Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 164 R-rated movies and teenage actors

In the next few days, Ronald relied on constant permutations and combinations to basically determine the role of the most important heroine, Stacey, and cut off many details of her plot, leaving only her relationship with other characters. The key part of the interaction.

Stacey is Brad's younger sister. She is 15 years old and a tenth grader at Richmond High School. When the story begins, she is still an inexperienced girl.

Stacey works at Perry's Pizza in the Richmond Mall, serving New York-style pizza with chicken wings. The clerks all wear dresses with red and white arrow stripes and white aprons, and must wear red hairpins in their hair, as if they have replaced the black of church clothing with red and worn it as a uniform.

Stacey's good friend Linda Barrett, who works together, is an outgoing and beautiful girl. She has an out-of-town boyfriend who is older than her, so she knows a lot more about things between men and women than Stacy. Dating Tips.

One day, Linda encouraged Stacey to ask a handsome diner for his phone number. The handsome guy is a 26-year-old audio salesman, and he takes the initiative to ask Stacey out. Stacey lied that she was 19 years old, and the two had sex on the bench of the baseball field.

The next day Stacey told Linda that she just felt uncomfortable and it was the first time she was in such a place and it still hurt. Linda reassured her that she would feel better and better in the future.

The handsome guy stopped dating Stacey after that, and Linda comforted him that the handsome guy was just a salesman and she wasn't going to marry him.

Stacey mistakenly thought that she was not attractive enough and could not do tricks like the girls on the cheerleading team. Linda taught live in the cafeteria using a carrot and elicited whistles from the male players on the opposite football team.

Stacey dated Mark Ratner, a classmate who worked as a ticket collector at the Richmond Mall Cinema. Mark is for a shy boy who secretly likes Stacey. Mark went to Stacey's house for a date. After kissing Stacey, Mark became very nervous and anxious and left Stacey's house.

Stacey and Mark's friend, Mike Damon, a boy from a poor family, expressed his feelings for Mark. Mike Damon makes a living as a scalper by reselling concert tickets and is a very good talker. Stacey mistakenly thinks that Mike Damon likes her and invites him to her house.

The two had a relationship, but it turned out that Mike was just bragging, and he ended it quickly.

Unexpectedly, Stacey found out that she was pregnant a month later and forced Mike Damon to pay half of the money for surgery...

Ronald wrote Stacey's plot and faxed it to Cameron Crowe.

It’s already very cold in New York in late November. The lowest temperature reached 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4-5 degrees Celsius), coupled with drizzle and strong winds, Ronald wrapped his clothes tightly, got out of the car and jumped up the steps of the apartment.

The janitor's daughter is only 15, the same age as Stacey in the script. The janitor introduced Ronald to his daughter. Knowing that Ronald was a movie screenwriter, the little girl smiled and asked him when she could see his movie released.

"The movie 'Famous' that I wrote has been released for a long time, haven't you seen it?"

Ronald greeted the little girl with a smile.

"It was an R-rated film. My father didn't have time to take me to see it, and it was released later." The little girl still felt a little regretful.

"Well, you can go to Staten Island to watch it in the future. Old movies are always shown there."

Ronald climbed up the stairs and suddenly stopped. He felt as if he had forgotten something important.

For a while, he couldn't remember what he had forgotten, and Ronald continued to work on the screenwriting project. The plot cards fill the first row from left to right, and the second row from right to left. All the plots were like a long snake, winding and swaying, and finally exceeded the red line drawn by Ronald by more than twenty pictures.

It was still longer, so Ronald started the permutation and combination game again, taking away a few pieces to see the overall effect, then taking away a few more pieces, and putting the original ones back again, and kept experimenting.

"Ring, ring, ring..." The phone rang, it was my cousin Donna calling.

"Ronnie, guess what happened?"


"That fat director you hate, his new movie was released two days ago."

"Huh? Heaven's Gate is finally released?"

Ronald was a little queasy. He hadn't heard from Michael Cimino in a long time. That "Heaven's Gate" movie was finally finished.

"Don't you want to go take a look?" Donna said on the phone.

"A friend of Kathryn Bigelow's who participated in the movie said that the story of the movie is very dull. Why don't you go see it yourself?"

"It's R-rated. I can't see it myself. I'd better go find my mother." Donna hung up the phone.

R-rated? This movie can still be rated R, but I'm afraid it won't have fewer viewers. Ronald gloated.

"Wait, R-rated?"

Ronald realized that this was the important thing that he had been unable to remember just now.

"Fast-paced Richmond High" has a small amount of nudity, love scenes, and some foul language, which are all factors that qualify an R-rated film.

