Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 218 Racing

"There's someone peeking outside the window."

Sean Penn pointed at the classroom window, which indeed aroused a burst of giggles. A group of high school students, male and female, who were secretly watching the movie, ran away screaming from the door.

"Check the window again, and then find a few assistants to block the intersection of the aisle." Ronald told the first assistant director Al.

Ronald also went out to take a look at the environment outside the classroom. The aisles on both sides were blocked off with yellow and white tape. The dean of students at Van Nuys High School also arranged for several security guards to help guard the stairs.

This is much higher than the sneaky treatment I got when I was filming "Rock of Ages". Big studios have these benefits, and all logistical issues involved in making movies are governed by rules and regulations.

"Let's do it again" Ronald gave Al the prepared instructions.

Sean Penn murmured to himself, preparing himself emotionally. With his wig on, he looks more like Tarzan. Above the huge nose are small eyes that are slightly separated. Coupled with Spicoli's mindless speaking style, it really makes people feel that his IQ is below the average line at first glance.

Ray Walston, who plays the teacher Mr. Hand, was born in 1914 and is already a 67-year-old actor. Her hair is meticulously combed, paired with a light-colored shirt and a linen jacket, giving her a very classy teacher image.

Ronald stepped forward to apologize, explaining that it was because he had trouble clearing the scene that he allowed the camera to be retaken.

"It doesn't matter. This kind of accident often happens on the set. I have worked with many directors on films, and you are one of the few who can arrange everything in an orderly manner." Walston is quite modest to the director, and there is no "Uncle Mars" Martin" star airs and is very serious about his work.

Ronald still has great respect for this kind of old actor. They were much older than Ronald when they were filming on a Hollywood set. Let them perform in a comfortable environment so that they can show their true acting skills instead of acting casually.

In addition to television, Walston also played supporting roles in many films. Ronald has watched "The Liar" starring Robert Redford and "The Flat" directed by the great director Billy Wilder.

He has a lot of experience in film shooting, and sometimes he chats with Ronald privately. His acting career hit a low point after the role of "Uncle Martin from Mars", and no matter what role he played, audiences recognized him as Martin.

Sometimes a successful character is very recognized by the audience. But this kind of recognition also limits the actor's acting career, especially a character actor like him who mainly plays supporting roles. After the TV series ended, he had to take a break for more than three years and did not shoot any movies or TV shows.

"I hope your movie will make the audience remember my new image again. When I traveled to Madrid, people put their fingers on the back of their heads to make the image of Uncle Mars."

"Yes, Ray." Ronald saw that the staff was ready and ordered the filming.

"Don't eat, no, a, t, i, n, g. Don't eat in my class." Walston took away the chocolate bar taken out by an extra and put it in his pocket.

"You have to learn to eat on your own time. You are not allowed to eat in my class."

There was a knock at the door. When Mr. Hand heard this, he went and opened the door.

Spicoli asked, standing in the doorway, "I signed up for this class."

Mr. Hand asked, "What class?"

"American History, I saw a globe on the podium..."

"Cut!" This time it was Ray Walston's turn to shout.

"What's the matter?" Ronald signaled everyone to stop and stepped forward to ask.

"Director, can you tell him not to change the lines without authorization?" Ray Walston complained loudly to Ronald.

Sean Penn was still immersed in the role and turned a blind eye to it all.

Ronald scratched his head. This was the difference between the two acting concepts.

The older generation of actors lived through Hollywood in the blockbuster era, when lines written by screenwriters could not be changed.

One of the most famous was Billy Wilder, who was annoyed when actors changed his lines without permission. He believes that an actor's job is to perform, and the lines should be left to professional screenwriters like him.

The concept of acting in New York was developed from Stanislavsky's stage performance theory. If an actor plays a role repeatedly and speaks a line repeatedly, he will not be able to elicit natural reactions from his body and tone.

In the eyes of the audience, such stylized performances lack authenticity. There are some schools under the Stanislavsky system that promote improvisation on the spot ().

They believe that only improvised lines can elicit a natural reaction from their opponents. The reaction chain of listening, understanding, and answering will make the audience feel real.

Sean Penn belongs to this genre. He says different lines every time, although the meaning is roughly the same.

"S... Spicoli," Ronald called him aside, "Mr. Walston is an old-school Hollywood actor. Can you please accommodate him."

"Spikoli is such a person and my actions are unpredictable."

Ronald scratched his head again, this didn't make sense. Looking at Sean Penn's silly look, for the first time I felt that there was something hateful about his method acting.

"Can't you humor me just once?" Ronald was also a little annoyed. Uncle Martian doesn't know how to improvise, so what's going on?

"Director, why don't you let me do something like that before I perform?" Sean Penn said to Ronald, "I need a little stimulation so that I can follow the lines every time and perform something new."

"what? What?"

"You know, just what, what." Sean Penn said, pointing to his bag in the corner.

"Bring it to me." Ronald would not allow messy things to be used on the set.

Fortunately it was a bottle of liquor.

"You can't drink too much."

Sean Penn nodded, opened the cap of the bottle and took two swigs. His eyes were a little red when he drank the strong vodka.

"I'm ready."

Ronald turned to discuss with Walston, "Mr. Walston, Sean is too involved in the drama, and he himself is a bit..." Ronald stretched out his finger and tapped his head. "If he doesn't follow everything in the script this time, can you continue?"

Walston nodded, "Okay, I'll take it. He's an actor with potential, but I've seen a lot of star actors in Hollywood who were addicted to alcohol and other addictive things and destroyed themselves. .You have to talk to him.”

