
Chapter 319 Zuo Liuying!

Ning Qiwei saw that his heart was glowing, getting brighter and brighter. The only thing he could do and had been doing was to concentrate all his magic power on the Zhongdantian Jiang Palace to resist the incomparable power, which was like a poisonous snake. Drilling into the chest, the sharp teeth have bitten into the heart, only to inject venom.

Feng Ruhui looked through the body in front of her, treating it as a mere shield. She wanted to protect the Siming Ding, which was her beloved thing and person.

After all, the Siming Cauldron was just a magical weapon, and she needed to cast the spell to retain the soul that struggled to escape. Both it and she need the soul, which is their communication bridge, but now there is the heart of a once beloved person lying in the middle.

The stalemate will end soon.

The only person on the top of the mountain who stayed away from the incident was Lan Bingju. Looking at the light on Grandmaster Pangshan's chest, she had a premonition that something bad was about to happen. This had nothing to do with her identity as a Taoist priest of the Yin and Yin Department, and was completely an instinctive alertness. She turned around and flew back to the carriage, immediately using the Fish-Dragon Formation.

The formation had already been arranged. Thousands of casual cultivators took their positions in the rain, silently complaining about the ruthlessness and cruelty of the Mage King. However, when the formation started to operate, all these thoughts disappeared. They were willing to become a tiny part of the formation. A strong whole.

A huge human figure taller than the mountain peak appeared in the night rain, stretching out two hands to block Lan Bingqu's body.

Lan Bingju looked around, looking for Zuo Liuying's figure. The little bastard should have appeared. This was the moment that decided the outcome. He could ignore the life and death of the grandmaster, but he could not ignore the whereabouts of his soul.

But the head of Pangshan's Forbidden Secret Department still remained mysterious. Lan Bingju could see the fighting situation on the other side of Luanjing Mountain. The few attackers retreated. This was an inevitable result. With only a few Pangshan breathing disciples and It is impossible for dozens of Dengzhuke Taoist priests to defeat Luanjing Mountain. The strange thing is those Pangshan Five Elements Taoist priests - they were just waiting and watching at first, but after the Qingyan of Siming Ding arrived, they were controlled again. Joining the Luanjingshan camp, when the Pangshan camp was defeated and retreated, they gave up the pursuit and retreated with their comrades.

This can only mean one thing. Si Ming Ding's control over them is rapidly weakening, and Feng Ruhui is concentrating all his strength on Ning Qiwei.

"Is there any better time than this?" Lan Bingju murmured to himself, more urgently than anyone else, "Zuo Liuying, Zuo Liuying, where are you hiding? Why haven't you appeared yet?"

Si Mingding finally collapsed completely.

Souls and spirits are invisible things, and their existence can only be felt through spells and with the help of magic weapons. Mu Xingqiu felt it. Something is approaching the Frost Soul Sword,

Slowly but unwaveringly, at the same time, his pressure was greatly relieved, and Si Mingding seemed... unable to compete with him for his soul.

The bald man put his head on Ning Qiwei's back and shouted, hoping to provide the grandmaster with some insignificant help.

The black whip struck, entangled the bald man and threw him high into the sky. This throw was extremely powerful. The head disappeared instantly, and it took a while for the sharp scream to reach the ground.

Mu Xingqiu could only do this. Although he summoned the soul, Ning Qiwei obviously couldn't hold on anymore. Just by seeing Lan Curling's posture as if facing a formidable enemy, one would know how much destruction Feng Ruhui's attack would bring.

He continued to cast spells to attract the soul. As for what would happen next moment, he didn't care at all. Bald Man will live on, and Pangshan will take care of him for the rest of his life.

With Feng Ruhui's smile, Ning Qiwei's body melted. The light in his heart suddenly turned into a ball of dazzling white fire. The fire tore through his body and was swallowing him whole, causing pain that penetrated into the bone marrow. Even the Grandmaster couldn't bear it, but he would not open his mouth and scream. , just a muffled sound coming from the throat.

Feng Ruhui still had a smile on her face, indifferent to Ning Qiwei's destruction. Her arms suddenly grew long, passing through the body melted by the flames, and grabbing the soul on its way back to the sword. It was the treasure she had found after all the hard work. , with her magic mark on it, as long as it has not been completely integrated with Fangfang's soul, her connection with Siming Ding will not be broken, and she can master it again.

boom! Ning Qiwei's entire body had been burned up, and the flames exploded, swallowing up the entire mountain in an instant, burning all the plants, and then disappeared. The shield that had been protecting him from the wind and rain also disappeared, and the rain fell to the ground.

The two giant hands blocking Lan Bingju's body were ignited, and the flames climbed up the giant's body along the arms, but it blocked most of the flames. Lan Bingju only needed to cast a spell to protect himself and the entire vehicle. carriage.

The giant screamed behind her, and the fish-dragon formation collapsed. She paid a heavy price to protect the Dharma King. Countless cultivators died from this blow, but she didn't even look back, staring at Si Ming Ding, and mouthing Once she whispered Zuo Liuying's name.

