
Chapter 0816 Royal Spells

Mu Xingqiu used Wuxu Illusion Technique and saw the scene in Tuo Yong's mind: a large group of Tuo family members, at least a hundred of them, lined up neatly, working together to cast spells in a wide underground hall. There was a snake-shaped statue among the demons. That's where the king's veins are.

Mu Xingqiu didn't know these demon clans, Tuo Yong did, and he had complicated grievances with some of the same clan members. King Saishen was not seen in the hall, but except for him, no one could mobilize so many descendants of the Tuo clan.

What surprised Mu Xingqiu the most was that the methods of casting spells by these Tuo family members were surprisingly similar to those of Taoist priests: they held magic weapons in their right hand, mostly swords, and kneaded spells with their left hand. Occasionally, they would summon one or two auxiliary magic weapons to use. Bone horns replace copper and jade, and their functions are almost the same.

The demons in the hall seemed to realize that an outsider was peering into Tuo Yong's mind. The scene changed rapidly. The faces of Tuo's children were blurred, but the snake-shaped statue in the middle became clearer and clearer, and grew larger and larger, finally occupying the space. Tuo Yong's entire mind was cleared, and the empty eyes of the stone statue were looking for something.

"Who are you?" the snake statue spoke, its voice seemed very distant.

"Which Taoist family were you a disciple of before?" Mu Xingqiu asked in Tuo Yong's mind, half guessing and half intuition. If the Tuo family can learn Taoist spells, they must have received help from Taoist disciples.

The snake statue sneered softly and gradually retreated and became smaller. Mu Xingqiu sensed the danger and hurriedly withdrew the illusion. Sure enough, a single white light came out of Izumo's corner and was shooting towards Mu Xingqiu's real illusory body.

A spell that can condense into light is at least equivalent to the strength of the concentration state, even if there is a discount, it should not be underestimated. Mu Xingqiu's eighth-level illusion spell was not able to exert its full strength, and it was somewhat reluctant to fight against the white light. Natural spells were generally weak and had to be combined with reverse spells to achieve miraculous effects.

There is no shortage of spiritual energy and unclean energy from heaven and earth on Zhaoshan Island. Mu Xingqiu restrained the counter-spell within a narrow range, just enough to cover the incoming white light.

The white light was like incense burning in the breeze. The end quickly turned red, disappeared quickly, and retreated bit by bit.

Izumojiao withdrew several other beams of white light and attacked Mu Xingqiu with all his strength, but still could not restore the decline. The reverse technique came to this world not long ago, and it has only been used a few times. The Tuo family has no understanding of it and hides it. The Taoist disciples in the Country of Sacrifice were equally unprepared.

Ouyang Hao and Feifei were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. The two of them were no match for Izumojiao. They were able to persist for so long because Saishenguo was afraid of disturbing Feixiao and did not use all his strength. The two beast masters had Being self-aware, he cautiously stayed on the dragon's head, maintaining the only piece of pure land left on the island, and did not participate in the fight.

"Senior Sister Xiaohao's Zhenhuan... seems to be even more powerful than herself." Feifei was both admiring and confused. He didn't know much about Zhenhuan, so he couldn't say anything.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Taoist Duan still had a hidden trick. He is worthy of being the 'Second Zuo Liuying'." Ouyang Hao was equally surprised.

The white light has shrunk to only one foot in length. Although Mu Xingqiu has the advantage, he is also secretly frightened. It is not easy to counteract the spells in the concentration state. In order to dissolve the white light, the reverse spell consumes a huge amount. If the half-demon hadn't been on the island in advance A large amount of unclean air has been spread, and the surrounding aura of heaven and earth alone is simply not enough.

Mu Xingqiu still had some energy left at first, but now he can no longer control it so much. He worked hard to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the unclean energy on the entire island in order to defeat Izumojiao as soon as possible.

A gas vortex was formed with the real illusion body as the center, and the entire Zhaoshan Island was affected. Even the dark clouds in the sky were attracted and slowly descended. The two gases collided and stirred with each other, and a large amount of lightning was generated without the illusion of mind. The thunder roared one after another.

The Yashan Black Dragon has been dormant at the bottom of the pond all year round. It is by no means a very courageous beast. The changes in the world have made it even more frightened than the white light spell just now. With a pop, it shrank into a python more than two feet long, wrapping around He flew around Ouyang Hao and plunged into the woods on the ground, never to come up again.

Ouyang Hao couldn't summon the black dragon back with his successive moves, so he could only admit embarrassedly, "My method of refining beasts is too weak, and I am only in the realm of inhalation..."

"It doesn't matter, there is no need for the black dragon now." Feifei comforted, but he was actually a little scared in his heart, "I'm just afraid that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not enough, which will annoy Feixiao."

This is the shortcoming of natural Tao magic. In order to compete with the magic of the Tao and Demon factions, it requires a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy and unclean air. Even the founder Tuo Kaicheng understands this truth, so he wants to break the barrier in advance. Bang, uses the power of the sacred tree to dissolve all the spells in the world that are based on cultivation pills.

Just to dispel a white light that focused on the spiritual realm, Mu Xingqiu had to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the unclean gas within a ten-mile radius, and the concentration of these two gases in Zhaoshan was far higher than that in ordinary areas.

The white light shrank to only five or six feet. Tuo Yong, who was holding the cloud horn, slapped his head desperately with his other hand, "I don't know what kind of spell this is. It can eliminate other spells... yes, eliminate... Mu Xing Qiu...suppresses the devil..."

