
Chapter 0583 Dragon Cave

The last boat sailed away, sailing into the thin poisonous mist. On the bow of the boat stood a descendant of the Virgin who had been pierced through the sacrificial lake, with his mouth open in confusion, not knowing why he was alive or why he died.

The beast monster Lao Chuang stood on the pier and watched the ship leave, wiping the sweat on his forehead. "Is it getting hot in the winter? It's so damn hot." He turned around and walked towards the Ice City.

The city gate facing the pier was very short. Lao Chong lowered his head and could barely pass through. When he came out, he was already very unhappy. He didn't want to drill holes when he entered the city again. He waved his fists and smashed them, forcing the city gate to pass. It was five or six feet taller, enough for him to walk over with his head held high.

It's actually not that difficult to punch the city gate. The weather is too hot and the white city bricks have become a little soft and cannot withstand the beast's hard fist.

There are still a group of monsters in the ruins of the city, not many, more than 20 of them. They always bump into King Yu, bow, and then stand behind him obediently.

Pei Zihan stood hunched on a damaged white stone, his eyes scanning the faces of the demons one by one. He could not name the Feather King, several spirit demons, the Holy Mother of All Sons and several of her descendants, more than a dozen of them. The name of the little demon. Without Taoist priests, they would cross the lake by boat under the leadership of the Gan brothers and watch from the other side.

"Very good, let's not leave here. We must share life and death with Tao Zun. Don't let him think that the demon clan is all greedy and ungrateful people." Pei Zihan said.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons shook her head, "I did not stay here for Taoist Master. There is no way. I swore that I must see the complete destruction of Ice City with my own eyes before I can leave. My descendants swore that they must see me die before they can be free. ”

A total of seven descendants stood around the Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons, their thin and narrow faces expressionless.

The Spirit Demon Sandalwood Burner also shook his head, "We are here for the Spirit King, we can't leave her alone."

Only King Yu said: "Dao Zun has forgiven me and saved me, and my life belongs to him. I was deceived by the wolf demon, and I hope I can do something for Dao Zun by staying."

Lao Chong raised his arms and roared behind King Yu, taking it as a statement.

"No matter the reason, we stayed." Pei Zihan waved his hands, saying that it was not important, "But we can't just stand here and wait for the Qianlong to resurrect and spit out fire to destroy everything. We have to do something.

"Go into the wolf cave and ask Feizu and those wolf cubs for a clear explanation." Lao Chuang said loudly. He found that everyone's eyes were disapproving and he lowered his head.

"Thousands of monsters have not found the entrance to the wolf cave, and we monsters have no chance, not to mention there is not much time." Pei Zihan's eyes stopped on the face of the Virgin Mary, "I suggest that we destroy the dragon head , maybe I can give Dao Zun a little help."

"It is more likely that we will die in front of Taoist Master, and he knows nothing about what we have done." Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons said plainly. The demons thought she was going to refuse, but she nodded, "That's good. Come with me."

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons staggered along the road to higher ground, with several descendants in front hurriedly clearing the way for her.

The demons followed behind, but a few spirit demons were a little hesitant, "Is it settled? No more discussions..."

"It's such a nonsense discussion, my eyebrows are about to burn." Lao Chuang pushed the spirit demon to follow him. He liked the spirit demon, so he spoke even more vulgarly.

"There are still brocades." As soon as Sandalwood Burner finished speaking, brocades flew back from the north of the city, stopped in the air and said: "The Spirit King and the catechumens are still where they are, doing nothing, casting no spells, and not looking for the wolf cave. ”

Our Lady of Wanzi raised her head and said with a smile: "Come on, the spirit demon who looks like Taoist Master, come with us to find the dragon head and die on the way."

Even in the eyes of the demon clan, the Holy Mother of All Sons is a bit weird. The brocade fell among the spirit demons. After asking about the situation, he turned cold. He didn't like this plan, but there was nothing else to do. He definitely didn't want to do it now. Go to see Mu Xingqiu.

Mu Xingqiu's words greatly hurt Jin Cuo's self-esteem. Even though they were well-intentioned and were to help the spirit demon leave a dangerous place, he still found it difficult to accept them.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons stopped on a piece of flat land that had been cleared away, motioned for everyone to stand around her, then bit her finger and pressed three times on the skull lantern, "The blood is passed down, the holy bones are clear."

In the hands of others, the skull lantern is just a certificate for entering and exiting the ice city. Only the Virgin of Ten Thousand Sons can use it to perform unique magic.

The ground fell rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it was pitch black before all the demons. Several demons almost fell down, and they were a little nervous at first. Gradually, they felt that the underground was not bad, at least they didn't have to endure the high temperature outside. But this comfortable feeling did not last long. The temperature underground gradually rose, and it was sweltering. All the monsters felt that there was a layer of sweat under their skin, but they could not let it out.

"Are we really here to die?" Hot air rushed into his throat, and Lao Chong felt like he was holding a piece of red-hot coal. He wanted to vomit, but couldn't spit it out, and wanted to swallow, but couldn't. He thought this was It feels like dying.

"Don't humans and monsters regard dying for someone as loyalty?" Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons was not anxious about anything, as if she was leading everyone to visit her own garden.

"But Mu Xingqiu and King Ling don't even know that we are dying for him." Lao Chong was more accustomed to calling Mu Xingqiu by his original name, although he missed the other pseudonym that no one remembered.