"Okay, I will." Ronald turned towards the safe area behind the camera, signaled to the assistant director to start, and then sat down on the chair to rest, thinking, "Am I right? It's not a big deal now. In the studio era, actors are taken care of by agents and managers, so what’s the use?”

The filming of the next clip went smoothly. Ray Walston ignored Sean Penn's improvisation and changed his lines and continued according to the lines he recited. Instead, the film gave a feeling that the two were incompatible.

The filming continues.

In the evening, after Ronald finished work at Van Nuys High School, he took Sean Penn to Van Nuys Avenue outside the high school. Walking to the junction with Worth Street, the road here has been closed and the police are maintaining order.

"Spikoli, let's start with the driving scene of you and your rugby star brother."

"Okay" Sean Penn walked to the makeup trailer and started getting ready.

A Chevrolet Camaro Z28 sports car was parked in the center on the road. In front of the sports car, a pickup truck was connected with a hinge. Above are the people from the stunt photography team, who are almost ready.

Director of photography Matthew climbed into the bed of the pickup truck and sat behind the camera looking at the cab of the Camaro Z28. After taking a long look, he said to Ronald, "That's it."

The black actor who plays the brother of football star Jefferson is sitting in the passenger seat. The author is preparing.

"How are you?" Ronald asked him.

"No problem, director." This black actor is relatively reliable and was recommended by the casting director Phillips. He has good dialogue skills and looks very young, which meets the needs.

"Okay, let's rehearse when Spicoli comes."

Ronald also climbed into the bed of the pickup truck and glanced at the front face of the Camaro sports car through the viewfinder of the camera. The viewfinder frame just accommodated the driver's seat and the passenger seat, and the two pieces of glass were clean. Very clean and no problem shooting.

"Where's Spicoli? Go and hurry him up." Ronald sat on the side of the car for a while, before Sean Penn came out.

"Coming, I'm coming." Sean Penn's eyes were redder than before, and he walked a little crookedly.

Opening the driver's seat, Sean Penn got in and said, "Let's get started."

The black actor in the passenger seat frowned, and Sean Penn smelled a strange smell as soon as he opened his mouth. He, who often works in the entertainment industry, is no longer familiar with the smell of this plant.

But he didn't say anything. Ronald signaled for rehearsal to begin.

The camera focuses on the driver's seat of the car behind. The stunt team's mechanics set the gears, and the Camaro was actually being towed by the pickup truck in front of it. Sean Penn's movements such as shaking the steering wheel in the driver's seat were actually performed.

"Hey, this is my brother's car. Please drive carefully and don't paddle."

"What are you afraid of? I'm driving now, and you are the navigator. Focus on guiding the way."

"Very good, let's take a real shot."

The scene inside the vehicle where the two were racing was just shot.

"The following is a stunt shot. How are you preparing for it?" Ronald jumped out of the pickup truck and asked Debbie Evans of the stunt team.

"Very good, no problem. We have planned it, and the two main shots were tested once in the middle of the night yesterday."

"Can't you switch to someone else to shoot that crash scene? I always feel..."

"What, are you discriminating against women?"

"No, I'm just worried about being gangstered." Ronald didn't dare to mess with this stuntwoman, a woman two years older than him, and a feminist indeed.

She was the only female contestant in the Millennium CBS Stunt Competition motorcycle competition, winning against all the men. In the final, she showed off a handstand on a moving motorcycle, which shocked everyone.

She also defeated many good players in the car category and won second place. It is said that she is not convinced and will compete again next year and win the championship this time.

"I'm wearing a blond wig. It's about the same height as Sean, so I won't wear it." Debbie took a wig from the hairstylist, tied her hair up tightly against her scalp, and then put it on Long hair, "How's it going?"

Ronald stepped back and looked through the director's viewfinder, but he really couldn't tell.

"OK, real shot."

A long ramp made of wood had been built by the set department. Debbie would accelerate from underneath, then drive up the ramp, and finally crash into the prepared buffer carton.

A large group of people who looked like tourists had just come out of the restaurant next door. They were very excited when they saw the cameras here. There are not many opportunities to see real-life movies in Hollywood, so they immediately gathered around.

"What movie are you making?"

"Who's the star? Is there Paul Newman?"

"Robert Redford, too."

It’s still a women’s group.

Ronald grabbed the electric horn and shouted to them, "Ladies, we are filming a cleaning powder commercial. If you want to go abroad, go and sign up over there."

"Tell me if there's anything good about washing powder. Let's go. I heard there's Stallone's house over there that you can see."

When they heard that it was a commercial for laundry detergent, the female tour group dispersed.

"We only have one chance, everyone, pay attention." Ronald picked up the electric horn and continued to issue instructions.

"Is the ambulance ready?"


"Fire extinguisher?"

"The fire brigade is ready."

"Recording? Camera?!"

At the command, Debbie drove a sports car modified from a cheap old car, rushed onto the wooden ramp, and then crashed into the prepared buffer zone.

A large group of people rushed forward, including firefighters with fire extinguishers and doctors in white coats. A colleague from the stunt team opened the car door and let Debbie out.

"I'm okay," Debbie shouted to Ronald.

Ronald looked at the director of photography.

Matthew nodded to him.

"Very well, call it a day."

Everyone clapped loudly.

Ronald was satisfied and rested in the aisle at the trailer, ready to get his own black tea. As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a strange smell.

"Who the hell is smoking this thing here? I've said it many times, these things are not allowed in the crew." Everyone in the crew heard Ronald yelling and cursing loudly.


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