Feng Ruhui grabbed the soul and added a layer of soul-protecting power to herself, blocking the flames. Then she froze there and did not immediately send the soul back to the cauldron.

The young demon also grabbed the soul, one step ahead of Feng Ruhui. It held a piece of void tightly with its two small hands. What Feng Ruhui grabbed was actually its fist.

Mu Xingqiu was not dead, he was also saved by a layer of soul-protecting power. This power came from the Frost Soul Sword, but it was not inspired by him, but by the young demon.

Ning Qiwei turned into ashes, and the light yellow inner elixir fell to the ground, ignored by no one.

There was no longer any barrier between Feng Ruhui and the young demon, and she was able to take a closer look at its appearance for the first time. The dark blue skin looked a little dirty, and the thin and ugly face looked like the reincarnation of a starving ghost, but it was quite powerful.

"What a fantasy." Feng Ruhui smiled. She no longer had any intention. Naturally, she would no longer think about the betrayed person in the past. She only cared about the Siming Cauldron and the Soul. "What's the use?"

She gradually increased her strength, and the young demon's heart also glowed. But Mu Xingqiu couldn't help it. He had to continue to activate Fangfang's soul in order to regain the soul that was close at hand.

Zuo Liuying was still invisible, but nearly a thousand pairs of cold eyes appeared in the air around the mountain. These were not the casual cultivators of Lian Haishan, but the Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests who had just repelled the attackers. They were floating in the air, watching. Feng Ruhui and Youmo are fighting for their souls.

Lan Bingju shut her mouth. These Taoist priests had been controlled by Si Mingding. Alarming them would cause big trouble. She no longer had the fish-dragon formation to protect herself.

A red light shot down from the sky, hitting Feng Ruhui directly.

Lan Bingju raised her hand, and a jade bracelet flew into the sky, scattering the red light. A moment later, a head was brought back.

The enlarged jade bracelet bound the bald man's forehead, preventing him from casting spells or escaping.

"Let me go! You... old and ugly woman." The bald man couldn't break free, and only his mouth could move.

"Idiot, I saved your life." Lan Bingju waved his hand, and the jade bracelet flew into the carriage with the head, "Let Zuo Liuying handle the endgame, and no one else will get involved."

No one participated. The bald man yelled for a while, his mouth blocked by a handkerchief. The Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests just floated in the air and watched, layer after layer, like a crown on the mountain.

Mu Xing Qiujun was exhausted, and his potential was not endless after all. He felt that his body had been hollowed out, leaving only an empty frame. He was as puzzled as Lan Bingju. Pangshan Grandmaster Ning Qiwei sacrificed his life to win A little precious time, what is Zuo Liuying doing? This was his plan, but he still refused to show up.

If he hadn't experienced many things, Mu Xingqiu would have the same suspicion as Lan Bingju, but he still firmly believed that things would not end like this.

Another small group of Taoist priests flew over and stopped with the Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests. They had just fought a battle, but now they were unprepared for each other. The battle for souls was in progress. Feng Ruhui no longer had the power to control so many through the Siming Cauldron. Taoist priest.

Just as Yang Qingyin was about to rush to help, she was stopped by her mother, a middle-aged woman with a stern expression who had already escaped Si Mingding's control. "Don't go there, you can't help."

"But... he can't hold on any longer. If he doesn't help, the winner will be Feng Ruhui." Yang Qingyin knew that her magic power was too weak in such an occasion, but she couldn't just watch indifferently.

"Feng Ruhui doesn't want her soul to be damaged, so she's so careful. Anyone who interferes may make her risk everything and wait for Zuo Liuying to come."

Yang Qingyin had nothing to do. Her mother, who she thought didn't care about her, actually recognized her at the last moment and got rid of Siming Ding's control. She led the attackers to retreat from Luanjing Mountain. It was her mother who discovered that Siming Ding controlled her. His strength was greatly weakened, and when he came here, he could only watch the battle from a distance.

"Zuo Liuying, Zuo Liuying..." Yang Qingyin whispered the name of the leader, and looked at each other with Xin Youtao and Xiao Qingtao. No one knew where Zuo Liuying was hiding at this moment. kansh.com

Mu Xingqiu didn't even notice that there were thousands more Taoist priests around the mountain. He still held the hilt of his sword with both hands and knelt on the ground with one leg. His strength was exhausted and he could no longer cast any spells.

Without the stimulation of illusion, Fangfang's soul returned to the Frost Soul Sword.

The power of the young demon also disappeared at the same moment, and the light on the chest turned into a flame, which was relatively small in scale and only swallowed it without expanding outward.

Feng Ruhui tightly grasped the burning void, knowing that the soul was in his hands.

She won. She wanted to kill all the resisters. Anyway, this was the source of the power of the Siming Cauldron. She wanted to wash away the spell marks on the Frost Soul Sword and send all the souls inside into the Siming Cauldron.

Everything is in her hands.

Mu Xingqiu raised his head and finally saw a familiar figure——Zuo Liuying appeared at the most inappropriate time, with dark clouds gathering above his head.

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