
Chapter 0813 The Magic Selection is the Tao Selection

"What kind of spell is this?"

"You should ask what state this is, alive? Dead? Half alive and half dead? The soul has left the body? Where is his original body?"

"It doesn't matter where the body is, if you kill the soul, the body will naturally decay.

"The fact that he can persist for so long after being hit by the phaseless magic sound is quite capable. Such a special body and soul are rare. Do you want to take him back to Wangshan?"

"That's not our duty. Kill him and get the demon seed back."

The five half-demon, both young and old, all human men, said something one after another, looked at each other, and walked towards the light blue smoke ball.

The flea raised its front hooves and fell heavily. Five cracks carried the light and sword shadow to attack five targets respectively. The black robe on the half-demon instantly turned into interlocking mail armor, blocking the attack from under his feet. Sparks flew and they The pace slowed down.

"What a fierce beast."

"Be careful, this is the same unicorn that used the lunar fire in Yashan."

Flea was once Yang Qingyin's beast-refining target, but the connection between the two parties was not stable, so Yang Qingyin finally changed it to Black Phoenix. Without the guidance of the beast master, the spirit beast cannot cast any complex spells. The five elements of gold under Flea's feet and the white light between the horns on its head are all ancestral instincts, which are inspired by it and are completely different from the magic spells in the world.

The deck was not long, and the five half-demon were only about thirty steps away from Qilin. They used their magic armor to block the swords at their feet, and at the same time stretched out their arms to cast spells on Qilin.

There were bursts of sound, and black energy as thick as a thumb was shot out from the half-demon's hand, like a string of arrows. The two sides were so close, and as soon as the sound started, at least fifty black arrows had already arrived in front of Qilin.

The flea's two front hooves kept lightly stepping on it, and continued to attack the enemy with the five elements of gold. At the same time, it shook its head, and a white ball of light formed between its two horns. It continuously shot out small beads and scattered the black arrows.

The light blue Mu Xingqiu stopped behind the big ball of light, protected by it.

There is a bit of demonic seed attached to the phaseless magic sound. After hitting the target three fields, it should have returned to the hands of the caster immediately. However, Mu Xingqiu's three fields were not destroyed, and the cultivation pill inside was entangled with the demonic seed. This was neither Mu Xingqiu's wish nor the half-demon's plan.

But that's what happened. The five half-demon wanted to get back their own demon seeds, but Mu Xingqiu had to completely eliminate the demon seeds within three fields, otherwise, his cultivation elixir would be destroyed.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't do anything to help, and spent all his energy on activating the three cultivation pills.

Flea's two front hooves stepped faster and faster, cracks on the deck appeared one after another, and small light beads above the head splashed everywhere like raindrops, except for Mu Xingqiu who was behind.

The five half-demon are approaching step by step, but their speed is slowing down. The distance between the two sides is too close, and the spell is almost emitted right in front of their eyes. If they are not careful, they will be hit. However, the half-demon still has the upper hand. They move forward cautiously for fear of accidental injury. Demonic species.

"Set up the formation." A half-demon ordered. The distance was close enough, there was no need to wait any longer.

The number of black arrows increased sharply, but they did not hit the target. Instead, they stopped in the air and connected together, becoming more and more dense, and finally formed a big black ball, wrapping the unicorn and the light blue smoke ball inside.

The black ball slowly shrank, and the small light beads shot by the unicorn could still penetrate a few holes at first, but soon there was only a banging sound.

Facing the black ball, what Flea felt was pressure, but what Mu Xingqiu felt was pulling force. The demon species in the three fields got help and were frantically trying to rush out. If they succeeded, the result would be the three fields and the cultivation pill. destroyed at the same time.

The battle was going on fiercely, and the cracked deck made creaking sounds. Yin Bushen, who went to fetch reinforcements, had no news, and there was only one frightened spectator in the whole battle.

Tuo Yong was so weak that the five half-demon glanced at him for the first time and then stopped paying attention to him.

The half-demon already had a chance to win, and Tuo Yong felt more and more disappointed. He was supposed to become a half-demon and stand firmly on the side of the winner.

He wanted to know if he still had a chance, "My name is Tuo Yong, and the demon clan left me a noble soul..."

"Noble soul?" The five half-demon have stood firm and can distract themselves from laughing at the half-demon, "Did a voice say these words to you?"

"Yes, right, right after my body died, that voice..." Tuo Yong was very happy when he got the response and ignored the ridicule.

"That voice is your own, and what you say is naturally what you like to hear. The 'noble soul' does not exist at all. At the beginning, I thought I was a descendant of the first emperor of mankind."

A sixty-year-old half-demon turned his head and looked at Tuo Yong coldly, "Stop thinking nonsense, we are the chosen ones, but it has nothing to do with the body or the soul. The chosen ones are the chosen ones, we all have them." Dogen.”

Tuo Yong was shocked and blurted out: "I don't have Daogen!"

