
Chapter 0704 Demon Slave Village

The bead exploded in the air, and the long-suppressed power was released instantly. The blood mist appeared and dissipated, like an illusion that the eyes could not catch in time.

But the sound was real and too loud, so that dozens of ears nearby suddenly could not hear anything. The soldiers all threw away their weapons, covered their ears with their hands, and looked at the Taoist priest in horror. After a while, they heard a sharp buzzing sound from weak to strong.

The power of the explosion was greater than Mu Xingqiu expected. He reached out and stroked the horse's head to calm its emotions, and then looked at the demon slave who called himself Lei Jing.

Lei Jing was not affected, but there was a little surprise on his face. "No one can cast spells on the island. How did you do it?" His voice did not rise.

Strictly speaking, this was not a spell at all. Mu Xingqiu just canceled a spell and released an unfinished explosion.

"This is a coincidence. I can only cast this spell this time." Mu Xingqiu jumped from his horse to the ground and walked in front of Lei Jing, "The person who always mentioned Yelin Town to you..." Lei Jing waved his hand and pointed to the sea, "It seems that the Fire Tree King really doesn't like you." The sea water was boiling. After a while, the steam became thicker and thicker. With the Sky Eye, one could only barely see the other side. "The steam is poisonous. Only the Fire Tree King can control it." Lei Jing lifted the corner of his clothes, revealing the scars on his stomach, which looked like cracked land and a bit like the skin of a beast monster. "Lie Wang Yun!" The fat Minister Xi Jing climbed out from under the horse. He and the soldiers had just gotten rid of the impact of the explosion. At this time, his voice was still relatively loud, "Taoist, you can't escape. The Fire Tree King has seen through you!" "You can't escape either." Mu Xingqiu pointed at the steam. "As long as you are killed..." Minister Xi Jing panted. He already knew that it was difficult to kill this unpopular Taoist priest, more difficult than expected. "Kill Mu Xingqiu, and the Fire Tree King will put away the Fierce King's Mist. The first person to take action will be rewarded, and the one who delivers a fatal blow will be rewarded heavily!"

There were some onlookers nearby, slowly surrounding them. There were humans and monsters. They looked like farmers. Although their clothes were not gorgeous, they were much cleaner than the demon slaves.

More than 50 soldiers picked up the black wood weapons, but followed Minister Xi Jing to retreat step by step.

Mu Xingqiu knew that the palace on the other side could see the situation here, so he shouted to the steam on the sea: "King Huoshu, I know who you want to protect, but that person has been occupied by the soul of the talisman master, and only an empty shell remains. When you wake up, come to me in person."

Mu Xingqiu glanced at the soldiers and civilians around him. The island restricted magic, but his physical condition was not affected. He was able to protect himself. "Don't rush to do it. King Huoshu will change his mind soon."

Minister Xijing hid behind the soldiers, "Don't listen to the Taoist nonsense. If you are loyal to King Huoshu, go and kill him. This is the obligation of the citizens of Zhibubang. Don't be afraid. He only has that one move just now, and no other skills."

The civilians have surpassed the soldiers. There are more than a hundred people in total. Seven or eight tall men are walking in the front, holding sticks, iron forks and other objects in their hands.

Mu Xingqiu didn't want to hurt anyone, but he felt that he had to show some real skills.

Lei Jing suddenly spoke. He was a demon slave. His status in Zhibu State was low, but he had a great influence on the people. He spoke in the local language, and the people stopped to listen. Minister Xijing angrily refuted. The two argued for a while, and Lei Jing obviously had the upper hand. The people around put down their sticks and forks.

"It's okay. If you want to find someone in Yelin Town, follow me." Lei Jing said.

"I'll go with you." Mu Xingqiu said, looking at Minister Xijing.

Minister Xijing was so angry that his face turned red because the people refused to obey his orders. Seeing Mu Xingqiu's eyes, he was frightened again and retreated to the side of the dock, "Don't think about kidnapping me, I, I would rather jump down."

Mu Xingqiu was sure that Minister Xijing would never jump into the sea, but he didn't want to kidnap him either, "The Fire Tree King doesn't care about your life or death, and he will change his mind before dark."

Minister Xijing watched Mu Xingqiu and Lei Jing walk away, and then glanced at the steam on the sea. He angrily issued a series of orders to the soldiers. He knew that unless the Taoist priest was killed, the Fire Tree King would not put away the Lie King's mist and let him cross the sea.

"There are more than 300 soldiers on the island, and there are a large number of people who are willing to be loyal to the Fire Tree King. The fat man underestimated the enemy for a while, and he will soon mobilize more troops to hunt you down. Lei Jing said as he walked. He was not tall, but his steps were big, and he had a kind of vigorous momentum.

Mu Xingqiu hummed indifferently, "Were you born on the island? "

Lei Jing nodded, "So I can speak the language of Zhibubang. It is said that this is the elegant language of ancient humans, but I don't think it has any advantages except that it is difficult to pronounce. "

"You also have a demon seed in your body?" Mu Xingqiu had many doubts and had to ask clearly.

"It should be. I was engraved with a demon-suppressing talisman when I was born." Lei Jing said in a calm tone, not caring about the demon seed, but did not show the demon-suppressing talisman, "I will take you to see Mr. Tie first."

