Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 219 Clearing the Place

Once again, after the crew announced the ban, Ronald did not find out who was causing trouble on the crew. If there is no real evidence for this kind of thing, there is no way to accuse the suspect.

Ronald called Niceta from CAA to complain, and after getting assurance from Niceta to put pressure on the suspect's agent, he started filming again.

As the scenes at Van Nuys High School were gradually being filmed, after Spicoli crashed the sports car of football star Jefferson, he thought of a crooked trick and parked the car in front of the school and painted "Fuck you, Richmond" with paint. —Lincoln High School.”

Jefferson sent someone to damage his car, thinking it was his opponent in the next high school league game. Gets angry during the game and sacks the opposing quarterback every time. He knocked down countless players and finally won the victory, breathing a sigh of relief for his car.

Because Van Nuys High School's football field did not meet the requirements, the crew moved to Canoga Park High School, where the football field was larger and more convenient for filming.

This is a scene with the largest number of extras. The assistant director team arranged for more than 100 extras, and all the students from Richmond High School also came on stage to act as the audience.

Ronald planned to reward Nicholas Coppola, Eric Stoltz and several other outstanding extras by giving them close-ups in the football scenes.

"Hi, director." Several beautiful troupes playing cheerleaders showed off their cheerleading uniforms and dance moves in front of Ronald.

"Very good, I'll give you a close-up later."

Ronald saw the Shakespearean actress Kelly Maroney, also in the crowd.

"Rehearse the lines and let me see."

"One...two...three, the Wolves move forward." The extras put their hands on their hips, raised the cheering bouquet and shook it with the other hand, twisting their buttocks rhythmically to show Ronald the cheering of Richmond High School. dance.

"Very good." Ronald applauded and asked the assistant director team to prepare for shooting.

“One…two…three, Wolves move forward.

One...two...three, beat Lincoln High School. "

A row of beauties dance, this shot must be very good, it can be regarded as a piece of candy for the audience. Ronald thought to himself.


Then there’s the shot of Kelly Maroney dancing alone,

She followed the rhythm, biting off each finger on the glove with her teeth, and finally waved it.


"Director, how do I dance?" Kelly Maroney came over and asked Ronald excitedly. Maroney, who has two big eyes, has a very good figure. His breathing, which has not yet calmed down after dancing, moved his body up and down, which was a feast for the eyes of Ronald and the assistant director behind him.

"Very good, Maroney." Let's get another shot of you dancing with the other cheerleaders.

"Okay, thank you, Ronnie." Maroney jumped back to the middle of the team. She was the only one enjoying the privilege of dancing solo in front of the camera tonight.


Ronald began to take another shot of the group dance of the cheerleaders. This time it was a frontal dance. Maroney occupied the best position in the middle. Two group performers who were more beautiful than her could only separate the left and right sides to set off the Out Maroni.

"Here's a shot of Forest Whitaker, is he ready?" Ronald asked the assistant.

"I'm here, director." Forest Whitaker was wearing a football jersey and a helmet protector. He stared at people through the protective strips of the helmet with his eyes, which was really threatening.

"Great, today you are a college football scholarship recipient again. Show these rookies what professional football is, Forest."

"Okay, director." Forest Whitaker seemed to have been waiting for this moment.

Playing his opponent today was the Canoga Park High School football team. Compared with Whittaker who can play professionally, he is like a chicken in front of an eagle.

Not enough manpower, Ronald divided the football team members who were willing to participate in the filming into two groups, one group played the Richmond High School Wolves, and the other played the Lincoln High School Bears.

The lights lit up a corner of the stadium, and all the extras acting as spectators were behind the stands on this side. Although it was a Universal project, the budget was not enough to invite many audiences, so Ronald could only fill one auditorium.

Then he moved all the team members to a corner. In a lens with a relatively long focal length, it is the effect of a stadium full of spectators watching two full-capacity football teams play.


Forest Whitaker came out like a ferocious animal and put opposing players on the ground.

"Very good, let's change positions."

After filming more than 20 actions of knocking down players, Ronald saw that Whittaker was breathing heavily and announced the end of this group of shots.

Then there was the filming of the auditorium. The actors who had performed well before were all given the treatment of close-ups.

Then he came back and filmed Whittaker putting shots on his teammates and even the referee.

Late at night, the filming of this biggest outdoor scene was finally completed.

