“You sound like five seconds! what are you doing guys! Hurry up that bastard!”

The branch manager was screaming as he had a blood stick around his neck.

However, the head of the branch did not show up. He just rolled his eyes as he gave orders from the second-floor railing.

'Two, one of two. If it's fake, that's fine, but if it's real...'

absolutely must pop out.

His current skills were not enough to stop him who might be a ranker.

And the 30 people who are here now are all annihilated.

‘The superiors must be watching this.’

Because of the CCTVs embedded throughout the building, the upper management will also be aware of the current situation.

Therefore, reinforcements will be sent to the Gangwon-do branch.

However, the Gangwon-do branch is remote. Therefore, the reinforcements will have to wait for a long time to arrive.

At the very least, it takes at least 15 minutes even if the guild members who are out on the hunting grounds in Gangwon Province hear the news and run to this place.

In other words, whether it is killed or cooked, fight and win, or run away, one of two things.

The branch manager squeaked and shouted at the lobby on the first floor again.

“Now that teddy bear bastard! There is only one!”

And then.

In-woo, who was wearing a teddy bear mask, suddenly raised his dragon head high into the sky.

After that, he went down to the floor and started shooting.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

The ground trembled violently, creating the illusion that the entire branch building shook.

The tile floors in the lobby were all torn apart.

Eventually, In-woo stopped attacking the floor.

Then he stood still, as if stuck in his place, thinking about what he was thinking.


As if aiming for that time, the long-distance wizards blew their magic at In-woo.

In-woo lightly raised his dragon-head to block the magic.


The magic embedded in the giant dragon's sword was destroyed in an instant.

Meanwhile, close range dealers and tanks surrounded Inwoo in a circle.

They swallowed their saliva and gradually narrowed the siege.

Inu just stared and didn't budge.

When their encirclement has been narrowed down to the edge of a tree's ring.


In-woo, who let out a roar, immediately cast Berserk.

oh oh oh-

A red haze rose from In-woo's body. His physical attack power jumped to double in an instant.

After that, In-woo raised his dragon head and turned his body round and round to cast a wild dance.

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo-!

Inwoo's new model started to spin rapidly and create a rough tornado.


Then, the sharp shards of the tile that had been crushed by the slash began to be swept away by the whirlwind.

“What, what!”

The overwhelming majesty of the 30 guild members hesitated.

And right then.

Baba Baba Baba!

Pieces of tiles that had been swept away by the raging storm erupted like bullets in all directions.

Baba Baba Baba!

As if sharp fragments such as grenade fragments poured in, the enemies immediately crouched down to defend themselves or cast a shield.


However, the priest-type superhumans fell to the floor in a beehive without even responding.

“Protect the priest first!”

But it's already too late. All four priests were unable to regenerate. If there was a priest, he would have been able to take care of the wounds he was injured by hitting and falling.

So their situation was the worst.

Worst of all, Inwoo's rampage had not even started yet.

Paba Baba Baba!

In-woo's new model, which was rotating roughly like the blade of a blender, was aiming all over the lobby.

Awesome Awesome!

The sharp noise of the dragon's head tearing apart the air.

"Damn it! What are you doing, tank? Stop it!”

“You madman! How do you stop that! It will grind like a tomato!”

“Hey! What is that bastard!”

“I, I can’t! I will run away!”

For those who have reached the level of 50 on average, the form of the level 100 awakening skill, the rampage, will make you shiver.

Furthermore, Inwoo's combat experience compared to the rankers added more and he never fell behind.


The two superhumans who became victims of the rampage were torn apart alive.Paba Baba Baba!

Inwoo didn't stop. He roared like a beast and pursued them.


In the name of finding In-woo, they must have felt superior by persecuting low-level people with great swords like Min-cheol. They used to shoot with a group of guilds called giant guilds, but in front of the truly powerful, they were nothing more than a mess.


The cute teddy bear mask was already dyed red.

* * *

“Hey, that bastard is real! It's real!”