"He is our master. It was from him that we learned about the ancient gods and the prophecies about Taoist priests."

Mu Xingqiu immediately thought of Yi Shijun.

The two crossed a farmland and came to a village surrounded by earth walls. Four soldiers stood at the gate, looking at the dock in confusion. They heard the loud noise just now and saw the steam on the sea. At this time, they saw Lei Jing and a stranger returning to the village, but the escorting soldiers were nowhere to be seen, which was even more surprising.

"Zhang Asan..."

Lei Jing ignored him and went straight into the village. The soldiers did not dare to stop him.

The villagers also walked out of the dilapidated thatched house. Lei Jing said to them: "Everyone come here, the prophecy is about to come true. I brought a Taoist priest with me!"

The men, women, old and young in the village were similar to Lei Jing, with dark skin, thin bodies, and clothes that barely covered their bodies. They all looked at Mu Xingqiu with surprised eyes. Some ran to gather other villagers, and some retreated back home in a panic, closed the door and never came out again.

"Not everyone can accept the ancient god, but if you come, everything will change." Lei Jing couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and took bigger steps.

Mu Xingqiu found that things were a little different from his expectations. "I know very little about the ancient god, and I didn't come for it. There are many people in Yelin Town, who should have been sent to Zhibubang more than ten years ago..."

"Not everyone with a demon seed will be sent here. Those who are sent here must forget the past. This is the rule."

"But you said that someone always mentioned Yelin Town."

"Well, you will see this person soon, but - please don't have too much hope."

Lei Jing stopped in front of a thatched house in the corner of the village.

The thatched house was very simple, with only a green branch stuck on the door that made it look a bit special. A young man walked out of the room, looked at Mu Xingqiu warily, and said nothing.

"His name is Mu Xingqiu, he is a Taoist priest, I think Mr. Tie would like to see him." Lei Jing said to the young man.

The man nodded and went back to the room. After a while, the young man came out with an old man.

The old man was also dark and thin, leaning on a brown wooden cane, with a slightly hunched back. It seemed that he could no longer plant trees. It was a small miracle that Minister Xijing allowed him to survive.

Mu Xingqiu did not feel the temperament of Yi Shijun from this old man.

"Ah, is he really a Taoist priest?" Mr. Tie stretched out his other hand and groped in the air. His eyes were already blind.

Mu Xingqiu stepped forward, "I used to be a Taoist priest of Pangshan, but I have withdrawn from the Taoist tradition, so I am no longer a Taoist priest."

"He used magic to create an explosion at the dock, and Minister Xijing and fifty soldiers were too scared to come forward." Lei Jing added immediately.

Mu Xingqiu did not argue that it was not a real spell.

Mr. Tie touched Mu Xingqiu's arm, pinched it twice, and retracted his arm, "You are right, you are not a Taoist priest, Taoist priests should not be so weak."

In the Taoist tradition, Mu Xingqiu can be ranked among the few strong people with the eighth level of illusion, but he still did not argue. Instead, Lei Jing was not convinced, but seeing Mr. Tie's expression, he shut up again.

"I came for Yelin Town, which is a small town in Xijie Country. It was invaded by demons more than ten years ago, and the people in the town should have been sent here."

"Yelin Town, is it the Yelin Town that the big guy often talks about?" Mr. Tie asked.

"I think so, so I brought him back." Lei Jing coughed, "The Fire Tree King released the Fierce King's Mist, and the Western Minister is gathering soldiers. They want to kill Mu Xingqiu." The young man who was holding Mr. Tie said dissatisfiedly: "Lei Jing, you are too reckless. You actually brought such a person back. Haven't you thought about how much trouble this will bring? Minister Xijing has long wanted to get rid of Mr. Tie, but he just lacks an excuse..." "Ah, don't worry about my life or death. I have lived long enough. It's really wrong to let everyone tie their lives to me." Mr. Tie looked in the direction of Mu Xingqiu with turbid eyes, "Tell me, what's the big deal outside?" "The demons will break out of the void and return to the world within ten years. A group of magic Taoist priests have occupied Wangshan and are using Bingkui to sweep across the entire demon land. Soon, ice and snow will spread to the human world and the half-demon country. Zhibubang will not be immune." Dozens of villagers gathered around, mostly young people, and no one understood what Mu Xingqiu was saying. Mr. Tie smiled, as if he knew more than others, "Interesting, no wonder I feel the demon in my body is a little restless. You used to be a Taoist priest in Pangshan, will you become a Taoist priest again?"

Mu Xingqiu shook his head, "I will not return to the Taoist tradition, but the Taoist fire is still burning in my body. For me, one thing has never changed: the Taoist fire will not be extinguished."

"The Taoist fire will not be extinguished." Mr. Tie's smile disappeared, "Since the Taoist fire will not be extinguished, how can we be saved?"

Mu Xingqiu was about to ask for clarification, but Mr. Tie had turned around and went back to the thatched house with the help of the young man.

"Big guy, come here, someone remembers Yelin Town like you." Lei Jing waved to the onlookers.

Mu Xingqiu turned around and saw a tall villager walking out with a smile. His face was dirty, with a large scar that was obviously caused by the mist of King Lie, and two lines of snot on his lips, "Haha, Yelin Town, haha, my wife ran away."

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