Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 187 Unexpected award guest

Ronald accompanied Mr. Cultural Attaché back to his seat. Diane took Mr. Counselor's trophy and admired it, then it sank in his hand.

The small trophy is made of bronze and is very heavy. The 13.5-inch-tall trophy weighs a full 8.5 pounds. Wrap this layer of gold foil on the outside to make it shine golden. The nameplate on the base is empty, and the winner must return it to the college. It will be engraved and then returned to the winner after a few weeks.

"I didn't expect it to be so heavy. It weighs almost as much as a baby." Diane quickly returned the statuette to Mr. Counselor, "Ronald, have you ever lifted it? Is it likely that you will win the prize later?"

"Hey, I don't know. The agents said it was promising, but this year it's Dolly Parton's '9 to 5.'"

Dolly Parton, also nominated for Best Original Song, was sitting in the row in front of her. She is a country singer who has been popular since the early 1970s. She writes lyrics and composes her own music. At least the judges know her, and she is very competitive.

Next comes the award for best soundtrack.

The presenters were the famous black tap dance comedy stars, the Nicholas Brothers. The two of them were playing tricks on their own for three minutes, completely ignoring the nominees below who were so nervous that they were almost impatient.

Finally, the black brother group announced that the winner was the world-famous Michael Gore. He happily went on stage to receive the award. When he passed by Ronald, Ronald stood up and congratulated him.

"I need to thank many people for this award. The soundtrack for the movie "Famous" is the result of my collaboration with many other musicians, including my sister Leslie, and Ronald Lee..."

"He's thanking you, Ronald!" Diane slapped Ronald's arm desperately, feeling much happier than when Hutton won the award just now, perhaps because there was no pressure to be on camera.

After that came the award for Best Editing, which went to the female editor of "Raging Bull." After she came on stage, she mainly thanked Scorsese, who did all the editing with her.

Diane sat next to Ronald and saw that the next award for Best Supporting Actress was awarded to Mary Steenburgen. She started hitting Ronald's arm again to express her excitement. She liked the actress very much.

Host Johnny Carson announced the start of interspersed theatrical performances. The first was Erin Kara's singing and dancing. She mixed two nominees for best original song and sang them together.

Producer Da Silva's operation was very successful. Irene sang two songs at the award ceremony at once, and there were many backup dancers wearing famous costumes to support the performance.

But Erin was obviously nervous;

The connection between the two songs is not good and a bit out of tune.

Compared with Dolly Parton, another guest performer who performed earlier, she is the country queen who is very light-hearted. She can sing a song from 9 to 5 very easily.

"Are you nervous, Ronald?" Diane noticed that Ronald seemed to be shaking.

"Me? I'm not nervous."

Ronald was actually more excited, and all the muscles in his body were trembling with excitement, just like when he was waiting for a wrestling match in high school, he was so excited that he couldn't wait to compete with his opponent. The next award is for Best Original Song in a Movie.

The award music changed, and a burst of classical music played. This time the male award-winning guest did not come down the stairs, but stood on the stage in advance.

Of course, he was not very suitable for walking up the stairs. A very fat man stood there to welcome the female guest who was presenting the award.

"Oh, it's Pavarotti." Mr. Cultural Counselor exclaimed. Of course he knew this world-famous opera tenor.

Pavarotti didn't speak English very well, so he announced that the nominees for Best Original Song, lyrics and music composed by the same person, were all, "9 to 5, Dolly Parton."

"Famous, with music by Michael Gore and lyrics by Ronald Lee," the female guest took over from the nominees for a collaboration between two people.

"The winner is..." The female guest saw Pavarotti opening the envelope and asked him to announce the winner.

A sound of military drums sounded...

Pavarotti looked at the list of winners happily, but there were two winners, so he handed the envelope to the female guest again.

"Oh, Luciano..." The female guest seemed to blame Pavarotti for being naughty, hiding his embarrassment at not being able to pronounce his English name very well, "The winner is the world-famous Michael Gore. Nader Lee.”

"Oh!" Diane exclaimed and began to slap Ronald's arm again, "You win the prize, you win the prize." Then she clapped hard and laughed.

Instead, Ronald felt relaxed. The colors around him seemed to have a warm feeling. The voices of Diane and Coleman seemed so kind, as if the whole world was holding him gently in its arms.

Seeing the camera with the red light on, Ronald stood up and hugged Roger Coleman and his wife, Mr. Counselor, and Diane Lane in turn. Then he walked down the aisle to wait for Gore, ready to go on stage to receive his award.

Michael Gore also walked out. This was his second statuette today. His sister Leslie was not upset at all for not winning the award, but happily applauded her brother.

The two walked towards the stage.

Dolly Parton jumped out and stopped the two from going on stage. Michael Gore, who was walking in front, was embarrassed and tried to pass by. Several attempts were blocked by Dolly with both hands.

Ronald knew that Dolly Parton was not only a country queen, but also a movie actor. This was a performance competing for the camera lens, so he went up and gently pulled Gore away. Then he opened his arms and embraced Dolly.

Dolly smiled and moved out of the way, and the audience laughed.

Pavarotti handed the trophy to the two with a smile. Michael Gore reached out to shake his hand.

Ronald, knowing the temperament of Italians, went up and hugged the singer. Pavarotti was obviously satisfied and slapped Ronald hard several times.

