
Chapter 0739 The baby’s inner elixir

Yang Qingyin looked at the baby lying on his back beside her, and smiled and cried. The birth process was not difficult. With the mother's care, everything went smoothly. It was a boy, whose eyes were not open yet, and whose cry was deafening. He looked very healthy, and his limbs were shaking, vaguely like he was boxing.

Yang Qingyin felt that her state of mind was like a sieve, with thousands of emotions dripping, none of which was complete, and none of which was clear. Not only could she not be as calm and steady as a Taoist priest, she couldn't even be as calm as an ordinary mortal.

"He is so big, is it really me who gave birth to him?" She asked with a smile, her face full of tears.

Mother Yang looked at her daughter and grandson lovingly. She was not so embarrassed when she gave birth because she didn't have to worry about the child being taken away by others.

"Did you notice? He has inner elixir, and he has reached the third level of breathing. Although his realm is not as high as Zuo Liuying's when he was born, this is already very rare. He is a genius of the Yang family, no, Pangshan, and the entire Daoist tradition." Mother Yang couldn't suppress her excitement, and couldn't help but put her thumb on the baby's forehead to feel his inner elixir spinning. "In time, he will definitely surpass Zuo Liuying's realm, because he has a prophecy."

Yang Qingyin's tears flowed again. She had decided to let nature take its course. If the Daoist tradition really wanted to take the child away, she could only agree. After all, it was safer in the Daoist tradition, but now she was a little shaken.

She hated indecision and felt that it was not her style. She tried to stop crying and looked up and said, "His surname is Mu, mother, his surname is not Yang, not Shen, but Mu."

Mother Yang sighed softly, "Even so, don't you want to go back to Pangshan with me?"

Yang Qingyin shook her head firmly.

The mother and daughter fell silent at the same time, only the baby's cry continued. Yang Qingyin turned her attention back to her son, "Do all children cry so hard?"

Mother Yang frowned slightly, "Ordinary children are like this, but Taoist disciples... you only cried two or three times when you were born. Babies born with inner elixir should be more mature. Hold him and feed him some milk. Maybe he is hungry."

Yang Qingyin picked up the baby and turned around, but the baby struggled so hard that she couldn't even lift up her clothes.

Mother Yang was also puzzled. She suddenly heard some voices in her mind. Her expression changed slightly and she whispered, "Take him out. The ancestors and grandmasters are here."

"So fast!" Yang Qingyin was surprised. She knew nothing about what was happening outside, and even now she couldn't hear any special voices. "Unless the Taoist sect retires tomorrow, I won't let you take him away."

"Let's go out first." Mother Yang's excitement gradually faded. She began to feel that the baby's crying lasted too long and was too loud. There was no Taoist style. Zuo Liuying was definitely not like this when he was just born.

The bald man had been waiting anxiously at the door for a long time. He went around from behind Mother Yang with a whoosh, and got close to the other side to look at the baby in Yang Qingyin's arms, and then said very seriously, "Like, really like Xiaoqiu brother, look at his fists, they are clenched as tightly as Xiaoqiu brother's."

Yang Qingyin smiled, and then looked at the seventeen Taoist priests not far away. She was no longer surprised, but horrified. She couldn't recognize all these Taoist priests, but she could see that their status and realm were not low. She held the baby tighter and found that the demon-suppressing bell was gone. Looking north again, the sea surface had turned into a magnificent wonder, like a dream.

Yang's mother was also surprised. She bowed to the Taoist priests and then said respectfully to Yang Yannian, the Grandmaster of Pangshan: "This child keeps crying. I don't know why..."

Yang Yannian nodded. He and other Taoist priests summoned Yang Qingyin and her son for this reason. They wanted to see and check the "Taoist genius" who cried loudly. A very thin ray of light flew out of the hand of Grandmaster Pangshan and slowly approached the baby. Yang Qingyin saw it and did not dodge.

The bald man flew over and tried to block the light. He could not see the shape of the light, but could only vaguely see the trajectory of the spell. "Ah..." He opened his mouth to swallow the spell, but it was useless. The light went straight through his head and fell on the baby.

After a while, Yang Yannian retracted the light and stepped back without saying a word. Yang's mother and Yang Qingyin were puzzled. The baby's cry still resounded through the sky, without any reduction.

The ancestor Fang Xunmo walked up to Yang Qingyin and stretched out his arms, "Is it okay?"

Yang Qingyin was still hesitating, and the bald man hurriedly said: "Don't give it to him, old lady, they are casting a spell on you, you think you are willing, but in fact they are controlling you.

"The baby's inner elixir is a little abnormal." Fang Xunmo added without retracting his arms.

Yang Qingyin still handed over the baby. She also began to feel that the baby's crying was not normal, and the strength was amazing. She had to use magic to prevent him from breaking free from her arms.

Fang Xunmo did not catch the baby, but cast a spell with both hands, letting the baby hang in front of him. The bald man was very nervous. He was the only one who didn't care about the baby's crying. He flew around under the baby to protect him.

Fang Xunmo's hands emitted a very soft light, which wrapped the baby completely. Although his face did not change, the light gradually became grander, and even the bald man could see it clearly.

The bald man stopped flying, glanced at Yang Qingyin, and couldn't help asking: "Is this okay? "Mother, Xiao Xiao Qiu was just born..." Yang Qingyin nodded to the bald man. She knew that the high-ranking Taoists might take the baby away by force, but they had no ill intentions and would not harm her child. In particular, the baby's crying made her anxious. Her mother's instinct told her that something must be making the baby feel uncomfortable.

