
Chapter 161 The Obligations of Taoist Priests

Even after reaching a consensus to help each other, Mu Xingqiu failed to see Xi Jianchi. He waited in a waterside pavilion built on the pond. There were only a few small peaks separated from Xijianchi. The towering trees are as big as they are, and they surround it in a circle, blocking the treasure of Asan Mountain inside.

The windows on all sides of the waterside pavilion are open, and the night breeze can pass through. You can see the mist of the Tianhe outside. Dozens of tall unicorns are walking around in the glowing mist, showing off their long horns to each other. They are sword-washing animals. The first layer of guard of the pool.

"Golden-horned unicorns are proficient in water properties and can run at least twice as fast as horses on land. What's especially amazing is that they can smell the tension hidden deep in the hearts of those with malicious intentions." Shen Jiyi introduced, he said in Stay in the waterside pavilion and try to make the atmosphere more casual.

"Mu Songxuan won't be in danger, right?" Mu Xingqiu could no longer pretend to be calm. If something happened, he would be the culprit who killed Bald Man.

Bald Man came to see Qilin, but was cast a spell by two Taoist priests, fell into a coma and was taken away. He has no memory of his experience in the Sword Washing Pond.

"I can't give you an absolute guarantee." Shen Jiyi leaned against the window lattice, holding a small handful of nuts in his left hand, occasionally throwing one out. The little unicorn from the bottom of the water jumped out and swallowed the food accurately. "But it is under the personal supervision of the head of the Asan Science and Technology Department, and problems that shouldn't occur will never happen. Don't worry, you will see Mu Songxuan in perfect condition... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else."

Shen Jiyi laughed twice. The word "complete" was really inappropriate to describe a bald man. He threw all the nuts in his hand, and the two young unicorns jumped out of the water together.

Mu Xingqiu walked to the window on the other side and looked at Qilin patrolling back and forth, unable to get rid of the uneasiness in his heart.

Shen Jiyi looked at the Pangshan Taoist priest from behind with some curiosity, and found that he was becoming more and more uncertain about Mu Xingqiu's character, "I heard that Yang Qingyin wants to form a mortal relationship with you."

Mu Xingqiu turned around suddenly, "I told you. I won't help you please her."

"I didn't ask you to help me, I just had a casual chat. It will take a while to clean the magic weapon. In a situation like Mu Songxuan's, it may take even longer.

"No one knows Yang Qingyin's true thoughts. Her actions are often just a whim, and even she might forget about it in a few days." Mu Xingqiu replied vaguely.

"Haha, it's really unexpected that the Yang family can produce such a descendant."

Mu Xingqiu looked at him doubtfully, "Do you really want to... join the Yang family in Pangshan?"

"Brother-in-law?" Shen Jiyi seemed to have never heard of this word.

"There is no so-called marriage in the Dao family. If Yang Qingyin is willing, I will go to Pangshan to stay for a few days every few years to get her pregnant and give birth to the descendants of the Yang family. That's it."

It was difficult for Mu Xingqiu to control the disgust on his face. If these words were spoken in Yelin Town, they would definitely be considered treasonous or crazy, "Are you willing?"

"What's the point? Yang Qingyin is not particularly outstanding in practice. But she has a unique personality and is very likely to give birth to great genius offspring. This is the main reason why the Yang family selected her from so many children. There are not many Taoist families. , there are only twenty or thirty families that last for five generations. There are only five families that last for ten generations. This brings about a problem, the offspring are more and more similar. It is an accident for Yang Qingyin. "

Shen Jiyi talked about the Daomen family like an experienced horse physicist talking about how to breed excellent foals. Mu Xingqiu could understand what he meant, but he was more emotionally sympathetic to my mother. "You can also become friends with ordinary disciples, or simply with mortals."

"All of these have been tried. They were tried a long time ago. Mortals don't remember these things, but the Taoist family records every marriage. The effect is very unsatisfactory. The most eternal families in the Taoist tradition now only intermarry with each other, like Only junior members of the family like Lan Qizhang would choose their romantic partners from ordinary disciples. I heard that some Taoist priests would have false relationships with mortals without Taoist roots, but they would rarely produce offspring. That's why Yang Qingyin exists. It is commendable that she is a daughter of the Taoist sect and possesses the excellent qualities of the Yang family. At the same time, she has a unique personality and can bring about some changes. It is her duty to give birth to as many offspring as possible with me. Sooner or later, she will. Understand this."

Shen Jiyi said it very straightforwardly. It was no longer a small talk. Mu Xingqiu had been dragged into this weird marriage of the Taoist family, "You don't understand Yang Qingyin at all."

"Perhaps I know more about her than you think." Shen Jiyi smiled like a Taoist priest who was hundreds of years old. He seemed to have understood all the ways of the world and nothing could surprise him. "She likes to call herself my mother. She likes to cause trouble. She once made a unique magic weapon, but it was destroyed on the spot. She stayed at the Zhiyong Institute for two years, and it was there that she met you and several ordinary disciples. The disciple named Guan Shenyue seems to have special feelings, but they are not mortal. She has not experienced love tribulation, which is very obvious. "

"That's friendship. Guan Shenyue is our good friend."

"It turns out that there is friendship between Taoist priests. I will feel sorry for the deceased, but I will not be sad. Grief is not conducive to spiritual practice. The heart of a Taoist priest is like..."

