
Chapter 0576 Frustration and Hope

The news did not need to be hidden and could not be hidden. When Mu Xingqiu returned to the Taoist camp, nervous and confused expressions appeared on everyone's faces: Zuo Liuying was once a Taoist priest after all. For the Taoist priest with a bleak future, he was It's like a lone lamp hanging on the horizon - it somewhat points a direction.

Gan Zhiquan blamed himself. He was responsible for looking after the camp, but he only focused on protecting the golem and ignored Zuo Liuying's safety. "Where is Zuo Liuying, please allow me to go and snatch him back in person..."

Mu Diqiu shook his head, "The demon clan hid him."

Not long after Yang Qingyin allowed the demons to stand up, she glared angrily again, "Didn't you say that Zuo Liuying will be released soon and nothing will happen to her?"

Most of the demons thought that the target was the demon statue. Only Jin Cu and Lao Tanyang knew better. They were stunned when they heard this. Lao Tanyang stepped forward and said, "Have you reached an agreement with Gao Fuwei and the others? As long as you Make a commitment……"

"Have you seen the black bird in the sky?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

Lao Tanyang was speechless for a moment. The black bird was a signal to release him, which meant that Mu Xingqiu had made a promise, but Zuo Liuying was not released, which meant that something went wrong.

"It shouldn't be like this. It was...promised a long time ago." Old Tan Yang's beard swayed like a fish striving to swim upstream.

"That's it." Mu Xingqiu's eyes swept over the faces of the demons, "The Taoist priests fell into your trick of seducing the east and attacking the west, but you were also deceived. You were all deceived. The wolf demon's purpose of kidnapping Zuo Liuying was basically It’s not to free Mr. Yishi.”

"Impossible." Jin Cu gritted his teeth and said, suddenly turning around and flying into the sky, speeding towards Bingcheng.

Mu Xingqiu did not dissuade him. For the first time in more than 20 years since childhood, he felt discouraged and said to the Taoist priests: "Get ready, we will leave here in an hour."

"Where to go?" Xin Youtao asked.

Mu Xingqiu didn't answer and walked directly to his tent because he didn't know.

The Taoist priest and the demon clan looked at each other in confusion, and slowly a deep fear arose in their hearts: Mu Xingqiu did not punish any of the demons, it was because he wanted to give up on them.

Even the Taoist priests were frightened. They had always been accustomed to Mu Xingqiu leading them to face all known or unknowable crises, igniting hope when there was no hope at all, and creating miracles when there was no hope at all. But now, What they saw was an ordinary Taoist priest whose enthusiasm was waning.

There was silence in the camp, a silence of bewilderment. If no one stepped forward, it would lead to despair step by step.

"Mu Xingqiu needs to rest for a while." Xin Youtao finally spoke, but did not provoke any reaction, "I'll go take a look." Xin Youtao felt like he was talking to a group of scarecrows, and looked at Xiao Qingtao, and hurriedly walked towards Mu Xingqiu's tent.

If Mu Xingqiu loses his fighting spirit, Xin Youtao doesn't know if he can persevere.

Jin Cuo flew back and didn't notice anything unusual in the camp. He said angrily: "The wolf demon has lied to us and started a war. The war will start now. We will capture the worshiping moon before sunset..."

Lao Chuang quietly approached Jin Cui, suddenly jumped on him, hugged him, and said in an even more angry voice: "You bastard! Look at the good things you have done, the catechumens no longer want us."

Lao Chuang was usually not good at guessing what was going on, but this time he was surprisingly sharp and understood that Mu Xingqiu wanted to lead the Taoist priests to leave alone.

Jin Cu struggled to free himself, and just as he was about to ask what was going on, Lao Chuang bit his ear with all his strength, and blood immediately flowed out of his mouth.

Jin Cu didn't expect this move at all. He screamed in pain, jumped into the sky, sprayed a circle of flames aimlessly in the air, and then hit the ground hard, finally getting rid of Lao Chong.

Jin Cuu rolled over and got up, covering his injured ears, feeling extremely angry. But when he saw the indifferent spirit demon, he suddenly understood that these companions were on Lao Chong's side.

"We have disappointed the catechumens." Lao Tanyang said guiltily.

Jin Cui was stunned, and lowered his arms. The blood from his ears dripped on his shoulders, like a string of unique earrings. He looked at Yang Qingyin, "I will guarantee it with my life..."

He didn't say anything about the guarantee, but rose into the air and flew straight to the Moon Worship Mountain in the north.

A large group of flying monsters passed by the camp, led by Black Phoenix and Yu Wang, and were also heading to Moon Worship Mountain. Down the slope, more monster soldiers were advancing in formation.

The demon clans inside and outside the Ice City are going to war against the Moon Worshiping Mountain Wolf Demon.

The Taoist priests and monsters in the camp had lost their backbone, and they all looked at Yang Qingyin at this time.

Mu Xingqiu has gone far enough, and another person would not even dare to take over this task.

"Find Zuo Liuying, whether he is alive or dead." Yang Qingyin said, raising Laojun's magic palm high.

The Taoist priests and demon tribes all gathered together. Several leaders of the demon tribe below the slope flew over first. Before Gao Fuwei even landed, he said with shame on his face: "We are really stupid..."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on first. What's the biggest danger right now?" Yang Qingyin interrupted Gao Fuwei. She didn't want to hear any confession now.

