
Chapter 0551 Resurrection of the Golem

The land of monsters was filled with unclean air, and Shen Hao couldn't see what was happening hundreds of miles away. Even so, he still turned his back to the battlefield. His attempts to enter the state of thinking were all in vain. He could not get rid of the feeling in his heart. With many doubts and worries, the heart of a Taoist priest could not help him at this time.

Thousands of Taoist priests are divided into three positions. The high-level Taoist priests use ninth-grade magic weapons to create large clouds of color. A large number of low-level Taoist priests are constantly casting their best five-element spells. These spells are automatically absorbed by the colorful clouds and flow like the Milky Way. The spirit demon camp a hundred miles away.

This is the most reliable and safest way to fight. Low-level Taoist priests do not need to have any form of contact with the target. This is a tactic used in ancient times to fight against demons, because it requires the consumption of powerful ninth-grade magic elimination weapons. In the battle to slay demons It is rarely used, but today it was used on a group of monsters and dozens of demon-invading Taoist priests.

Most Taoist priests believe this: Mu Xingqiu has turned into a demon, and the demon-invading Taoist priests he took away have turned into demons and become loyal slaves of the new demon.

A small amount of doubt disappeared after Mu Xingqiu performed the Demon Lord's Zhengfa for the first time. Everyone heard the cold demonic voice, which proved beyond doubt that Mu Xingqiu not only turned into a demon himself, but also wanted to release more demons.

Therefore, when the disciples of the Eight Great Traditions worked together to deliver the Five Elements spells to Caiyun, they all had a clear conscience. They believed that no matter how great their achievements were, they could not erase the sin of turning into a demon.

There was only one person who couldn't do this - Shen Hao. He had warned Mu Xingqiu in advance, but he still felt that he owed him.

"The battle is almost over." A voice came from behind.

Shen Hao nodded, but still did not turn around. He stood behind a ridge and was looking southeast. In the far distance was the location of Yelin Town. "It takes a long time."

Bai Qing, the Luanjing Taoist priest, walked to Shen Hao and stood side by side with him. "After all, there are dozens of Taoist priests over there, as well as Mu Xingqiu. He can always... create some miracles."

"Yes, he can always escape death, but this time... why don't you join the battle with everyone?"

"I'm a Taoist priest from the Dengzhu family, and I'm not good at Five Elements magic. The absence of me won't have any impact on them.

Shen Hao turned around and saw that Bai Qing was looking at him with a pair of beautiful eyes. There was still a faint mark on his cheek, which was left by the parasitic demon. With the help of the Taoist elixir, it would disappear.

The Taoist priests in Luanjing Mountain are all beauties, and Bai Qing is no exception, even more beautiful.

"Thank you." Shen Hao said.

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for supporting the Demon Slayer Club when you were in the Imperial Capital, and... thank you for coming to accompany me."

"I just do what I think is right."

Shen Hao was silent for a while, "Do you really believe that Mu Xingqiu turned into a demon? I have seen him, and he still looks the same as before, without any change."

"Taoist priests who are possessed by demons are no different from usual people. Some people can hide for several years." Bai Qing knew that these two sentences could not explain anything. He thought for a while and continued: "The demons are moving around, the demons are misbehaving, and the world is in turmoil. It may happen sooner than we think. At this time, the only thing you and I can trust is Taoism and high-level Taoist priests. They will not make mistakes."

This was the most powerful reason, so powerful that Shen Hao was speechless, "If I had known this, why not let the demon-invading Taoist priests commit suicide on the battlefield of Xijie Kingdom. In that case, Mu Xingqiu might not... …become a demon.”

"He is too stubborn. To be honest, I have always felt that Mu Xingqiu is not like a Taoist priest. The things he does and his ideas are a bit weird. Cultivation seems to have less impact on him than others."

Shen Hao smiled slightly, "If you knew Mu Xingqiu when he was a child, you would know how much he has changed."

"Anyway, he is a great Taoist priest and has helped many people. Even though he once made Luanjing Mountain a mess, we still admire him, although sometimes his luck is really good."

Shen Hao sighed, feeling more and more tangled because he got more help from Mu Xingqiu, "That's not just luck, but also Zuo Liuying. Hasn't he always shown up?"

"It is said that four Taoist priests are searching for Zuo Liuying's whereabouts, but there is no definite information.

"Just watch, maybe Zuo Liuying will pop out again at the end, scare everyone, and then rescue Mu Xingqiu and the others."

"That's impossible." Bai Qing smiled and shook his head, "I have heard about Zuo Liuying's past deeds, but at that time his opponents were only individual high-level Taoist priests. Many times, Pang Shan still supported him, but this time it was different. He quit Pangshan and faced the entire Taoist tradition. Even if Zuo Liuying was a hundred times smarter than he is now, he would not be able to make the Taoist tradition stop. I guess he gave up. After all, he did not turn into a demon or a demon. The whole thing. It has nothing to do with him.”

"Zuo Liuying gave up..." Shen Hao repeated vaguely, and he couldn't tell whether he was admitting or doubting.

Another voice came from the ridge behind him, "The Grandmaster ordered to stop casting spells."

This is a battle jointly organized by the Eight Dao Traditions. The low-level Taoist priests of the Demon Slayer Association only cooperate and do not need Shen Hao's command.

