Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 203 Please ask

Ronald's phone started to get busy again, whether it was from the office, the apartment he was staying in, or through his agent.

The early call requests were mainly to get to know your agents, as they are the most well-informed people. Now there are calls from some unknown agents, various past partners, celebrity parents, and some impatient actresses themselves.

Kelly Preston, whom Ronald had met before at auditions on other crews, was approached by her agent to explore the possibility of "auditioning alone" in the hope of getting a promised role.

The photographer who had taken her to auditions had been fired by her and replaced by a more radical agent.

Ronald firmly remembered his mistakes and Julia Taylor's teachings, not to get entangled with the actresses competing for the heroine when the crew did not have complete control, so Niceta rejected the agent's "kindness" and directly Get her in for the first round of auditions.

Elizabeth Sue, who had shot Ronald's chewing gum commercial, also found her phone number and asked for information. Su's birthday is in October, so she will be 18 when filming starts, so there will be no problems with filming.

However, her parents found out about this and both called Ronald to ask Ronald not to admit her. Because Elizabeth Sue was admitted to Wesleyan Women's College, the filming time happened to be in the second month of school.

If you don't want to be an actor full-time, it's really not appropriate to take a break from school in the first grade to participate in acting. It would be better if you take time off to film during the summer vacation, or in the third or fourth grade.

Gerald Slater, Vice President of PBS, made a direct call to Niceta of CAA. After a little understanding, he decided to give up this opportunity for his daughter Helen.

Helen's birthday is in December, so she will encounter many problems with working time constraints when filming on a small production crew. However, Ronald privately believed that the real reason for Gerald's rejection may be that both heroines had frontal nudity.

In the evening, Ronald was typing on the Commodity computer at home:

"Using a nuclear explosion as a time machine that can travel back in time is a grand setting, but it is very difficult to implement on the screen. It is recommended to use a nearby machine that uses electricity, which can significantly reduce the shooting budget."

Ronald auditioned during the day and evaluated scripts for Spielberg at night. The Kangmode computer is pretty good to use. This kind of machine with the name of computer is bought by many children and used as a game console when they take it home.

There is a card slot on the right side of the keyboard, which can be used to plug in various game cartridges and connect the controller to play games. This way, you won’t be disliked by your parents like buying an Atari game console.

You can also learn to use a computer, using basic programming as an excuse.

However, there were no games plugged into Ronald's computer. Instead, a cp/m operating system card was plugged in. He then plugged in the wordstar software using a floppy drive and used it to write things.

Wordstar is more convenient than the Wang word processing computer produced by Wang An Company in the Global Office. There are two advantages. First, what you see is what you get. What you see on the screen is what the final printer will print out.

Secondly, it has various shortcut keys, which can define a piece of text, copy it after selecting it, or move it to other places, which is very convenient. Just ctrl + c, hey, no, this shortcut key is useless.

The copy is ctrl + k + c, ctrl + k + v. Ronald took out the instruction manual and compared it again. Wait, what's the shortcut key for movement? Ronald simply took out a sorting card and copied all the commonly used shortcut keys on the card.

Saving is ctrl + k + s... Ronald copied the card and stuck it next to the monitor with scotch tape.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

"Hi, I'm Ronald."

"Ronnie, this is Demi. I heard that you are now the director of Universal's new film."

"Ah? Demi, I'm casting now. Does your husband agree with you acting in a movie?" Ronald heard other men talking on the phone.

"Demi, who are you talking to?" Freddy's voice came from the receiver.

"It's Ronald, the one who took my audition photos, and now he's the film director."

"Ronald, this is Freddy, Demi wants to be in a movie, right? Is there any nudity?"

"What are you doing, Freddy, give me the receiver..."

"You guys should discuss it first. There is frontal nudity in this play."

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Ronald was startled by the sound, and accidentally pressed the del key, deleting a large chunk of the text he had just selected.

ctrl + z, ctrl + z, why is it useless? Ah..., Ronald is going crazy. Open the manual, why is there no shortcut key to cancel the operation?

"Use nuclear explosions as a time machine that can travel back to the past..." Ronald, who was crying without tears, had to type again... ctrl + k + s to save to a disk first.

The next day, Ronald came to audition again. Heikelin must have received a lot of requests for help, but since she is a woman, her real connections should be yet to come.

Today's actresses are mediocre. There are many who are beautiful and photogenic, but they lack basic acting and expression skills.

The acting industry is inherently unfair to women. Cary Grant and Roger Moore, in their 60s, can still romance young women on screen. But there are very few actresses over the age of 30 who still play love scenes with young men. Jane Fonda can only play the love interest of middle-aged people.

A large number of young and beautiful young women compete for the few roles, resulting in a situation where there are many low-level actresses in the auditions.

Fortunately, "Fast Pace" has a large demand for female extras. Many scenes require girls to be in the background. Ronald sent notices to many actresses who were on camera. If they are willing, they can come as extras. .

Several days passed, and finally it was time for more capable actors to participate in the second round of auditions. Ronald's close friend Sean Penn also came to audition.

In this round, the actors not only introduce themselves, but also read some script fragments to allow the director and producer to make better choices.

"With another six months of installment payment, this beautiful blue four-door luxury car will be mine..."

Sean Penn held up a page and read this Brad Hamilton line.

Ronald frowned slightly, Sean Penn was a little confused when reading this line.

Brad is a hard-working, disciplined 12-year-old whose eyes only shine when he talks about the car he bought.

Sean Penn's reading emphasizes that smug mood, but it's a little arrogant. It seems that he is a usually flamboyant person, which does not fit well with Brad's role.

