Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 20004 Tear apart!


"Ah...you bitch."

Ronald and the three of them heard the sounds outside getting louder and louder, and quickly got up and walked out of the room to see what was going on.

I saw two women scolding each other in the rest area.

One of them was Melanie Griffiths, who Ronald had met, who was auditioning for "Endless Love". He hadn't seen her for a year. She was not as baby fat as before, but had lost some weight. Her fair skin was Very conspicuous.

"You, the little Bichi who seduced my father, came to my house with your mother, Bichi, when you were 20 years old and refused to leave." Another girl pointed at Melanie's nose and scolded her.

"You're a bad Bichi who is dating a nigger." Melanie was not to be outdone, pretending to be a child and imitating the other person, "M...j..., when will you come to my house? I have something good to show you. .”

"How old were you then, huh? 16?"

"You Bichi, you actually eavesdropped on my conversation with MJ at my house."

"Ah...I'm going to kill you." Another girl rushed over, grabbed Melanie's hair, and pulled it down hard.

Melanie felt pain from being pulled by him, and her head lowered. The girl took the opportunity to scratch her face with one hand.

Melanie's face was scratched by her, and she cried out "Ah...", which is the greatest harm to an actress. Taking advantage of being taller than the other person, she also grabbed the other person's hair with one hand, and then slapped him with the other hand.


A sharp slap in the face.


The other party yelled, then exerted force and pulled Melanie's hair down quite a bit.


Melanie Griffiths let out a shrill scream, rushed forward and pushed her down, straddled her, raised her hands, slapped her twice, and slapped her from left to right.

"Oh...oh..." Ronald quickly stepped forward, and each of him and the casting director Don Phillips grabbed one and spread it out.

The two were held in a hug,

He also tried to take off and kick the opponent. Ronald could only separate them and find someone who accompanied them to the audition to comfort them.

Ronald was holding the girl who had quarreled with Melanie. He found out that the person who accompanied her to the audition was the famous singer Cher. He used to see her and her ex-husband Sonny Bono on Staten Island. Performed a male-female duet "I Got You Babe" on TV.

"Is this your daughter? Ms. Cher?" Ronald asked.

"Oh, no, this is Ryan O'Neal's daughter, Tatum. She lives in my house." Cher replied, "Thank you just now, who are you?"

"I am director Ronald Lee." Ronald thought to himself. It turns out that this girl is the little girl in the movie "Paper Moon" directed by Bogdanovich. With this role, she won her father. Ryan won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Why does your daughter live in your house? It seems that this relationship is quite complicated.

Ronald looked at Tatum O'Neal and saw that there was nothing serious except for her face being slightly red and swollen from being slapped. He asked them to sit down and rest first, and asked her if she needed an ice pack and if she wanted to go to the hospital for a check-up.

When Tatum heard that Ronald was the director, she immediately straightened her hair and tried to smile. Unfortunately, it touched her injured cheek, and a burst of pain made her grin.

"None of you are suitable for the audition today. I will ask the casting director to choose another time so that you can stagger the auditions." Ronald made a promise first to reassure the little girl.

Cher comforted Tatum, took the ice pack handed by her assistant, and asked her to apply it.

Xueer took the opportunity to quickly talk to Ronald about the whole story.

It turns out Tatum O'Neal and Melanie Griffith have a personal feud. Melanie lived in O'Neill's house for a period of time in the 1970s and had an affair with her father.

I saw it at the audition today. I don't know who provoked the other person first, but it developed into two people exposing each other's secrets, yelling at each other's private parts, and finally turning into a fight.

"Then why did you send her here today?" Ronald asked.

"Her father moved in with Farrah Fassett two years ago. She was left at home alone and had to take care of her brother. We were on a TV show before, and she would come to me when something happened."

Ronald was speechless and could only let them go first and make an appointment for an audition later.

"Will there be anyone here..." Cher asked while holding Tatum O'Neal.

"They are all Universal employees and they know the rules." Ronald knew that she was asking if anyone would tell anyone. The news media don't know that. People here know the importance of importance, but it is inevitable to spread the word privately.

Go back and watch Melanie Griffiths. Her injuries were more serious, with a few strands of hair missing and a few scratches on her face. Fortunately, her appearance was not disfigured.

Melanie and her boyfriend were also persuaded to leave, and Ronald went back to continue the audition. Actresses' fights are no worse than ordinary girls' fights. I heard that Melanie Griffiths lived with lions when she was a child. This wild power is even more powerful.

The next audition was for Kelly Preston, who still had the same problem. Her appearance was beyond the standard, but her acting skills were not good enough, and she couldn't portray the yearning and fear of an innocent girl facing love. Ronald had no choice but to ask her to go back and wait for news.

Before Preston left, he made a phone call gesture to her, causing Heckerling to look over.

What is this? Didn't you eat it and caused rumors?

Ronald mentally sentenced this low-IQ beautiful actress to the death penalty of auditioning.

"Princess Leia" Carrie Fisher is still as gorgeous as ever. The line work and acting skills are also adequate.

But Ronald was a little unsure. On the one hand, her age has grown irrevocably. She was born in 1956 and is already 25 years old, which is too far behind a high school student.

On the other hand, she will have to participate in the next Star Wars, so she may not be able to accept nudity scenes, and she may have to let George Lucas rule. Although there are certain marketing benefits to promote her brand, such constraints on scale may in turn force the crew to change the script.

"What do you think?" Ronald asked the three of them.

"Have you ever thought that audiences remember her image of Princess Leia too deeply?" Don Phillips whispered.

"You're right, Don." Ronald understood. An image that is too impressive to the audience often limits the actor's performance.

If the audience screams "Princess Leia" as soon as they see Stacey on the screen, then the movie will not work.