When he was approaching the ridge, Shen Hao stopped and said to Bai Qing beside him: "There are some things you should know. I have survived the tribulation of mortal fate."

"I know, but you still have some unfinished luck."

Shen Hao smiled.

They are located a hundred miles northeast of the spirit demon camp. There are nearly 400 Taoist priests in total. Most of them come from Pangshan, Luanjingshan and Zhaoshan. There are several peaks between them and the target. Looking at them, they can only see the mountains in the sky. A large colorful cloud.

The colorful clouds came from three directions and have now stopped producing. They are gathering over the spirit demon camp, preparing to launch the final blow.

"For half an hour, I really didn't expect them to last so long." A Pangshan disciple wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and finally felt relieved.

"How many spells have been emitted by the Eight Great Paths in total?"

"Calculate roughly, each person casts one hundred spells on average, almost a thousand people, that is one hundred thousand spells, 30,000 spells have already fallen in front, and the remaining spells will fall at the same time later. I really don't know... "

A cold voice next to him said: "We are about to kill not only the demon clan, but also a group of Taoist priests. What can we be proud of?"

Shen Hao looked around and saw that the speaker was Shen Ji. He did not participate in the demon-slaying meeting. He followed the senior Taoist priest Pang Shan to join the battle. His attacks were no slower than others, but at this time he did not want to hear the Taoist priests' complacent words.

The Taoist priest who was calculating the number of spells shut up and didn't want to argue, but everyone's mood was still affected, and no one spoke for a long time.

Shen Jixian, the head of the Five Elements Department of Pangshan, came over and summoned a bronze mirror. The mirror quickly expanded to seven or eight feet in diameter and was suspended in mid-air. All the Taoist priests present could see clearly, "Look at these Taoist priests, you will know I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The scene a hundred miles away gradually appeared in the bronze mirror.

The spirit demon camp has become a sea of ​​spells. These spells were cast by the Taoist priests themselves. However, they were shocked to see so many and dense spells landing at the same time. They must have the help of the attentive Taoist priests so that these spells can be inseparable from each other. Interference, only attack the target.

A tall giant was waving his arms to block the spells in the sky. His movements were uncoordinated and he was constantly being hit. One or two monsters fell out screaming every time.

"Is this the demon clan?" a Taoist priest asked softly.

"No." Shen Hao answered the question, "This is the fish-dragon formation, and the smaller one next to it is the demon—the one Mu Xingqiu and Yang Qingyin are trying to awaken."

The people in the bronze mirror are all ant-like dots, which can only be seen clearly with the third eye.

"That's really Yang Qingyin, she must be holding a demon weapon." A Pangshan disciple said in shock.

Mu Xingqiu's demon transformation has been known to everyone, but they don't understand why Yang Qingyin refuses to return to Taoism. No one can explain this strange thing.

"The Fish-Dragon Formation is a sorcery created by Pangshan Qitu Lan Curling." Shen Jixian pointed to the giant in the bronze mirror, "It can gather the power of everyone into one. Real Taoist priests cannot participate in this formation, but you see."

After the giant was hit by the spell, it was not just the monsters who fell down, but occasionally Taoist priests wearing blue robes. If the viewer looked carefully, they could even find familiar faces.

No Taoist priest spoke, but the last trace of uneasiness in their hearts disappeared.

Demons are demons, and they are at odds with Taoist priests.

Shen Hao stared closely at Mu Xingqiu in the mirror, paying no attention to everything around him, and kept asking in his mind: What is Xiaoqiu insisting on? Why don't you mark your life with death like Li Yuechi? Could it be that he couldn't control himself not long after becoming a demon?

"The last blow." A Taoist priest looked at the bronze mirror and sighed inexplicably.

"Taoist priests should have this kind of awareness." Shen Jixian felt that this was an opportunity to educate lower Taoist priests. "No matter how powerful you were and how many achievements you made, once your heart changes, your whole person changes. It's a pity that these Taoist priests did not commit suicide on the battlefield..."

"Xiao Qiu!" Shen Hao's exclamation interrupted the leader's emotion, and everyone's eyes turned to the bronze mirror again.

Mu Xingqiu, who had been motionless, regained consciousness, jumped up, and became one with the giant of the Fish-Dragon Formation. The clumsy giant suddenly became flexible and could deflect dozens of Daotong spells with a wave of his hand.

But that's not all. A large number of snow cubes rose from the ground, like water columns stirred up by falling boulders in the lake. These ordinary snow cubes were more powerful than the giants of the Fish-Dragon Array, turning countless Taoist spells into snow water.

"Look! The golem! The golem is really alive!" Bai Qing exclaimed.

The demon spread its arms, and the black armor automatically flew towards him, wrapping its body again. Yang Qingyin jumped up and down, still standing on the demon's shoulders, holding the skeleton palm in his hand, commanding the demon to fight.

"How, how is this possible?" Shen Jixian, whose beard and hair were all white. Even among high-level Taoist priests, he was quite immortal, but he was dumbfounded at this moment. He didn't look like the leader of a subject at all.

A stern voice sounded in the ears of all the Taoist priests. It came from an unknown Taoist priest, "Cast the spell, Taoist priests, continue fighting!"

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