The light that enveloped the baby's body slowly shrank, and finally entered the baby's body. Yang Qingyin and her mother watched with bated breath. The bald man stopped talking and stared closely at the little thing hanging in the air.

Mother Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Grandmaster Pang Shan: "He has inner elixir and triple inhalation. He is another prodigy of Pang Shan, only slightly worse than Zuo Liuying."

The grandmaster was still casting spells. Even after the baby stopped crying, he was still dishonest, waving his fists and feet wildly, and struggling even harder. Yang Qingyin's heart hung with the baby, and she almost didn't listen to the conversation between her mother and the grandmaster.

Like Yang's mother, Yang Yannian also has high hopes for this baby, and even more. Pangshan is weak, and if no miracle happens, it may take two to three hundred years to recover. "He is a genius, does he belong to Pangshan?" But it’s hard to say.”

Yang's mother was taken aback, "Why did Grandmaster say this?"

"His inner elixir is impure."

"The master means that the baby's inner elixir is not..." Mother Yang was speechless for a moment.

"It's not the Taoist inner elixir, but the Sanxiu inner elixir." Yang Yannian did not show his disappointment, but his eyes were no longer on the baby, but looking at the North Sea. "This is just my observation, let's wait for the ancestor's conclusion."

If Yang's mother suffered a serious blow, the master would never be wrong. It turned out that all the years of waiting were in vain.

Bald Man was overjoyed, "Xiao Xiaoqiu doesn't have the Taoist inner elixir, so he doesn't have to be taken back to Pangshan? Mom, did you hear that? Great news!"

Yang Qingyin still stared at the baby and said casually: "Okay."

Mother Yang was puzzled, "How could it be? Qingyin is the daughter of a Taoist sect, how could a baby condense into Sanxiu inner elixir? Is it... could it be because of Mu Xingqiu? It must be him, if Qingyin is combined with a real Taoist priest , this kind of thing won’t happen.”

The bald man glanced at Yang's mother, but for the sake of Yang Qingyin, he did not retort.

Yang Yannian shook his head, "It has nothing to do with Mu Xingqiu. It may be that Yang Qingyin's body and soul were unstable due to the method of re-annihilation, which affected the inner elixir of the fetus."

"The way to destroy it again is Mu Xingqiu..." Mother Yang sighed, walked to her daughter, and said softly: "Come back to Pangshan with me, take the baby with you, no matter what kind of inner elixir he has, Pangshan Everyone is willing to accept him.”

"Mother, I have already made a decision and I will not change it. Since my child does not have the Taoist inner elixir, I have to stay with you. In a few years, he can make his own choice."

Children of Taoism mature early and can make decisions on their own before the age of ten.

Yang's mother still wanted to persuade her, but Yang Yannian said: "I'm afraid he has no choice. Pangshan will retire within a month."

"One month? Isn't it nearly ten years before the Demon Clan appears?" Yang Qingyin asked in surprise.

"The Demon-Suppressing Bell has left Wangshan, and the restriction left behind is becoming increasingly unstable. It will last for ten years at most. During this period, the demon species may rush out of the void at any time." Yang Yannian's eyes never left the north, "And it will stop there. The flames in the country are more intense than expected. We have just strengthened the peripheral restrictions. There is no need to stay in Pangshan. , there will be no orthodox Taoist priests in the world.”

This was the first time Yang's mother heard about this, and she felt even more anxious, "Qingyin, stop being stubborn and come back to Pangshan with me. That's your home."

Yang Qingyin looked away from the child, looked into her mother's eyes, and smiled slightly, "Dao Tong can give up the whole world, why can't I give up Dao Tong?"

Yang Qingyin took a slow breath, and Yang's mother's face showed panic. She knew what her daughter was doing, but she couldn't stop her, "Silly boy, you will regret it..."

Yang Qingyin spit out the inner elixir and handed it to her mother. She immediately felt exhausted and turned her eyes to the baby. She didn't even take a second look at what her inner elixir looked like. "Does he want to spit out the elixir too?"

"If it's just a casual cultivator inner elixir, then no need." Yang Yannian replied. He was sure from the beginning that Yang Qingyin would never change his mind.

Yang Qingyin's heart calmed down and she missed the baby a few steps away more and more. She eagerly looked forward to holding him in her arms again and feeling his punches and kicks.

"Huh?" Patriarch Fang Xunmo asked, and more than a dozen high-level Taoist priests summoned magical weapons at the same time, kneading magic formulas with both hands, as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

Before Yang Qingyin and Bald Zi could ask about the reason, the baby suddenly spit out a ball of fire.

The fireball grew in response to the wind, and soon became a foot in diameter. It wanted to fly into the sky, but was restrained ten feet high in the air by the spells of seventeen high-level Taoist priests.

These seventeen Taoist priests all have great backgrounds, and the magical weapons they use are the best in the world, including nine treasures. Even so, they can only barely trap the fireball, and it is still struggling.

"The Ancestral Fire of the Wilderness, this is the Ancestral Fire of the Wilderness in Zhibu State! How come it appears here?" Yang Yannian couldn't help but speak, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Fang Xunmo didn't answer. At this moment, the baby not far from him suddenly turned over, stretched out his pink fist, and punched the Taoist patriarch on the chin.

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