
Chapter 0524 Alchemy

A tall and spacious tent was built on the edge of the camp. Three Taoist priests from the elixir department, two Taoist priests from the Honglu department, and two Taoist priests from the divine engineering department were busy preparing to refine elixirs. It was not possible to do such a thing in a remote snow-capped mountain with no birds or animals. easy.

First of all, the Taoist priests of Shengong Branch not only have to build alchemy rooms, but also make a series of items such as mortars, pestles, bottles, bowls, pots, etc. In order to prevent the mutual penetration of medicinal properties, most of these items can only be used once, and each Taoist family has a large inventory. But here we can only make it now and use it now.

The Hongluke Taoist priests set up a very small furnace without the lunar fire of Wandi Mountain. The two of them had to take turns using their own magic power to maintain the flame and constantly smelt gold soul, silver soul, various steels, demon elixirs, etc. , part of which is supplied to the Taoist priests of the Shen Gong Department, and part of which is reserved for formal alchemy.

At the same time, the Taoist Priest of the Alchemy Department was busy checking dozens of medicinal materials, classifying them into categories, and calculating the dosage. Xinghua Feiying and dead demon species are the main ingredients, and other auxiliary ingredients are also very important. They can make the antidote more gentle. , and adapt to Taoist priests with different realms and physiques.

Although there were nearly a hundred Taoist priests in the camp, entering the land of monsters this time was a complete accident. No one expected to bring too many supplies, so the materials were still very scarce, and many times they had to make do.

Meng Xu, a Taoist priest from the Zhaoshan Dan Medicine Department, is a little nervous. She is one of the only two smoke-eating Taoist priests in the team, but she is more accustomed to following other people's arrangements rather than making her own decisions. Every time she finds that there is a lack of materials, her heart will He brought it up, looked at his companions helplessly, and said tangledly: "What should I do?"

There was nothing the others could do. Priest Tunyan was not confident yet, and they were even more flustered. Two Taoist priests from the Divine Engineering Department accidentally broke five clay bowls. They looked at each other with anger hidden in their eyes. They both thought it belonged to Meng Xu. wrong.

Gan Zhiquan walked in at this time and stood at the door and scanned it.

The seven Taoist priests stopped what they were doing and looked at Gan Zhiquan blankly. They didn't know how to deal with this Taoist priest. Was he alive or dead? Is he possessed or is he normal? Is it freedom or a puppet? No one could tell, not even himself.

"How is the progress?" Gan Zhiquan asked. He has always been the recognized leader of the demon-invading Taoist priests. Unlike Mu Xingqiu, he is "one of his own", but now he has become an "outsider".

"Uh... not bad." Meng Xu put a dozen Xinghua Feiying in his hand on the table, accidentally dropped one, and hurriedly cast a spell to suck it up, showing a bit of panic.

She is a Taoist priest who swallows smoke, but when she stands in front of a Taoist priest who eats Xia, she is as reserved as a disciple who breathes.

An older Taoist priest from the Honglu Branch couldn't bear it any longer and said, "A few materials are missing, and the portions of a few are not enough, but these are not big problems. The key is -" He glanced at Meng Xu. , "We all have little experience, and the conditions here are too crude. We don't know what the final elixir will look like."

Meng Xu's face turned red. She was the host. If the alchemy failed, she would have to bear the greatest responsibility. She whispered: "In Zhaoshan, alchemy is not like this..."

Zhaoshan has everything, but here there is almost nothing.

Gan Zhiquan thought for a while, walked to an open space where nothing was placed, made a rectangular wooden table, summoned pens, paper and other items to spread on it, and then said to the seven Taoist priests: "Everyone, come here, let's make a plan first A detailed plan before starting to make alchemy.”

The Taoist priests came over hesitantly, but stopped at the same time after a few steps. Meng Xu dared to ask, "Did you want to help yourself, or... did Mu Xingqiu ask you to come?"

Gan Zhiquan laughed, his smile seemed a little stiff. His soul had not yet fully adapted to his original body. He raised his hand and rubbed the muscles on his face, "Does my answer make sense?"

Indeed, any answer given by Gan Zhiquan would be regarded as Mu Xingqiu's intention to put it into his mind. The seven Taoist priests looked at each other, but still did not take a step closer.

"If you think it's useless to make detailed plans in advance, then ignore me. If you think it's still necessary, don't care who means it. Neither Mu Xingqiu nor I will harm you, let alone destroy the alchemy. You Don’t forget, Mu Xingqiu’s two best friends were also bewitched.”

Gan Zhiquan was speaking for Mu Xingqiu, which sounded more like he was being manipulated, but his words made sense. Meng Xu and others couldn't find any reason to object, so they all walked to the table and formed a circle.

"The first step of the plan is to calm down your thoughts first. Look at how you look now, how do you still look like a Taoist priest?" Gan Zhiquan's voice was a little stern, but the seven alchemists felt that it was more like the one they knew before. A Hongshan Taoist priest.

"I don't know what's going on." Meng Xu sighed softly, "My Taoist heart seems to be getting more and more... I'm really worried that this is... this is..."

"This is a sign of being possessed by a devil." Gan Zhiquan finished speaking for her. He put his hands on the table and scanned the faces of the seven Taoist priests one by one. "I have been possessed by a devil. I can tell you responsibly that those who are possessed by a devil will never Flustered, they had doubts, but they were so convinced of their doubts that they didn’t hesitate at all.”

The seven Taoist priests finally breathed a sigh of relief, and one Taoist priest asked cautiously: "Are you not going to be possessed by the devil again?"

