
Chapter 196 I remember you

Mu Xingqiu and others were about to fly to the top of the mountain when they were attracted by the sound in the grass on the roadside. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

The little Taoist priest was lying on the grass, looking at the white smoke in the sky, and suddenly felt sad. Death came suddenly, and he was not ready for it. This made him feel humiliated. He took a deep breath, and then whispered the words he had learned. Ning Shen Wen hopes to regain the peace of mind as a practitioner.

When he saw several familiar faces, tears burst into his eyes, which made him feel even more humiliated. "Help me, Seventh Sister, help me." He begged, his eyes blurred by tears, and the white smoke in the air suddenly became thicker. Several times, "Taoism is boundless, isn't it? Help me, Pangshan has a lot of miraculous medicines, and there are also those amazing Taoist priests. They can make me recover as before without using anything, right?"

Several Pangshan disciples were speechless and looked at the little Taoist priest with pity. There was a hole the size of a fist in his chest. What was pouring out was not blood, but a stream of white smoke. He was trying to rise up to meet the sky. The thicker white smoke merged.

The little Taoist priest is a member of the Yang family, named Seventh Sister Yang Qingyin, and is not her biological brother.

"Seventh sister, why don't you speak? Come closer and help me..."

Yang Qingyin broke free from Xiao Qingtao's obstruction, knelt on the ground, gently wiped away the tears from the little Taoist priest's eyes, and said seriously: "Don't be stupid, Taoism is boundless, but it is not omnipotent. You know it very well. Why. Want to cry? We have been prepared since birth."

"I...I...haven't gone down the mountain yet."

"It's just like that outside, full of people, dirty and crowded. Ancestor Peak is the best place in the world. I would rather stay here forever."

The little Taoist priest laughed weakly, "Then I will stay here forever." He thought for a while, and his expression gradually calmed down, "My inner elixir only has the second level of inhalation, will it be useful to Pang Shan?"

"Even the newly formed inner elixir is useful. Not just for Pang Shan, but also for the Nine Dao Traditions."

The little Taoist priest held his breath, but failed, "I can't exert myself."

"I'll help you."

Xiao Qingtao reminded softly: "White smoke is poisonous.

Yang Qingyin nodded, placed her right hand on the lower Dantian of the little Taoist priest, and slowly input a burst of magic power. The little Taoist priest himself was also working hard. After a while, he spit out a light yellow inner elixir from his mouth, floating on his mouth for a few seconds. inch of place.

"The Tao fire will never be extinguished." Yang Qingyin said.

He stretched out his hand to hold the inner elixir, and stood up quickly, "The instantaneous platform on the top of the mountain needs help." After saying that, the first sword rose up, avoiding the white smoke, and flew quickly towards the top of the mountain.

The others followed closely behind her, and no one looked at the little Taoist priest again. The little Taoist priest no longer begged for others' attention and help. He handed over the inner elixir and found that death was silent. Not at all as scary as imagined.

The little Taoist priest's entire body emitted a shimmering light, and the wound on his chest no longer emitted white smoke.

Not just him, the entire Laozu Fengtai Courtyard was glowing with light, including the buildings, plants, and statues. Even the dust floating in the air is glowing. Pangshan, a mountain that has been in operation for hundreds of thousands of years, feels an unprecedented threat and is making a powerful response. It restrained the white smoke that stretched across the sky and prevented it from spreading.

The tower man with the huge skeleton on his head was not in a hurry to fight and moved slowly. He grabbed the white smoke with both hands and swallowed it in big gulps.

The wolf demon on the top of the peak stood motionless, raising its head toward the sky. It seemed to be howling, but there was no sound. The white smoke passed through its body and drew towards the other side of the Ancestor Peak.

There are people on the shoulders, on all layers of the body, and behind the feet of the tower people. Hundreds of Pangshan Taoist priests are using its cover to cast heavy spells on the wolf demon.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and countless five-element spells flew towards the wolf demon like fireworks all over the sky. Most of them fell to the ground before they could fly. Only a dozen or so spells could hit the target without causing serious damage.