“The heart of a Taoist is like a mirror or a lake, reflecting the seven emotions and six desires, but is unmoved by them.”

"Yes, that's what it means. We are all Taoist priests, so Yang Qingyin will wake up. The demons will eventually get rid of their shackles and return to the world. Before that, it is the unshirkable obligation of the Taoist family to raise more practicing geniuses. Ordinary Geniuses may appear among people, but the chance is slim and unpredictable. There may also be incompetent descendants in the Daomen family, but the chance of geniuses is higher. Zuo Liuying is also a descendant of the Daomen family, and he happens to be the fifth. It is a pity that he refused to marry and give birth to the sixth generation. This is the misfortune of the Zuo family and the loss of the entire orthodox tradition. "

Perhaps because it has existed for so long, some of the ideas of the Dao Sect family are quite different from those of ordinary people. Mu Xingqiu from Yelin Town can only understand this, but finds it difficult to accept it, "You still don't understand Yang Qingyin, what she wants It’s freedom, and the Shen family has been telling her about obligations.”

"She is still young." Shen Jiyi used this simple reason to explain all of Yang Qingyin's weird behaviors.

The two were silent for a while. Mu Xingqiu didn't want to get caught up in the Taoist family's weird thinking, so he asked casually: "Is it because Yashan takes the Sword Washing Pond so seriously because of the water theft incident decades ago?"

"Fifty-one years ago." Shen Jiyi's tone suddenly became serious, "A bold and arrogant Taoist monk stayed at the Sword Washing Pond for three days and three nights in the name of refining many magic weapons. I secretly took away a bottle of pool water.”

"The Sword Washing Pond is the treasure of Yashan. Not even a drop of water can leave Yashan, just like the Pangshan Patriarch Pagoda. No one is allowed to take away a particle of dust inside."

Daotong's cherishment and obsession with certain magical weapons may seem a bit weird to ordinary people, but Mu Xingqiu is more accepting of it, just like the electric magic whip he keeps in his sleeves. Will not send it out.

"I guess Yashan has recovered this bottle of water." Mu Xingqiu has never seen the so-called casual Taoist monks. He only knows that they are a group of people who have no chance to practice orthodox Taoism. Their inner elixir is impure and their magic power is very low. , absolutely cannot escape the pursuit of any orthodox family.

Shen Jiyi was silent for a moment and gave an answer that surprised Mu Xingqiu, "This man is hiding in Qishan with a water bottle. Yashan sends Taoist priests to 'protect' him every year. When we go to Qishan in a few days, It’s very possible to see him.”

Mu Xingqiu was startled, and suddenly thought that Yang Qingyin might be interested in this casual cultivator. He was about to ask his name and why there were several Taoist priests walking in the direction of Qishan and Sword Washing Pond. One of them Holding the still sleeping bald man in his hands.

The Taoist priests entered the waterside pavilion through a small bridge and returned the head to Mu Xingqiu. A skinny middle-aged Taoist priest said: "The condition of the head is very special. The soul is incomplete and entangled with a weak demon species. He turned out to be... It's a miracle that he can maintain his original will. The person who made him into a magic weapon is very powerful and courageous. It's also a miracle that he didn't kill him during the refining process. "

Baldy was made into a magic weapon by Shen Zhun, the law enforcer of Pangshan Discipline University. Not many people knew about this, and Mu Xingqiu didn't reveal it. He only cared about one thing, "Has the mark been washed away?"

The skinny Taoist priest sighed, "Only part of it can be washed away. For safety reasons, we think it would be better to wash off the remaining marks after one or two years."

"Then his life..."

"There is no change for the time being. He will become more and more lethargic. It cannot be said that he is sleeping, but that he has lost consciousness. So after one year, or at most three years, you will have to take him back again."

"Thank you, I will definitely bring him here in a year."

"Yes." The skinny Taoist stared at the Taoist priest in Pangshan for a while, as if he had something to say, but in the end he just nodded, said "The Taoist fire will not be extinguished", and led the other Taoist priests to leave together.

"The first person in the Shengong Department is Zhou Qianhui." Shen Jiyi said, looking at the backs of the Taoist priests.

It was a bit unruly to make the introduction after everyone had left. Mu Xingqiu didn't care, and kept the name firmly in mind. A year later, he would ask the chief for help again.

Seven more Taoist priests came, www. anh. cm The brightness of the Tianhe Lan surrounding their waists and legs was particularly high, as if they felt some kind of powerful power.

Shen Jiyi whispered: "Two is coming soon."

Mu Xingqiu placed the bald man's head on a table and found an open space to stand, preparing to be inspected by the Asan Forbidden Secret Department.

Shen Jiyi resigned without making any introduction. After the seven Taoist priests came in, they immediately surrounded Mu Xingqiu without anyone speaking.

The seven people are tall and short, fat and thin. The only thing they have in common is that they look very serious, as if they are facing a formidable enemy. Each of them holds a magic weapon in his hand, including a mirror, a bell, a seal, a lamp, a bead, and a flag. Yes, one of them even held a jade ax half a man's height in both hands.

"Aren't we going to have a battle of wits?"

"You can cast spells as you like, we just observe."

The way Asan Forbidden Secret Department observes reality and illusion is completely different from Zuo Liuying's.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued \u003c!--flag053--\u003e

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