But Stacey is only 15 years old in the film. White girls in America tend to mature early, and their physical appearance will be very different between the ages of 15 and 18.

If an adult actor over 18 years old is chosen to play Stacey, the audience will not feel that she looks like her. If you find underage actors around 15 years old to act, then there will be legal provisions to protect minors.

Now that I think about it, Stacey's casting choice turned out to be a very important issue. How do you deal with nudity scenes in R-rated movies with underage actors?

What are the specific union regulations? Ronald himself was not a member of the Screen Actors Guild and had no manual to consult. And the crew's handling of the shooting scene may not entirely follow the manual.

Originally, these filming matters had nothing to do with the screenwriter. But Ronald decided to challenge himself as a director. If you were a director and encountered this kind of casting problem, how should you solve it?

Ronald called his advertising agent Eddie. Some time ago, Ronald took the time to shoot an advertisement for cling film. Eddie continued to contact him for advertising shoots for daily necessities. It didn't take much brainpower and he could still make money. Point money.

"In the advertising industry, there are indeed time regulations. Children of different ages have limits on how many hours they can work every day. Especially in places like New York and Los Angeles where labor unions are strong, there will be staff to supervise.

I don’t know much about the film industry, but I think it should be about the same. Why don't you ask that little girl actress who lives in your house? "

"Diane? She is still filming in Canada, so I can't contact her."

"That's right, many crews now go to Canada to shoot, especially for teen movies, so they can bypass the ubiquitous union supervision."

After hanging up the phone, Ronald felt that he still needed to ask someone knowledgeable in the industry.

Why don't you ask Brooke Shields' mother, Terry, about the filming rules? She is also 15 years old and has already made two films with partial nudity, "The Blue Lagoon," and is currently filming "Endless Love."

After hanging up the phone and going to Brooke Shields' house, Terry answered the phone.

"Oh, Ronald. Do you want to know the shooting regulations for actors under 16 years old? In fact, it is a limited time for shooting every day. It cannot be earlier than 7 am and cannot be later than 9:30 pm. There is a limit to the total shooting time every day , which varies according to age, and then there must be tutoring courses.”

"What if we don't shoot in America? Will the regulations be relaxed?"

"Theoretically, you need to abide by the rules wherever you go to shoot, Ronald." Terry answered in an official tone. In fact, he had already told Ronald to go abroad for filming, and he could be more accommodating as long as the parents of the children agreed.

"Mom, which Ronald? Is he the director of the CK commercial? Why not ask him to go to the skating rink with us." Brooke Shields heard Terry's call and asked.

Terry held down the phone with one hand and said to his daughter, "Brookey, your date today is Leif Garrett."

Leif Garrett is a child actor and teenage singer who was once very popular. He and Brooke Shields appeared in entertainment news headlines at the same time in 1978.

Now that Leif Garrett has returned after training, he has become very popular. Terry has the idea of ​​​​letting Brooke appear with him again.

"Okay, I get it." Brooke Shields waved her hand.

Terry picked up the receiver again, "Ronald, do you have any more questions?"

"I would like to know what the Screen Actors Guild's regulations are regarding nudity scenes involving underage actors." Ronald asked.

Of course, rules are rules, and what Ronald wants to know more is how the crew operates under normal circumstances. Is there any way around the regulations?

"Why do you want to know this?"

"I'm adapting a youth movie into a script. There is a 15-year-old character in it, and there are some frontal nudity scenes, so I would like to ask someone with actual filming experience for advice." Ronald explained.

"Full frontal nudity is prohibited for minors under 16 years old, and adults who do this level of nudity will also be rated x-rated.

The upper body was exposed wider, but for the image of Brooke, I always asked to use a stand-in. After all, our America is not an art film like Europe..."

After thanking Terry, Ronald hung up the phone.

After thinking for a while, he called the leader, Roger Coleman.

Coleman happened to be at the company and answered his call.

"Mr. Coleman, I found a problem when I was writing the script..."

Roger Corman told him that the common practice in Hollywood is to find an older actor to play a minor under the age of 15.

"For example, in the 1939 classic "The Wizard of Oz," the protagonist Dorothy is a 13-year-old girl, but the lead actor Judy Garland was already 17 when filming, and her developed figure is obvious.

This is not only because of the restrictions of laws and rules, but also because young actors are very difficult to train. Child star talents like Shirley Temple are rare. Most actors aged fourteen or fifteen will suddenly fall into emotions during filming and cannot film. For cost reasons, Hollywood still adopts the method of using the big to act in the small on a large scale. "

"Thank you, Mr. Coleman." Ronald understood the actor's age.

It seems that we have to find a smaller actress to play Stacey. Ronald jotted it down in his notebook.


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