"Who knows, let's wait and see after the fifteen days are over."

"I heard that the method of re-annihilation will cause changes in the body. Where is your change...?"

Gan Zhiquan opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. It looked normal. When the other Taoist priests were confused, his tongue suddenly turned around and grew to six or seven feet. It was covered with reverse scales, like a thorny whip.

The tongue flickered and quickly returned to normal, returning to Gan Zhiquan's mouth. The Taoists watching were all shocked and speechless for a long time, and their faces changed a little. Gan Zhiquan remained calm, "The demons destroyed everyone's Taoist heart, so your state of mind is not as calm as before, but this is not inevitable. I have no Taoist heart left, but I have not become a madman. In the past, we relied on practice and magic to stabilize our minds, but now we have to rely on our own will. Remember, dozens of Taoists are waiting for you to make the Soul-Returning Pill. Since the most important materials are available, there is nothing to worry about." It took more than half an hour to make the plan. The missing materials could not be created out of nothing, but the seven people finally knew what they should do, and they would not be in a hurry when the time came. After the plan became clear, they even felt that the Soul-Returning Pill was not that difficult to make, and all the previous worries were just overthinking. "Let's get back to work." Meng Xu said happily. Although the Taoist who swallowed the smoke should not be moody, she still smiled happily. Gan Zhiquan was a Taoist priest from the Five Elements Department. Apart from stabilizing morale and helping to formulate detailed plans, he could not provide specific help for alchemy, so he did not stay for long and walked out of the tent.

At the door, he met Mu Xingqiu who came in.

The seven alchemy Taoist priests once again stopped their work and stared at the two Taoist priests, with a vague expectation: as soon as Mu Xingqiu raised his hand, Gan Zhiquan would obediently make the designated movements.

But the performance of these two people really disappointed them. Mu Xingqiu and Gan Zhiquan performed the standard Taoist etiquette to each other, and even did not say a word more, and went their separate ways.

"I need a Taoist friend from the Divine Engineering Department to help me." Mu Xingqiu said, summoning the black-striped straw hat with the Demon Lord's righteous law.

Everyone knew the power of this straw hat. The expressions of the seven alchemy Taoist priests changed again, especially the two Taoist priests of the Divine Engineering Department, who were holding the clay pots and clay bowls that had just been made but not fired and were stunned on the spot. One of them said in a trembling voice: "I, we haven't been possessed by the devil yet." He also felt that it was not very convincing, and turned to Meng Xu and others, "You can prove it, right?"

The other five Taoist priests nodded hesitantly.

The wooden table that Gan Zhiquan had transformed was still there. Mu Xingqiu walked over and put the straw hat on the table. "Don't get me wrong, I just want to add a mark on it."

The two Taoist priests of the Divine Engineering Department breathed a sigh of relief, put down the utensils in their hands and walked over. The other Taoist priests also approached curiously, looking at the straw hat that could make people go from life to death and then back to life.

The Taoist priests of the Divine Engineering Department each summoned a copper seal and a copper mirror, and used the two magic tools to observe the straw hat.

The straw hat trembled slightly at first, and then slowly raised two magic symbols, floating in the air three feet high and slowly rotating.

A quarter of an hour later, the two Taoists put away their magic tools, raised their hands to wipe the sweat from their foreheads, looked at each other, and shook their heads at the same time. One of them said, "The power of the Demon Lord's Law is too strong, but the straw hat is too fragile. We... don't have the ability to put a mark on it."

The other said, "I really don't know what the person who blessed the Demon Lord's Law was thinking. He actually attached such a powerful force to an ordinary object. At most six months, the straw hat will decompose on its own."

"I blessed it. I left it on the straw hat because I was worried that the power of the Demon Lord's Law was too strong." Mu Xingqiu said.

The Taoist of the Shengong Department laughed awkwardly twice, "This is also a way. Part of the power of the Demon Lord's Law is used to maintain the integrity of the straw hat, and it really can't backfire on the owner. Sorry, we can't put a mark on it. There is probably only one person in the whole camp who can do it."

Mu Xingqiu had thought of this person a long time ago, but as long as there was a choice, he was unwilling to ask this person for help.

Taoist Zhou Qianhui from Yashan is not only a Taoist from the Shengong Department, but also the chief. Killing demons is not his specialty, but there are few people in the whole Taoist tradition who can match him in adding a special mark to a magic weapon.

Mu Xingqiu said goodbye to the seven alchemy Taoists and had to go to see Zhou Qianhui.

The straw hat was becoming more and more unstable. The Taoist from the Shengong Department judged that it could only last for six months at most, but Mu Xingqiu thought it might decompose within a few days.

Zhou Qianhui was tied with a free rope and the tent was cast with multiple spells, so he knew nothing about what happened in the camp, but when he saw the black-striped straw hat, his face still showed a solemn look. Without waiting for Mu Xingqiu to speak, he said: "If I'm not mistaken, there is a demon spell on it."

"That's right." Mu Xingqiu didn't show the straw hat when they met last time, but now he put it in front of Zhou Qianhui and sat opposite him.

Zhou Qianhui couldn't cast spells, so he could only observe the straw hat with his naked eyes. After a long while, he asked, "Have you cast the spells here?"

"Yes, twice."

"Was it to kill people or save people?"

"I think it was to save people."

"Very good." Zhou Qianhui looked up at Mu Xingqiu with a sarcastic smile on his face, "You can prepare for the funeral of these two people."

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