
Chapter 308 Whose scroll is it?

The white insect squirmed in Feiba's hand, and its mouthless and eyeless head seemed to be smelling the mysterious smell. After a moment, it found its target, nodded frequently and shouted at the treasure bag on the sword Taoist's waist. A silent call. ..

The magic scroll was automatically squeezed out of the treasure bag, and Mu Xingqiu, who was concentrating on soul identification, didn't notice it at all.

The scroll unfolded and flew very slowly, like a butterfly dancing above the flowers, rising and falling, not interested in the bug in Feiba's hand.

Feiba's face turned red with anxiety, but he didn't dare to take another step closer. He just whispered in a very low voice: "Come back, come back... you are mine... I have been waiting for you for so long..."

With a pop, the white bug was crushed, and the mucus flowed all over his hand. Feiba was startled. He squatted down first, then immediately changed his mind, jumped forward, and grabbed the falling scroll. Without a wooden leg for support, he fell to the ground, only three or four feet away from Mu Xingqiu's feet.

Feiba lay motionless for a while, slowly squirming backwards, leaving a twisted scratch on the ground. He didn't get up until more than ten steps later, standing precariously on one leg, holding the scroll in both hands. On both sides, the expressions on the faces looked like crying and laughing, "Finally...finally...the annoying human scrawled on it." Feiba gave up and murmured: "Only the place where Yishi-kun has bitten Only then can the scroll show its true face.”

The half-demon's face showed unprecedented determination. He stretched out his hand to dig at the scar on his broken leg. His whole body was shaking like a sieve, and large drops of sweat were streaming down his face. However, he remained silent and moved to the scroll with a little blood on his fingers. When smearing on the scroll, new words appear on it. He smiled, his efforts finally paid off.

"My Ten Thousand Demon Scroll, my Ten Thousand Demon Scroll, finally...I finally got you." Feiba gently held the scroll in his arms, tears streaming down his thin face, and he didn't care about the blood drops on his broken leg. After a while he stopped crying and raised the scroll with both hands. Looking at the sun and admiring it carefully, "Yishi-kun, Yishi-kun, you can't believe it, I..."

"I thought you were Ishi-kun." A voice suddenly sounded.

Feiba jumped up like a frightened bird, fell heavily, and sat on the ground, holding the scroll tightly with both hands, looking around: Mu Xingqiu was still concentrating on identifying the soul. Oblivious to what was going on around him, the bald man's head stopped in mid-air, with his eyes open but without any expression. He was obviously still in a comatose state. "How could a little demon steal the Scroll of Ten Thousand Demons from Mr. Ishi? And it has multiple memories?" The voice said to itself.

"Left...Taoist?" Feiba was very timid. He hoped that his guess was wrong. He only heard a few words from Zuo Liuying, but he was deeply impressed.

"Insect. You hid part of your memory in the insect's body, and deliberately confused your memory. In this way, you deceived the Taoist priest Qishan.

Almost deceived me too. "

Feiba was convinced that this was Zuo Liuying's voice. He kicked on the ground with one leg, moved back a certain distance, and stared at the bald man. The voice came from inside his head.

A ray of light shot out from the hairpin on the bald man's head. Hit the half-demon's injured leg. Feiba seemed to have been burned by fire, kicking around with one leg. After stepping back a few feet, several white bugs burst out from the wound and were left in place, shaking their heads blankly on the green moss.

"Bone-eating worm." Zuo Liuying could not only speak through Bald Man, but also see through him. "The little animal used by the demon clan to heal wounds can actually be used to carry memories and summon Ten Thousand Demonic Scrolls. This is Is your ability something that Mr. Yishi taught you?”…

"The Scroll of Ten Thousand Demons is mine." Feiba only cared about this one thing and hugged the scroll tighter. "I am not an enemy of Taoism, nor do I harm humans. I want the Scroll of Ten Thousand Demons. It... can Heal my leg, yes, that's it, it will make me grow a new leg. I am a poor little demon with low abilities and no fighting against the world. I beg you. Let me go. You are a big shot. Even Mr. Ishi has said that I hope to compete with you face to face. I, I am nothing, let me go. I just want to heal my leg and then find a place to die without a trace. This remaining life is really..."

The hairpin on the bald man's head emitted a second ray of light, hitting the half-demon's forehead. Feiba was stunned for a moment, and even his hands holding the scroll relaxed. Then a third ray of light came, targeting his broken leg.

Dozens more white bone-eating worms came out and squirmed on the ground. Suddenly they all burrowed into the moss and quickly disappeared without leaving any traces.

Feiba regained consciousness and reached out to touch the broken leg. He found that the bleeding had stopped, not a single bone-eating worm was left, and all the wounds were healed. He couldn't help but be horrified, "You, what did you do?"

"I took away all your memories, including the memories in the Bone-Eating Insect." Zuo Liuying's voice paused for a moment, "It's very interesting."

Feiba swallowed hard. He injected the most important memories into the bone-eating worm. These memories would return to his mind at midnight every night. Depending on the situation, he would decide whether to stay or return to the worm. Left Liuying took away all the memories and the bugs were gone, which meant that he could no longer remember the things that had not returned to his mind.

But as long as the Ten Thousand Demonic Scroll is still in his arms, missing a few memories doesn't seem to matter. "I, can I go?"

