
Chapter 0518 Reasons for Hatred

Feiba's remaining eye grew brighter and brighter like burning coals, "I must kill you because...because..."

Why? Feiba's mind was in chaos. He remembered that he had good reasons to kill the Taoist priest, but suddenly the reasons all became ridiculous: among all the humans and demons who had despised and bullied him, Mu Xingqiu was He is by no means the most extreme one, and most of the time he is even tolerant. Otherwise, he would not be alive until now.

Why? Feiba's one eye was as bright as the midday sun, but his mind was getting more and more confused. Just before last night, he didn't seem to have such a strong desire to kill. At that time, he even wanted to turn Mu Xingqiu into a demon. Get the Taoist priest to surrender and be loyal to you, and help him build a powerful army.

"I must..." The thought of hatred is still very strong. Feiba's hatred extends to all creatures in this world, so he is a little confused as to why he hates this Taoist priest the most.

Lightning wrapped around his body, seeming to scorch and roast him, while a warm wind-like spell was swirling around in his mind, like a brute robber plundering wantonly, while another powerful suction force was about to pull him away. Take the soul out - no, Feiba quickly understood that the suction was not about the soul, but the Demon Lord Zhengfa that was attached to the soul.

All kinds of pain were gathered together, and the damage caused by the unicorn horn became insignificant.

"Kill you!" Feiba screamed, finally finding a ready reason for the strange hatred in his heart. The Taoist priest wanted to kill him and take away his most precious treasure, so he had to resist.

With this thought, Feiba immediately forgot all the pain, and gave birth to a strength that he had never experienced before. His right arm broke free from the shackles of lightning, and all the skin and flesh below the elbow was lost. He didn't care, and struggled to hold on. To the throat of the Taoist priest.

Mu Xingqiu had lightning in one hand and a frost soul sword in the other, only a few feet away from Feiba. Although he had already learned to multi-task, this was the first time that he had cast three powerful spells at the same time. His heart was also full of resentment, so he cast another The fourth spell - a beam of light shot out from the Frost Soul Sword, instantly cutting off a section of Feiba's arm.

Feiba's remaining arm was still trying to stretch forward, as if he didn't even know what pain was.

This half-demon didn't know too many things, and he didn't even know that he was being used.

Mu Xingqiu's surging resentment suddenly calmed down. He recognized Feiba. Although he had never liked him, he knew that the half-demon in front of him who did not know life or death, did not distinguish between strong and weak, and only wanted to kill regardless of danger, was by no means the real Feiba. .

This is just a tool that was unfortunately chosen. Without him, the white light in the unicorn horn would have chosen another target to combine with. All the dangers Mu Xingqiu encountered this time did not come from his tolerance for the half-demon many years ago, but from A much more powerful force - Taoism.

Mu Xingqiu withdrew the lightning, but continued to seize Feiba's memory and Demon Lord Zhengfa. Although the memory was chaotic, there would always be some clues left in it. As for Demon Lord Zhengfa, it should not be left on Feiba. It would be harmful to himself and the Demon Lord Zhengfa. All humans and demons are bad.

The first thing Mu Xingqiu got was Feiba's memory. After he succeeded in the Wuxu Illusion Technique, Feiba's memory had no obvious chronological order. His thinking was originally chaotic. After being manipulated by a strong man, it became even more unorganized. Mu Xingqiu could not help but Don’t take as much as you can.

The light in Feiba's single eye suddenly disappeared, and a ball of white light flew out. Instead of attacking Mu Xingqiu, it flew quickly outside the city.

Mu Xingqiu was waiting for this moment. The ball of light was not only a clue, but also evidence that Yashan Taoist Priest was using Feiba to do evil. The lightning formed by the pragmatic illusion came out of his right sleeve again, forming a small cage. Trap the ball of light inside.

Feiba's body softened, and all the pain - the piercing of the unicorn horn, the burn caused by lightning, the eyes gouged out by himself, the broken arm... all the pain came back. The half-demon was stunned for a while, but Knowing which pain to react to first, soon it was no longer a problem and he responded to the physical trauma with a shrill, long scream.

Countless translucent magic words flew out of Feiba's crystal eyes, like a wisp of light black steam, attached to the Frost Soul Sword, and then flowed along the sword body into Mu Xingqiu's body.

Mu Xingqiu summoned a spare straw hat from the treasure bag. He didn't want to use his body or the Frost Soul Sword to withstand the Demon Lord's rectification. Foreign spells were more or less dangerous, and even the most powerful Taoist priests would find it difficult. To confirm whether there are other evil spells hidden behind a certain spell, Mu Xingqiu already has an external inner elixir in his Niwan Palace, which is enough for him.

There were many magic weapons in his treasure bag, and several of them were of high grade, capable of carrying powerful demonic spells. However, Mu Xingqiu summoned an ordinary straw hat. It did not have any magic blessings and was so ordinary that it could even withstand It is not exposed to wind and sun, so Mu Xingqiu thought it was the most suitable.

Zuo Liuying has proved that ordinary objects can also be used as magic weapons. Compared with regular magic weapons, the straw hat is almost useless, but this is also its advantage - it will not provide room for the Demon Lord to move around during his dharma rectification, just like Bald Man, if he hadn't been too weak when combined with the Demon Seed, would have been killed quickly, or worse, become a slave of the Demon Seed.

The translucent magic text flows towards the straw hat, an ordinary thing without life or power.

