Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 145 Laughing is harder than crying

"The secret of life is hidden in genes. Genes are the basis of life and determine the different characteristics of individuals..."

The camera initially focused on Brooke Shields' face and made a close-up.

The close-up is a great test of the actor's beauty. Brooke Shields' hair was tightly tied back by the hairstylist into a bun. Wearing large tortoiseshell-colored glasses on her face, most people dressed like this would have turned into an old-fashioned schoolgirl.

But is Brooke Shields a normal person? The charming eyebrows and eyes peek out from behind the glasses, and the shiny lip color just shows the daily style of a great beauty who cultivates her body and soul. It's just that this beauty is only fifteen years old, and she's still memorizing terminology explanations in biology class.

"Genes have two functions, one is inheritance..."

The camera team quickly pulled back the camera, immediately switching from a close-up to a close-up of the head and shoulders, and then to a mid-range shot of Brooke's entire body.

Brooke Shields has shot countless scenes, and she already knows how to cooperate in shooting. When I saw Spike Lee making the three-two-one gesture, I knew the time had come. He took off his old-fashioned glasses from his face, placed them on the ground, and slid them quietly outside the camera's frame.

Kathryn Bigelow caught the glasses off camera and quickly left.

The camera zoomed to mid-shot, and it turned out that Brooke Shields was squatting on the ground, her feet just slipped into her CK jeans. Then she fell back, put her feet in the air, and began to use force to pull her jeans up her long legs.

Skinny jeans are very difficult to wear, especially when I was shooting in a size 2, which is one size smaller than Brooke's usual size.

While exerting force, Brooke Shields was still reciting the explanation of the theory of evolution.

"Genes ensure that individual characteristics are passed down from generation to generation, but sometimes, genes will also mutate..."

Brooke Shields rolled over on her stomach, raised her buttocks, and began to pull her jeans up her waist harder, to the point where she was panting from the exertion.

"This mutation leads to changes in individual characteristics..."

Brooke Shields finally pulled her jeans up to her waist, then she buttoned the buttons hard, changed her position to lie on her side, untied her hair with one hand, shook her head, and her thick shiny hair fell down her shoulders.

"Some genetic mutations can cause genetic advantages and become the driving force for evolution under natural selection..."

Brooke Shields lay down and put one foot on the opposite shoulder,

She must have trained in yoga or gymnastics, and her body has excellent flexibility.

"Some mutated genes died out, while some mutated genes were better able to adapt to the environment than other genes, creating a new species..."

Brooke Shields turned over, supported her body with one knee and hands, raised her other foot, and put her body in the shape of the letters "CK".

"This is Calvin Klein, survival of the fittest."

"And Cut!"

"You did a great job, Brooke." After Ronald called Cut, he confirmed with the photographer that the shot was perfect, and led everyone in applause.

Brooke Shields stood up and gave everyone a ladylike salute, "Thank you, thank you."

Everyone laughed, and for a while the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

This series of advertisements actually use homophonic memes. The pronunciation of "Gene" in English is similar to "Jean". It is obviously talking about genes, but it is actually praising the evolution of CK's tight jeans, which are not the same species as ordinary jeans.

Tight-fitting clothes can fully reflect the beauty of a girl's figure, so all the shortcomings of being difficult to wear because of tight-fitting clothes become advantages after wearing them. In order to look sexy, it doesn't matter if you spend a few minutes pulling down your pants before going out.

However, this advertisement is still a bit sexy, deliberately asking Brooke Shields to recite a large explanation of scientific terms while trying to put on pants that are one size smaller, deliberately causing Brooke to be breathless when speaking, and there is a hint of sexual innuendos.

Brooke's mother, Terry, reviewed the script and had no objections. Ronald didn't know what to say, so he shook his head and started discussing the next shoot with his team.

Brooke's godmother and her daughter hurried forward to give her water. The dressing room was busy touching up makeup, and the hairstylist began to comb her hair with a big comb to prepare for the next one. Everyone in the studio knows what they want to do. The shooting team composed of NYU students and alumni has become very efficient after running in.

Calvin Klein, who was on the second floor, watched all this, nodded with satisfaction, and said to the two people next to him, "Ronald is pretty good. He knows how to express the charm of women."

A half-bald man who had lost a lot of hair continued, "Yes, he is very efficient, but he still relies on Richard's creative script, right?"

Another middle-aged man wearing glasses was Richard Avedon, who competed with Ronald for this photo shoot. He was originally a graphic photographer and wanted to get into film and television advertising through this advertisement from his old friend. He designed the script this time. However, he does not have any shooting experience. Now that he is watching live shooting, he also wants to learn some shooting methods and use them for his own purposes.

"It seems that we still need to find a professional film team. He did a good job." Richard Avedon said, "The key is the last commercial. Terry only cared about her daughter's exposure, so she didn't say no."

"Let's continue looking..." Calvin Klein continued to look down.

Ronald's team is ready and waiting for the next shot.

Brooke Shields tied her hair up again. This time the hairstylist tied it loosely and left a few strands of hair outside, making her look mature and playful. This girl can seamlessly switch back and forth between a high school girl and a working woman. Her tall figure makes her very convincing when playing a working woman.

