
Chapter 0614 The Rice King’s Speech

Snow was falling in the sky, and Jin Cuo summoned all the demons in the Ice City, including the young demons. He gave a speech that lasted nearly half an hour, instead of simply telling the demons the truth.

Shen Shang and a small number of demons have already set off to look for reinforcements and prey. There are eight or nine thousand demons left. They are standing in the snow, only a stone's throw away from last night's battlefield. When they turn around, they can see those giant shallow dishes. The big pit.

Fanwang Jincu stood on a high platform made of snow, holding a three-headed statue in his hand, raising it high, and thanked the ancient gods with a long prayer for giving the demon clan power and allowing them to defeat the powerful enemy. The words are gorgeous and quaint, and most demon tribes cannot understand them at all. On the contrary, they think it is a sacred language.

Finally, he said: "Blessed by the ancient gods, we have ended a legend. From now on, any demon clan will talk about the terror and invincibility of Bing Kui. Only you, every demon standing here, can laugh and be proud. To say that is a lie."

Mu Xingqiu stood behind the group of demons and listened to the spirit demon's speech. Although Bingcheng could not cast spells, Jin Cu's words could still be clearly transmitted to the ears of each demon. The voice was loud, although it was not rich, but it was full of emotion. When he prayed to the three idols, some demons were so moved that they even knelt down to him.

Next, Jin Cui told the monsters about the Star Shifting Formation, describing its power and terror. It was a doomsday-like spell that covered the entire world. No living thing could escape. It could invalidate the magic and make All demon clans lost their fighting spirit.

His statement was a bit exaggerated, but the demon clan here had just emerged from a fog of fear and depression, and they still remembered the suffocation feeling, so they had no doubts about Fan Wang's words. They rarely kept quiet and did not roar. They all clenched their fists and stared angrily, as if they were about to enter a battlefield.

Jin Cu talked about the seven cardinal positions without concealing anything, but he exaggerated some details, especially the importance of Bingcheng. In his description, Bingcheng was not only the first cardinal position, but also the one who decided Holding half of the power of the Star Shifting Formation for seven days would be equivalent to breaking one of Bing Kui's arms and legs, and so on.

Then he talked about the choice. The demons can leave the Ice City. They are no longer bound by the curse. They can leave whenever they want. No one can stop them. From then on, Jin Cuo's tone became desolate and sad. It doesn't matter whether it is pretending or not. Anyway, this sound is indeed very contagious.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, the demon clan has been suppressed by Taoism for hundreds of thousands of years! We resisted, were knocked down, resisted again, and were knocked down again, over and over again, as if this is a fate that we can never get rid of. Some demon clan hope that one day we can get the demon clan But Bingkui is the vanguard of the demon clan. They regard the demon clan as the material of the formation, and they don't even let the newborn babies go. Do you still expect the demon clan to break this fate? The monsters who think this way are idiots, and the monsters must rely on themselves!”

"Why are the Demon Clan so oppressed? It's not because we are weak. On the contrary, the Demon Clan has the greatest power in the world. Last night's battle was enough to prove this. But the Demon Clan is not united, divided and vendetta against each other has weakened the Demon Clan. With the power of the demon clan, many times, they would rather watch their fellow beings being killed than lend a helping hand. In the end, the massacre falls on them.”

"We can leave Bingcheng, give up the first position to Bingkui, and escape far away, in exchange for a few days, months, or years of stability. The reason is ready: there are so many demon clans, and there are Orthodoxy and humanity, why do we have to stand here?”

All the demons were silent, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, but no one noticed that there were several inches of snow piled between the two corners of the beast demon's head and refused to be brushed away. The young demon's cheeks were flushed, not because of the cold. , but excited, the snow blocked many eyes, but the demons still looked at Jin Cu, waiting for his answer.

Why do they have to risk their lives to resist Bing Kui, but the whole world benefits?

Jin Cu was silent for a while, and her tone suddenly changed from high-pitched and passionate to soft and gentle, but it was still clear, "Because we are already standing here. It was Bing Kui who forced us here to seize land and massacre demon clans. They will always do this." If we keep doing this, a group of monsters will have to stop fleeing and turn around to fight. This is a beginning. This must be the beginning before more monsters will come forward to join the fight. We have just finished a legend. Can we create another one? A new legend?"

The thunderous response made the snowflakes in the air tremble slightly.

The bald man sat between the two corners of the flea. At this time, he turned to Mu Xingqiu and showed a strange expression, as if his eyes were covered with sand. "If I had a heart, it would jump out now. If I had tears, they would flow out now." .Brother Xiaoqiu, I don’t have a body, but you have a demon pill, so we can be considered demons, right?”

This scene was different from what Mu Xingqiu had imagined, but he had to admire Jin Cuo's ability to inspire. He recalled the several speeches he had given in Duanliu City, and none of them could compare with this one. The demon is only a few years old. Counting from birth, he is only six or seven years old.

