Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 182 Seize the opportunity

Claire immediately contacted the local police station and learned that the girl was Diane. She drove the car into the parking lot and turned herself in. She made a request on the spot to make a long-distance call to her father in New York.

The police did not believe her story and thought it was a child playing a prank, so they notified her mother. Then her mother, Colleen, got the news and rushed to Tennessee to pick up her daughter.

Because the owner of the car is Diane's mother's boyfriend, there is no need to turn over the felony charge of stealing the car to the prosecutor if the victim is not pursued. Before Diane could even call Bert, she was taken back to Georgia by her mother. at home.

Diane was found, and the FBI discovered that her mother had taken Diane away. After communicating with the state of Georgia, no coercion was found, so Claire stopped the investigation. The matter went from a possible kidnapping case to a family civil dispute between parents fighting for custody of their daughter.

Bert, who breathed a sigh of relief, went to Tennessee to pick up his daughter. He may also need to face court challenges and defenses there before he can pick up Diane.

The court battle lasted for a month, and on the eve of the Oscars, Diane returned to New York with Bert. After this incident, Diane no longer had conflicts with her father, so she asked Aunt Karen to move back in with her father.

Aunt Karen was also afraid of taking on too much responsibility, so she happily agreed when the father and daughter reconciled. Diane went to say goodbye to Donna and clean up the house. The two little girls chatted non-stop after meeting.

It turned out that after Diane Lane left school that day, she was followed by her mother Colleen, who had been following her in Manhattan, New York for several days. After Diane bought a gift for Ronald, her mother Colleen and her boyfriend showed up to take Diane away.

Diane argued with her mother. Later, her mother lied that her grandmother was seriously ill. Dai An believed it and the three of them went straight to the airport. Because there were not enough tickets to go to Georgia that day, the three of them bought connecting tickets in Florida.

After arriving at home in a small town in northern Georgia, Diane learned that she had been deceived, and her mother asked her to stay here, be her guardian, and manage her acting career. With no money around, Diane couldn't go back to New York or make phone calls.

Soon she took advantage of her mother's inattention and took the opportunity to steal her mother's boyfriend's car keys, hoping to drive back to New York by herself. After driving for a while, I realized that I couldn’t refuel without cash, and it was impossible to drive all the way back to New York. At this time, she remembered that interstate crimes she had talked with Donna were managed by the FBI.

So she simply followed the interstate across the state border and came to the nearest city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Then she surrendered to the police and asked to call her father.

But before it was her turn to make a long-distance call, she was picked up by her mother again. There is only one police record of car theft in Georgia and surrender in Tennessee. Only then did the FBI in New York find the trace.

"So is your mother still your guardian now? How do you get along with her?" Donna asked her good friend Diane.

"Georgia's laws are different from New York's and do not allow minors to declare their independence in newspapers. I was still a minor in Georgia and had to spend more than two years under the supervision of my mother before I could become independent and manage my own acting career.

Burt and I found a lawyer in Georgia and challenged my mom's custody in court. The court granted custody of me to my father so that I could return to New York. As for my mom, I don’t want to talk to her anymore. ” Diane replied.

Diane threw her clothes into the box, "Fortunately you told me that day about the FBI's handling of interstate cases, otherwise I would have been in trouble."

"Thanks to Ronnie. The lawyer he hired was very powerful. Detectives from the NYPD and special agents from the FBI came. In the end, it was Agent Claire from the FBI who discovered your surrender record, otherwise Bert wouldn't have it either. Pick you up so soon."

Diane continued to throw things into the box, "If that happens, I'll be in trouble. I won't be able to make long-distance calls. I can only wait for my mother to process the custody documents and then go to school in Georgia for two more years. You don't know , it’s very conservative there, and I heard that evolution is not taught in public schools.”

"Oh my god, in 1968 the Federal Supreme Court ruled that public high schools cannot be prevented from teaching evolution. What the hell is that place? It's so scary. Can you watch TV there?" Donna, the primary school bully, heard that science was not taught in high schools, and she Georgia was imagined as a wild place.

"Hahaha, it's not that scary. I can see three wireless stations there, and I also watched a special feature on Prince Charles' engagement. Did you see that engagement ring? It's such a big sapphire."

The clothes in the box were not very neat, and Diane couldn't close the lid even if she pressed it hard. She opened the box, felt inside, and took out a box. He smiled at Donna and said:

"I almost forgot. I bought it that day and forgot to give it as a gift to your cousin. He can finally type on that orgmodore keyboard."

"Okay, I'll give it to him when the time comes." Donna picked up the typing software Wordstar and put it away.

Diane was a little envious of Donna, "I feel like I was more like a normal high school student when I lived at your house. Bert usually teaches me acting skills, but my mother wants to steal me away, but Karen is like my mother, and she usually teaches me acting skills." I will take care that I don't come back from the party later than twelve o'clock in the evening.