Ronald had no choice but to cross Fisher out of his mind. In this way, two actresses who are at odds with each other have no suitable candidates for the roles of Stacey and Linda.

"Is there anyone else we can audition for?" Ronald asked.

"Paramount's big production 'Officers and Gentlemen' happened to be auditioning as well. Many actresses went there first to try their luck. Moreover, it was a women's play, and ours was a girl's play. Actresses between 18 and 22 years old, In fact, I prefer to work with 'An Officer and a Gentleman'. After all, if you become famous in one fell swoop, you can continue acting until you are 35 years old without changing your acting career."

"Who are the candidates?" Ronald asked.

"Debra Winger, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rebecca De Mornay..."

Don Phillips named a list of actresses.

"Okay, send them audition invitations."

The actresses were at each other's throats at the audition, and Universal executives found out. The next day, President Tom Mount and the two producers called Ronald and Heckerling to a meeting.

"You are behind schedule. We need to step up the audition for the heroine." Tom Mount came up and put pressure on Ronald.

"Mr. Mount, we have some scheduled auditions for actors in the next few days, and I believe we can find suitable candidates." Ronald handed over the prepared list of highlights.

"You are not well-informed, Ronald." Tom Mount turned over the information. "Jennifer Jason Leigh is very likely to win the leading role of 'An Officer and a Gentleman'. You have to find someone else."

"Okay, we will speed up the process." Ronald didn't know what Mount's hidden plans were. He always felt that calling him here had another purpose. The actresses were tearing each other up outside the audition office and he couldn't be blamed. , it is normal for auditioning actresses to have other choices.

“Why don’t we get out of this box and think of different solutions?”

"Coming, coming," Ronald thought, and then answered Mount, "I wonder what the solution is?"

"How about we try an actress the same age as a 12th grader? Like Brooke Shields?"

"We can't afford her salary, and if she takes part, her mother Terry won't agree to the scene of frontal nudity."

Ronald replied. Then I thought to myself that with Brooke's acting skills, she would definitely not be able to play the two heroines well. Also, if she takes part in the show, she will have to abide by the 6-hour daily working hours without overtime, which will further slow down the filming schedule.

"I think it can be considered. After all, she is a popular star. It is not impossible for us to modify the script for her." Heikelin was a little excited. If a popular star participated, the scale and budget of the film would be expanded accordingly.

Ronald looked at Heckerling and thought to himself, "Then the script must be revised and the schedule must be postponed. Of course I may not be able to be the director of this big production, and you may not be able to get the chance either." He knew that she was planning on What's on your mind. He didn't want to do this kind of production hell again.

"I can consider an additional $1 million, as long as Brooke Shields can be hired. The script can also be revised. Didn't she also participate in The Blue Coral, and Endless Love? We can do the same with a stand-in."

"I will contact Brooke's mother Terry." Ronald agreed. He knew that Terry was extremely greedy and the price offered here would not satisfy her. But Poke may be just a sideshow. What is Tom Mount’s real thoughts?

"Now let's discuss the choice of the male lead."

"It turns out that the real purpose is to be the male protagonist." Ronald thought to himself.

Screenshots of auditions for several candidates were shown on television.

"I think Judge Reinhold is good." Heikelin commented.

Judge Reinhold is her best friend's boyfriend, a secret no one on the set knows. Originally, she wanted to recommend her best friend who works at a film academy (AFI) to be the casting director.

Although the position is now secured by producer Lin Sen's friend, she still wants to recommend one of her own as the leading actor, so that after the film is launched, she can use her own ability to squeeze out Ronald, a well-connected person.

A film screenwriter who was just over 20 years old relied on luck to sell a script to Jane Fonda. How could the director's professional knowledge be compared to his own, a top student with a bachelor's degree from New York University and a master's degree in AFI? He also filmed documentaries and an excellent graduation short film, and it was through these that he gained Mount's appreciation.

"He's a good actor, but he's a little older. Why don't we try Nicholas Coppola?" Ronald said Nicholas' last name, suggesting that he could sell a face to director Francis Coppola.

Tom Mount smiled. This kid actually had a good idea. If Coppola's new film "Old Love, New Love" hadn't been canceled by Paramount executives after seeing the sample, the internal preview in October could have been sold. he.

Paramount was dissatisfied with the daily dailies produced by Coppola and was prepared to abandon the release of Coppola's new film.

Coppola is saddled with tens of millions of dollars in debt from Chase Bank. If his new film fails to sell well, he is likely to go bankrupt. Now executives in the industry are wondering whether Coppola has exhausted his talent.

Producers who still have confidence in him don't want to lend a hand to rescue him. They might as well wait until he goes bankrupt and then sign multiple film contracts with him at a cheap price to take advantage.

"No, we can't use him."

"Why? Because his performance is too 'dark'?" Ronald was shocked. This was Mount directly rejecting his choice. For the male lead Brad, both of his choices failed?

"Because he is underage. "

"But his audition information said he was 18 years old?" Ronald remembered Nicholas Coppola's information, which was obviously an adult.

"He made a fake, and we have confirmed it with Francis. He admitted that Nicholas was only 17 years old and could only film for six hours a day."

"But Brooke..." As soon as Ronald said the words, he knew that he was wrong. He should not have agreed to the idea of ​​inviting Brooke.

"Yes, Brooke is a star. If she is willing to come, we can revise the script for her, and then look at hiring an actor of similar acting status to her to cooperate."

If Brooke is willing to come, the budget will be increased and the leading actor will be changed to a big name. If Brooke doesn't come, she most likely won't come, then Nicholas is not suitable for this small-production movie because he is not old enough.

"Well..." Ronald sulked, looking at Heckerling and Mount. How should he deal with this casting problem?

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