The branch manager seemed to have lost his soul and was running around in line.

Soon after, he was in the elevator, pressing the F2 floor at random.

"Quickly! Close it quickly!”

He ran into the emergency exit and got into the elevator in fear of being caught by the guy.

I was planning to go straight to the underground parking lot and get in the car to escape.

Finally, the elevator door closed.

“Wow, you must run away.”

The branch manager, who was then relieved, wiped his shocked heart.

He didn't even think about the well-being of the branch members.

But it was then.


There was the sound of something falling on the elevator ceiling.

“What, what the fuck?”

The branch manager looked up at the ceiling with anxious eyes.

The fluorescent light on the elevator ceiling flickered.

"no way······."

After that, he clenched his hammer and prepared for battle.

After all, he is the branch manager. It is not something that has taken up this position day by day.

He was only good at administrative work rather than combat. That is why he held the position of branch manager even though he was at a relatively low level.

However, even so, he is also a level 101 Superman.

He was determined to get out of the way.

thump- thump-

Footsteps were heard from the ceiling. There is definitely something.

Beads of sweat ran down the branch manager's temple.

Soon the branch manager screamed at the ceiling.

“Come down...!”

bang! bang! Quajijik-!

At that moment, the ceiling pierced.

Then, squeezing the crack, a blood-stained teddy bear fell.

"Damn it!!"

I was going to fight, but when I met the crazy bear, I was scared.


Just then, the elevator door opened.

The branch manager slipped through the cracks in the door and fled without looking back.

Then he rummaged through his pockets.

His hands rumbling through his pockets trembled.

He usually likes analog, so sticking to the key method rather than the smart key was insanely regretful.

‘Damn, where did he go!’

He barely grabbed his keys and got into his car.

Then he immediately put his key in and started the engine.


and at the same time.


A bear stuck to the roof of the car.

The bear's head was visible through the sunroof.

How could a mere teddy bear head look so terrifying!

“This crazy bastard!! I'm so stubborn!!"

The branch manager stepped on the accelerator with all his might at once.

But the run didn't last long.


The dragon head was stuck in the middle of the car.


Quick profit - bang!

The car slammed into a parking lot.

White smoke rose from the bonnet.

“Mister, fuck…”

The branch manager quickly ripped open the car door and escaped.

He was also a superman, so this was not a problem.

As soon as I stepped out of the door, I looked back.

A bear, or a superman in a bear's mask, was standing next to the car.


* * *

Jeong Inwoo jumped off the roof of the car.

In-woo swung his dragon-head towards him.

Awesome liquid-!

“This bastard! Let's see you!"

At such In-woo, the branch manager raised his hammer and aimed the dragon's head.


The branch manager's hammer was also an expensive item, so it was emitting a formidable power.

“Do I look happy? Yes? You look so happy because you run away..."

at that time.

Fireballs erupted out of nowhere from In-woo's left hand.


“Mi, crazy!!”

A fireball that was fired right in front of your nose. The branch manager allowed the attack without notice.


A fire engulfed the branch manager's stomach.

The branch manager roared after being hit by a fireball.


At the same time, white vapor appeared on the branch manager's body.


I don't know what kind of physical characteristics it is, but I put out a fireball with a powerful level made of magic.



This time, two fireballs came out at the same time.

"Damn it!"

The branch manager spread the distance at once.


roar again.

Then the branch manager's skin turned bronze, and it took on the appearance of steel.


As soon as the fireball touched the branch manager's body, it disappeared.

Seeing that, Inwoo muttered.

“It was a tank.”

Besides, that tanking skill is a level 100 awakening skill, as Inwoo knows.

A powerful defense skill that absorbs all attacks.

If so, will it absorb the power of the rampage?

‘Where should I try?’

Inwoo turned his body round and round. The chief's face hardened at that sight.

‘That skill!’

Paba Baba Baba!

At some point, Inwoo's new model rotated like a top and flew towards the branch manager at once.

