
Chapter 0791 Different

Mr. Ma believes in the existence of demonic bodies.

In the war between humans and monsters two years ago, he was a brave warrior. He had to be brave because everyone around him was striding forward, friends, comrades, and even strangers who had only met once. Everyone walks towards the enemy with firm steps and faces death fearlessly.

After "death" once, Mu Feihuang understood at that time that the so-called bravery was an illusion. It was actually a kind of shame. He thought that he must do what others did, in a world that everyone participated in creating. In illusion, people can go against their instincts and do the most incredible stupid things.

After opening his eyes again, Mu Feihuang no longer wanted to do stupid things. For this reason, he wanted to be different and superior, get rid of the ridiculous shame, and never accept the influence of other people.

With this realization, Mu Feihuang felt that almost every word of Mo Zhong could fit his mood.

Wangshan Mountain has not become smoky, the scene there is still wonderful and picturesque, the houses are built on the cliffs, and the valley is filled with nebula trees, a total of 33,000 trees, each of which will be a demon in the future.

Mu Feihuang was wrapped by the soft branches of the Nebula Tree, and had to undergo profound transformation from his body to his mind. The demon's voice was erratic, but very convincing. Mu Feihuang became more and more convinced that he was born different, and that he was different from others. All living beings are not the same kind, but it has never been revealed before.

When he left the Nebula Tree, he was already half-demon. His heart was full of contempt and disgust for all living beings. He went out of the mountain under the orders of the demon species and took killing as his own responsibility. He used the physical sacrifice to seize the power from ordinary humans and monsters. Then send it back to Wangshan.

The half-demon must return to Wangshan. Their transformation has not yet been completed. Only by bringing back enough power can the transformation continue, and the demon species can also speed up the body shaping process.

Although it was never expressed clearly, Mu Xingqiu could feel the excitement of the demon species in Mu Feihuang's memory. Their eagerness to have a body was like the eagerness of some great minds to get rid of the shackles of the physical body.

Mr. Ma firmly believed in the theory of the demonic body, because it meant that he was unique. From the perspective of a bystander, Mu Xingqiu saw that this was probably a set of lies. The demonic species must have had a purpose in escaping for many years, but It has nothing to do with the demon body, they are looking for something else.

The half-demon also shoulders another task, which is to find more "demon bodies" among the dead in the Flesh Festival. The criteria are very simple. Only those who die without stopping can be selected. Such humans and monsters will be sent to Wangshan. Checked by the demon himself.

Mu Feihuang himself became a half-demon because of this.

When Mu Xingqiu discovered that the physical sacrifice had begun and could not be stopped even by killing Mr. Ma, he decided to wait and see, experience the process, and find out the true purpose of the demons.

After staying in Zhibu State, Mu Xingqiu had a clearer view of the battle between Dao and demons. He believed that the retreat of Dao and the reappearance of the demons were not simple. Both sides had their own plans and would never let them out easily, even if Even Taoist priests and half-demon can only understand a very small part.

Mr. Yishi once described all creatures in the world as spells. Every person and every demon is an integral part of the spell. It seems to be somewhat accurate. At least from the perspective of the demons, humans and demons contain With the power that they are not aware of, they can take it for their own use.

Mr. Ma has become a walking corpse, and his memories are all in Mu Xingqiu's place. Therefore, Mu Xingqiu can control the body of the half-demon with telepathy and illusion, and continue to perform physical sacrifices.

Part of the power was distributed to Yin Buchen and three casual cultivators, but they couldn't keep much. Once the physical sacrifice was over, the power would disappear quickly, leaving only a little, but this was of great help to them. . On the contrary, Mr. Ma, who only has a physical body left, can still store power, like a huge container.

"Wangshan has created at least 10,000 half-demon." Mu Xingqiu said with the help of Yin Buchen. Now he can especially understand the demons' desire for bodies. "Most of them stay in Wangshan. Mr. Ma and the others are pioneers." , went to various places to hold physical sacrifices."

"I've heard that in the Land of Monsters, the Kingdom of Sacrifice, and various human vassal states, great physical sacrifices have been held, but the scale is not as large as this one, usually no more than 10,000." Hong Futian understood why Mu Xingqiu kept it a secret. , his name will attract a large number of half-demon, which will be a devastating disaster, "Actually, the purpose of our battle is not to prevent the physical sacrifice, nor to attack the Wave-Treading City, but to destroy the fleet of the Kingdom of Sacrifice and let The demon clan cannot attack the Our Lady of Ten Thousand Sons in Qishan.

Looking at the warships escaping or landing on the sea, Hong Futian sighed, "The Qishan demon clan has persuaded many half-demon clan to rebel against the country of sacrifice. I originally wanted to use this battle to resolve the hatred between the cultivators and the demon clan. ,did not expect……"

The battle between humans and monsters is going on, and no one can stop it, not even Mu Xingqiu. He tried to influence the whole city with telepathy illusions, but the result was counterproductive. The hatred between the two sides is deeper and their fighting spirit is stronger. The physical sacrifice is actually here. It had been prepared a few days ago and had been quietly working. General Treading the Sea and his magicians knew nothing about it.

