
Chapter 178 Yashan’s Mind Control Technique

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Lord Yishi is unpredictable and has many forms. He is half-demon, but he likes animal forms, especially snakes, crows, and wolves, claiming that they are the earliest ancestors of the demon clan.

Lord Yishi likes to delve into the history of the demon clan, but his origin is unknown and he has no name or surname. Even the title Lord Yishi was given by other demon clans. It is said that his demon power is boundless, and many big demons are helpless in front of him. However, he never participated in any wars. He only operated behind the scenes and taught all kinds of weird sorcery to monsters, big and small.

Swallowing monsters alive is another widely spread hobby of Lord Yishi, so the monsters who seek help from him are all frightened. No one knows whether they will obtain a powerful magic technique or be swallowed whole. The big monsters can give small monsters gifts to reduce the risk of being swallowed, but sometimes they are unlucky and anger Ishi-kun.

In order to collect ancient magic weapons, Du Fangfeng often went to the ancient battlefields and demon ruins in the land of demons to search. One day, he met a group of little demons kneeling in the snow, listening to a crow sitting on a branch telling the way of the ancient gods. Loose cultivators are human beings and usually avoid the demon clan when they are weak. Du Fangfeng overheard a few words and was actually moved. So he walked out of his hiding place, mixed with the demon clan, and listened to the teachings.

The Ancient God Religion has existed for a long time, and has declined and prospered. It was not founded by Mr. Yishi, but he not only unearthed a large number of early teachings of this sect, but also restored three idols.

Du Fangfeng took a statue of a god from a little demon at that time. They were originally hostile parties, but no one showed any caution. Everything happened naturally. But Du Fangfeng did not become a devout believer. He continued his revenge plan, hoping to attract Feng Ruhui's attention.

Many years later. As he heard more and more, he felt more and more that Lord Yishi was an unfathomable monster, so he took out the statue that he had collected for a long time and showed it to visitors. This led to Hong Futian.

Daotong greatly underestimated Lord Yishi. This is Du Fangfeng's basic view, "Maybe Hong Futian's dream can be realized in advance."

Having said this. Du Fangfeng took out his pen and ink and wrote a brief message to Feng Ruhui in the blank space of the magic text volume. He respected Yishi Jun, so he did not think that the magic text on it was written by Yishi Jun. "Yishi Jun has an extraordinary memory. Fundamentally. No need to write notes.”

Mu Xingqiu left with a bunch of confusing information. Before he left Sier Island where the monks lived, he was invited by Yashan Taoist Priest to a nearby house.

Pangshan Taoist priest Yang Baozhen stood at the door, with his back to the house, as if admiring the night scene on the street. A Yashan Taoist priest stood in front of the open window, looking in the opposite direction to Yang Baozhen. Shen Jiyi sat across from the guests.

Yashan invited Yang Baozhen here just to let Mu Xingqiu speak freely. He did not hide anything and recounted almost the exact contents of his conversation with Du Fangfeng and Hong Futian. He specifically mentioned that Hongshan would be the main target of the Northern Demon, and then took out a few things, "Du Fangfeng wrote a letter on the magic scroll and asked me to forward it to Feng Ruhui. In return, he gave me three demon coins. Dan.”

The grade of the demon elixir was very high, but Shen Jiyi just glanced at it and didn't care. He picked up the magic scroll and unfolded it, reading each word carefully, and then handed it to the Taoist priest in front of the window. The man also read it very carefully. After reading it, he handed it back to Shen Jiyi without saying anything.

"That's all? Du Fangfeng didn't say anything else, or gave you something else?" Shen Jiyi seemed a little doubtful.

"I'm not familiar with them, and I'm not bound by my oath. There's no need to hide it from you."

Shen Jiyi smiled, "Please don't be offended. Yashan spent too much time and energy on Du Fangfeng, and it is inevitable that he will overreact." Feng Ruhui's feet, we met in the imperial capital sixty years ago, and I still miss him today, Taoist Ping Ping wrote ', Du Fangfeng wrote these few words. To be honest, I was very surprised. "

"Did Yashan ask Feng Ruhui for help?" Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but ask.

Shen Jiyi shook his head, "As far as I know, no. Du Fangfeng is all wishful thinking. Yashan cannot use this kind of thing to interfere with the practice of other Taoist disciples." Shen Jiyi was reluctant to talk about this topic, "Why is he on the scroll? Writing? This is already covered with magic writing."

"He said that although the magic scroll is not valuable, it is a rare thing and I will not throw it away easily.

Shen Jiyi frowned slightly, "Mr. Yishi, everything has to do with Mr. Yishi. The ancient god religion that emerged inexplicably, the half-demon who came all the way from the land of demons to Qishan, and now even Du Fangfeng is talking to him. Got involved."

Having said everything that needed to be said, Mu Xingqiu said nothing. The Yashan Taoist priest standing by the window suddenly turned around and waved to Mu Xingqiu, his eyes soft but stern.

Shen Jiyi leaned back slightly, as if he was avoiding something.

Mu Xingqiu stood up and took a step forward, his mind suddenly jumped!

Yang Baozhen at the door showed no reaction, turned his back to the room, and did not look back at all.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Mu Xingqiu wasted no time. He quickly and smoothly stretched out his right arm, moved his lips, and said in a very soft voice: "Don't make mistakes or be weak."