Awesome liquid-!

Inwoo was fired at a tremendous speed.

Evasion would be impossible, and even if he escaped, the back of his head would not be intact.

The branch manager made a decision as soon as it was level 101.


He maximized his tanking ability with his foot nailed to the floor.

His body became as hard as steel in an instant.



In-woo's rampage and the body of the branch manager collided.


The branch manager grimaced at it.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.


Less than 4 seconds later, he vomited a handful of blood.



Yongjakdu relentlessly ripped off the head of the branch manager.


The manager's knees fell. He raised his body maximization skill to the extreme, but it was not enough.

No, it was not enough, let alone 4 seconds.

How powerful is the crazy bear?

After a while, the branch manager stared at Inwoo with bloodshot eyes.

“Cool! you, you bastard..."percussion-

In-woo grabbed the head of the branch at once.

Then he rubbed the cleavage of the branch manager, and blood flowed constantly.

The branch manager squeezed his last strength and kicked In-woo.


However, his toes stinging through his doll's mask only hurt.

“Oh, what are you wearing inside? This dog...!”

In-woo took down the zipper on the doll's belly with his other hand.

Black breastplate visible through the zipper.

The branch manager widened his eyes.

"you you···!!"

Obviously, that was Living Armor.

Why is this teddy bear wearing Living Armor?

Wait, maybe?

“Is your bastard… was that bastard…?”


Inu replied.

"Nonsense···. It was you who wore the living armor, and you were the ranker with the dragon head?”

"okay. your cubs. Are you processing Death Knight? So are you looking for me wearing Living Armor?”

“Wow, whoops. Even if you inflict pain on me, you won't get an answer...!"

“You are conducting human experiments to process Death Knight. Am I wrong?”


“Hmm. I thought I was a coward, but my mouth is surprisingly heavy.”


Suddenly, the branch manager's ankle flew away.

Inu said in a very angry voice.

"Hey. i have I was just quietly hunting and trying to live. You were the one who stumbled first. do you understand Living Armor? human experimentation? Death Knight processing? I like that. You guys started this fight first. I'm not the type to avoid an oncoming fight."

Soon In-woo twisted his neck without any regrets.

Then he threw him nearby.

Then, something came into In-woo's sight as he turned his head.


In-woo raised his middle finger towards it and slowly left the place.

* * *

The headquarters of the Night Guild.

A man was sitting on a chair, obscured by the shadows, and a long table in front of him was seated side by side with people who looked like superhumans.

And all the personnel in the space were looking at the screen at the end.

Bang- bang- bang- bang-

Inside the screen, a guy in a teddy bear mask was trying hard to break something.


- Surrender is unacceptable. However, from now on, I will only give you 5 seconds. Those who will run away, run now. And if there's anything left after 5 seconds, I'll slaughter everything.



As the video turned off, silence filled the space.

Moments later, a man standing near the screen opened his mouth.

“...the crazy bear in the video attacked the Gangwon-do branch at 22:15. that······."

But the man could not finish his words.

“Six minutes after that, 30 guild members of the Gangwon-do branch were wiped out. Another three minutes later, the head of the Gangwon-do branch died.”

Because the man sitting at the top opened his mouth.


A moment of silence passed.


The man sitting at the top quietly lit a cigarette.

The man who exhaled a sip of cigarette smoke quietly pointed at the crowd.

“Find the guy. at any cost.”

Having said that, he said to the executive sitting closest to him.

“You do it yourself. Bring him his neck within a week.”

The officer responded to his orders.


“Let’s form a team with senior guild members. Instead, make it clear.”

"Yes. Just leave it to me.”

Eventually, the meeting was over, and only the person at the top was left in the space.

As he sat quietly and exhaled cigarette smoke, he suddenly spat out a word.

“You bastard like a loach. Just try to catch it.”

After speaking, he recalled the figure of the guy who had appeared on the screen a while ago.

After dealing with the branch manager, he looked at the camera and saw him with his middle finger raised.



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