This is the second time Gore has taken the stage today to give his acceptance speech. Everything he had prepared was finished last time, so now he had to perform it on the spot, "Thank you MGM, they are the originator of Hollywood musicals, thank them for investing in such a musical today.

Thanks to director Alan Parker Hi Alan.

Thanks to the producer..."

When it was Ronald's turn, the female guest was already quietly telling him to pay attention to the time.

Knowing that time was running out, Ronald held the statuette in both hands and glanced downwards.

Roger Coleman applauded from his seat. Diane stood up excitedly and waved to herself. Teacher Martin Scorsese was also applauding. His director award had not yet been awarded, and he looked a little nervous.

Next to Scorsese is the seat of the famous crew. Irene Cara and several leading actors, screenwriters, and producers are present one by one.

Then there is director Alan Parker, who dislikes him, and in front of him, Timothy Hutton, who looks unhappy. Ronald couldn't help but think of what Michael Cimino said when he won the director's award:

"I'm proud to be here, proud of the films we've made, proud to be part of the Hollywood tradition..."

Now it's your turn to become part of the tradition...

Ronald was very happy. Fat boy Cimino, who once joked that he was not suitable for the film major, was ridiculed by critics for the failure of his new film.

Today is exactly the same as the year before last. He went on stage to receive the award, and Cimino could only watch TV at home.

The background music also began to get slightly louder, seeming to suggest urging.

All these thoughts sounded long, but in fact it only took two or three seconds. Ronald no longer hesitated and spoke out the acceptance speech he had prepared.

“I started with Michael’s compositions, he inspired me.

Thanks to Erin Kara for singing this song.

I'm grateful for my family, Karen, Donna, I love you.

Finally, I would like to thank the many dancers during the filming of "Famous". Their efforts made this song shine in the movie.

thank you all. "

"Oh, your acceptance speech was so good... Actors are most afraid of being forgotten." Diane picked up Ronald's trophy again and looked at it over and over again. "Karen and Donna must be watching the live broadcast and they must be very proud of you."

"Yes, I miss them very much. They must have seen you too. Will they be surprised that you are sitting with me?"

"Well", Diane was a little lost. The male partner her agent finally found for her ran away and found another female partner. They originally agreed to go to a dance held immediately after the award ceremony in the name of the academy directors. .

Robert Redford is not only a director, but also a popular star.

There is also Mary Tyler Moore, the star of a popular TV series named after herself.

Donald Sutherland is a veteran Canadian star, having starred with Jane Fonda in her acclaimed "Klute".

The members of these "Ordinary People" crew are some of the biggest stars in the industry.

Although Diane is less than 16 years old, those people may not have any suitable roles in their hands to facilitate public relations. But if you can show your face in front of celebrities, you might have some opportunities sometime.

It would be good to at least listen to seniors in the industry and talk about some acting tips.

Diane turned her head and looked at Ronald again. Hutton hated him so much and didn't know why.

Donna never said that Ronald took the initiative to provoke any enemies. This man just kept immersed in writing scripts and going to school, hoping to make a breakthrough in the film industry.

Forget it, there will be many social opportunities in the future anyway. But true friends like the Donna siblings who truly care about themselves are rare in Hollywood.

Apart from Ronald next to him, only Laura Dern, who had previously made punk movies, had a similar background to him and could easily get along with him.

"Then you go to the Directors' Ball with me. My agent is waiting for me there and arranged a meeting with Steven to talk about the script for a while. I just need a female companion when I go to the ball." Ronald saw that He understood Diane's thoughts and whispered in her ear.

"Which Steven?"

What was announced next were the two best screenplays. Famous did not win the best original screenplay, and was taken away by "Ordinary People". Ronald sighed sadly.

However, this also has a good side, as it saves Ronald the embarrassment of not being able to go on stage after winning the award.

And then there are the honorary Oscars.

Jane Fonda's father, veteran movie star Henry Fonda, came on stage and was presented with the trophy by Robert Redford. The audience can clearly see Henry's old age. He has never won an Oscar in his life. This kind of honorary award is often a consolation prize given to such veteran movie stars.

"When I realize that I have been working in the film industry for 46 years, I realize that I am a very lucky person... I think this is the cadenza of my career, thank you all."

The next best director award went to Robert Redford who just came off.

Best Actor went to "Raging Bull" star Robert De Niro.

Best Actress was Sissy Spacek for "Miner's Daughter."

Interestingly, the characters they played were based on former middleweight boxing champion Jake LaMotta and country queen Lolita Lynn, both of whom were present. Share the happiness with the actor and actress who plays you.

The final grand prize, best picture, went to "Ordinary People."

This made them the biggest winners tonight, winning four out of six nominations, taking away the most important awards of Best Picture and Best Director.

Ronald stood up, holding the statuette in his hand, and slowly walked out of the awards show with Diane Lane.

There is also a waiting room outside the concert hall where you can watch the live TV broadcast. Many relatives, friends, and agents without tickets are waiting here.

Bert was also waiting here. Diane rushed over and told Bert what happened inside. Bert nodded, came over to say hello to Ronald, and thanked him for taking Diane to the directors' dinner.

Ronald was discussing the timetable with his agent Richard, and the four of them got in the car together and went to the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

After relaxing, Ronald held the golden man in his arms and rested in the back seat.

"Hey, what award did 'The Elephant Man' win today?" Ronald suddenly remembered David Lynch's movie, with 8 nominations, tied for the most nominations with Raging Bull.

"Zero. They got nothing," Richard replied.


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