Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 212 Call me Spicoli

The time saved allowed Ronald to take a few more shots. Assistant Director Al tried to advance the scenes that were originally assigned to be shot two days after tomorrow, as long as they involved two heroines or two male protagonists.

"Cut!" Ronald finished shooting another segment. After confirming it with the director of photography, Ronald called the next one.

Not hearing the expected answer from the assistant director, Ronald looked back. It was the resident representative of the union, standing behind him and pointing at his wrist.

"Oh, it's almost five o'clock in the morning." Ronald suddenly realized that actors can only participate in filming for eight hours a day. This is an iron law of the Screen Actors Guild. Filming in Los Angeles will be monitored by union representatives.

After discussing with the assistant director Al, the crew announced that the filming was complete. Everyone took the notice sheet for tomorrow night's filming and began to gradually exit.

The lighting team took out a big lamp and illuminated the ground at the entrance downstairs, so that the actors and staff who were leaving the stage would not trip because they could not see clearly the steps.

These are all methods used by experienced technicians in other crews' night scenes, and Ronald was left to the assistant director team for coordination.

Ronald himself stared at the photography team, unloaded the film from the machine, carefully installed it, locked the box, and asked the professional film processor to send it to the laboratory to develop the positive film. Tomorrow you will be able to see the samples taken today.

In the first week of filming, Ronald specially rented a cinema in the mall to show daily samples, so that every actor could see the moving images they shot yesterday on the spot.

"Crack...click..." A young man from the photography team was yelling at the camera. The manufacturing process of this ultracam movie camera was really not very good, and a lot of force was required when disassembling the parts.

"Be careful," the photography director said.

"Here's the shooting plan for tonight." The second assistant director, a female staff member, handed Ronald the shooting plan for the next day.

"There's Sean Penn in the video arcade and the All-American Burger, and there's Judge Reinhold and Eric Stoltz." Ronald glanced through the shooting plan and called a A production assistant asked, "Has Sean Penn arrived in Los Angeles? When did he fly from Chicago to confirm."

All the shooting equipment has been packed up, and the personnel have gradually withdrawn from the shooting location. The prop team is cleaning up some temporary posters posted during the shooting, and the remaining second assistant director still needs to be left behind to take inventory. She gets a hefty one-hour-a-day stipend for it.

Ronald and Al,

Matthew greeted several group leaders who were organizing equipment, and then left the mall.

A red sun is rising, the morning in Los Angeles is beautiful, and everything is a new day.

Ronald, who had slept for five hours, appeared in the shooting office in the mall on time that afternoon. Filming is an intense job, with very little sleep time every day, especially for the director, the boss of everyone on the crew.

The only thing that matters is the quality of your sleep. You can still take a vacation after the shooting.

"Hello, Sean. Welcome to the crew. Your role tonight is..." Ronald handed over the shooting plan to Sean Penn, who had just flown to Los Angeles from Chicago the day before.

"Call me Spicoli." Sean Penn said to Ronald in an exaggerated tone.


"My name is Spicoli, man, and I'm going to win the Grand Prix this year." Sean Penn replied in the tone of the character in the play.

"Very good." Ronald praised. Sean Penn's acting skills are very expressive. He portrays a high school student who often smokes and gets high and dreams of winning the surfing award all day long. He can portray it in just a few words.

Moreover, he looks a bit silly, with his brows furrowed deliberately, as if he is doubting life, which is very similar to the character in the script.

"Very good, Sean, keep it like this." Ronald ordered his assistant, "Let the hairstylist come and put the wig on him again to see the effect."

Sean Penn seemed not to have heard what Ronald said, and was still immersed in the character, looking around at the surrounding furnishings, "Hey, man, do you have French fries here?"

"Yes, during filming, the staff of the fast food restaurant will also go to work to provide late night snacks to the crew."

"Fries, hahaha, delicious."

Ronald smiled, this Sean Penn is very dedicated.

Soon the hairstylist came in with two wigs, "This is a full-wear style, this is a two-piece combination, with the hair piece on top and the wig around it."

"Sean, please let the hairstylist try on your makeup." Ronald was very polite to the crew, always saying please and thank you.

Sean Penn ignored him and didn't seem to hear him.

"Sean, Sean?" Ronald called several times. He looked back at the hairstylist and found that she didn't know what was going on.

"Sean!" Ronald shouted again, louder in voice.

"Call me Spicoli, man."


"Yes, what do you want me to do?"

"Please try these two wigs." Ronald asked tentatively.

"All right!" Sean Penn sat down cooperatively and let the hairstylist work on his head.

"The top part of this top is a wig, which increases the volume of hair on the top of his head, and the bottom part is a wig that starts from the ears and extends the hair. This top is a full-coverage wig set to tie up Sean's real hair. "

"Which one do you think is more comfortable? Sean?" Ronald felt that the effects of both wigs were acceptable.

Sean Penn showed a silly expression and said nothing.

"Spikoli? Which wig do you feel comfortable with?"

"This one makes my head wrap very tight, but this one is more comfortable." Sean Penn said, pointing to the two-piece wig.

"Take him to his dressing room, thank you." Ronald said to the hairstylist.