"Humans and monsters are all magic." Mu Xingqiu thought of Yishi Jun's words again.

"What?" Hong Futian was a little confused. This Mu Xingqiu was not exactly the same as he remembered.

Mu Xingqiu did not explain. Yin Buchen's body was not suitable for him. He had to finish his words as soon as possible. "When the devil persuaded the half-demon, he said something that I thought was interesting: ugly people should not wear beautiful clothes." Clothes, stupid people should not make random comments and hold power, and weak people should not cause trouble everywhere.”

Hong Futian thought for a while, "To be fair, I think these words make sense."

"Yes, I also think they make sense, and then the demon species deduced another set of statements: people who become beautiful can wear gorgeous clothes, people who become smart can seize power, and people who become strong can rule the weak, and can also kill at will."

Hong Futian was stunned, and began to feel that there was something wrong with the seemingly correct words.

"This Mr. Ma is an old friend of mine. He experienced a change from weak to strong, so he felt that he was qualified to kill hundreds of thousands of humans and demons, and he did not hesitate at all. In fact, in the final stage of the flesh sacrifice, after General Ta Hai broke through the Chess Mountain and defeated the Holy Mother of Ten Thousand Children, all the demon soldiers and demon generals would still become sacrifices."

"You also changed from weak to strong." Hong Futian did not mention himself. In front of the Taoist demon, he did not think he was a strong man at all.

"Yes." Hong Futian vaguely understood something.

"So what the demon said is wrong. Everyone loves beauty, regardless of whether they are beautiful or ugly. The pursuit of power is not divided by the wise or the foolish. Even the poorest people hope to be in power one day. As for trouble, it is not a right. The weak have never stopped causing trouble. Their ambitions and impulses are no less than those of the strong. Things that the strong think should not happen are actually happening all the time." Hong Futian looked at Yin Bushen's wet eyes and searched for Mu Xingqiu's shadow in them, but the impression was always not clear enough. "Everyone is born. Spirits are all different, half-demons are, so am I, and the humans and demons who are fighting each other outside are all different..."

Hong Futian's eyes turned to the dock again. In the night, the demon soldiers of Sheshen Country were landing in groups, lining up in neat teams to enter the city to participate in the battle. "This battle started with me and will end with me. The demons are good at attacking the mind. The flesh sacrifice is a spell to attack the mind, so it can be defeated."

Hong Futian had a firm confidence. He knew what was wrong with the previous approach of stopping the battle, and he also knew how to correct it.

"I'm glad to see you back." He said.

"I'm glad to see you back." He said.

"I'm glad too. I wanted to form an army myself, but now it seems unnecessary. I'll leave it to you. I'm going to find others."

"The Spirit King is in Zhaoshan. I received a letter from my apprentice Ouyang Luo." Hong Futian said.

Mu Xingqiu nodded to indicate that he already knew it. Mr. Ma had relevant content in his memory. In fact, a demon army was quietly heading to Zhaoshan to wipe out the power of the Spirit King.

It is for this reason that Mu Xingqiu cannot stay in Talang City for a long time. He has to rush to Zhaoshan to help as soon as possible.

"The magic circle of slaughter." Hong Futian suddenly remembered this matter, "You should take a look."

Mu Xingqiu pointed at Hong Futian's head, "Is it okay?"

Hong Futian hummed and began to recall the details of the magic circle of slaughter and how he obtained this skill.

Mu Xingqiu got this memory and immediately left the mind of the casual cultivator.

Hong Futian pointed at Shen Xiuming in the corner, "Is it okay?"

Mu Xingqiu also nodded.

Hong Futian walked up to Shen Xiuming, handed over the wooden statue in his hand, and said in a gentle voice: "I want to exchange with you."

Shen Xiuming looked down at the black jade statue, "What are you going to do with it?"

"I will use it to announce to the world that the demon master Mu Xingqiu has returned to the world. He was entrusted by the ancient gods to save all humans and demons."

Shen Xiuming laughed twice and handed the black jade statue to Hong Futian, "I knew it."

Hong Futian flew out of the window with the black jade statue. Mu Xingqiu wanted to keep it secret. The most effective way was not to block the news, but to provide another more reasonable statement: the demon master is the statue, and the statue is the demon master. Humans and demons will be encouraged, but the demons will not believe it at all.

Hong Futian has never lacked firm beliefs. At this moment, his heart is full of a sacred sense of mission. He thought that since every human and demon is unique, all creatures inside and outside the city can get rid of the influence of the flesh sacrifice by their own strength.

Half-demons have tried their best to prove that all living beings are mediocre, so all living beings must do the opposite. What they need is not salvation, but self-salvation.

Mu Xingqiu was about to leave, and he took a last look at Shen Xiuming, feeling guilty, because he couldn't tell the truth to his good friend. What Hong Futian could understand, Shen Xiuming couldn't accept for the time being.

"Zhaoshan, why go there?" Yin Buchen regained his consciousness and muttered in confusion, but still flew out of the tall building.

Mu Xingqiu silently answered Yin Buchen's question: Zhaoshan must have a powerful spirit beast or a strange beast, which attracted Yang Qingyin and also attracted the attention of the demon species.

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