Maybe Jin Cu was not giving a speech, and everything he said was a fact that he firmly believed in. Maybe he was simply possessed by one of Ishi-kun's souls.

Lord Yishi is a demon of souls, each soul has its own strengths, and there may be one that is best at speaking and inciting. This explanation was simpler and more reasonable, and Mu Xingqiu was almost ready to accept it, but when he saw Jin Cuo's intoxicated face through the snowflakes from a distance, he, like all the demons, believed that this was the true love of the Rice King. reveal.

Not long after the spirit demon clan was born, Jin Cuo couldn't wait to carry the leader's banner. This was his mission and his desire. His father was an ordinary bay-red horse, but he never felt inferior about it. Instead, he became even more proud.

This time, he carried a bigger and heavier flag. Unlike Mu Xingqiu, he would not ask who the flag originally belonged to or who had given it to him.

The brocade ended with these lines: "The Taoist priests are hiding, and the magicians are gone. We are the only ones left, a group of ordinary monsters. I know that many monsters are thinking, let us hide too, But when disaster strikes, only the strong can escape in time. For the so-called weak, there is no reliable hiding place in this world. Only by fighting can the weak rely on each other and hide for each other. Only by fighting! "

Regardless of whether they understood the meaning of these words, the demons once again let out thunderous cheers.

The future king is growing rapidly. Mu Xingqiu realizes that he is doing what Zuo Liuying once did, but he still draws a line between the two: he is more willing to be like the princess of Xijie Kingdom and put everything aside. Things should be made clear and clear in advance, rather than pushing in secret and only telling the truth when the result is irreversible.

He didn't know if this was a nobler approach.

No matter what, the great success and the excited demons make the future a little clearer in Mu Xingqiu's eyes. Taoism may not come back until a long time later, and Yishi Jun's plan may only be able to save a very small number of people. The lives of the strong, but ordinary humans and monsters also have hope, and people like the princess and Daliang don't have to hide.

Jin Cu's speech ended, and the demons shouted "fight" over and over again in response to the question of whether to stay or go. Even the bald man joined in, but the flea was so calm as if he didn't understand a word. He shook his head and almost threw the bald man off.

The demon crowd surged past Mu Xingqiu. Friends of the same clan held each other's shoulders, staggering around and yelling like they were drunk. The tribal leaders who hated each other held hands and swore to abandon each other in public amidst the noise. In the past, the excited little demons jumped up and down, circling around their parents and brothers, hoping to get a weapon, even a bone dagger.

Jin Cu came, followed by a large group of enthusiastic young monsters. The tribal leaders were all pushed aside. The tall beast monsters had the advantage at this time, squeezing the ordinary half-monsters with almost nowhere to stay. But they left enough space for Rice King. Every demon wanted to get close to him, but no one dared to really get close to him.

Jin Cui raised the statue in his hand and nodded to Mu Xingqiu, "Even if I dig through the entire Ice City and Langyuan, I will find the leader of Bingkui and have a real decisive battle."

Mu Xingqiu nodded in return, stepped aside and took a few steps, watching the monsters surround Fan Wang like wings as he walked away.

"I'm a little jealous, Brother Xiaoqiu, you should be the one walking there arrogantly." The bald man looked at the backs of the demons with envy.

"Arrogant? Is this the image of me in your mind?" Mu Xingqiu asked with a smile.

"Haha, I always confuse you with Er Shuan... Shen Hao." Bald Man also laughed. After so many years, Mu Xingqiu and Shen Hao in his memory were still the two leaders of the children in Yelin Town.

Jin Cu's success also brought about an unexpected consequence. The little demons refused to leave, even if their parents agreed. Even children as young as five or six had to participate in the battle.

This matter was much more difficult to solve. It took Jincu three full days to send away more than 500 little demons under ten years old in batches, all escorted by banshees, to the ten-day journey to the southwest. There is a place called Woniu Lake. It is said that the monsters there migrated from the far north a few years ago. They should accept defectors. If there is an accident, the little monsters who come behind will have time to change their direction.

Mu Xingqiu took the opportunity to check the little demons, and it turned out that Feifei was the only special little demon, and he was the only one who could absorb part of the mana.

Mu Xingqiu decided to take him to see Zuo Liuying if he had the opportunity to determine whether the little demon really had Dao roots in his body.

On the morning of the fourth day when Bing Kui issued the declaration of war, Shen Shang and the demon clan who had gone out to look for reinforcements and prey had not yet returned. In order to save the last bit of food, the demons who stayed in Bing City all gave up breakfast and satiated their hunger with feverish conversations. The little demon got into trouble.

There were more than fifty little demons in total, and they were supposed to be escorted out of the Ice City by five banshees shortly after dawn. That morning, only they could enjoy a simple breakfast, but when the banshees walked into the room carrying food, , and found that all the little monsters were gone.

Among them is Feifei.

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