Sean Penn walks out with his hairstylist.

"Huh..." Ronald sighed. Isn't this Sean Penn confused because he used his method to get too deep into the scene? On the set, he was not allowed to be called by his real name, but by his character name.

If other technical staff perform poorly, they can use the authority of the director to decide whether to criticize or replace them.

Only actors, the movie needs their performance, it is not easy to offend them and act haphazardly. Actors are sensitive and fragile creatures, and in order for them to perform well, sometimes they must be coaxed.

"The name of this dressing room is wrong. My name is Spicoli."

Ronald heard Sean Penn's voice again and walked out of the office to take a look. Sean lost his temper at the door of the dressing room, tore up the paper with "Sean Penn" printed on it, then made a piece of paper for himself, wrote "Spicoli" with a pen, and posted it on the door.

"Hey," Ronald sighed, covering his face. It's not a big issue anyway, let him make trouble.

Finally it was time for the night shoot. Today’s shooting scene was in the electronic game arcade on the third floor of the mall. It was filled with extras of kids and teenagers who were all having fun and playing games for free.

"The cameras are on this Missile Orgmand game, Sean, no, Spicoli takes off his shirt and looks at kids with change playing here."

"Missile Commander" is a popular arcade game developed by Atari. As a missile commander, the player must counterattack the USSR nuclear missiles flying in the sky. As the game progresses, more and more incoming missiles will come, and in the end there will be only destruction.

Ronald specifically chose this most popular game to feature.

"O...k..." Sean Penn still replied in that drawn-out tone.

"You grab him from behind and ask him to pay back the 25 cents that Spicoli lent you." Ronald said to the young actor playing opposite Sean Penn.

"Then you, Si... Piccoli, pointed at his chest as if to threaten him, and then made a joke with him. You are a poor guy, not a villain who bullies elementary school students. Okay?"


"Recording? Camera?!"

The recording rod stretched over and recorded the music of the arcade game and the explosion of the player destroying the incoming nuclear missile.

Sean Penn's performance is authentic. When the child pulled him from behind, his reaction was natural. He was surprised at first, then wanted to have an attack, and finally returned to a state of indifference after seeing that it was a child, which made Ronald very satisfied.

"Very good, let's print this one again."

"Spikoli, try another way of acting."

Sean Penn made an OK gesture to express receipt.

This time his performance was different. When he was pulled by a child, he still looked down at the screen of the game console without paying much attention. He saw the child who had "borrowed" a coin from him, and showed no trace of disbelief. A good-natured look.

Then he pointed his hand at the child's chest, making a threatening gesture. Finally, he moved his finger up, pressed the child's nose, and then ruffled the child's hair with his hand.

The child actor's reaction was brought out by him. While showing a smile, he reluctantly said to him, "Hi, Orge On", holding Spicoli's hand with his hand to prevent him from rubbing it.

"Cut!" Ronald was more satisfied with this one.

"These method actors, despite their many quirks, can always perform something new."

Actors mainly act out their reactions based on the reactions of their opposite actors. If you perform according to a certain formula every time, every time after the first time, the reaction will be more and more deviated from reality.

Because you have already predicted what actions the other party is going to make.

Spicoli... no, the great thing about Sean Penn is that he can perform different feelings in each scene, and it also inspires natural reactions from the actors opposite him.

The audience is very sensitive to unnatural and contrived performances. Ronald is very satisfied with this kind of actor who can perform natural reactions. He gives him one more line every time and thinks of adding more scenes to him in the future.

"Very good. Let's all rest for 10 minutes. The photography team will re-imagine the machine. Next, we will take a set of close-ups of the screen of the game console."

Ronald gave the order and today's shooting progress went smoothly.

"Bah bang bang..." Everyone clapped.

It seems that they were inspired by yesterday's applause. Now every time a shot is completed with high quality, the staff and actors will spontaneously applaud to congratulate them.

This is because it boosts morale and makes the actors who have completed the filming feel that they have done something great and feel more confident and relaxed about their performances. Ronald did not intervene, which became a routine for the "fast-paced" crew.

"Recording? Camera?!"

After setting up the camera, Ronald called the start command again.

Sean Penn started playing the game on the game console, and the camera started filming his game from the side and behind.


Sean Penn called a halt.

"What's the problem? Spicoli?" Ronald popped up from behind the camera.

"Who is that? I can't meet unrelated strangers while filming."

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to come and watch a movie." A mall security guard apologized and withdrew from the crowd.

"I will arrange it for other scenes next time, please step away first." Ronald was still pleasant to the mall security guard.

"Clear the place, Spicoli, there are no more strangers now, can you start?"


Ronald shook his head. These method actors have great abilities and many quirks. Sean Penn is quite good, no matter what, he must meet his requirements.

These quirks of his are also for the sake of being in the show. It's easy to cause drama when irrelevant people are present. People are not allowed to call him by his real name, just to get into Spicoli's state at any time.

Ronald tolerated these innocuous eccentricities.

"Recording? Camera?."

Spicoli started playing "Missile Commander" again, and the game console made a biu biu biu sound.


This time it was the director of photography, Matthew, who called for a temporary stop.

"what happened again?"


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