"You have Taoist roots, but you just haven't become a Taoist priest. After you are fourteen or five years old, your Taoist roots shrink, and even Taoist priests can't see it anymore. Only demons can resurrect your Taoist roots and make you a half-demon." The demon glanced at the four companions, "Many half-demon themselves don't know such a simple thing. They are used to daydreaming."

The other four half-demon just laughed and did not comment on this statement.

Tuo Yong stayed for a while, "How could Dao Tong miss these demons and humans with Dao roots?"

"The Taoist tradition does not accept half-demon or beast-monster disciples. Taoism is very rare among you. It is normal to be missed. As for humans, we have not been missed, but we have not been able to condense the elixir."

"Are you all Taoist disciples?" Tuo Yong was surprised again.

"It was."

"The Taoist tradition didn't get rid of you..."

"Haha, why does the Taoist tradition want to get rid of us? In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the demon species has never deliberately approached the disciples of 'Waste Root'. In the eyes of the Taoist tradition, we are useless. At most, we are a group of relatively strong human beings. When Dao Tong retired a few years ago, most of the disciples who had not yet condensed their elixirs were left behind, and Dao Tong still expected us to become the core force of mankind, haha.”

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old half-demon interjected: "Yes, I was originally a disciple of Xingshan. After six years of failing to condense the elixir, Dao unified retired and I was sent back to my hometown. I joined the army in the hope of protecting mankind. , but human beings have long since declined, and the Long Bin Society is just a show-off. The emperors are looking for ways to surrender to the demons. The so-called war is just to gain some conditions for negotiation for themselves. I was killed in such a war, and then I. I woke up: The house is on fire and everyone is running out, why should I stay behind? I should run faster than everyone else."

Everyone has their own reasons for becoming a half-demon. The two half-demon, one old and one young, looked at each other and smiled, nodded to each other, and then worked together to cast spells.

The black ball has shrunk very small, the banging inside is also weakening, and the battle is coming to an end.

Tuo Yong saved the most important question for last, because he was afraid of hearing the completely despairing answer, "Can I... still... become a half-demon?"

The five half-demon turned to look at him at the same time and laughed at the same time. The older half-demon said: "Didn't King Sheshen tell you? No descendant of the Tuo family can become a half-demon, even if you have Taoism." Gen, once you find out your identity, the demons will not accept you. This is King Saishen’s request. As for the reason, you should ask him.”

Tuo Yongru was hit hard, and it turned out that he was nothing, everything was a dream, and what a grand plan he had made in the dream - maybe this is why King Saishen did not allow the children of the royal family to become half-demon.

"You should feel lucky that the Taoist root has given you a chance to live a new life. The physical sacrifice can not only accumulate strength, but also find the chosen ones. Those with the Taoist root, no matter how old they are, even if they are useless in the eyes of the Taoist. If you can survive the physical sacrifice, we will send you back to the Kingdom of Sacrifice and let you continue to be a member of the royal family."

"I will not return to the Kingdom of Sacrifice." Tuo Yong shook his head repeatedly. He knew very well that after returning to the country, he would be punished. He who did not even have a demon pill would become a waste of the Tuo clan, and would be ridiculed and humiliated endlessly. Now he could You can imagine, "I would rather die here than return to the country of sacrifice."

"Then let your wish come true. There will be a physical sacrifice in Zhaoshan later. We will keep you here. After seven, seven and forty-nine days, your soul will still be gone."

"There are many Demon Chosen among the beast masters, and this will be a grand feast."

"Hey, if it weren't for these Demon Chosen Ones, how could they have escaped in the Battle of Asan?"

"Not this time."

The five half-demon chatted casually. The magic circle had been formed and they only needed to maintain it. They cared more about regaining the demon seed than killing Qilin and Mu Xingqiu.

There was a roar in the distant clouds and mist, and there was a flash of light, and it was obvious that there was also a battle going on.

The five half-demon remained unmoved and continued to discuss how many chosen ones they could take away after the war.

Tuo Yong was forgotten again, looking into the distance, thinking that this was probably the reinforcements called by Yin Buchen. The timid sea monster did not take the opportunity to escape, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

"I will be ridiculed by all the monsters, including Yin Buchen." Thinking of this, Tuo Yong's heart sank to the bottom, and he slowly walked to the side of the ship. Instead of dying in a physical sacrifice, he would rather end his own life.

He stepped on something under his feet, and Takuyong looked down blankly. It took him a while to recognize that it was an Izumo horn from the Sacrifice Kingdom.

The Izumo horn is very precious and is usually given to sorcerers by the King of Sacrifice. Why does this one end up here? Tuo Yong has been in a coma and has no memory of this period of time. He has no idea about the second-level magician Qi Xantian.

"Pick it up." A voice sounded in his mind, and Tuo Yong was startled. He looked back and saw that the five half-demon were still chatting and casting spells, not paying any attention to him.

"Pick up the Izumo horn." The voice sounded again, very much like Mu Xingqiu.

Takuyong slowly bent down to pick up the Izumo Horn, but he no longer had demon power and could not control this precious demon weapon.

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