
Chapter 181 The Successor of Mind

The treasure bag was clean on the outside, but the magic scroll inside was stained with a drop of blood.

Mu Xingqiu leaned over and glanced at the four companions who had entered a state of contemplation. He was confused and opened the scroll halfway to read the words Du Fangfeng left on it. The demon clan's methods are indeed becoming more and more unpredictable, and even the orthodox can't see through them. Du Fangfeng's self-destruction at Qishan Market is an example. It is not too difficult to leave a drop of blood through the treasure bag.

What puzzled Mu Xingqiu was, why did Du Fangfeng do this?

He put away the scroll and decided to keep this secret. After refining the magic weapon and returning to Pangshan, he would tell all the truth to Lin Sa, who was the only person in the Taoist tradition that he trusted.

After making the decision, he put the treasure bag containing the scroll aside and was finally able to think without interruption.

Bamo Cave is a Taoist prison, and the purpose of staying here is to visit the tragic scenes inside, so as to abide by Taoist precepts more firmly.

Killing fellow Taoists, colluding with demons, and causing harm to the world are the three major crimes for being imprisoned in the Demon-Batting Cave. Before entering the thinking state, Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but think of Shen Geng, the Taoist disciple who killed Erliang. After five years of thinking about my mistakes, I was practicing in Yangshen Peak, but I was not sent here.

Of course, Erliang didn't have a condensing elixir. Strictly speaking, he was not a "comrade." He was just a person, and he could not bring harm to the world. Moreover, it was a competition organized by the Dujiao, and Meng Yuanhou was judged to bear the greatest responsibility. In Pangshan Lao Zufeng's view, tragedy does not fall within the scope of "killing fellow comrades", but Mu Xingqiu will never forget the scene at that time. What he saw in Shen Geng's eyes was cruelty and ruthlessness.

He exhaled gently to clear away distracting thoughts.

He will see the same illusion as Ba Mo Cave. It is said that this is a relatively small void place controlled by the Taoism. This "visit" will not only understand the fate of the Taoism rebels, but also experience the experience of the demons.

There was a gray sky in front of me, as if it was drizzling, and there was absolute silence. Not even the sound of a heartbeat. There was a dim light not far ahead, and Mu Xingqiu stepped forward. He knew that this was an illusion, and he also knew that he would not be in danger, so he was not timid in his heart, but he was just curious to see the whole prison.

He had read in the book that the Demonic Cave is divided into three major areas: the silent place where one feels self-pity, the uncovered place where one is exposed, and the selfless place where one's soul flies away.

As a visitor, Mu Xingqiu didn't have any special feelings in the silent land, but he didn't like this kind of darkness that even his third eye couldn't penetrate, so he quickened his pace and ran towards the bright place.

What seemed like a short distance actually took a long time to complete. Since we are in an illusion,

Perhaps even "a long time" is a false feeling. Nian Xinke is best at illusions, but the information is scarce. Mu Xingqiu has been practicing for several years and is only at the elementary level. He immediately admires the magic of pulling out the magic cave.

The sun was shining directly, and even though he knew it was all an illusion, Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his eyes, and immediately realized that it was useless. The light comes from all directions. Even if you close your eyes and block it with your hands, it still feels dazzling and dazzling. This place is even more unbearable than the silent place. He ran forward impatiently, hoping to reach the land of no self as soon as possible.

He seemed to have lost his footing and suddenly fell into a deep pool. His eyes were getting darker and darker, and his body turned over involuntarily. He kept flipping over, and no matter how hard he concentrated his will, he could not regain his balance. It took him a while to realize. He can't control his body because he doesn't have a body at all.

This was a visit, Mu Xingqiu comforted himself, letting his thoughts turn back and forth, and finally felt down to earth. Starting from his toes, he regained the feeling of his entire body.

He stood on the smooth white jade floor, the light was soft, and the birds were chirping. Looking down, he saw that his body and limbs were all intact.

The visit to the Bamo Cave is coming to an end. It is enough for visitors to feel a little bit of the misery and fear here. There is no need for an overly realistic experience. There is a door not far ahead. After opening it, you can return to the alcove.

Mu Xingqiu took in a breath of fresh air. Fortunately, Xingshan was not too harsh on the disciples who wanted to pull out the magic cave, but it was enough to impress the Taoist priests. The first thing he thought about after coming out was that he must not be Being imprisoned in a place like this, my second thought is, has anyone been imprisoned in these years?

Mu Xingqiu walked towards the door, feeling happy that he was about to return to the real cave.

"Stay," said a voice.

Mu Xingqiu stopped and looked back, confirming that the sound came from the dark curtain he had just stepped out of. According to his prior understanding, this was not included in the visit to the Demon Cave.

"Aren't you curious?" the voice asked, it was a woman.

"What are you curious about?"

"You have learned the illusion of mind for so long, but you have never entered the palace."

Mu Xingqiu was shocked, "Who are you?"

"I'm the one who wants to help you." A hand stretched out from the darkness, only reaching the elbow. It was black at first, and soon became as white as snow, no less than the white jade floor. The palm was upward, and the fingers were slightly bent. , with nothing in his hands, he still seemed overwhelmed, as soft as a bone, and seemed to be hanging down at any time, "'The power of one thought can beat the hearts of all enemies', you haven't understood the essence of the mind-reading spell yet."