"It turns out that you came to Qishan to wash away the dust on the outside of the Ten Thousand Demons Scroll. You didn't dare to go to Yashan to wash the sword pool, so you had to go to Qishan to find Du Fangfeng. He had a bottle of water for the sword pool." Zuo Liuying understood. Everything, "Ishi-kun taught you some weird sorcery, because... he was in a good mood after... eating your legs."

Feiba started to cry. He hid the memory of Lord Yishi teaching him sorcery, but the memory of his legs being swallowed was still in his mind. He was frightened and cried, "I am a poor little demon... please Please let me go"

"You hope to seek revenge from Mr. Yishi one day." Zuo Liuying was indifferent to the half-demon's pleas. "You also want to become a big demon or a giant demon and trample all the demons you have bullied under your feet. You want to eat as much as you want. Human flesh, you think it’s the most delicious food in the world.”

"I...I don't remember, I forgot everything, please..." Feiba fell to the ground and cried bitterly. He really did not remember those oaths he had made secretly. He stored them all in the bone-eating worm, but the Taoist priest took them all away, "Let me take it away, I want it, I don't want anything, really, I don't want anything..."

Feiba kept kowtowing and begging for a while before stopping. Because Zuo Liuying didn't speak anymore, "Taoist Zuo?"

The bald man was as dull as a wood carving.

"Taoist Zuo?" Feiba called out again, but still got no response. He slowly stood up, jumping and stopping, and gradually approached his head.

The bald man still didn't speak, and the shriveled demon heart hidden in his hair suddenly flashed.

Feiba was stunned and stretched out his trembling arms. I wanted to take off the shiny little thing, but at this moment, thunder suddenly sounded in the distance. Feiba shivered out of habit and turned his head to look around. He was surrounded by towering ancient trees and couldn't see anything. However, various noises continued, shaking the entire forest, and large areas of moss fell off the trees. Mottled bark is exposed.

"A fight started?" The confusion on Feiba's face gradually turned into surprise. He turned around in a circle, and the sounds in the distance became louder and louder, "A fight started, a fight started! The Taoist priests can't control me, I... …I……"…

Feiba was so excited that he could hardly speak. He glanced at Mu Xingqiu, the noise was so violent. The Taoist priest didn't move either. "You are a good person, but you only treat me as a bug. You never believe that I am the descendant of the Demon Queen. I can't beat you now, and I can't prove anything. Just wait, I have the Ten Thousand Demon Scrolls. Goodbye, human being. Goodbye, then. I'll give you a big treat..."

Feiba turned around and was surprised first: the head in the air was blinking.

"What are you nagging about?" Bald Man looked confused. He had never liked Feiba and was wary of him. "Hey, isn't this Brother Xiaoqiu's scroll? How did it get into your hands?"

Feiba almost knelt down and begged for mercy, but he quickly realized that although the head looked weird, it didn't know magic, so he didn't need to be afraid, "This is mine, it has always been mine, and the Demon Emperor's relics should be returned to the Emperor." Owned by descendants, I..."

"You're a thief!" The bald man rushed up and was about to bite the half-demon's throat. Feiyue hurriedly released a hand and grabbed the bun of his head. He found that the opponent's strength was not small, so he tried his best to throw him away. go out.

Feiba didn't hesitate anymore, jumped a few steps, picked up the wooden leg on the ground, and used it as a crutch before he could install it. He panicked and ran away in the opposite direction of the loud noise. "What's mine is mine." He strode away. While muttering to himself, "I am a descendant of the Demon Queen, and I want to be the King of Demons..."

Baldy made a circle and caught up with him. This time he no longer spoke to warn the enemy, but moved close to the ground like he used to hunt in the wilderness forest. When he reached Feiba's feet, he jumped up and bit the half-demon's right hand. Hold on to the scroll inside.

Feiba was caught off guard and the scroll almost fell out of his hand. He hurriedly threw away the wooden leg, grabbed the scroll with both hands, shook it hard, and shouted angrily: "Let go, you monster, this is mine!"

The bald man has only his head left, and most of his strength is concentrated on the two incomplete rows of teeth in the middle. It looks weak when there is nowhere to apply force. Once it bites, it will not let go even to death.

Feiba was furious. He was afraid of Lord Yishi and the demon clan, and of Taoist priests and humans, but he was not afraid of a young boy's head. He swung his hands and smashed the head against the nearest ancient tree, "Go to hell!"

With a bang, . ksh.c The ground shook violently, and Feiba couldn't help but look up. A cloud of mist passed by in the sky above his head, with many Taoist priests standing shadowy on it.

Hiss, just when Feiba was stunned, Bald Man hit the tree, but instead of breaking into pieces, he tore the scroll into two halves, one half in his mouth and the other half in Feiba's hand.

"No!" Feiba's heart also broke. His words attracted the attention of the clouds above his head, and several Taoist priests descended from the sky. He made a decision in an instant, lying on the ground, using his hands and feet, and carried half of the scroll towards the forest. Escape into the depths.

Baldy felt dizzy, but he still bit one end of the scroll in his mouth. He didn't know that Feiba had run away, thinking that he was still fighting for it, so he swallowed the scroll with a big mouth, no matter what material was in his mouth, or what it was. How important is it and whether it is harmful?

Continuous loud noises shook down a large number of leaves, and finally one piece suppressed the candle that was stopped in mid-air.

Mu Xingqiu woke up and saw three Taoist priests falling to the ground, three Luanjingshan Taoist priests with ring buns.

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