Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 196 Who are you making movies for?

"So this is the secret of the stone ball? Install it on the track with a mechanism that can stop the stone ball from rolling at any time?" Ronald listened to Spielberg's introduction and knew how to make the stone ball safe.

"Yes, although the fiberglass is very light and hollow, I have doubled the size of the stone ball. If it rolls, it is still dangerous. It will be much better if we add brakes."

"I wish you good luck with your et project and thank you for your advice."

"Good luck to you too, Ronald." Spielberg said goodbye with a "I don't need good luck" smile.

After consulting Spielberg on some shooting tips, Ronald and Niceta left the screening room.

"Why, don't you go to the parking lot with me? I'll take you back to the hotel." Niceta got her wish and caught up with Simberg. She was about to pick up the car when she saw Ronald standing motionless at the door of the ticket booth. I felt strange, so I came up and asked him.

"I'm wondering why Spielberg is so confident." Ronald stared at the door of the ticket booth without moving. "ET's script is clearly aimed at younger children, and Columbia's marketing department was right. And teenagers will like it. Is it a film aimed at young children?”

"Didn't you say it? He has the ability to realize his imagination. Shenberg also trusts him. Let's go, now is not the time to think about this, you should prepare for the next interview with all your strength.

Amy Heckerling is not an outsider. We have learned that she is an alumnus of yours at New York University Tisch College, a few years ahead of you. She worked as an editor in Los Angeles for a period of time, and she is capable of directing. "

"Okay, I'll come." Ronald took two steps and looked back at the queue of people outside the ticket booth. Today many parents brought their children to watch the preview screening of "The Lost Ark of the Covenant" with a PG rating. Parents accompanied their children, and there were several people from the whole family. "

Ronald returned to the hotel and waited peacefully for the joint interview to decide who would be the director.

Everything that needs to be thought of has been thought of, everything that needs to be done has been done, the dice have been thrown, and we are waiting for the verdict of the facts.

Ronald felt relaxed all of a sudden. He took notes on the script every day to see if there was any new inspiration. He also took time to watch TV series. There were many TV series produced by Hollywood on the California TV station. He watched the blond girl on the TV. Speaking boring conversations in a valley accent is enough to relieve boredom.

He even found the opportunity to watch a few movies, including "Endless Love" which had just premiered. Taking advantage of the heat of Brooke Shields's congressional hearings before it passed, PolyGram played a large number of movies with Brooke Shields in theaters everywhere. The poster with the avatar attracted some people.

"Oh, Jade, her boyfriend loves her so much and would do anything for her."

"Yeah, it will be nice when we go to high school and have a boyfriend like David."

"Is it really that good between men and women?"

"I don't know either. My sister is already in grade 12. She said I will know when I enter high school."

Ronald, who was sitting in the cinema, couldn't help but laugh as he listened to a few little girls in the back who looked like they were in seventh or eighth grade discussing the movie.

In fact, Brooke Shields' ecstatic expression was the result of her exerting herself to control the pain and itchiness caused by pinching her toes.

As if to blame Ronald for his untimely laughter, the little girls in front and behind him glared at him.

Ronald quickly sat down. Among the dozens of spectators sitting in the hall, there were only two or three young couples, and most of them kissed each other as if no one was watching.

A week later, the interview date agreed with Sheinberg and Mount finally arrived.

Ronald finally meets his invisible opponent, Amy Heckerling.

She is a beautiful woman, wearing a pair of sunglasses, with slightly curly short hair spread on both sides. She wears a black shirt on her upper body, a pair of jeans and sneakers on her lower body, and she is very free and easy.

She reminded Ronald of Kathryn Bigelow, and women who wanted to be film directors had something tough and capable about them.

Amy Heckerling came over to say hello, "Hi, Ronald, I'm Amy. I heard that you are also a New Yorker? A student of Tisch? New Yorkers are very familiar with the laws of competition. This is a professional behavior, not a personal grudge. "

"No personal grudges involved." Ronald shook hands with her.

Immediately, Amy Heckerling was called into the interview room first and accepted interviews with Tom Mount and Sidney Shenberg.

"Americans like to say this very much." Ronald said to Niceta and Richard who accompanied him.

"Because Americans like to compete, and they can cooperate after deciding the winner. This is a key quality for us to lead the free world." Niceta answered.

"Bullshit," Ronald thought to himself. There is nothing that does not involve personal grudges. There are only so many opportunities. If I give them to you, you cannot give them to me. For anyone who gets the chance to direct, they get a chance to roll the dice, become a hit at the box office, and continue to direct new movies.

And those who don't get the opportunity can only go back to work in technical professions, such as editing, assistant director, casting director, etc.

Or continue to immerse yourself in writing scripts, wait for an opportunity to be spotted by a producer, and then compete with other younger players.

There is nothing here that is not personal.

"Amy, can I call you Amy?" In the interview room, Tom Mount greeted Heckerling first.

"Of course, Mr. Mount, Mr. Sheinberg."

"Please tell me first what you want this movie to be like?" Sheinberg began to ask.

"I wanted to make 'Up' into an ensemble song about teenagers growing up. High school students in California are very diverse, so that when viewers see it, they'll be reminded of who they were in high school, and who they were in high school." Like a friend and a teacher..."