"Can you regain some of your pride and do it again? Sean." Ronald made a request

"Of course." Sean Penn adjusted his body posture and did it again.

Ronald frowned again, and then quickly relaxed. As a director, it was best not to show his expression. He looked at Heikelin, wanting to hear her opinion.

Heikelin put her hand flat under the table and shook it at him twice, indicating that it was not appropriate.

There was nothing Ronald could do. This kind of audition video had to be sent to two producers at Universal for review. It was hard to convince them with this kind of performance.

However, Sean Penn's performance is somewhat similar to another character, the dumb Italian student Spicoli...

"Ronald." Cameron Crowe, who had not spoken much before because of his lack of experience, spoke up. "I think he is more like Spicoli."

"I think so too," Heckerling added. "If he wears a wig, he will look more like a skateboard boy. Can you let him read Spicoli's lines?"

Ronald told Sean Penn about the three people's ideas, hoping that he would try another role.

Sean Penn took Spicoli's lines, worked on them for a while, and then started reading.

"Sorry, I'm late. This new version of the curriculum is confusing."

"So, Mr. Spicoli?" Don, the casting director, acted as his counterpart.

"Hey, man. What's wrong with you? Why did your student status card get torn?"

"you are late."

"You dick!" Sean Penn cursed in a very aggressive tone.

"Okay, that's it." Ronald stopped the audition, "We will contact your agent if we have further information."

Sean Penn walked out of the room.

Heckerling said, "This person is very suitable for Spicoli. If Brad plays B, he can get an A+ for playing Spicoli."

Ronald looked at Cameron Crowe.

"This man is really similar to the prototype character of Spicoli in my book. I can't see any traces of acting. If he hadn't just read Brad's lines, I would have thought he was such a person in life. "

"We'll keep both of his auditions, and we'll have a meeting with the producer later to decide." Ronald set the tone, "Next one."

Cameron Crowe didn't understand what he meant, or he did, but he was reluctant to give up letting Sean Penn play Spicoli. Such a realistic character will add a lot to the film.

But in this case, Ronald will have one less card in his hand, and among the people vying for Brad's role, there will be one less "Ronald's person".

I met a few more actors, and the next one who was competitive was Judge Reinhold.

"Hello, Judge," Heckerling said,

"Good morning."

Is this Judge from Heikelin?

"Please read this line to the camera," Ronald said.

"With another six months of installment payment, this beautiful blue four-door luxury car will be mine..."

"Huh?" I don't know if it's because Judge Reinhold has a temperament similar to Brad's, or because he has excellent acting skills. In short, it's a very good read. He feels so proud after working hard to buy a luxury car. The energetic performance is here.

"The best Brad so far." Heckerling said after the actor walked out, and then looked at Ronald.

"I did perform well, but I'm a little older. I'm 24 this year, so I don't look like a high school student anymore." Cameron Crowe provided an assist at the right time.

"Let's see if there is anything more suitable in the future." Ronald said.

If this Judge Reinhold were not "Heckerling's guy", he would actually be more suitable for the role of Brad.

But Crowe is right, age is indeed an issue. Although teen movies often cast young actors, it would be inappropriate if Stacey's actor looked too different in age from him.


In the afternoon, another of Ronald's connections came.

"My name is Nicholas Coppola."

"Is this the Coppola we know?" Heckerling asked in surprise.

"If you refer to director Francis Coppola, he is my uncle." Nicholas was a little impatient, "But my acting skills have nothing to do with him..."

"Of course, read us Brad's line." Ronald handed over the script.

Nicholas Coppola read the lines carefully, then closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and acted out Brad showing off to his classmates without using a script.

"With another six months of installment payment, this beautiful blue four-door luxury car will be mine..."

"What do you think?" Ronald asked the three of them for feedback after he walked out.

"The acting is very good. To be honest, when I was undercover in high school, Brad's prototype speech was like that. He was proud, but he was afraid that others would know that he was proud." Crowe replied.

"He happens to be 18 years old this year, which is close to the age of the character." Casting director Tang added the actor's background information.

"Coppola's nephew... his acting skills are good. But the acting is a bit too dark." Heikelin pointed out some minor flaws.

“Let’s put him among the candidates as well.

Ronald was convinced that this role was still in his hands.

Pop out the audition videos of several candidates, transcribe them onto the tape, hand them over to the producer, and wait for a later meeting to make a decision. Nicholas said his last name in the audition video, so that the producer will always sell a few copies. face.

Next, several actors were interviewed, including Mark, a nerdy student nicknamed "Rat", and his friend Mike, a ticket scalper, and several candidates were selected.

"Next is the female role." Heikelin looked at the audition list in her hand. "There are many famous actors here today."

"Yeah, a lot of acquaintances." Ronald was also looking at the list.

Except for Kelly Preston, who passed the first round of auditions. There was also Melanie Griffiths, who had previously auditioned for "Endless Love," whom Ronald remembered as the daughter of Hitchcock girl Tippi Hedlund.

Also on the list is Tatum O'Neal, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She has been in bad luck recently. Due to her development, she can no longer act as a child star. She hopes to transform into a youth film, so she participated in many auditions for youth films.

Finally, there’s Princess Leia from Star Wars, Kelly Fisher. Although she is a little older, her acting skills are pretty good.

"Let's get started." Ronald told his assistant.

The assistant opened the door and was about to call someone in.

Ronald, Crowe, Heikelin and others who were sitting inside heard a quarrel suddenly break out outside.

"You Bichi..."

"fxck you! Do you think you are some kind of saint? Bichi..."

Ronald and everyone looked at each other.

multiple copies

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