
Chapter 0604 Demon Pill is Initially Formed

Jin Cu will remember this lesson. There are many ways to defeat the enemy. Rushing up and knocking them to the ground is only one of the ways to win. There are also some dangerous enemies waiting for you to rush up and snare you. .

The curse is such an enemy. It hides in the heart of the demon clan and looks slow and sluggish. However, once it encounters a direct attack, it will rebound twice as much and regain the previously lost territory in one fell swoop.

Jin Cu was blinded. He had clearly ignited a raging fire, and even felt its heat, and the blood in his body was boiling. But suddenly, just because the word "Bing Kui" was spoken, the flames went out. Not even a trace of heat or a wisp of smoke was left behind. The demons who had been showing their teeth and claws just now suddenly turned back into weak and pitiful creatures.

"Arranged by the ancient gods."

"This is the fate of the demon clan."

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it no matter what..."

Disappointment instantly seized Jin Cu's tough but not tenacious heart. He thought he was fighting a giant beast, but just when he was about to win, the giant beast disappeared. He could feel that the giant beast was standing beside him. Behind him, a bloody mouth opened, but no matter how many times he turned around, he just couldn't see it.

Jin Cuo glanced at the edge of the camp in panic, showing his eyes for help for the first time. Deep down in his heart, he was still a young Jin Cui horse, galloping across the grassland, provoking every animal he saw, but once When encountering danger or obstacles, his instinct will still make him turn around and look at his parents who have been following him.

Mu Xingqiu nodded slightly, not saying a word, not even showing a special expression, as if he didn't care much about Jin Cu's plight, and even his response was perfunctory.

But Jin Cu's mood was no longer so flustered. His mind was spinning rapidly. There were already demons preparing to leave. He had to find a way to reverse the situation immediately. He couldn't mention Bingkui. Now was not the best time to eradicate the curse. The demons I care most about the children. Children are hungry. When they are hungry, they need food. Food...

Jin Cu's eyes lit up and she said loudly: "Let the children have a full meal first!"

The demons stopped and one demon patted its belly: "I'll take the cake back right now.

"A few cakes are not enough, we need more food, we need meat! Children should eat meat." Jin Cu doesn't eat meat himself, but he understands how ordinary demons like meat.

"Where did the meat come from? Bingcheng and Moon Worshiping Mountain were burned to ashes. Are they killing other monsters to eat meat?"

The leaders of the demon clan all laughed, but a few of them were seriously considering the suggestion. Their eyes were scanning here and there, as if they were weighing the weight of other demon clans.

Jin Cu regained his confidence and pointed to the Moon Worship Mountain in the north. "The Wolf Cave was indeed burned cleanly, not even a hair was left, but there was not one in the Ice City." He then pointed to the ruins not far down the hillside. , "I was here when the Qianlong Fire was burning. The water of Saint Child Lake extinguished most of the flames. The surface of the ice city was destroyed, and some rooms underground remained intact. Meat and various foods were stored there, which was enough. Share it with everyone so that not only the children can have enough to eat, but you can too.”

Jin Cuo finished speaking quickly, and the demon clan who was about to leave stopped in his tracks. The demon clan who was about to laugh at him opened his mouth but could not speak.

"Are you serious?" a demon clan asked doubtfully.

"I was at the scene." Jin Cu was indeed in Bingcheng at that time, and he also knew that the underground part of Bingcheng was not completely destroyed, but he had not seen any food, but related thoughts suddenly came to him: Bingcheng's underground houses It is for evacuation, and food must be stored for evacuation. The demon clan such as the Virgin Mary of Ten Thousand Sons retreats in a hurry and may not take all the food with them.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He followed his fingers and stared at the white ruins, his eyes seeming to penetrate the piles of bricks. "I know where the food is hidden. Go and call all the monsters. One Bu Luo, tell them to come to Ice City to get food.”

The leaders of the demon clan were stunned for a while, and then suddenly dispersed, leaving Jin Cuu alone standing there like a statue.

Shen Shang smiled, "The fear caused by the curse is sourceless water, so it is meaningless to fight it directly. Let everyone turn their minds to other places, and the fear may disappear by itself. Well, that's right, He is indeed a demon transformed from the Pangshan spirit beast, and is naturally smarter. But is there really food hidden under the ice city? If the demon clan finds out that he has been deceived, he will be torn into pieces. "

Shen Shang looked at Mu Xingqiu, with a tacit understanding and mystery in his smile, "It seemed like there was a spell passing by me just now, did you feel it?"

Mu Xingqiu smiled. He did use some illusions to help Jin Cu stabilize his mind. It was Jin Cu's idea to continue attracting the attention of the demons with food. Mu Xingqiu just helped him build up his confidence.

Mu Xingqiu once saw food in an underground secret room in Bingcheng. Pei Zihan took him there and said that there were many secret rooms like this in Bingcheng. As for whether the food was still there, Mu Xingqiu wasn't sure.

Jin Cu was already full of confidence, and immediately led more than 20 Talisman guests to fly to the ice city. As soon as they arrived at the edge of the ruins, a large group of monsters came after hearing the news, and their eyes were shining, looking at him expectantly. .

The influence of the curse has been temporarily removed, and the brocade has stirred up a huge bubble of hope. Now it is necessary to find something real to fill the bubble.