Yang Qingyin and others immediately landed on the tower and used the magic weapons they had just made to cast spells. They immediately understood why Taoist Pangshan's attack was weak.

The white smoke was like a magnet, attracting the five elements of spells to fly towards it. The closer it got, the weaker the spells became, and finally fell helplessly. Only the spells of a few high-level Taoist priests could continue to fly, but there was not much magic left.

"Come closer!" Yang Qingyin shouted, wondering why the Skeleton Tower man was still walking slowly.

"No!" Someone shouted from the lower level of the tower: "Get rid of the unclean air first."

Yang Qingyin understood and continued to cast fireballs. Although the white smoke could weaken the power of the spell, it would also be damaged. She just didn't know how many spells it would take to exhaust the thick white smoke.

Mu Xingqiu was one of the very few who did not participate in the battle. He flew around the skeleton tower man with his sword and shouted Fangfang's name loudly, but there was no response. When he was about to reach the height of the tower man's shoulders, Shen Hao shouted to him: "There are no Forbidden Secrets disciples here!"

He continued to rise, avoiding the giant hands and big mouths of the tower people, and came to the left eye of the skeleton, and asked loudly: "Where are the disciples of the Forbidden Secret Department?"

Yang Xi, the leader of the Discipline Department, was one of the two leaders who stayed in Pangshan. He was also the manipulator of the Skeleton Tower people and the commander of the battle. He had no time to deal with an ordinary disciple. With a wave of his hand, Mu Xingqiu fell more than ten feet. Barely stopped.

A Taoist priest who looked familiar shouted to him: "Wuzu Hall, the Forbidden Secret Department is all in Wuzu Hall."

Mu Xingqiu thanked him and flew towards the Wuzu Hall. Shen Hao caught up and said, "I'll go with you. Do you still want this thing?"

The brown deer was still being held on Shen Hao's shoulders, controlled by the bald man, with meek eyes, unaware of the fierce battle taking place around him.

"Take it with you." Mu Xingqiu took the brown deer from Shen Hao's shoulder.

Wuzu Hall is on the other side of Laozu Peak. The two flew around and found that the white smoke was passing over Wuzu Hall. In the courtyard, a group of Taoist priests were concentrating on casting spells, using a protective shield to hold up the white smoke for several feet. , don't let it touch anything in Wu Zutang.

Fangfang was inside, smiling at the two people flying over, saying nothing, and continued to concentrate on casting spells. Behind her stood Lan Qizhang, and next to her was Lin Sa, both holding magic weapons and raising their heads to fight against the white smoke in the sky.

Mu Xingqiu and Shen Hao were unable to enter the protective shield, so they asked loudly: "What do we need to do?"

Lin Sa spoke, "Go help others and get the wolf demon to leave the top of the mountain. We are protecting the Patriarch Tower."

Yangshen Peak Patriarch Pagoda is just a clone, its body is very small. Mu Xingqiu had never seen it before, and he quietly understood that Zuo Liuying, who had never shown up, was protecting the Patriarch Tower.

Mu Xingqiu nodded and flew towards the skeleton tower man on the other side of the mountain. An idea came to his mind halfway and he flew towards the top of the mountain.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Hao shouted in panic from behind.

"You go to the Forbidden Secret Tower." Mu Xingqiu slowed down, turned around and said, "I want to see if Qi Wushang still remembers it."

Shen Hao was shocked. The wolf demon on the top of the mountain was obviously performing some kind of witchcraft ritual. Hundreds of Pangshan Taoist priests and Skeleton Tower people did not dare to approach. Mu Xingqiu was fighting against a brown deer that was no different from an ordinary animal. He actually tried to awaken the memory of the wolf demon.

