
Chapter 0549 The reminder from the devil’s heart

The night made the Taoist spells brighter. Thousands of feet high in the sky, the colorful clouds dispersed and turned into rain-like spells. Bit by bit, strands, tens of thousands of spells did not interfere with each other and flew together. Toward a small target on the ground.

Fireballs, lines of fire, sparks, ice picks, ice cubes, ice beads, wooden thorns, wooden stakes, wood chips, golden knives, golden swords, golden guns, dust, clods of earth, mountains of earth...the closer you get, the more obvious the shape becomes. Each spell is not particularly powerful, but together they fall overwhelmingly, creating a pressure that makes the target feel hopeless.

Hopeless, this is the common feeling of nearly three thousand humans and monsters on the ground. They have tried their best to use defense. Compared with the number of spells that are a hundred or a thousand times as much, this defense seems pitiful, like a child. The milk teeth of beasts and the young twigs in the ground cannot even play the most basic intimidation role.

Hopelessness overwhelmed everything, and even fear had no place to stand. The Taoist priests chanted meditation scriptures softly, and many monsters took out their treasured statues of ancient gods and prayed to them in various dialects... Only a handful of humans There is still a glimmer of hope in Yuyaozu's heart.

Xin Youtao and Xiao Qingtao held their hands tighter. At first they looked up at the sky, then at Mu Xingqiu and Yang Qingyin who were casting spells, and finally they stared at each other, unable to look away again, with a smile on their faces. Nor spoke.

Gan Zhiwei did not admit defeat. He sent all his main magic weapons into the air. With his hands empty, he simply grabbed the snow on the ground, made it into a snow ball and threw it into the sky. With a little bit of his magic power, the snow ball hung in the air. Nothing can stop it, but Gan Zhiwei never tires of it and throws more snowballs.

"Grandmaster! Chief! Why don't you show up? It's not that difficult to kill a few Taoist priests!"

Gan Zhiquan kept looking at his younger brother and opened his mouth to persuade him not to act nonsense. He swallowed the words when he reached his lips. Instead, he leaned over and grabbed a ball of snow and threw it into the sky.

Like a fire igniting on the dry grassland, the Gan brothers' unintentional move was quickly imitated. The demon-invading Taoist priests threw snowballs and injected a little mana into them, leaving them suspended in mid-air.

Xin Youtao and Xiao Qingtao held hands and threw snowballs into the sky with their other hands.

Xiao Hao holds a ball of snow in each hand and grins widely. He is the only person in the entire camp who is neither afraid nor cares about the so-called hope.

The demon clan was infected. Lao Chong picked up a large ball of snowball, nearly two feet in diameter, and threw it up with all his strength. The height was enough, but it didn't have much demon power. The snowball couldn't hover and fell naturally. He didn't care. He thought it was better than this. It's fun to watch the deadly spells fall.

"Fuck you!" Lao Chuang yelled viciously.

The snowball replaced the ancient god statue and became the only weapon in the hands of the monsters. Most of the snowballs flew into the air and fell down, hitting themselves and other monsters, but this only made the monsters throw more vigorously.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was only a short moment. Gan Zhiwei, who was the first to throw a snowball, had just formed the seventh ball of snow. The first batch of Taoist spells spanned a distance of several thousand feet and hit the camp's defense line hundreds of feet in the air.

The restrictions cast by the demonic Taoist priests were broken instantly as if they didn't exist, and the next step was the defense created by the heart of the demons.

In the past short period of time, the demon's heart beat hundreds of times at an extremely fast speed, creating the same number of defenses. The defenses were placed next to each other, showing a light pink color. Not only could the Taoist priests see it, The demon clan can also see it clearly.

Demonic magic does not deliberately hide its traces.

Hundreds of layers of demon defense finally took effect, like a giant open umbrella, blocking the torrential rain of Taoist spells. Those fireballs and ice cubes piled up in mid-air, some exploding, some freezing, some cutting... Various methods were used to destroy the defense, but all failed.

Taoist priests and monsters cheered in unison.

"Long live the Spirit King! The Spirit King is invincible!" Lao Chuang took the lead in shouting, and soon there was a chorus of echoes. Black Phoenix and other big demons knew that this was the power of the demon's heart, and felt a little relieved.

The Taoist priests were calmer. After the shouting, they began to observe carefully. To ordinary demons, the defense of the demons looked like a light red shield, but what they saw with their third eye was a layered film. In fact, Taoist spells are not ineffective. They are destroying the defense piece by piece, layer by layer, beating faster than the devil's heart. It won't take long to break through the entire defense, and spells are still falling from high altitude. No intention of stopping at all.

Yang Qingyin also noticed this, but she couldn't do it any faster, so she had to look at the Frost Soul Sword in her other hand and whispered: "Qin Lingshuang, Qin Lingshuang, I know that we are not the best friends, and I also know that we are not the best friends. Your feelings for Mu Xingqiu, I used to like him as much as you do, but I have cut off the love. Really, I won't lie to you. I can't figure out how this happened, but the love has definitely been cut off. , I am not begging you for him, but for myself, for Xiao Qingtao, and for the monsters who protect me and follow me. They are not as ruthless as described in the Taoist books, although they are a bit cruel, but..."