"Are you the successor of Nian Xin Ke?" Mu Xingqiu was even more surprised. Then his reaction was to concentrate his will to fight against the voice in the dark. Based on his understanding of the Taoism, this would never be a good thing. It might be a trick of the Xingshan Taoist priests. Tricks, they are probably as interested in reality and fantasy as Asan.

There are 29 descendants of the Nianxin School on the Patriarch Tower, and their names are all hidden. There is no relevant record in the books of the Forbidden Secret Tower. Mu Xingqiu can't even ask which descendant the other party is. He thought of another question: "You? The Nianxin School is so powerful, why are you still imprisoned?"

"Hehe, because in the nine Taoist sects, there are not only spells but also conspiracies and tricks. Come here, let me see how far you have learned the Nine Changes of Leading Beasts?"

Mu Xingqiu didn't move, "You should have died long ago." Although he didn't know the names of the 29 female descendants, he knew that the Nianxin School had been interrupted for a long time, and even the Taoist priests who took the sun mang couldn't live that long.

A sad laugh came from the dark curtain, which was consistent with the faces in Mu Xing's memory, "Death? The Demon Cave is death, how can we be allowed to die again? Being locked up here is a punishment. It will never end."

Mu Xingqiu was even more unwilling to go. He had no good feelings for the Mind Reading Department, and was forced to join this department. The hatred hidden in the female voice made him feel even less close, "Do you want to use me to escape the Demon Cave, or do you want to take revenge through me?"

"Alas, you are a little Taoist priest in the Breathing Realm, what ability can I use? I just don't want to see the Mind Reading Art cut off, the demons are about to counterattack, and the Eighteen Departments of the Taoist Tradition should not be missing the Mind Reading Department."

When Grandmaster Ning Qiwei solemnly said that the demons would return to the human world within a thousand years. Mu Xingqiu still felt that he had received special treatment, but he didn't expect to hear this sentence everywhere on this trip. Not only did the half-demon Hong Futian always talk about it, but even the Mind Reading Successor who had been imprisoned for many years actually talked about it.

"You chose the wrong person." Mu Xingqiu took a step back, "You shouldn't have chosen me in the first place. I'm not interested in mind reading and illusion. I won't practice it after I lead the beast to nine transformations." The female voice smiled gently and stretched out her arms a little longer. "Are you not interested in controlling the world? Are you not interested in the unique Taoist school? You have the ability. Because you withstood the power of the spell, the person in front of you went crazy, but you didn't, which means you are born for illusion..." "Going crazy... You mean Mei Chuan'an? Did you deliberately let him learn the five-word spell?" "Not just him. There are many others, but some have too strong magic power and are unmoved, some have too weak will. They dare not recite, and some are too deeply trapped and fall into the devil's way. And you are unique, you are the one we are looking for, there is nothing wrong with it. Come, let me show you the true meaning of illusion. It won't be long before you can surpass the nine Taoist schools. They have declined and will continue to decline..." The female voice became more and more excited, and her five fingers swayed in the wind like willows, like calling, and like begging. Mu Xingqiu took a step closer as if possessed, and the five fingers swung more and more gently, "Come on, only you and Nian Xinke are the future hope of the Taoist sect. One day, you will defeat the demons and become the savior of the world..." After taking another step, Mu Xingqiu suddenly shook his head and stepped back, "If you want to teach illusion, just tell me, there is no need for me to go over." "Careful Taoist, you have a willpower that ordinary people can't reach. This is a good thing. Nian Xinke didn't make a mistake." The arm slowly retracted, and only the palm was left. "Okay, let me tell you, that is..." The arm unexpectedly stretched out and extended, like a snake, rushing straight to the target more than ten steps away. Mu Xingqiu was already alert and reacted quickly. He turned over and jumped back, but the palm still rushed to less than half a foot in front of him. The palm that was originally soft and boneless now looked as sharp as a sword. A finger resisted the palm that continued to attack. This finger stretched out from Mu Xingqiu, but it didn't belong to him. Mu Xingqiu was so surprised that he almost cried out. After calming down, he quickly realized that this was the credit of the head of the Forbidden Secret Department.

Zuo Liuying appeared, just like in Yashan, but it took shape faster. A foot-tall little man sat cross-legged in the air, pinching different spells with his hands to block the slender arm.

"A trick." The female voice shouted, and her palm pushed forward suddenly. The small Zuo Liuying was covered with cracks, obviously unable to resist the opponent's attack.

But Mu Xingqiu still got a little time, anh.m turned and ran to the door. Regardless of whether the current illusion was part of the Demon Cave, he had to get rid of it.

The door didn't open, he hit it heavily, but there was no reaction, and he pulled the door knocker, but it didn't work.

There was a sound behind him, and Mu Xingqiu turned around and found that Zuo Liuying, who was blocking him, had disappeared.

The hand slowly approached, and the arm behind it stretched longer and longer. "Perfect." The female voice was full of joy, "You are a perfect successor."

Less than three feet away from Mu Xingqiu, the hand suddenly stopped, and the voice became alert, even a little terrified, "What are you carrying? How come you have..."

Mu Xingqiu didn't say a word. He saw a small black dot rising from his right hand, and finally became the size of a fingernail, all black, and looked like a little demon, but the image was not very clear.

This is not a little demon, but a magic character in the scroll.

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