to hide. He came out of the gourd and soon became the favorite of the Yashan Taoist priests. He was taken everywhere to watch, and he felt more comfortable than at Pangshan Laozu Peak.

The costumes of Taoist priests in Asan are similar to those in Pangshan, except that the hairpins on their heads are either gold or jade, and the materials are very precious. More differences are reflected in their residence and temperament. There are no tall buildings in Asan, and the houses are all built according to the peaks. Different, almost none of them are the same. Even the standard rooms of ordinary disciples have their own characteristics, and they are all large in area and rich in furnishings. In comparison, Pangshan's residence is like a dark storage room. .

The personalities of Yashan Taoist priests are very different from those of Pangshan. They are both very good at making friends with others. Before dinner that day, Pangshan’s guests already liked the atmosphere here. Shen Hao and Xin Youtao even talked to several Yashan Taoists. The disciples of the mountain formed a "life-and-death friendship".

Because Mu Xingqiu was too cold, especially unwilling to mention Nian Xin Ke, he quickly lost the favor of Yashan Taoist priest. He felt comfortable and quiet alone in the spacious guest room.

Xin Youtao found an opportunity to escape, and went into the guest room to advise Mu Xingqiu privately, "This is a great opportunity to make connections. You should cherish it. Look, even Lan Qizhang knows how to chat with people. You are the only disciple of Nianxinke, and everyone cares about it." It’s quite interesting.”

Mu Xingqiu smiled, but he still couldn't do it. All the things he experienced in Pangshan, plus Lin Sa's advice before leaving, made him always vigilant, and he was reluctant to respond to the enthusiasm of the Taoist priest of Yashan.

"Do you know what Yashan said about you?" Xin Youtao was obsessed with changing Mu Xingqiu's character, "They said you were arrogant, self-righteous, and unsympathetic. You need two legs to walk, and cultivation is just one of them. Even if your connections are not another leg, they are equivalent to an arm. If you swing them well, you can walk more steadily."

Xin Youtao was called away by a "friend of life and death". Yang Qingyin strode into the room, sat on a chair, and poured herself a glass of water. "The Taoist priests of Yashan are really businessmen. They are more enthusiastic about making money than practicing."

"Businessmen?" Mu Xingqiu had never heard of this saying.

"The nine Taoist sects have private opinions about each other." Yang Qingyin leaned over. He lowered his voice slightly, "Everyone's unanimous evaluation of Yashan is that they care too much about making money from the sword washing pool. They never make enough money, and they wish they could pave the floor with gold and silver souls." "So the most important thing in Yashan is the medicine department. The Taoists here make rapid progress in cultivation before the Starfall Realm. They rely on taking medicine, taking a lot of medicine, and eating it as a meal." Yang Qingyin curled her lips. "But after the Starfall Realm, the help of medicine is not that great. Among the masters of the nine major sects, the master of Yashan is the lowest. It is said that he is only the first level of infusion." Yang Qingyin likes to exaggerate. Mu Xingqiu smiled after listening, but didn't take it too seriously. "What about Pangshan? What do other Taoist sects think of Pangshan?" "Old-fashioned." Yang Qingyin didn't shy away. "The Taoists of Pangshan are famous for being old-fashioned. For example, you can guess that you are from Pangshan after just a few words." Mu Xingqiu didn't think he was so old-fashioned, but compared with the Taoists of Yashan, he was indeed not lively enough. "Xin Youtao, Shen Hao and the others are not old-fashioned."

"That's compared to you." Yang Qingyin stood up, "They were played around by a group of Yashan Taoists, and they were still complacent."

Yang Qingyin was about to leave, but Mu Xingqiu stopped her, "I want to ask Shen Jiyi for help. I hope you don't mind."

Yang Qingyin thought for a while, "Is it about washing Mu Songxuan's mark?"

There was almost nothing she didn't know about Laozu Peak. Mu Xingqiu nodded, "The bald man is not an ordinary magic weapon. I can't just wash the mark casually. I have to find someone I'm sure of."

"Whatever you want." Yang Qingyin narrowed her eyes and stared at Mu Xingqiu, "I find that you like to meddle in other people's business. You don't look like a Taoist at all. Sometimes you're disgusting, and sometimes you're cute. Haha."

Mu Xingqiu was really afraid that she would mention the matter of mortal relationship again. Fortunately, the old lady left after laughing. This was only the first day of the trip, and she was not ready to use any tricks.

Before dinner, Shen Hao and Xin Youtao came back, not looking very happy. It turned out that those "friends of life and death" really only talked about life and death. The two wanted to wash a few magic tools, but they were ruthlessly rejected. The reason was the same: the sword washing pool belonged to Yashan. As ordinary disciples, they themselves had no right to use it for free, let alone outsiders.

"Liar." Xin Youtao angrily defined his new friend, "He was covered with magic tools, but he said he had no right to use the sword washing pool. Yashan was full of liars."

"When we were in Yangshen Peak, we thought of the ancestors once a month, but we had no right to bring outsiders in. It's the same." Mu Xingqiu felt that Xin Youtao's reaction was too extreme.

"That's different, at least... at least I won't lie."

Despite such a small setback, the trip to Yashan was still pleasant. Taoists did not have the habit of dining together, so they had dinner alone, all vegetarian dishes, but the cooking skills were extremely superb, and no one could say that Yashan was stingy in this regard.

After dinner, Mu Xingqiu wandered outside alone and saw Xin Youtao and Shen Hao renewing their friendship with the Taoist priests of Yashan. The two of them flattered each other and acted quite intimately, not at all like rivals who hated each other.

Far away, Fangfang, Yang Qingyin, and Xiao Qingtao were walking around the peak to enjoy the beautiful scenery under the guidance of a group of female Taoist priests. Baldy jumped around in the crowd, rarely maintaining his excitement for half a day.

Only Lan Qizhang was missing. He was taken away by several Taoist priests to visit the Yashan Forbidden Secret Department.

Mu Xingqiu walked around and it was getting dark. When he returned to the guest room, he found that the person he was looking for was in his room.

Shen Jiyi was carefully observing the half-man-high gourd, "This was a popular magic weapon a long time ago. Almost no one uses it now. Why don't you use a treasure bag or a Qiankun bag? It can hold more things and is convenient to carry."

"I have a treasure bag. .nshco"Mu Xingqiu patted his belly. This was originally a relic of Li Yuechi, belonging to Daliang Shen Xiuming, and he brought it here. "But there is a mark of the previous user on it. I can only take things out, not store them in."

"The sword washing pool can solve your problem."

"I heard that it takes three silver souls to wash a magic weapon. I am ready. And I want to wash a special magic weapon."

Shen Jiyi smiled habitually, "Special magic weapon?"

"Mu Songxuan, that head, he was refined into a sound transmission incense burner."

Shen Jiyi showed a stunned expression, "Special enough." After a pause, he asked: "Do you want me to help?"

"If you are willing."

"Of course I am willing, but-help is mutual."

Shen Jiyi blinked his eyes. Mu Xingqiu could guess what kind of help this Yashan Taoist needed.

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