He couldn't talk anymore. The spell coming from the Izumo corner was too powerful. It forced him to reveal the truth and destroyed his mind and body. He trembled for a while, suddenly raised his head and spit out a big mouthful of blood. The blood was as thick as It was thick porridge that had cooled down and turned into pieces as soon as it hit the air. In fact, his body was half dead in Wave Treader City and was no longer the same as a living person.

"I am... a descendant of the royal family!" Tuo Yong only had the most deep-rooted thoughts in his mind. "I am... a descendant of the Tuo family. No one can... no one can..."

boom! The white light finally completely retracted the Izumo horn, and at the same moment, the horn and the half-demon holding it exploded.

Mu Xingqiu immediately withdrew the counter-spell and felt dizzy. Fortunately, the true illusory body could float in the air without casting spells, so he would not fall.

Tuo Yong is dead. In fact, he has already died once, and no spell can revive him this time.

The remaining spiritual energy and unclean energy of heaven and earth quickly receded, and the clouds and fog dispersed in the sky. Mu Xingqiu was surprised to find that daybreak was approaching. He looked down and saw that the ground was shaking, as if the battle was not over yet.

"Feixiao! Feixiao is awake!" Feifei grabbed Ouyang Hao's wrist, "Summon the black dragon, and I will take you away from the island."

Mu Xingqiu shook his head. Feixiao was awakened in advance by his spell, and he had to stay to help Yang Qingyin.

Feifei and Ouyang Hao disappeared, and Black Dragon remained in the form of a python until he left the island.

Mu Xingqiu controlled the real illusory body to slowly descend, passed through a layer of restrictions and a layer of lush branches and leaves, and saw Yang Qingyin again.

She was circling around a huge boulder, her pace matching the celestial phenomena. There were more than a dozen Taoist magic weapons suspended around her. The black phoenix in the form of a bird stopped at the top of the boulder, casting spells with Yang Qingyin.

Mu Xingqiu remembered this place. The huge stone used to be the base of the Zhaoshan Great Light Tongjing Mirror. He once paid homage to it with his fellow Taoists.

The past seemed to be in front of his eyes. He, Fangfang, Yang Qingyin, and Baldzi stood in front of the mirror, looking at the inner elixir and getting rid of inner demons. Baldzi saw that his head was as big as a mountain...

Yang Qingyin had been concentrating on casting spells and had no idea what was happening outside. She just noticed that something had passed through the restriction, so she looked up.

The light blue Mu Xingqiu floated in the air and looked at her.

Their eyes intertwined, and the Great Light Tong Jian Bao Mirror seemed to still have residual power, and both of them saw the other's state of mind.

What Mu Xingqiu saw was a boiling lake. Like him, Yang Qingyin had never developed the heart of a Taoist priest, and now she had none of it left. She had many wishes and plans, each of which was very tight and time wasted. But it was always not enough. In this case, her mood could not be peaceful.

Looking deeper into his mind, Mu Xingqiu saw his own image, like a reflection, as if it had already existed there.

What Yang Qingyin saw was a frozen lake. It was not the calm heart of a Taoist priest, but more like the result of some kind of magic. She saw patches of nebula trees under the ice, which were almost exactly the same as her memory of Wangshan Mountain. .

She smiled slightly, thinking it was an illusion in her eyes.

She was indeed very tired. After casting spells all day and night, she was about to run out of mana. She didn't know how long she could hold on. It was a good thing that Feixiao woke up early, but it also meant that the method of trapping the beast was not completed. Later It will be very difficult to capture the flying sky.

"I really hope you are here to help me." Yang Qingyin smiled and said to "Illusion", "I'm so tired, so tired. This is your burden. I can't leave it behind, but I really can't bear it. ...our son is also missing..."

Mu Xingqiu continued to land, stared at her for a moment, and then got into her Niwan Palace. It was still white, but there was no human figure in the middle.

Yang Qingyin suddenly became alert. If this was the enemy's spell...

"I am Xiao Hao's true fantasy." Mu Xingqiu couldn't even reveal the truth. He saw Yang Qingyin's state of mind, and the truth might make her collapse.

She was indeed too tired to bear much stimulation.

"Naughty little girl, why is her real fantasy not Zuo Liuying..." Yang Qingyin felt tired. After several hesitations, she still chose to believe in this light blue figure and fell asleep.

Mu Xingqiu had just learned the method of refining the beast not long ago, so it was impossible for him to fully perform the method of trapping the beast. However, Yang Qingyin's spell had come to an end, and he only needed to cast spells to maintain it.

As soon as Yang Qingyin fell asleep, Black Phoenix exited the spiritual state. In her phoenix form, she was not charming at all. Her eyes were extremely stern. She seemed to be aware of Yang Qingyin's change. She stood up and circled twice. Her long tail feathers swept over Yang Qingyin's head and found her. After there was no danger, he fell back to the top of the stone.

The shaking of Zhaoshan Island became more and more violent, but there were no cracks on the ground, and the surrounding vegetation was stable.

Finally, there was a muffled sound, and the entire island experienced a teleportation, and Xuanwu Feixiao separated from Zhaoshan Island.

The black phoenix was undulating and circling in the air. Mu Xingqiu used Yang Qingyin's eyes to see that the surrounding scenery changed suddenly. Her feet were stepping on a mottled turtle shell.

"Who woke me up?"

Mu Xingqiu heard a pure alien speak for the first time, and his words were full of anger. Feixiao obviously did not intend to establish a connection with any human or monster.

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