The Frost Soul Sword trembled slightly, and Yang Qingyin felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet. Before she could react, the chill flew out from the top of her head, and then she discovered where the soul was.

The soul was all over the body, and even the hairs standing on end had its presence. Yang Qingyin kept using the demonic power in Laojun's demonic palm to cast spells. At this time, the inner elixir also quickly rotated, providing mana together with the demonic palm.

Yang Qingyin was extremely surprised. It seemed that there were two of her at the same time, one using the magic palm and the other activating the inner elixir. The two selves observed and helped each other, and the power generated kept growing exponentially.

She didn't understand magic, but just transferred all her power into the heart of the demon clan. The demon heart seemed to understand her thoughts and automatically cast spells. Suddenly, she was not only able to generate more powerful power, but also vaguely felt the intention of the demon heart.

"He is really alive!" Yang Qingyin shouted loudly. She followed Mu Xingqiu's instructions and did not compete with the Frost Soul Sword for dominance, allowing it to combine with the soul, so that she could talk distractedly.

The group of monsters stopped cheering, the Taoists stopped observing, and all looked at Yang Qingyin.

"Mu Xingqiu, inject the Demon Lord's righteous law into his Niwan Palace!" Yang Qingyin didn't even understand how she understood the demon heart. This sentence automatically appeared in her mind, as if she had known it for a long time, but just remembered it.

The continuous magic of the Demon Lord stimulated the wooden body of the demon clan, and it was always just a little bit away from resurrecting him. Mu Xingqiu focused on this and almost forgot the Taoist magic that was pressing down on his head.

The Demon Heart could not beat faster. The shield it created was more powerful and could resist more spells, but that was all. Under the rain-like spell attack, it was still damaged layer by layer and became precarious.

"Mu Xingqiu!" Yang Qingyin raised her voice, but still failed to wake him up.

"It's useless unless you infuse spells." Xin Youtao reminded.

"No, he is casting spells, not imagining. Forcing spells to transmit sound will hurt him." Xiao Qingtao hurriedly stopped him.

Yang Qingyin looked up and saw that the Demon Heart shield began to have gaps. Several spells took advantage of the gap and entered, randomly selecting targets to attack.

Gan Zhiwei didn't have any magic tools, so he could only cast spells directly to block a magic steel knife. This consumed the most mana, but other Taoist priests were restricted by magic, so he had to stand up.

The demon clan was not affected. Dozens of magicians such as Hei Huang worked together to block several other spells. As long as the gap was bigger or there were more, they would be unable to block it.

"What should I do? Mu Xingqiu made a mistake. I must tell him the correct method." Yang Qingyin was a little anxious.

"Let me try." Gan Zhiquan didn't resist the missed spells like his brother did. He thought more.

"You?" Yang Qingyin didn't know this Taoist priest, but seeing that other Taoist priests showed strange expressions, she knew that this person was a little special.

The special thing about the Gan brothers is that they have all experienced Mu Xingqiu's re-destruction method. It is said that this will make them loyal servants, but all along, the two have never shown the appearance of "puppets".

"Try it, tell Mu Xingqiu that the Niwan Palace is the source of the power of the demons." Yang Qingyin nodded to the unknown Taoist priest, and then said to all humans and demons: "Don't cast spells randomly, look at my fireball!"

Yang Qingyin divided a small amount of demon power and shot a ball of fire with Laojun Demon Palm, hitting a gap in the shield. Gan Zhiwei and the magicians attacked the same place, blocking the Taoist magic outside, buying time for the demon heart to beat once, and filling the hole.

But the gaps are still increasing gradually, and concentrating power can only block one. Taoist magic still flows into the gaps in other places, and the attacked can only protect themselves.

The demons who dare to rob the golem have demon pills, some of which are quite powerful. Although they can't cast magic, their resistance is stronger. As long as the Taoist magic is not attacked one after another, they can barely resist.

Dozens of demon-invading Taoist priests became the weakest. Their magic weapons had been used up, and their inner elixirs were restrained. Facing the attack of Taoist magic, their resistance was even worse than that of ordinary little demons, and they could only dodge around in a panic.

Jinchu was no longer the king of spirit demons, but his prestige in the tribe had not diminished. He shouted, "Protect the Taoist priests!"

The transformation process of spirit demons was not completely successful, but their physiques were naturally much better than those of ordinary demons, and the inner elixirs they produced were also stronger. More than 200 spirit demons used their demon elixirs to protect the demon-invading Taoist priests.

A rock formed by Taoist magic hit Mu Xingqiu who was casting a spell in mid-air. Jinchu jumped up, spitting fire from his nostrils, and destroyed the rock. From then on, he began to protect this human who looked almost exactly like him.

More and more spells poured in, and the scene began to become chaotic. There were still Taoist priests and demons who were hit by spells, and no one could save them.

While directing the magicians to plug the loopholes as much as possible, Yang Qingyin looked at Mu Xingqiu from time to time, hoping that he could hear the reminder as soon as possible.

Gan Zhiquan had already flown above the golem, only inches away from Mu Xingqiu. His soul left his body and tried to get closer to Mu Xingqiu. However, the short distance was as difficult for the soul to walk through as a swamp full of obstacles.

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