"This is called silent loyalty, and it refers to you. I am only loyal to the Virgin Mary of all ages. Who made me shed their blood?"

There was a passage in front of him. Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons took the lead and walked forward, and soon reached the end.

The demons stood on the shore of a sea of ​​fire, dozens of feet of red flame billowing below, like a small lake.

"Where is the dragon head?" Jin Cu asked.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons pointed her finger casually and said, "We are standing inside the dragon head."

All the demons were shocked. Although they had heard that the Qianlong was extremely huge, when they actually stood inside the dragon's head, they still felt that it was too big. The entire dragon cave could accommodate at least nearly a thousand ordinary demons.

"Are you going to jump down and die now? Or are you going to wait for the hidden dragon to resurrect and be swallowed directly by it?" The tone of the Holy Mother of All Sons remained calm, without any change, "I have to wait until the Ice City is destroyed before I can decide whether to follow Your steps."

"Are we really going to dance?" Lao Chong hoped to do something for Mu Xingqiu and King Ling, but he didn't want to die so casually.

"Of course not." Pei Zihan was looking around, "We are under Shengzi Lake, right?"

"Well, it is the water of Saint Child Lake that turns dragon fire into poisonous mist, surrounding Ice City and Wolf Plains." Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons is also looking around. As the Lord of Ice City, this is her first time here.

"Can a channel be opened to let the lake water flow in?"

"What's the use of this? Will it create more poisonous fog?"

"I don't know, I just thought that weakening the flames might prevent the Qianlong from resurrecting."

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons thought for a while, "Try it, no matter what, you will die the same. Everyone, come here and do me a favor. It is said that there is an iron gate here. If you are strong enough, you can open it."

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons did not say what was hidden in the door. She groped on the cave wall for a while, and suddenly grabbed one of her descendants and threw it at her. The descendants were shattered into pieces without even a grunt, and their flesh and blood was stained on the cave wall. .

The cave suddenly became quiet. They were all monsters and knew how important sacrifice was to the magic. However, the Virgin Mary was so dismissive that everyone was shocked. Even Lao Chong did not dare to say a word.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons was completely unaware of this unusual silence. She stretched out her hand and pulled out an iron chain from the flesh-smeared cave wall, "Come on, you powerful monsters, your mission is next."

The demons walked over and Lao Chuang was the first to take the chain. He used all his strength to pull out only a small section. Jin Cuo joined hands and a large section of the chain came out. More demons joined in and the chain gradually lengthened.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons and her descendants looked on. They were too weak to do such a thing, and Pei Zihan did not participate. He had difficulty even walking, and the remaining strength was only enough to perform a few magic spells.

The iron chain was not too long. It rubbed against the stone wall, making a clattering sound. It was quickly pulled out, and a large iron ball was attached to the end. It hit the ground with a bang, making a sound of metal colliding. This was indeed not an ordinary thing. A stone cave, but a dragon bone.

Just as the demons were wondering where the door was, the dragon cave suddenly shook, and then a piece of the cave wall collapsed, revealing a huge stalagmite hidden inside.

"Are these... the teeth of a hidden dragon?" King Yu asked in awe.

"Well, the last one, the others have been cut off a long time ago. I'm really curious about how Qianlong would feel after he was resurrected and found that he only had one tooth left." Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons laughed twice and pointed to the top of the dragon's tooth. , "Did you see it? There are still a few pieces of dried meat left there. This dragon's tooth was refined into a demon weapon by the previous generation of Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons. It created the Saint Son Lake above, and it must also be able to destroy it."

All the demons groaned in unison, and immediately felt that Bingcheng was indeed amazing.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons grabbed the skull lantern and was about to cast a spell on the dragon's tooth. Suddenly she remembered something, "The entire dragon's head may be destroyed later. Do you want to stay here and watch, or go to the entrance of the cave to wait for me?"

All the demons looked at each other, turned around and ran away. Only the descendants of the Holy Mother of All Sons were still with her.

The stalagmite-like dragon's teeth glowed red, and the entire cave shook more and more violently. The stones attached to the dragon's bones fell, and a moment later, there was a muffled sound above the head.

After the sorcery was over, the skeleton lantern led the way in front, and several descendants carried the three-foot-long dragon's tooth behind. The Virgin of Ten Thousand Sons walked towards the demons in a leisurely manner. Just after walking more than ten steps, a large amount of lake water poured down from the roof of the cave, pouring on the sea of ​​​​fire, and rising into clouds of white steam.

"Hurry up, Bai Qi is going to catch up with you!" Lao Chong shouted. They must wait for the Holy Mother of All Sons. Only her magic can make the stone slabs under their feet return to the ground.

Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons is like a giant humanoid mantis. She is not in a hurry. Maybe there is no point in being anxious. This is her speed and she cannot go any faster.

"I think it may not be of much use." Our Lady of Wanzi finally came over. The white steam was only a dozen steps away from her. It made a chirping sound against the cave wall. It was obviously extremely corrosive. "The entire dragon body is Burning, it turns out that this is the so-called resurrection - burning yourself to ashes, the water of Shengzi Lake may not be enough. "

The slab rises.

At almost the same moment, Yin Buchen, who was controlled by Lord Yishi, asked for a willing sacrificer, "It can only be a Taoist priest. You are the best sacrifices."

Xiaohao didn't even think about it, "Then let me do it. I have no other use anyway."

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