"Xiao Qiu..." As soon as Shen Hao shouted, Mu Xingqiu had already flown far away. After thinking for a while, he decided to go to the Forbidden Secret Tower to inform others, lest the Taoist priests would shoot down his fellow Taoists as monsters.

Mu Xingqiu suddenly felt a lot of resistance. He was not far away from the wolf demon, and the influence of the white smoke on the magic here became more obvious. His sword control skills were not so good, and not only did his speed drop seriously. The body is also swaying.

His practice was far from enough to escape the restrictions, so he retreated a distance and flew upwards suddenly. After far exceeding the height of the white smoke, it flew over the head of the wolf demon, circled in a small circle, and faced its one eye.

The huge wolf demon is like a statue that suddenly grew out of the Ancestor Peak. He was in a half-squatting position, just covering the instantaneous platform under his belly. The long and dense black hair was like pieces of reeds swaying in the wind. Occasionally, he was hit by spells, and his black hair was scorched or cut off, but the wolf demon didn't care at all and continued to raise his head and silently call to the north.

"Bald man, you can come down now."

The bald man immediately untied a few strands of hair tied around the brown deer's neck and flexibly fell on Mu Xingqiu's other shoulder.

The brown deer regained consciousness and found himself hanging in the air, and immediately let out a cry of terror.

"Qi Wushang!" Mu Xingqiu used his magic to make a cry that enveloped the entire mountain, hoping to attract the attention of the wolf demon.

The Taoist priests on the Skeleton Tower looked at the sky in surprise. Compared with the huge wolf demon, the flying Taoist priests and brown deer with swords looked so small that most viewers could not even see the bald man.

"Is he crazy?" Yang Xi, the leader, was angry. Pangshan was facing an unprecedented crisis, and there were actually disciples flying around disobeying orders.

"That brown deer is the Demon Queen." Shen Hao flew back as fast as he could, reminding everyone that a Taoist priest was flying towards the wolf demon before he could explain the reason.

"Stupid, the demon king is ruthless, how can you care about an animal?" Yang Xi controlled the skeleton tower people to continue to swallow the white smoke, and ordered all the Taoist priests in the tower: "Continue to attack the wolf demon and let it know how powerful Pang Shan is!"

Hundreds of spells were shot towards the top of the mountain, but they all avoided the Taoist priest in the air.

"The white smoke has become weaker!" a Taoist priest shouted excitedly. All the Taoist priests felt it. The five-element spells they sent out were more powerful, and more and more spells got rid of the attraction of the white smoke and directly hit the wolf demon's body.

Mu Xingqiu did not give up. He raised the brown deer with both hands and shouted at the wolf demon: "Qi Wushang, remember? This is the demon queen. You have a fragment of the demon pill still hidden in its body. nshco You don't want to take it back. go?"

The wolf demon slowly closed his mouth, lowered his head slightly, and stared at the little man and the brown deer in front of him with his only eye. The circles of gray and black eyes were like a portal to the unknown.

"I remember you." The wolf demon spoke, and his deep voice echoed the thunder in the north. He jumped up suddenly, and his body instantly turned into thick black smoke. Like a black dragon with a wolf head, it soared into the sky and turned in the high-altitude air conditioner. , opened its huge mouth, and pounced on the tiny Taoist priest and brown deer.

The white smoke across the Old Ancestor Peak suddenly became thinner and disappeared without a trace with a bang. The Skeleton Tower people strode towards the top of the mountain. The Taoist priests could clearly see that the Instantaneous Platform had been broken into pieces, and the copper tripod at the four corners tilted and fell to the ground.

Everyone understood what this meant: Pangshan was isolated and could only rely on a small number of high-level Taoist priests and a large number of inspiratory Taoist priests to fight against the wolf demon.

The Jinghu Village at the foot of the mountain was already a sea of ​​fire. More than a dozen behemoths wrapped in fireballs flew from the north, getting closer and closer to Laozu Peak.

In full view of everyone, the wolf demon swallowed up the Taoist priest and the brown deer in the air.

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