Since tomorrow is the weekend holiday, the actors and staff also got into the car and left with the men and women they fell in love with. Sean Penn picked up Pamela Springsteen and Cameron Crowe picked up his girlfriend Nancy Wilson and drove off.

Ronald also drove away in his rented car.

"I thought Kelly Maroney would get into the director's car? She got so many close-ups today." Some cheerleading extras were discussing gossip.

"Maybe the director thinks she's photogenic?"

"Photogenic, don't be kidding, who among us is less photogenic than her, Bichi."

Ronald had no idea that his actions had aroused unwarranted speculations from the rest of the crew. After taking a shower, he lay on the bed and fell asleep. I have to get up tomorrow morning to visit Stacey and Brad's house.

Maroney didn't know where to connect the line. It was the producer's instructions to Ronald. Fortunately, it was just a shot of two cheerleaders and it did not hinder the overall creation.

The scene of Stacey's house is a small house in the West Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles. There is a swimming pool in the yard, which is large enough for three or five friends to play in it.

After seeing all the indoor and outdoor scenes yesterday, Ronald and the director of photography Matthew were relieved. On Monday morning of the new week, the crew began filming two major scenes in Stacey's home.

Jennifer Jason Leigh wore a pink top, and her long shawl hair shone in the sun. Her hair was decorated with three feather-like decorations, which had some Indian elements. Makeup artists and costume designers worked hard to make her look youthful.

Ronald had seen Jennifer's outfit and was very satisfied. The makeup artist extended her eyelashes very long, and the close-ups and close-ups fully displayed Jennifer's youthful and beautiful features.

"Good. Recording? Camera?!"

"You have a really nice swimming pool at home," said Mike the Ox, sitting in the living room.

Stacey came over and sat at the table and said to Mike the Ox, "Do you want to go swimming? I'll go change if you want."

The camera swung from the track, from Mike's side to a frontal close-up.

Robert Romanus, who played Mike, seemed a little confused. He picked up the ice tea on the table and took a sip. He said, "Your ice tea is really good."


Ronald felt satisfied, "Change clothes, next item."

Jennifer Jason Leigh went to the locker room and changed into a swimsuit, a blue tank top and cute swimming trunks.

"Brad left his swimsuit over there in the locker room," Stacey motioned for scalper Mike to follow.

Mike stood up lazily and followed him with a bump.


The outside scenes have been filmed, and next is the scene where the two have sex for the first time.

The interior of the room had been arranged to suit shooting, and the assistant director came out to indicate to Ronald that he could start.

"Jennifer", Ronald called her over. After this transition scene, we will shoot indoor shots. I will give you half an hour to familiarize yourself with the environment. If it takes longer, you can also let me know, okay? ?

"Okay, Ronald." Jennifer was mentally prepared for the nudity scenes in the show.

She walked in, and the lights were adjusted to a slightly yellowish color, giving people a warm and safe feeling. Jennifer sat down and began to prepare mentally.

Romanus, who played Mike, walked to the trailer and started psychological construction behind closed doors. He just got the script yesterday, but he didn't expect that he would play a quick shooter in it.

He was originally preparing to show off the cannon from the Bronx, New York, but he was also a little psychologically shocked and needed a private space to do some psychological construction.

After half an hour, Jennifer Jason Leigh signaled that she was ready.

Ronald looked at her with firm eyes, knowing that she was really ready.

"Make up her makeup, touch up her makeup." Ronald indicated that Jennifer's lips were a little dry and asked the makeup artist to moisten them with ointment.

Romanus also walked in, and his eyes met Jennifer's instantly.

"This is not bad." Ronald secretly cheered.

"I'm really nervous." Phoebe Cates, who came with her, was even more nervous than Jennifer.


"Clear now."

Al, the first assistant director, took the bullhorn and asked all the staff to come out.

Makeup, clothing, hair, go out first. The focus puller measured the focal length, fixed one side of the focus knob in place, and stepped back.

Then came the recording team, who decided to use post-dubbing to solve the problem.

Then Al himself walked out and was replaced by a female second assistant director.

There were only a few people left on the scene, and the photography director Matthew took the shots himself. Heckerling, second assistant director, and Ronald.

The second assistant director stepped forward to tidy up Jennifer's hair. Heikelin held a slate with a mark on it, indicating that there was no recording in this scene.

"Tell me when you're ready." Ronald looked at Jennifer and said softly.

"I'm ready," Jennifer said firmly.

After the slap of the board, Ronald said softly, "!"


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