Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 20002 Casting

The casting director, Don Phillips, is a handsome, long-haired guy with an artistic look.

Entrusted by Julia Taylor of the New York casting studio, he promised to try to favor Ronald during the casting process. The two met privately in a cafe.

"I know you spent some time at Julia's casting studio. It was a great place. Is that white cat still there? I always jerked her off when I worked there." Don Phillips and Rona De took over and the two chatted for a while.

"She's still there, but she's getting older and doesn't like to move anymore. She likes to lie there and bask in the sun."

Ronald knew that although Don Phillips still had some traces of New York casting methods, he was more interested in the actor's temperament and suitability for the role than his Hollywood counterparts.

But generally speaking, his casting method has departed from the New York school, and is closer to the Hollywood method. Look at the relationship first, then the appearance, and finally the director's preference. If there is still room for selection, then look It’s okay to look at the core of your temperament.

"I hope to see more about the fit between the actor's temperament and the core of the character, which is why I asked the original author Cameron Crowe to participate in the casting."

"Are you serious? This is just a teen comedy, not 'The Godfather.'"

"The Godfather was also filmed as a gangster exploitation film. It was the perfect casting that made him a classic, not the other way around." Ronald laughed.

Looking at a slightly startled Don Phillips, Ronald knew he was afraid that he would be extremely picky and torment the casting director and everyone else involved in the casting.

"Of course I won't be unreasonably picky, I just need to do the best within my capabilities. I am not Coppola, and there is an associate producer next to me who has her own ideas."

It turned out that Don Phillips was just coming to the set to earn a living. When he heard Julia Taylor's request, he thought that the director was an insider or the son of a rich man, so he originally planned to use his professional ability to help. When it came to Ronald's statement, I was still doubtful for a moment.

"I suggest that we hold a first round of casting regardless of role, so that we can see multiple possibilities at once. Don't waste too much energy in the first round. Many producers, company executives, and other parties can ask for help. The relationship will be left until the second round of auditions."

"I understand, just do what you want."

Don Phillips breathed a sigh of relief, finally not a fool.

On the morning of the first round of casting,

Ronald showed up at Universal's casting office with Heckerling and casting director Don Phillips. There is a movie camera set up in the back. All audition candidates have to introduce themselves to the camera to see how they appear in the viewfinder.

"Shall we start?" Heikelin suggested.

"Wait a minute, we have another companion." Ronald raised his hand to stop the assistant who was about to go out to call someone.

"Who is it? Why don't I know." Heikelin asked.

"It's Mr. Cameron Crowe, the original author of 'Fast Pace'. I asked him to make a reference for the character's personality traits."

Just then there was a knock on the door, and Ronald saw that it was Cameron Crowe who was here, and hurriedly introduced them to each other.

Crowe moved a chair and sat on the side. Heikelin knew that Crowe did not have the power to vote, so that in the future, he would only be a reference person for the crucial second and third rounds of interviews. There was no objection.

Ronald knew that all power was earned, and if Crowe could provide some meaningful input, he would not be ignored.

"Let's get started." Ronald motioned to his assistant.

The first audition today was for a male role. The first few people were not satisfied with it. There were already very few young actors. This audition was conducted with the attitude of giving it a try and letting them pick up any actors who had nothing to do with being at the bottom.


A tall male actor walked in.

"My name is Eric Stoltz this morning."

"Hello, Eric, please introduce yourself to the camera." Heikelin motioned for him to introduce himself to the camera and save it for the record.

"My name is Eric Stoltz and I'm from California."

"How was your life in high school?" Ronald asked.

"I was a theater fan in high school and participated in the school's comedy club. After graduating from high school, I joined an acting company and performed in a play in Edinburgh, Scotland for a year."

Ronald and Heikelin asked a few more questions and exchanged glances. It seemed that everyone recognized his appearance and experience.

"Okay, if we have any further news, we'll let you know," casting director Don Phillips told him.

"I think he is suitable to play the eldest brother Brad. Cameron Crowe admires this actor's temperament very much."

"We can take another look and he is the first suitable candidate." Ronald replied.

"What's his film and television acting resume like?"

"Been in the TV movie 'The grass is always greener on the septic tank,'" the casting director responded.

What the hell!

"Next person please come in."

After a dozen more actors passed by, we finally found a candidate who everyone felt was a suitable candidate at a glance.

What came in was a slightly mature-looking actor with a slightly high forehead. He had the steadiness of a mature man, but also had a bit of the naughty remnants of a teenager.

"Please introduce yourself to the camera"

"My name is Tom Hanks, 25 years old, from..."

"What do you think about high school students working part-time jobs in convenience stores to earn money for college?" Ronald asked.