"Don't you go over and help?" Shen Shang in the camp looked at the monsters pouring into the Ice City from all directions. Hearing the shouts one after another, he felt that this was really a miracle.

"I don't want to go there, but I do know the location of an underground secret room, but I don't know if the food in it is still there."

"I remember that place!" Bald Man shouted excitedly. He remembered that he was still guarding the door for Brother Xiaoqiu.

The flea shook its head majestically, as if disdainful of doing such a small thing, but when the bald man jumped and jumped between its horns to urge it, it still flew quickly towards the ruins of the ice city.

"I'll go take a look too. This really feels like digging for treasure. There should be a competition to see who can dig up the most food." Shen Shang also flew away.

Mu Xingqiu was left alone.

In any case, Jin Cu has taken the first step, and the next road is still difficult to walk. Every step has the possibility of wasting all the previous efforts, but after all, there is a road, no matter how twists and turns and hidden, it always points to a direction.

Mu Xingqiu can spend time thinking about further things, such as how the demon clan should fight Bing Kui. So far, no one has seen Bing Kui's true appearance, and they know very little about their fighting methods. , all I know is that they used the curse as the vanguard and wrapped the body with ice, and the entire process in between was missing.

Mu Xingqiu entered a cave and entered a state of meditation. He went through all the magic spells he had seen in Yishi Jun's memory. There were forty-seven types in total, most of which were complicated and could not be used near the frozen monster corpse. There are only a few items used to increase strength, so maybe you can use them all.

Under the influence of the Star Shifting Formation, Bingkui probably couldn't cast spells, so this would be a hand-to-hand battle. Thinking back to the monster corpses he had seen along the way, Mu Xingqiu judged that Bingkui was extremely powerful, holding a sword or something like that in his hand. Close weapons.

The demon clan is also good at close combat, but they are no match for Bing Kui. It should be said that they were cursed and their fighting spirit was emptied before they took action. If Jin Cui can really rekindle his fighting spirit, will the chance of winning be greater?

While Mu Xingqiu was thinking about it, the bald man flew in from outside and said with a grin: "I found it. Flea and I found the secret room. The food is still there, but unfortunately there is no meat. Now everyone is moving, Jin Tu assigned each tribe a place to dig down, and Shen Shang said that whoever found the most food would be named the 'Full Belly King'. I want this title..."

The bald man flew away again. He just came over to report to Brother Xiaoqiu. Maybe he was a little worried that Brother Xiaoqiu would run away secretly. After making sure that the person was still there, he felt relieved.

Mu Xingqiu laughed for a while and continued to delve into the sorcery in his mind. This time he added the Taoist spells he had learned, like reviewing soldiers, to see which ones could be used and which ones could not be used on the battlefield.

Near the monster corpse pit, Mu Xingqiu had already tried it. Spells such as the illusion of mind and the fish-dragon formation could not be cast, but the pure power was not affected.

Power, power... Mu Xingqiu's thoughts once again fell on the "Liang Yi Sword and Shield" method created by the beast monster cultivator.

Strictly speaking, Liangyi Sword and Shield are not magic or sorcery, but a daily practice method, just like Taoism, only more complicated. It can be used to coordinate the coexistence of the demon elixir and the inner elixir, and it can also actively strengthen the demon elixir. This is especially valuable. Most of the demon tribes who possess demon elixirs have no cultivation methods at all. Everything is natural. The demon elixir changes with age. Slowly strengthens, then slowly weakens with age, until death.

Liangyi Sword and Shield can absorb more spiritual energy of heaven and earth from one's own flesh and blood, thereby speeding up the accumulation of power of the demon elixir. However, this method has not been promoted because the method is relatively complicated and has a certain threshold. Just meditating is enough. Blocking more than 90% of the demon clan.

For Taoist priests, meditation is as natural as sleeping. Mu Xingqiu decided to give it a try. Although it would take at least a year to refine the demon pill, the earlier the better.

He cast several restrictions to block outside interference. As soon as Baldy discovered these restrictions, he would consciously stay outside.

The first step of meditation is very simple, and it is even simpler since you don’t have to think about nothing like thinking.

The second step is to look inside, which is also very simple for Mu Xingqiu who has the third eye.

The third step is to find the hidden veins, which is a little more difficult. The magic power of Taoist priests is generated by the inner elixir, and it flows continuously through the meridians throughout the body. However, the hidden meridians are another system, which overlaps and deviates from the normal meridians. Moreover, the hidden meridians of each person and each demon are slightly different. , Liangyi Sword and Shield can only provide a general direction, and you have to explore the specific location by yourself.

Mu Xingqiu was not in a hurry, he just wanted to get started, so he slowly determined the location of the hidden vein, and unknowingly reached a state of multitasking, and gradually accelerated his speed.

I don't know how much time passed, but Mu Xingqiu found most of his hidden veins and was ready to take the next step. Since everything went well, he continued to practice.

After some time passed, Mu Xingqiu felt that hundreds of acupuncture points on the hidden veins were beating one after another. In the end, they were like raindrops falling on the water, dancing together.

This is strange, because according to the records of Liangyi Sword and Shield, the simultaneous twitching of a hundred acupoints is a sign of the generation of the demon elixir. Mu Xingqiu had only started practicing for less than a day, but soon his left eye also changed. It hurt like a pinprick, and at the same time, the roars of demons could be heard outside.

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