As soon as it came into contact with the first magic text, the straw hat cracked. The more magic words came in, the more cracks on the straw hat became, and soon they became criss-crossed, like a river that had dried up for a long time. But the Straw Hat did not disband because of this. No matter how many cracks there were, there were always traces of connections left to keep it intact.

Feiba looked at this scene in shock, forgetting the pain in his body again, "You, you are crazy... This is, this is the Demon Lord's rectification!"

Yin Buchen relied on the power of the talisman to float in the air. He could not fly too high or too far. He also saw Mu Xingqiu's actions from a distance. He grabbed Pei Zihan's wings with both hands and let out a series of frightened screams, "Mu Xingqiu , Mu Taoist, Mu Ancestor, if you don’t want the Demon Lord to rectify the law, give it to me. Don’t... you are... God, just kill me together. "

Mu Xingqiu was unmoved and became more and more convinced that Straw Hat was the best destination for the Demon Lord to rectify his law.

The last few magic texts also left Feiba's crystal eyes and merged with the straw hat. The straw hat was covered with cracks, as if a breeze could blow it into powder, but it still remained intact, absorbing the last magic text. After writing, there was a clicking sound, and all the cracks were replaced by black lines - it became more complete.

"Is this just a straw hat?" Feiba asked in surprise and confusion.

"Well, it's just a straw hat." Mu Xingqiu said.

"What's wrong with that?"

Feiba was even more surprised, his one eye became moist, and he stared at Mu Xingqiu without blinking, like a slave looking at a prodigal, or a learned man looking at an illiterate robber.

"You are the devil." He said, feeling that he understood everything, "You are the devil."

Mu Xingqiu did not argue, but felt that Feiba had suffered enough, so he slowly rose up and took him off the flea horns.

"I don't want to die..." Feiba glanced at his mutilated body, and his will to live was suddenly shattered. "I don't know why I want to kill you, really. Please do it quickly."

Mu Xingqiu nodded, "As you wish."

Wuxu illusion entered the half-demon's mind, and what he was looking for was not memories, but emotions. Feiba's emotions were equally chaotic, but there were a few things that were very clear. One of them was boredom - the illusion strengthened the boredom, and Feiba felt a strong feeling. The drowsiness overwhelmed the pain in his body and the fear of dying. He closed his eyes and soon fell into an unprecedented deep sleep.

Mu Xingqiu withdrew all his spells, and Feiba's body fell into the sea of ​​​​fire in the Ice City, with a faint smile on his face. More than ten feet away, Mu Xingqiu used the Frost Soul Sword to send out a white light, hitting Feiba's forehead, Fulfilled his promise.

A high-pitched scream came from below. Lan Bingju flapped her wings vigorously, and her soul broke free from the shackles of the candle and jade ax and returned to her body.

Feiba was not only her master, but also the source of her "eternal life". Lan Bingju tried to save Feiba, but was a step too late, and the demonic fire in the city swallowed up the half-demon.

Lan Bingju turned around and flew towards Mu Xingqiu. She didn't notice that the light spots on her wings never recovered, and the flesh and blood on her face were flying away piece by piece, revealing the bones underneath. She flew faster and faster, but she didn't cast a spell. Instead, use the palm of your hand to catch the enemy.

Mu Xingqiu held the straw hat in his right hand, covering Lan Bingqing's palm.

Lan Bingju stopped, her talon-like palms were only a few inches away from the brim of her straw hat. She felt her whole body shaking from the inside out, but when she looked down, she didn't find anything unusual. Soon she understood that her soul was about to start again. Leaving the body is different from Mu Xingqiu's forceful soul summoning technique. This time, the soul wants to leave on its own.

"Ah...I..." The loyalty to Feiba gradually faded away like an absurd dream. Lan Bingju turned his head and glanced at the wings with only skeletons, feeling unspeakable disgust in his heart, "This is not me."

"Tell me, what kind of magic did you use against the invading Taoist priests?" Mu Xingqiu used Wuxu Illusion Technique to break through Lan Bingqu's protection, but there was nothing left in her mind.

Lan Bingju didn't seem to hear what he said. She was losing her ability to feel the outside world, but she remembered something that she had been brooding about for most of her life, "Zuo Liuying, he almost became a demon when he was eighteen years old. His parents lost their lives for this. This is his inner calamity, and he can be defeated with telepathy."

Mu Xingqiu was stunned for a moment, and Lan Bingke also fell into the sea of ​​fire. The bone wings were broken into countless pieces. It was a demon pill, but it did not have the hardness of the demon pill.

Mu Xingqiu returned the straw hat to the treasure bag, took out a rag from his arms, flew to the flea, and gently wiped the blood on its corners.

The flea seemed a little irritable and always wanted to return to the ground, but the ice city was full of fire and there was no place to stay.

Yin Buchen watched helplessly as the straw hat with the Demon Lord's dharma disappeared, feeling heartbroken. He couldn't help but sigh, "Mu Xingqiu, do you want Pei Zihan again? He doesn't seem to wake up... Hey, he opened his eyes."

Pei Zihan's situation is similar to that of Lan Bingju. After being killed, his soul remained in his original body. However, in less than fifteen days, he had not yet formed a complete sense of loyalty to Feiba. It had actually been a while since he woke up. See Here comes the fate of Feiba and Lan Bingke.

"Throw me down too."

Yin Buchen still looked up at Mu Xingqiu, waiting for him to give the order.

Mu Xingqiu also looked up at something. The ball of light wrapped in lightning was about ten steps away and was struggling desperately. Through it, Mu Xingqiu will find out who injected hatred into Feiba's mind.

The battle has just begun.

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