Amy Heckerling added some of her own understanding to the character portrait of Ronald given by Mount.

She was interviewed first, arranged by Tom Mount, so that she could gain a lot of advantages over Sheinberg.

After asking a few questions, the interview with Heikelin ended immediately. Tom Mount was whispering something to Sheinberg, and Heckerling was also preparing to leave.

"Miss Heckerling, last question, who are you making the movie for?" Sheinberg interrupted Mount's whisper and asked.

"Who should I take the photo for?" Heikelin didn't expect there would be another question and was a little surprised. But she quickly realized, "I want to make a comedy for the audience."

"It will be somewhere between a screwball comedy and a romantic comedy, with some farce elements. I hope to make the audience feel that the characters in this comedy are living around us.

Let's put it this way...if a viewer wakes up and finds himself in the world of a comedy movie. Then the audience who falls into "Unprecedented and Unprecedented" will feel hopeless, and all the characters are crazy.

Viewers will find it scary to be dropped into '9 to 5', where supporting characters are even tied up and hung from the ceiling for laughs.

I hope viewers who fall into the fast-paced world of Richmond High will find it relaxing. Because they're once again in the world of high school, where no one's trying to kill them, and there's no squeamish dialogue, but instead a light, knowing humor.

Just like when I watched George Luca's debut film "American Gracious Painting", the laughter was full of hope and sweetness. "

"Thank you, Miss Heckerling."

Amy Heckerling came out of the room and happened to see Ronald. She stretched out her hand and shook hands with Ronald again, "Don't be discouraged if you lose, why not become my assistant director. With the experience of this film, you will soon be able to direct independently."

This is the second time someone has said similar things to Ronald recently, but this time Ronald and her are competitors and she doesn’t want to show weakness.

"Same to you, Miss Heckerling."

"Hello, Ronald, tell me what you want this movie to be like." Tom Mount sat upright and started asking Ronald questions in an official tone.

"As I said last time, I hope young people in America can see their own lives on the screen..." Ronald said his last thought again.

"Are you planning to make this into a drama? Like your last screenwriting effort, 'Famous'?"

"No, I want to make a realistic light comedy about the love lives of men and women in public schools in the California Valley. Most of the programs for the three major public television stations are produced in Hollywood, and the valley accent here is also spread to All over America.

As the teen audience for the TV series has grown, Southern California's valley accent has become a symbol of a privileged life. Teenagers across the country are targeting California high school students, so I hope to capture the characteristics of valley girls and attract people across the country. audience. "

Tom Mount asked some more questions, then began whispering to Sheinberg, shaking his head as he spoke.

"Who do you want to make this movie for?" Shenberg interrupted Mount's whisper and asked this question as usual.

"Show it to high school students all over America." Ronald answered without hesitation.

"The content of this film will probably be rated R. In this way, our main audience will need to be accompanied by adults.

Of course, American movie theaters will not strictly abide by this rule, and our audience will not ask their parents to watch this kind of movie together. Parents will be frightened by the openness of the movie.

Therefore, the company they are looking for to watch the movie will not be like parents in "The Lost Ark", but the whole family will go out to watch the movie. They are probably looking for brothers, seniors, or even older heterosexual lovers.

The viewing tastes of these teenagers are different from those of the younger audiences faced by ET dramas, and there cannot be any violence or explicit scenes that cause discomfort.

It's not like the recently released "Endless Love", where most of them are junior high school girls, a group of little girls who have no experience in love. If you want love to make them feel great, it doesn't matter no matter how ridiculous the content is.

What young audiences need is a certain degree of reality that makes them feel that the characters on the screen are believable. It also includes some things they wanted to do in life but failed to do.

For example, winning a football game, successfully deceiving your parents after getting into an accident, or finding your beloved boyfriend and girlfriend to spend the first time in your life..."

Shenberg felt satisfied after hearing Ronald's answer.

"Mr. Li, thank you, you can go out."

After the door was closed by Ronald, Tom Mount changed direction and faced Sheinberg and said, "Heckerling has more experience. She edited documentaries for the film school in Hollywood for half a year."

"But I heard that she was fired in the end because she couldn't find where the edited footage was."

"I watched Heikelin's graduation short film. It was very clever. Her portrayal of the characters in the script was also very accurate."

"Don't talk like an idiot, Tom. That's the question you asked Ronald during his first interview." Sheinberg bluntly revealed Mount's answer to the question.

"And watch your crotch, Tom. Don't hang out with these women with interests. The company's lawyers have already handled several cases for you."

"You!" Tom Mount was speechless for a moment, but then he thought again and said, "Sidney, you still want to get et back from Colombia, right?"

"I decide on film projects without your approval, Tom. "

"But you don't want anyone to give you trouble on the board, do you?"

"what do you want?"

"Heikelin likes this script very much..."

"This is impossible, Ronald is obviously a more suitable candidate. He is the script writer and was trained by Roger Corman. He knows how to operate low-budget movies.

More importantly, Spielberg admires him very much and wants to invite him to play in his amusement park. I don't want to get into trouble with et. "

"Then what I promised Heikelin..."

"That's your own business. You can find another job for her. I will approve it."

"Okay, Sidney, you win this time." Tom Mount raised his hands in surrender.

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