Ronald personally stepped forward and stood behind the camera to look at the composition. Brooke Shields, who had put on a light-colored plaid shirt, sat on her lap and supported her chin with her backhand. The slightly thick makeup hides her childishness very well. When she is not smiling, her two dimples show a potential that makes people want to make her laugh.

What a beauty. No wonder advertisers like her so much. Her relaxation and expressiveness in the camera are really top-notch.

Ronald gave up the camera to the director of photography and told Brooke the scene himself.

"This line is very simple. After saying it, you should laugh very happily, break the image of a professional woman, and feel like a little girl secretly wearing her mother's clothes and talking to herself in the mirror, and finally return to your reality. age."

"I know." Brooke Shields felt it.

"Recording? Camera?!" Ronald announced to turn on the camera after Brooke Shields signaled that he was ready.

"I'm the one who brings the bread home..."

Even when Brooke Shields gets serious, she still has a hint of a smile, which is great. Ronald was secretly satisfied.

"I don't care who wears pants in the house, as long as I wear Calvin Klein."

This is another double-entendre advertisement. The feminist movement is slowly rising in America. Working women are fighting for the right to wear pants, replacing the traditional values ​​of men bringing bread home and women doing housework.

"Pfft..." Brooke Shields laughed after reading the lines.

"Cut!" Ronald stepped forward and said to Brooke, "It's not this kind of laughter that can't be suppressed. I need a sudden burst of laughter, just like when you hear a very funny joke and hold it in until you can't help it. Stay there and then explode."

"Okay, director." Brooke Shields glanced in the direction of her mother, and Terry took out another strong drink and took a sip, which happened to be watched by Brooke.

Sadness climbed onto Brooke Shields' eyebrows again. Ronald frowned, why did he have a grimace? He noticed early on that Brooke sometimes had a grimace that might have been appropriate for Jed, the tragic protagonist in the movie "Endless Love," but definitely not suitable for advertising.

"Relax, Brooke."

Ronald started filming the first strip.

"Hahaha..." Po Ji burst into laughter after finishing her lines.


Ronald frowned again. Not only him, but Spike Lee and Kathryn Bigelow also noticed Brooke Shields' unnaturalness.

"She's a little nervous, as if she's worried about something?" Catherine seemed to feel something.

"Borgie has been shooting print ads all year round. This smile is completely qualified in a still image. But the image will make any ordinary person find it unnatural." Spike analyzed from a technical perspective.

"Think of your funniest thing, Brooke. Let's do it again."

Ronald decided to try again.



Still the same, Ronald announced a five-minute break.

"It seems that the young director has encountered some difficulties?" Among the three people watching the shooting scene on the second floor, the slightly bald middle-aged man said again, "You know how to shoot technically, but you may not know how to train actors, and Richard De is famous for training models..."

"Let's keep watching..." Calvin Klein said.

Ronald called Spike and Catherine, "We have to find a way to bring Brooke into the situation. Do you have any funny jokes?"

As he said this, Ronald turned around and took out his bag and his Sony Walkman, "If you have any, record it and we'll listen to it for Porky. We'll prepare a clip here and we'll film the laughter alone."

Some adjustments had to be made. Brooke Shields still couldn't laugh. The filming couldn't wait forever until she was in her best condition.

Catherine and Spike tried their best to think of jokes they thought were funny, then recorded them using the recording team's equipment and transcribed them onto tape.

Ronald also tried his best to think of a funny joke. He knew that Brooke Shields had done very well in language classes, so he found a language-based joke.

"A country boy from Louisiana got into Harvard and introduced himself to a well-dressed New England student.

I'm from Louisiana, where are you from? (Where do you come from?"

“I’m from a more educated state and can’t end a sentence with a preposition.”

"Okay, where do you come from, Asshole?"

Next, I found other staff members and recorded various jokes for about ten minutes. Ronald felt that it was almost done. He stuffed the tape into his Walkman and gave it to Brooke Shields.

"These are some jokes we recorded. Listen to them. When you think they are funny, take them off and hand them to me. Just laugh naturally."

Brooke Shields put on her headphones and pressed the play button.

Ronald motioned to the camera without barking. He was afraid of interrupting Poky's mood, so the camera was turned on in advance, preparing to capture the real smile.

Brooke Shields is not embarrassed. She has always been very good at posing the expressions and poses required by the photographer, and the shooting efficiency is very high. It's very rare that the filming progress is affected because my smile is not good enough.

But what the girl fears most is this kind of pressure. She glanced at her mother and found that Terry's face was serious. She quickly gathered herself and tried her best to listen to the joke.

These jokes were not funny at all. There were black slangs that she couldn’t understand, and there were jokes about women’s rights that women told that she couldn’t understand. Finally, Ronald’s grammar joke reminded her of her never-ending homework. .

The girl raised her head again and looked at her mother.

Terry took out the wine bottle and took a sip. She was under a lot of stress recently and started drinking it in the morning.

Brooke Shields looked at Ronald, expecting her to laugh, and the invisible pressure came overwhelming. In addition, her mother started to drink again, and she recalled the days when she was sent to an alcohol rehab center and she was alone and had no one to talk to.

A feeling of sadness suddenly surged into my heart...

Brooke Shields cried.

Then the grievances hit me twice as hard, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Ronald and the two assistant directors looked at each other and said helplessly, "Cut!"

Then he turned back to the staff and said, "Which of you told some dirty joke that made Brooke cry?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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