
Chapter 169 Shrinking your head

The stormy waves were above, the turbulent vortex was in the middle, the deep sea was quiet and peaceful, the light and sound were blocked out, and the two of them seemed to have suddenly entered another world.

In just the blink of an eye, Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang had forgotten the bright sunshine. Their eyes were pitch black. Only the third eye could see things. The third eye could not be used frequently. Mu Xingqiu would whip out a whip in front of him every once in a while. Use lightning bolts to indicate direction.

In the pure darkness, even the lightning seemed to be in a panic, appearing and disappearing in a hurry, refusing to stay for a while.

Mu Xingqiu turned his head and saw Fangfang smiling silently at him.

He struggled to swing the whip, and she cast a spell to lessen the resistance of the water. This whip was more than ten feet long, and lightning pierced the entire darkness.

The sound and light were restored. Suddenly, the quiet dark world disappeared without a trace. The sound of the flowing sea water and the sound of the crashing waves above my head came to my ears again. Although the light was not bright, it was enough to see the river in the distance. A snake-like twisting neck and a small head.

It was a bare head with eyes so small that they could not be seen, like an ugly animal that had just hatched from an egg. Then it spent all its energy growing its body and the hard shell on its back over the long years. The head never developed.

It saw the intruder, and the darkness it created was shattered by lightning, which made it very angry. It opened its mouth and roared. The sound wave was like a huge boulder, hitting the approaching humans at extremely fast speeds.

Mu Xingqiu swung the whip again, used the Nine Transformations of the Beast, and also used the spell. The lightning pierced the sound wave, but did not break it. A huge pressure hit him, and his body trembled slightly. Feeling that he was about to be pushed out of the sea, his other hand tightened his grip.

Copper seals can be used for more than just marking paths and directions. Fangfang held up the copper seal. She had only seen many spells in books and practiced them with bare hands, but she had never actually cast them with a magic weapon in hand. However, she was still very good at it, even in critical moments. On the contrary, my heart became calmer.

The writing on the seal was launched three feet away, and suddenly grew as big as a wheel, "Powerful Demon Demon", which is the most common four-character mantra on the copper seal magic weapon. At this time, it was as red as blood, forming a wall, blocking the two people. forward. (っ◔◡◔)っ

Bang. The mantra mark was shattered, but the powerful sound wave emitted by Xuanwu also revealed a large gap. It passed by the two humans and stirred up huge waves like cliffs on the sea.

The two continued to sink.

Xuanwu was a little anxious. Like those special beast monsters, it had unparalleled resistance. He can make waves in the water, but he doesn't have many sorcery skills, and his brain is not very bright. Once the limited tricks fail,

Being bullied into close proximity by the enemy. It can only take the most powerful means of resistance - shrinking into its hard shell.

The Xuanwu Demon is tall, close to the ten-foot demon king. But it uses most of its demonic power to strengthen this hard shell as thick as diamond. As long as it hides inside, it can feel completely safe.

Its iron tail is the most important weapon. It is still exerting pressure. As long as it cuts off Wugen Island in the sea, it can then attack the two tiny humans. Then everything will be easy.

Mie Shi Xuanwu turned out to be a tortoise with his head shrunk, and the shrunken head was perfectly sealed. This move was beyond Mu Xingqiu's expectation. He could only turn to Fang Fang for advice. He did, but he didn't look carefully enough and didn't remember it. So stubborn, there are vague images of Xuanwu in the book in my mind, but I can't recall any relevant records.

Fangfang nodded at him, pulled him onto the hard shell near Xuanwu's head, searched back and forth with her third eye for a while, and finally found the target, pointed to a place, and nodded to him.

At first glance, the hard shell looks no different from other parts, but upon closer inspection, you can see that it seems to have grown newly, the cracks are not so obvious, and it seems to be a little soft when you step on it.

Mu Xingqiu also nodded. The two of them had never deliberately practiced, but he already knew what he was going to do next.

The copper seal in Fangfang's hand was facing down, and she cast the mantra mark, which hit the hard shell. At the same time, Mu Xingqiu whipped out the whip in his hand, circled it, and hit the tip of Xuanwu's head directly.

Xuanwu, who was hit by the mantra mark, trembled slightly, laughing as if he was scratched. The hard armor piece blocking the shrinkage area was slightly hit, just in time to meet the lightning tip of the whip.

Xuanwu's weakest part was hit, and his whole body twisted violently, causing an unprecedented huge wave on the sea. The boat was lifted into the sky, Wugen Island tilted at a large angle, and countless casual cultivators and monsters fell into it. In the water, some were swallowed by the whirlpool, and some cast spells and jumped onto Xuanwu's back. Since they had nowhere to escape, they had to fight to the death and finally launched an attack.

Even at this time, their attack was scattered and disorganized. They neither concentrated on one place nor looked for the real weakness. They just stubbornly continued to carry out futile attacks against the hard shell.

I don't know whose spell hit the bald man's hair. He finally got rid of his restraints and immediately jumped into the sea without saying a word. However, he had no third eye and couldn't see the situation in the deep sea. He couldn't let himself dive. Instead, he was caught in a whirlpool. Inhaling it, spinning in circles and sinking, the only thing he could do was to scream "Brother Xiaoqiu, Fangfang".

