Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 315 Stars and Actors

"Oh, doesn't this remove all the parts I changed from the script?" Ronald raised his eyebrows involuntarily. He was holding a copy of Stallone's revised script.

Stallone modified a lot of things based on his own script. Large parts of the plot were crossed out with a pen, and he also wrote "superfluous", "protagonist"... and other big words, which made Ronald's blood pressure rise.

The plot has been changed to make it a little illogical. Manero, played by Travolta, has not escaped from the immaturity of his teenage years six years ago and his character of being unable to walk when he sees a beautiful woman. In the new version of the script, it is even more serious.

Manero had a girlfriend who was completely in love with him, and then the heroine of a Broadway musical was broke into the dressing room and struck up a conversation by him, and she slept with him.

In the bar where he worked, many women ordered a lot of expensive drinks just to see his sexy ass when he walked and to have sex with him.

In the end, Stallone also added the content that Ronald planned to save for the third film.

Manero also conquered the director and successfully replaced the male lead. The female lead and his girlfriend were reluctant to leave him, and successfully reached the pinnacle of life.

"Is this a script written by Stallone himself?" Ronald complained to his agent Niceta. After all, Stallone was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. The story of the first Rocky movie was very good and the characters were very profound. How could he change the script like this?

Has his screenwriting ability deteriorated so much?

"Of course he wrote it, I recognize his handwriting." Niceta laughed, "How about you, are you willing to continue to help him improve the dialogue and description details of the script? Stallone is too busy, he needs someone to polish the script. dialogue between the characters."

"Didn't he like my story?" Ronald didn't want to waste time on the "Dragon Dance" project. If you write such a bad story again, your taste may be lowered.

It's a bad story, and changing the dialogue and action can't save it.

"Who said that, you are a good screenwriter, and Stallone likes your stories." Niceta poured a whiskey book, handed it over on the table, and then continued,

"As a screenwriter yourself, you know that the most difficult part of screenwriting is the initial creative and story stages. It is relatively easy to modify based on other people's work, especially a good story.

The script of Stallone's "Rocky" was revised and revised for two or three years, and was rejected by major studios for several rounds. It was not until the final version that it was picked up by a small production company.


It's easier to modify someone else's work than it is for yourself. Ronald agreed. He smiled and took a sip of wine. "The boxing movie written by Stallone is very popular. This script is a bit like dancing as boxing."

"It's true when you say that." Niceta thought about the plot. It was indeed a bit like boxing. The Broadway director was like Rocky Balboa's boxing coach. He took a fancy to Manero's dancing talent and told him After a few sentences, Manero practiced with his girlfriend for a while, and his level surpassed that of the original male protagonist. This is very similar to the plot of Rocky.

"I don't understand why Stallone wrote Manero like that? If he was still the same person as he was six years ago, wouldn't it be great to work in bars to earn money and have many girls cheat on him? Why go to Broadway? Look for opportunities?

And the role of the coach is not as big in the dance industry as it is in boxing. Dance is not a one-on-one confrontation, but a collaborative performance. Is it true that the director can dance better than the leading actor with just a few clicks? Unless this musical is inherently bad. "

"Hahaha..." Niceta smiled happily, "Stallone is a star, Travolta is also a star, Ronald."

"Celebrity?" Ronald thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out. "Why do celebrities write like this?"

"Stars are higher than movies. Humphrey Bogart wore the same trench coat in all his movies. For them, movies are a carrier to show their personal image."

When Ronald realized something, he opened the script again, and sure enough, the content Stallone added was all to serve Travolta's personal image.

Women can't walk when they see Manero, and a heroine from a wealthy family will fall in love with a poor boy as a dancer. You can dance better than other dancers with just a few random dances. And no matter what mistakes he makes, everyone will forgive him in the end.

"This kind of movie doesn't even count as a story, it's like Travolta's big music video." Ronald complained.

"Okay then, I'll decline for you and say that you have your own project to start. By the way, what stage is your movie project at?"

"I'm still looking for the last bit of money. It's expected to start shooting after the New Year. However, the small production can be completed in about two weeks, and then I will slowly write the script I like."

"If you need my help with anything, give me a call anytime."

"It's okay now. If I have any difficulties, I will come to you." Ronald stood up and prepared to leave. "By the way, when I was revising the script of 'Dragon Flying and Wind Dance', I interviewed a girl. She wanted to audition and see what she had. Chance."