"Wolf King Qi Yemang used us to kidnap Zuo Taoist priest. He didn't want to rescue Mr. Yishi at all, but wanted Zuo Taoist priest's inner elixir of concentration. We guess he wanted to use the inner elixir of concentration to awaken Qianlong. Qianlong is Bingcheng and The source of the poisonous fog around Langyuan. Look, the poisonous fog is changing. The Holy Mother of All Sons said that in a few hours, her descendants will not be able to cross the lake. "

The poisonous fog that shrouded the surroundings had indeed changed, becoming thicker, like a dark cloud full of rain and snow, with faint lightning crisscrossing it.

As she was talking, the Holy Mother of All Sons came over swinging her bamboo pole-like body, "We are going to ask the wolf demon for an explanation. Please leave first. I have arranged a boat. Taoist Master has a skeleton lantern in his hand, which he can bring with him." You pass through the poisonous fog.”

The Virgin of Ten Thousand Sons was followed by groups of descendants. They all looked like statues carved from the same mold, wearing the same white leather armor, holding swords and shields, and looked overwhelmed.

"We don't want to say anything, just Zuo Liuying." Yang Qingyin has no intention of retreating. She is not polite to the spirit demon. She wants to say one more thing to the Taoist priest: "You can make your own choice. If you are willing to attack Baiyue Mountain, follow me. Those who leave Bingcheng will stay here and wait for Mu Xingqiu."

More than half of the Taoist priests wanted to save Zuo Liuying. Although no one said it, everyone had a vague hope in their hearts: if Zuo Liuying was fine, Mu Xingqiu might get back on his feet.

Only a few Taoist priests stayed in the camp, but it was not for the purpose of evacuating. Meng Xu, the Taoist priest of the Danyang Department, felt that not everyone could go to the war. "Someone has to stay, maybe the Taoist priests will change their minds."

The Taoist priests became the vanguard of the demon team and headed towards the Moon Worship Mountain in the north. Both humans and demons had the same idea: if you make mistakes, you must correct them.

The demon soldiers walked past one after another, leaving messy footprints in the camp. In the end, only five Taoist priests were left to guard the camp.

Meng Xu looked at Mu Xingqiu's tent and murmured: "Without Mu Xingqiu, we would only be dead."

In the tent, Xin Youtao was persuading Mu Xingqiu earnestly.

Mu Xingqiu sat on the edge of the bed, supporting the bed with both hands, lowering his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, or as if he was too tired to think about anything. The bald man stood on his right side, carefully stroking Mu Xing with three strands of hair. Autumn's fingers.

"I know how you feel." Xin Youtao also sat on the edge of the bed, with the bald man between him and Mu Xingqiu. "We were abandoned by the Taoist tradition and said we wanted to find a place to hide from the demons, but how easy is it? Even if everything succeeds, we He only has a lifespan of more than a hundred years and is destined to perish in this world. The demon clan will betray us for the sake of Lord Yishi. What will he do for the demon clan?"

Xin Youtao sighed. He wanted to comfort Mu Xingqiu, but in the end, he panicked himself, "Although Zuo Liuying never said it, when he was around, you only shouldered half of the responsibility, and now the whole burden is on you. Change it." As for me... no, I don’t even have the courage to bear it, and neither do the others. Yang Qingyin and the Gan brothers may be able to bear it for a while, but they can’t hold on for long.”

Mu Xingqiu stared at the ground and said nothing.

"It can't be said that the demon clan is completely ungrateful. At least they still remember Lord Yishi's kindness."

Xin Youtao quickly gave up on the topic, "Zuo Liuying may be fine, but who is he? The Taoist priest who knows all the tricks, maybe he is waiting to attack the wolf demon with a blow."

Mu Xingqiu finally said, "The current Zuo Liuying is just a Taoist priest."

"The new inner elixir is a little weaker, but his intelligence will not be reduced, right?"

"Then it's even more terrifying. Zuo Liuying's intelligence and intelligence are all based on concentrating on the inner elixir. If he still holds on to his previous ideas, he will only die a worse death."

Xin Youtao certainly understands this truth. He has learned how to fight for power since he was a child. The prince uses these moves to no avail, but "fainting three children" just seems ridiculous.

"But there is still hope." Xin Youtao forced a smile.

"Of course, as long as you are alive, there is hope." Mu Xingqiu slowly raised his head and looked at the tent exit, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

Xin Youtao suddenly understood something, "You...are you pretending?"

"Why, you didn't expect me to be capable of intrigues?"

Xin Youtao didn't know whether to laugh happily or stand up and kick Mu Xingqiu hard. "You'd better give me a suitable reason. What's going on? Is everything a scam today?"

Mu Xingqiu turned his head and smiled, and soon became serious again, "The demon clan's plan is so exquisite, which shows that we are facing a powerful opponent, and this opponent obviously understands the Taoist priest's movements."

Xin Youtao suddenly realized that yes, the demon clan obviously knew that Mu Xingqiu had gone to Baiyue Mountain in advance, and also knew that Yang Qingyin would definitely go to save Mu Xingqiu. This could only mean one thing, "There is a traitor among the Taoist priests!"

"So I have to hide my true thoughts. I can't let my opponents guess what I'm going to do." Mu Xingqiu was as determined as ever. As long as he was alive, he would not give up hope.

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