
Chapter 166 Us

For fifty years, Yashan Taoist priests have never relaxed their surveillance of Du Fangfeng. From morning to night, at least one person keeps an eye on the water thief's residence and investigates all the guests who interact with him. It was in this situation Next, Shen Jiyi had never heard of Hong Futian's name, let alone that he had been in contact with Du Fangfeng.

If true, this is another shame for Asan Tradition.

"Can you represent Taoist Pingping?" There was no smile on Shen Jiyi's face. "Did he entrust you with a dream?"

Several Taoist priests laughed. Like Shen Jiyi, they felt that the young monk with a red ribbon on his head was lying.

Hong Futian was in his mid-twenties and looked a little short in front of a group of Taoist disciples. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his expression was a little too serious. In line with his entire outfit, he had an exaggerated feeling of performing on a stage.

And he is a serious actor. Even if the audience bursts into laughter, he is still immersed in the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the character. He tried to straighten up, waited for the laughter to stop, and said: "Taoist Ping Ping did not entrust me with a dream. It was the ancient god who connected us. He was willing to give everything to the ancient god, and I..."

Shen Jiyi interrupted coldly: "Du Fangfeng can give anything he wants, but there is one thing. The water of the sword washing pool belongs to Yashan, and no one can get involved."

Hong Futian shook his head gently, "The demon breaks through the void, the world is overturned, Yashan is still reluctant to give up a little water in the sword washing pool? Look at this island, it is rare to have Taoism, loose cultivators, and demon clans. If we can work together at this time, in the future We can also fight the demons together..."

It didn't matter to others when they heard these words, but Mu Xingqiu's heart was moved. A few years ago, Pangshan Grandmaster Ning Qiwei once told him that the demons would inevitably return to the world within a thousand years, and also said that few people cared about this matter. Even within the Nine Dao Tradition, only a few people were making preparations. Unexpectedly, a casual cultivator could be heard saying similar words on the Qishan Island ship.

"You're thinking too far." Shen Jiyi interrupted him again and glanced at the two demon clans, "You are all lucky and don't have the chance to catch up with the Dao Demon War. Go kill the demons and get the elixir. , don’t even think about the demons.”

"The demons are also intelligent creatures. Hong Futian took a step back and stood between the two casual cultivators and the two half-demon. "They hate and be wary of the demons just like humans. Demons and demons are not the same family, and they should not be collectively referred to as one. , if Dao Tong can broaden his horizons..."

Dao Tong and the Monster Clan have been at war for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is not easy for both parties to put aside their past grievances. The demon clan taking refuge in Qishan may be willing to stop fighting, but the Taoist disciples have no such idea at all. Even the most rebellious Yang Qingyin, who originally decided to oppose Shen Jiyi in public, stopped saying anything at this time and instead followed Everyone is the same. Looking at Hong Futian with contempt and distrust.

"Speaking of broadening your horizons,

Look, the sea monster has arrived. "Shen Jiyi raised his chin toward the distance.

Everyone looked around, and it wasn't long before the Taoist disciples were the first to notice the anomaly. The casual cultivators and monsters on the island also saw it, which was like a large dark cloud. It swept towards Qishan along the sea. Because the distance was too far, it didn't seem to be very fast, but it occupied almost the entire skyline and was extremely powerful.

Hong Futian didn't care, "Today we won't kill the monsters. We want to reconcile with the monster clan. I want to persuade the sea monsters to retreat and never attack Qishan again."

"You? Loose cultivators and demons?"

"To be precise, they are demons, not demons, and I hope that Daoist disciples can also join 'us'. All living beings in the world will welcome the day when demons are defeated. Today may be the beginning."

Shen Jiyi couldn't help but smile and looked back at the dozens of Taoist disciples, "Sorry, Taoist disciples are very busy today and have no time to join 'you'. Since the casual cultivators and the demon tribe have no intention of blocking the sea monster, we have to take action. You can still enjoy the protection of Qishan, but be careful not to leave Wugen Island."

Hong Futian also wanted to persuade Shen Jiyi to have an iron ruler in his hand. It was his main magic weapon and was usually hidden. "Fellow Taoists, casual cultivators and monsters are retreating in the face of battle - this is not the case." This is the first time - would you like to go out to sea with me to kill the invading sea monster?"

Dozens of Taoist priests on Wugen Island were originally here to watch the fun. They were basically disciples of the inhalation realm. Shen Jiyi was the most advanced in cultivation. When he appealed, no one would show timidity, no matter whether they had been there before or not. After experiencing the battle with the demon clan, everyone shouted "yes" in unison. Many Taoist priests were even quite excited, feeling that today was not in vain.

The island boat also has a dock, with thirty or fifty small boats tied to it. Shen Jiyi took the lead and walked over, followed closely by the disciples of the various sects.

Yang Qingyin walked past Hong Futian and said disdainfully: "I thought you were someone who didn't abide by the king's laws, but you turned out to be a coward."

Xin Youtao added unceremoniously from behind: "Perhaps he is cooperating with the sea monster inside and outside."

Hong Futian shook his head and said loudly: "Taotong is the elite of the world. If you are willing to look down, you will clearly see your mistakes all along. It is impossible to compete with the demons with the power of Taotong alone. Unity The power of all intelligent creatures in the world..."