And you are like my sister and Ronald is like my brother. I heard that you used to live together on Staten Island? "

"Hey, yes. Ronald only came to our house a few years ago. But in the past two years, we have been able to live here and my mother does not have to be a waitress. It is all because of his leg warmer business."

Diane sat down on the box and pressed the lid down, asking Donna to zip up the box, "Why don't you see him here?"

"Hey, I haven't seen him for two days. It seems that the director of his new script is having trouble. He hopes to take over the director's job and has already left for Los Angeles early."

"Wow, Ronald can be a director at such a young age? When I was filming, the directors were all old men."

"Yeah, he had his chance before. It's a pity that Timothy Hutton rejected his script for the Grease sequel, leaving the studio to choose between him and Ronnie."

"Huh? So he and Hutton are enemies?"

At the same time, Ronald was meeting with two agents, Rick Niceta and Richard Lovett, in the CAA office in Los Angeles to discuss the trouble caused by David Lynch and to take over the case with Ronald. The action of coming down.

It turns out David Lynch turned down George Lucas's offer to direct the next Star Wars and said some outrageous things that caused a bit of a stir in the industry.

When George Lucas was filming The Empire Strikes Back, he and Kubrick, who was filming "The Shining" in the studio next door, took turns showing movies to the staff every day. That day Kubrick showed David Lynch's debut film "Eraserhead" amazed Lucas.

Lucas couldn't tell what era this "Eraserhead" was made in. Generally speaking, movies will have the characteristics of the times. Popular techniques at the time, story structure, etc. can all give you clues. Excellent works that do not show the characteristics of the times are often produced by pioneering geniuses.

Since then, Lucas has been thinking about asking David Lynch to direct the next "Revenge of the Jedi". Recently, Lynch went to California to canvass for votes, so Lucas invited him to San Francisco to talk about it.

David Lynch didn't want to go to the appointment after receiving the invitation, but he went anyway after being persuaded by Niceta who wanted to sign him. Because Lucas has a transcendent and important position in the industry. His support may add a lot of votes.

Directing the next Star Wars movie can be regarded as officially entering the mainstream circle of Hollywood commercial films. If nothing else, the reward will be at least several million. Lucas has always been generous with his paychecks.

David Lynch took the plane booked by Lucas and was taken to the office of Lucasfilm. Lucas took Lynch to see the Star Wars props and talked about his ideas for the next Star Wars movie.

In particular, he wanted to include a kind of alien primitive people, the Wookiees, in the movie. And he pulled out a furry Wookiee model and asked Lynch to give his opinion. This left Lynch speechless. He didn't care about the stunt makeup. The real scary makeup in The Elephant Man was done by the stunt makeup artist of the crew.

Because George Lucas had severe diabetes, he chose a restaurant that only served salad greens to talk over a meal.

David Lynch hates vegetable salads, and meets Lucas enthusiastically introducing a group of short alien primitives living in the forest. There was an evil fire in my heart that had nowhere to vent.

The two didn't get along, and the next day after returning, Lynch wanted to formally call Lucas, saying that Star Wars could only be maximized if Lucas himself directed it.

It would be rude to reject such a big name like Lucas outright. If you are not willing to direct Star Wars, you should show your refusal from the beginning instead of going to the appointment perfunctorily with the intention of soliciting votes.

Just saying no is not a big problem. The real problem is that Lynch drunkenly promoted this incident as an achievement of his at the subsequent canvassing party. Said some inappropriate words, such as:

“I’m not interested in any science fiction movies.

My interest in directing a Star Wars movie is about zero. "

"Why did he say that?" Ronald didn't understand.

Niceta was on fire in a rare moment: "Oh, shxt. David Lynch is crazy, his campaign has been thwarted, Robert Redford has many more connections than him, and Paramount doesn't support his competition. Divided the ticket source.

Now this country boy from Montana thinks he's the greatest director Hollywood has ever seen. Now he doesn't like anyone, and he talks nonsense at parties and offends people. Does he think he can get sympathy votes from others in this way?

"That's really unfortunate. He turned down Star Wars and will he focus more on our movie Fast-paced Richmond High?" Ronald asked quickly.

Niceta looked at Ronald with a smile and said nothing. David Lynch had been so angry before, but the young man in front of him suddenly became much more pleasing to the eye.

Ronald worked very efficiently on the screenwriters that the studio requested, ensuring not only time but also quality.

Some rumors have begun to circulate among CAA's agents. For example, he writes better than everyone who is faster than him, and he also writes faster than everyone who is better than him.

"Ronald, what he thinks is no longer important to us." Richard replied from the side.


"I have temporarily given up on signing David Lynch and let him see the true face of Hollywood." Niceta took over, "Now Richard and I will help you get a 'fast-paced' director job."


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