It was not Brother Xiaoqiu and Fangfang who rescued him from danger, but Hong Futian.

After Hong Futian's efforts, more than thirty casual cultivators and monsters were finally willing to gather together to listen to his orders. They quickly gave up their attack on Iron Tail, which was completely meaningless. The most powerful magic attack among them It has no effect on hard armor either.

A half-demon suddenly slapped his forehead, remembering Xuanwu's weakness, "Xuanwu's head is the least vulnerable to being hit."

Hong Futian immediately took the lead and jumped into the sea, firing flames to break several whirlpools, just in time to rescue Bald Man. He just saw this head chasing Taoist Pangshan. Although he thought it was strange, he believed it was not a threat.

There were only fifteen or sixteen people who voluntarily followed Hong Futian into the water, and most of them were monsters. In comparison, they were less afraid of monsters than humans. One of them was originally from the Siren clan. Although it was in human form, it felt more comfortable after entering the water, so it took the initiative to lead the way and rushed to Xuanwu's head, while the others were responsible for breaking up the turbulence.

Soon, they came to the quiet deep sea. They all held their breath and looked at the incredible scene in the distance.

The two Pangshan Taoist priests clasped their hands together, and the male Taoist firmly grasped a whip. The whip was twenty or thirty feet long, dazzling, flashing with lightning from time to time, and the other end was inserted into the hard shell.

The tip of the whip was bitten by Xuanwu. It was whipped and suffered terribly. In anger, it bit down on the whip. The armor at the entrance of the hard shell also closed up, blocking the whip.

Xuanwu's head was hidden in a safe place, shaking gently in the hard shell, but it caused the whip to rotate greatly.

Mu Xingqiu did not compete with Xuanwu. Even if he focused on refining his body, his strength alone was still far inferior to that of the beast monster. He and Fangfang were tossed around like rag dolls by long whips, drawing large circles in the deep sea. He kept chanting incantations in his heart and struck Xuanwu's teeth and tongue with lightning. This move was useful, he could feel Xuanwu's painful trembling.

Fangfang is also constantly casting spells to stabilize the two people's bodies and reduce the centrifugal force.

Hong Futian and others were stunned when they saw it. It was definitely an impressive scene: the long whip with brilliant colors kept creating lightning, which was particularly eye-catching in the dim deep sea, like a huge wheel spinning. At the same time, the two Taoist priests at the end seemed to be involuntarily, but they did not panic in the slightest. After watching for a long time, everyone thought that the two took the initiative to circle around and attack Xuanwu.

Baldy didn't care about this, he just wanted to rush over to join Brother Xiaoqiu and Fangfang, but as soon as his hair broke away from Hong Futian's ankles, he floated towards the sea.

A head that doesn't know how to breathe in and out can't sink too deep.

Bald Man used to play in the Muma Valley Pond, and he also had his own trick. He sucked in sea water with his nostrils and spit it out through his mouth, which actually pushed him to dive a certain distance. But in this case, he could only face the target with the back of his head, and turn his head to look at it after a while.

Hong Futian couldn't figure out the details of the head, so he didn't stop it, but he woke up quickly and waved for everyone to dive with him to help the two Pangshan Taoist priests attack Xuanwu.

The leading siren only advanced a few feet and then stopped. Pointing in the distance with great horror, he suddenly turned around and floated to the sea. He would rather be a deserter in full view than participate in the battle.

This is nothing to be ashamed of, because other casual cultivators and monsters are also retreating in a hurry, and several people are rising faster than this sea monster.

Hong Futian was the only one left. He spit out a series of bubbles at Taoist Pangshan as a warning, and then he also ascended. He was willing to fight side by side with these two people, but he could not die together.

The bald man who was trying hard to dive jumped up a few feet, just in time to meet the water bubbles spit out by Hong Futian, and his speed increased greatly. He showed his face to express his gratitude, but he didn't understand why these people wanted to escape.

He turned his head to see where Brother Xiaoqiu and Fangfang were circling, but what he saw in front of him startled him.

Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang also saw it. .comm

A dragon that was tens of feet long was approaching quickly. It must have escaped from the southern battlefield. It was now opening its big mouth and rushing towards the two Pangshan Taoist priests with the force of swallowing the sky.

But compared to the World-Destroying Xuanwu, it is still a bit smaller.

Mu Xingqiu could already feel the chattering of Xuanwu's teeth. Xuanwu was not very smart and refused to let go even so. Mu Xingqiu could not give up the victory that was about to be won, especially the electric whip.

He turned to look at Fangfang again, and gave up the idea of ​​letting go and sending her to the sea, because she would not let go.

Both of them noticed the group of casual cultivators and monsters who came and fled, but they did not see the head which was just a point in the sea.

The dragon arrived, and the two of them suddenly accelerated their speed, passing by the giant mouth, and were knocked around by the current.

The dragon continued to move forward and swallowed the head that was in the way. It was really a small thing that was not easy to notice.

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