"Ah!" the Taoist priest by the window yelled, as if he was burned by the flames. He shook his arm a few times and glared at Mu Xingqiu angrily. He quickly regained his composure, "As expected of a disciple of the Mind Mind Technique, such a powerful illusion."

Mu Xingqiu felt his eyes shaking for a moment, and only after he regained his balance did he realize that this Yashan Taoist priest had actually used mind control on him.

Shen Jiyi, who seldom lost his composure, stared in surprise. Mu Xingqiu was a Taoist priest with the fourth level of breathing, but he could easily block the spells of the high-ranking Taoist priests.

Mu Xingqiu experienced mind control twice in Pangshan. Each time he had to do it out of necessity and didn't like that feeling at all. Therefore, during the years of practicing in the Forbidden Secret Tower, he was always on guard against Zuo Liuying entering his mind again. , although he no longer has any secrets, years of preparation have trained him to his current reaction ability.

The Taoist priest by the window snorted and turned around, pretending not to hear it. Shen Jiyi came closer and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists, please don't misunderstand. It's about the sword-washing pool. Yashan doesn't dare to be careless. Du Fangfeng is hiding in Qishan for five years." For more than ten years, there must be something fishy about the fact that I have chosen a friend to deliver the letter.”

"Yashan wants to find out the truth. I support it very much, but please don't search in my mind. Thank you." Mu Xingqiu took back the magic scroll and walked out of the room without looking back. The bald man would go again a year later. In the sword washing pool, he had to remain polite on the surface.

There was no one on the pier. Mu Xingqiu boarded the boat and sailed into the thick sea fog. Halfway through the journey, he turned around and said, "Did you agree?"

Yang Baozhen was also on the boat. She followed Mu Xingqiu silently, "There are some truths that you may not be able to see through. There is nothing wrong with asking a high-level Taoist priest to check it out."

"Really? When are you going to cast the spell?" Mu Xingqiu was on full alert. He didn't care if it was good or not. As long as the other party casts the mind control spell, he would use all his strength to resist.

"The Yashan Taoist priest just now is also a Xingluo Daoguo. He can't penetrate your defense, and neither can I." Yang Baozhen said lightly, as if this was an ordinary and trivial matter.

As the ship was about to approach Sisan Island Pier, Mu Xingqiu said, "Only high-level Taoist priests can grasp the truth. Others only need to obey orders. Is this also a kind of truth?"

Yang Baozhen looked at him, with an expression on her face that was even more elusive than the sea fog between the Qishan Islands. "We've arrived." She said, "This is the only truth you need to know."

As autumn approaches, the sea fog disappears, but the night remains dark.

In the inn, Yang Qingyin and others were waiting for him. Since no one asked for confidentiality, Mu Xingqiu told the story again, but omitted the part where the Yashan Taoist priest tried to use mind control on him.

Fangfang was surprised, "Grandma Feng... Grandma Feng, she may not know that Du Fangfeng exists now, right?"

Yang Qingyin was disappointed, "I thought Du Fangfeng was some great thief, but he turned out to be such a fool. He stole water just to attract the attention of a female Taoist priest? Is he lying?"

"That's what he said. I don't know whether it's true or not." Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but think that although Yang Baozhen hated him to the core, her words were correct. He had never grasped the truth.

"Are we still fighting for water?" Shen Hao said coldly, "Du Fangfeng has no intention of escaping. As long as he stays in Qishan, we have no chance at all."

Xin Youtao helped Shen Hao speak, "And I heard that Du Fangfeng was not in a hurry at all. He was not exhausted. Many casual cultivators and demons could not come to Qishan themselves, so they found ways to deliver the goods and entrusted Du Fangfeng to sell them. He is Qishan The most trusted businessman has countless money and is as rich as the country, and he doesn’t worry about not being able to pay the rent.”

Yang Qingyin remained silent, unwilling to admit defeat just like that. Xiao Qingtao said softly: "Don't we want to refine the magic weapon as soon as possible so that we can participate in the decisive battle at Luanjing Mountain? So it's not that we don't want to seize water, it's the situation that forces us to do so. , had to leave early.”

Yang Qingyin pointed at her and smiled, "You are right."

Shen Hao and Xin Youtao looked at each other, with a hint of disdain in their eyes, but they were also a little afraid of my mother, and they did not dare to continue the sarcasm.

"Let's set off early tomorrow morning." Yang Qingyin said loudly. Her thoughts had already turned to Luanjing Mountain. "It just so happens that we can pass by Hongshan to see the situation. The North Demon wants to sneak attack Hongshan? Haha, I guess They can’t even climb to the top of the mountain.”

Everyone said goodbye, and the bald man had been "sleeping" on the table. His sleeping posture was a bit scary, with his mouth half open, eyes wide open, not even blinking, completely still. Only those who were used to this would know that he was still alive.

Fangfang walked at the end and said with some confusion: "Grandma Feng...isn't that kind of person."

Mu Xingqiu couldn't answer. The short and fat old woman who lived in seclusion in a small town entrusted a dream to the young man in Yelin Town to take away Fangfang's conspirator. She was the victim of Ning Qiwei's premature severing of mortal ties, causing Du Fangfeng, a casual cultivator, to become a conspirator. The thief's beauty is the source of trouble...

He couldn't see Feng Ruhui's true face clearly.

Early the next morning, Mu Xingqiu and others were unable to leave Qishan because Du Fangfeng suddenly announced that the bottle of sword-washing water would be auctioned at the market. No one wanted to miss this excitement.

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