No Taoist priest looked back. Hong Futian's words may be quite pleasing to the ears of casual cultivators and demon clans, but they are not attractive to Taoist disciples at all. Many people, like Xin Youtao, suspect that this person has evil intentions.

There are a total of forty-seven Taoist disciples, divided into twelve boats. Although he was not recommended, Shen Jiyi naturally became the leader. Not only did he have the highest level of cultivation, he was also a disciple of the Five Elements. He had extremely rich experience in killing monsters. No disciple could Compete with him.

Shen Jiyi also fully demonstrated his advantages and quickly arranged his troops. Three boats carried disciples of the Five Elements Department of the Dao Daotong to form the first line of attack. There were three other boats in the second line. Although the disciples on them were not Five Elements Department disciples All of them own a main magic weapon. The five boats in the third line carry disciples like Yang Qingyin and Xin Youtao who are neither Five Elements major nor a main magic weapon.

Yang Qingyin preferred to rush to the front, but after all, she was a daughter of the Taoist sect. She was usually domineering, but she obeyed orders on the battlefield. Without saying a word, she naturally appointed herself as the commander of the third line, arranging the tasks of each ship. This was also acquiesced by Shen Jiyi.

The last boat was left on the shore of Wugen Island, carrying five Taoist priests. Its task was to guard the remaining boats and prevent the casual cultivators and monsters on the island from changing their minds and suddenly boarding the boat.

The formation was arranged, and Mu Xingqiu was the only one who felt dissatisfied. He raised his hand and said, "I have a purple pattern sword."

He should have been placed on the second line of the three boats, but he was left at the very back, wary of a group of casual cultivators and monsters who seemed to have no intention of leaving the island.

"You are needed here. Keep an eye on Hong Futian of the Ancient God Sect. He is not easy." Shen Jiyi smiled and motioned for everyone to set off, and the ship automatically sailed towards the dark clouds in the distance.

Shen Hao stood on a boat in the third line, turned around and shouted excitedly: "You must have a share in winning the demon pill!"

Mu Xingqiu would have preferred to go into battle in person, but he knew how to use caution. At this time, he had to obey orders, so he had no choice but to wave to the Taoist priest who was leaving, and then turned to look at the people on his boat.

Fangfang was also left behind. She is a disciple of the Forbidden Secret Department. Although her cultivation level is not low, she has not learned a few Five Elements spells. She has no choice but to not go to the front line. The other three are all disciples who have just taken the first breath. He is not even qualified to refine magic weapons. He comes to Qishan purely for fun, which gives him even more reason to stay.

Mu Xingqiu sat on the bow of the boat and sighed softly, feeling that he was being ignored.

Fangfang stood beside him and chuckled: "Do you like fighting that much?"

"I don't like fighting, I just think it shouldn't be wasted... the electric whip you made." Mu Xingqiu lowered his voice when he said the last few words. The other three Taoist priests on the same boat were looking at the ship in the distance. Team, didn’t pay attention to his words.

"There is always a chance." Fangfang's voice also dropped, and suddenly she raised her voice again, "These sea monsters are very special."

Mu Xingqiu immediately stood up and looked to the south. Although the distance was still far away, he could already see more details of the dark cloud: it was not a dark cloud, but a group of fast-moving water vapor, mixed with several numbers. There are endless dark gray flying fish, and it is their scales that form a color similar to dark clouds.

"Where is the sea monster?" Mu Xingqiu asked in surprise. There were swarms of flying fish. Although they were spectacular and weird, the monster aura was not strong. Even if he looked at it with supernormal vision, he didn't think it looked like a big monster.

"This is the water-shaped sea monster. Spread out now and you can combine into several big monsters later." Fangfang read a lot and immediately recognized the details of the sea monster.

"Oh, just like the wolf demon Qi Wuxia."

Fangfang did not participate in the battle a few years ago. She only listened to Mu Xingqiu's detailed description and thought for a while, "It's not exactly the same. No matter how many wolves there are, the master of power is still Qi Wuxia and will not concentrate on any random person." This is a rare spell in Sekiro. I have never seen such a leader in the water-shaped sirens, and they will merge in the end and not only contribute.”

Mu Xingqiu nodded, watching the tsunami of flying fish and Taoist disciples getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Demon Pill, wwwnsh.mmWhoever has the Demon Pill will be the leader of the Kraken."

The five Taoist priests on the boat turned around at the same time and found Hong Futian standing alone on the shore. It seemed that he had not given up and still wanted to persuade a few people. A large number of casual cultivators and monsters were now mixed together in the distance, talking to each other, and really seemed to unite.

"Yes." Mu Xingqiu responded coldly. He had a bad impression of the Ancient God Sect. This young casual cultivator had the stubbornness of Granny Mei back then, which he disliked very much.

Hong Futian didn't care, he raised his hand to cover his brow, "These sea monsters are not here to attack Qishan."

"How do you know, Siren told you?" Mu Xingqiu didn't believe him even more.

"The sea monsters have their own way of expression. Look carefully, the sea monsters are clearly saying that they are here to seek protection, because... because..." Hong Futian seemed to be struggling to distinguish the obscure words, "There are pursuers behind them, hiding behind them." Underwater, it is very powerful. Those Taoist disciples are in danger, you should warn them."

Mu Xingqiu looked Hong Futian up and down, wondering what his intentions were.

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