"I think that is a very responsible move. I also come from an ordinary family, and I understand that people who can work part-time jobs to earn college tuition have endurance, determination, and the ability to deal with details."

"Did you fall in love in high school?" Heckerling asked.

"Of course, I have my high school sweetheart." The actor named Hanks replied, "Who can ignore such a handsome guy?"

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone..." Heikelin continued to ask.

Ronald was somewhat satisfied with this actor. He was handsome but could be classified as an ordinary person. With a sense of humor and the ability to show a sense of responsibility, he is a perfect fit for the role of big brother Brad. I am 25 years old this year. Although I am older than a high school student, my face is relatively tender. The audience can introduce the older brother who is slightly mature.

"I saw your role in the TV series 'Friends' and was it renewed for next season?" Casting Director Don Phillips began to ask.

"Yes, the contract has been renewed."

“Would you give up filming ‘Intimate Partners’ because of this film?”

"I think I can do both."

"Okay, we'll let you know when we have further news."

After Tom Hanks went out, Cameron Crowe was the first to speak:

"This one is even better than the one just now. It suits the role of the eldest brother Brad very well. The temperament also matches well. He seems to be the kind of person who has a sense of responsibility, but he is not too smart and overt. It is very suitable for the role of the eldest brother Brad. The feeling of gaining knowledge from books.”

"Yes, Cameron, I see it that way too, but..." Ronald smiled bitterly. Cameron Crowe still didn't understand film and television production very well, so he motioned to casting director Don Phillips to explain.

"Hanks is filming ABC's comedy series 'Friends'. Last year's ratings were good, and it was renewed for a new season in October this year. In other words, while we were filming, he happened to be filming a TV series, so both sides Running away would have an impact on our filming. After all, Brad is the protagonist and his role is very important."

"Furthermore, with the new policies implemented by the new commander-in-chief after he came to power, the economy has been severely depressed and everything has become more expensive. The original budget is not enough. If we can't increase the budget, we can only compress the filming to 7 weeks." Ronald An announcement was made.

Unexpectedly, the actor-general gave a very good speech, but his policies after taking office resulted in price increases and unemployment that were even worse than those of his predecessor. He said that this was a labor pain, and the economy would improve in the second half of the year. It seemed that politicians would always shirk responsibility.

"Oh, that's a pity." Cameron Crowe muttered.

"Add him to the list first and see if there are any suitable people later?" Ronald asked Heikelin for his opinion.

"I think it's okay."

"Okay, let's call the next one."

After interviewing many candidates in succession, no one stood out to me.

"Next" It was already in the afternoon and it was about time to get off work. Ronald took a sip of black tea and called again. Seeing that no one came in, he asked, "Is there any more?"

"Good afternoon, my name is Forest Whitaker. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to audition." A big black man came in and squeezed in from behind the door. Ronald noticed that one of his eyes was a little crooked.

Ronald took the information and saw that it was a new person, not a union member. He is a little taller than himself and has a very burly figure. He has a kind of intimidation when he stands there, like the bodyguard of a gang boss.

"Have you ever played rugby?" Ronald asked.

"In high school, I played linebacker. I entered California State Polytechnic University on a football scholarship, but I injured my back during the game and retired."

"Have you ever acted?" Heikelin was also very interested in him. This person's appearance is very good, and he is suitable for playing the role of the rugby star in the play. He also happens to be a ruthless person who received a rugby scholarship.

"I was a church choir member since I was a child. After I got injured, I joined the choir and also acted in the drama club." Whitaker answered politely.

"Very good." Ronald and the other three people discussed in a low voice. This is a supporting role. He doesn't have many scenes. Many of the scenes are about his true character playing rugby.

Moreover, the appearance of a rugby player is difficult to find. This big guy has good looks, a bully temperament, and some acting experience. It is estimated that their crew cannot find a better candidate.

"Just him? I guess you can't find anyone more suitable." Don Phillips also suggested the same.

"Do you have an agent?" Ronald asked.

"No, what do you mean?" Whittaker couldn't believe it.

"Yes, you have been selected. If you have an agent, ask him to come to the set to sign a contract. If not, take my business card and go to CAA or WMA to find a temporary agent to sign the contract.

Congratulations, Mr. Whittaker. "

Ronald stood up and shook his hand.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Whitaker was very happy and shook hands with several people present.

Then he said goodbye politely and exited the room.

But through the window of the room, they all saw Whitaker running towards his car as soon as he left the office. He was a very interesting big man.

"That's almost it. Let's stay here for now, shall we?" Ronald asked several of his audition partners.

"Okay," Heikelin looked at her watch, "We will continue tomorrow and see the actresses."


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