"The electric film winder seems to be stuck." The director of photography Matthew checked the camera and whispered to the director Ronald next to him.

"This crappy camera should have been replaced a long time ago." Ronald cursed in his mind. It was cheap but not good. It was indeed junk left over from Universal for the low-cost crew of "Fast Pace".

"what is the problem?"

"There may be a problem with the electric motor."

"Can it be fixed?"

"It's hard to say. I don't think it needs to be repaired. I'll put on a spare film cassette and take it to Universal tomorrow and let the manufacturer fix it. Make sure to shoot first."

"Okay, be careful next, I'm always worried about this camera."

A movie needs to expose 24 frames of film per second. The film is placed in the film cassette and is driven by an electric motor to pass through the shutter at a constant speed of 24 frames per second. After the motor failed, the film winder could no longer roll the film. An 11-minute film was stuck in the box and could not move.

"Fortunately, I replaced the lens I took just now, and I just replaced it with this new roll of film."

"Okay, we'll start after you change the spare box."

After replacing the spare parts, Ronald finally took a complete shot of the game arcade. The crew moved to burger joints across the United States.

Here we were filming Sean Penn and his little brother, a character played by Eric Stoltz, going to eat at All-American Burger.

The male protagonist Brad, played by Judge Reinhold, works as a foreman in the American Burger, and his subordinates are played by Nicholas Coppola.

Ronald finally gave Nicholas a chance to act as a sidekick and let him get a Screen Actors Guild membership card.

"Spikoli, you come in with your little brother played by Eric Stoltz. When you get to the table, you take off your shirt, and then everyone pools money to buy hamburgers."

"Director, can you do what Spicoli did and instead of calling me Eric, call me by the name of my character in the movie?"

Eric Stoltz became familiar with Sean Penn and admired Sean's acting methods. He happened to be just an adult. After having an idol, he wanted to learn everything.

"You don't have a name in the script, so you are called Spicoli's little brother. I will call you Spicoli's little brother from now on?" Ronald said to Stoltz angrily.

"Uh, well, I thought he was going to have a name." Eric Stoltz said glumly.

"It doesn't matter, little brother, as long as you find the right method, you will be a successful actor." Sean Penn is preaching to Stoltz.

Nicholas Coppola on the other side was also preparing eagerly.

"Hi Brad."

"Hey, Brad."

"Hello, Brad."

Nicholas was practicing different tones for this line over and over again.

"Nick," Ronald pulled him aside, "I know you don't want to insult the name Coppola, but we are a small production, and there is absolutely no need for you to practice so repeatedly.

Save your energy and desire to perform. When the plot comes later, I will give you some frontal shots. Then it will be your time to explode, okay? "

"Thank you, Director Ronald." As expected, Nicholas Coppola stopped practicing his lines. Instead, he took out a small mirror from his pocket and began to carefully comb his hair in front of the mirror.

"Now go back and say your lines." Ronald patted him on the shoulder.

What kind of crazy people did you choose? This is just a low-budget youth exploitation film, do you want me to play it as "The Godfather"?

Ronald smiled silently. In any case, it is a good thing for actors to have a strong aggressiveness. As long as it is within their own control, there will be no problem.

Two gangsters, played by Sean Penn and Eric Stoltz, entered the All-American Burger where Brad worked. It took them a long time to get together the money to buy burgers.

In order to cool off and show off his personality, he even took off his T-shirt and talked shirtless in the burger restaurant.

Their classmate Brad, wearing a foreman's uniform, came out from behind, pointed at the sign in the store, and told his classmates that no shirting was allowed in the store. He also taught them a lesson and asked them to find a part-time job so that they could earn their own money without being unable to afford hamburgers.

Spicoli and his younger brothers, after Brad left, loudly imitated the tone of Brad's lecture and began to laugh at Brad's seriousness.

After returning to the counter, Brad greeted the clerk played by Nicholas Coppola, "Hi, Brad."


Ronald stopped the filming. These shots were taken well, and the camera didn't have any more problems. Everyone started to change scenes to shoot the high school cheerleaders and a few shots in the mall.

"Hi Pamela" author Cameron Crowe greets a cosplayer on the cheerleading team.

"Do you know him?" Ronald asked Crowe after he arrived.

"It's an acquaintance of my girlfriend. She has a good background. She is Pamela, the sister of rock star Bruce Springsteen."

"Oh." Ronald knew that Crowe had been a columnist for rock magazines for many years, and he was familiar with these figures in the rock circle.

It just so happened that he didn't care much about the casting of extras and supporting actors, so Crowe invited a few acquaintances from the rock industry to come in.

"Are you interested in her? Let me introduce you to each other." Crowe smiled. "Everyone in the rock circle seems to be in a movie. Pamela also mentioned you to me and said that she had seen your film "Rock of Ages"."

"I didn't shoot it, I was just a director on the second team." Ronald shook his head and rejected Crowe's kindness.

"She's a buck-toothed girl, not my cup of tea." Ronald smiled and noticed that the cheerleader next to him had a better figure. He didn't know what his name was.

"What's that girl's name?" Ronald asked the assistant next to him.

"Oh, Kelly Maroney. National Shakespeare Company. She used to do Shakespeare."

Still playing Shakespeare. Forget it, this kind of actress is usually very ambitious. You may not be able to afford the price they ask for.

"Hi, my name is Spicoli, what's your name?"

It was Sean Penn who fell in love with Pamela Springsteen and went over to strike up a conversation with her. I don’t know if he struck up a conversation as himself, or if he was playing Spicoli?

During the filming period, the actors and actresses and staff were away from their families, working overtime and night shifts as a matter of fact. There are actually quite a few flirty couples on the set.

After the filming was over, everyone went their separate ways. When we meet again, we will still be friends if we smile at each other. This is the modern romance story between men and women in the film and television industry.

"Get ready for the next scene." Ronald motioned to the assistant director to speak.

Stop flirting and get down to business first.

Today's shooting was a little slower than yesterday's. In addition to not having two locations taking turns to set up lighting for shooting, the photography team was slower than yesterday.

Ronald found that Matthew, the director of photography, was extremely nervous. Before each shooting, he would repeatedly check the camera's film magazine to avoid film jams.

Being so cautious made the entire photography team very cautious, but it still slowed down the overall shooting progress.

Slowly moving forward, I finally captured the last few shots of tonight.

Ronald asked the cheerleaders to lean against the end of the escalator and film a few reaction shots of them and Brad looking up to him to earn money.

"Recording? Camera?!"

Pamela Springsteen and Kelly Maroney pose for one of their few frontal shots in the movie. "


Matthew called a halt, and the film jammed again.

Ronald stepped forward, furious as he looked at the heavy camera.

What is "ultracam"? I think it is "ultrajam"

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