"What's her name?" Niceta wrote down Cynthia Rhodes's name and phone number, "I'll arrange it."

Ronald left CAA and immediately went to the airport to rush to New York to shoot a "Burger King" commercial.

Burger King hopes that the two original actresses Leigh Thompson and Elizabeth Shue will continue to appear. In addition, one of the child actors they found is also from New York. There are a lot of troubles in shooting out of state, so it is more expensive to shoot in Los Angeles.

In order to close this deal, Eddie took the lead in finding a studio, contacted two actresses, and found a set and setting team.

Fortunately, the location and manpower for filming in New York City are also very easy to find, and Eddie completed all the preparations quickly. Ronald only needs to go to the scene and direct the filming. In order to reward Eddie, Ronald gave him the title of advertising producer, and Burger King also gave Eddie half of the reward.

Lea Thompson and Elisabeth Shue both took a half-day trip to New York to film the Christmas version of the "Burger King" commercial.

They put on Burger King waiters' clothes and Burger King hats and sat in a room with a Christmas setting. The two beauties were sitting on big chairs in the front row, and Leigh Thompson was holding a little girl in her arms.

"Have a merry little Christmas

make your heart bright

from now on

Your worries will cease to exist.”

Li, Elizabeth and others rehearsed the traditional Christmas song "Have a Merry Little Christmas". The girl was a child star hired by Burger King. She sang with a sweet voice and was very cute.

"I'm going to zoom in and end up with a close up of Leigh and Elizabeth right when they're singing 'Your Troubles Will Be No More'."

Ronald took the storyboard and explained the camera crew's shot scheduling, "Then I will take another shot of a little girl. What's her full name?"

"Sara Michelle Gellar." Eddie reminded from the side.

"Yes, and then I will take a close-up of Sara and ask her to say that line." Ronald, who only became familiar with the advertising script on the plane, forgot her name.

"Everyone, get ready, let's rehearse." Ronald picked up the electric horn and began to order.

The rehearsal went very well. Ronald asked the lighting team to start lighting, and several actors started to touch up their makeup.

Sarah Michelle Gellar hasn't lost her teeth yet, and her mother is taking care of her. Sarah is an acting genius. She filmed a CBS TV movie last year when she was four years old. Burger King happened to see it, and they invited Sarah to film a Christmas version of their commercial.

"Sarah, I will take a close-up of you when the time comes, that is..."

"I know, it's just a very close shot."

"Yes, you are very smart, Sarah. Do you remember what you are going to say then?"

"Merry Christmas, McDonald's!"

"very good."

After Burger King complained about the bad taste of McDonald's beef in their last commercial, they seem to have restrained themselves a bit this time. Their script this time has the lovely Sara saying hello to McDonald's. I wonder if they have changed their tune and stopped attacking the competition. rival.

Ronald sat in the director's chair with his eyes closed and concentrating. It took a long time to set up the lighting, so he just took a break.

"Ronald, can we talk?"

Ronald opened his eyes and it was Leigh Thompson.

"Of course, something."

"Is there something wrong with my performance? If what I did didn't meet your requirements..."

The experience of dancing ballet made Leigh Thompson more independent and brave. She felt that Ronald did not give her more guidance on acting like last time, so she asked her why before filming started.

"No problem. In fact, I am most satisfied with your performance. So I let you put your arms around Sara. This effect is better and more natural."


"Actually, I just flew from Los Angeles and I'm quite tired." Ronald encouraged, "Don't worry, you did a great job. This is just an advertisement, relax. You just have to act like last time. Just be a good girl next door.”

"Okay. Thank you, director." Lea Thompson was a little confused and went back to the dressing room to rest.

During the official filming, Leigh Thompson performed really well. Her talent lies in the looseness and imagination of her performance. It makes people feel that she is not acting, but just the girl next door who works at Burger King.

"Merry Christmas, McDonald's," Sarah Michelle Gellar said in a very cute way as she wished a happy competitor.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone wished a happy New Year together and waved.

Leigh Thompson also thought this little girl was very cute. She put down her hand in advance, hugged Sara, "Ho ho ho..." and played with her like a doll.


Ronald was very satisfied with Leigh Thompson's improvisation and motioned to the photographer to keep it.

If he had to choose between Leigh Thompson and Elizabeth Shue to play the role of an ordinary girl, Ronald would rather choose Leigh Thompson. Her acting is natural and convincing.

Being the director yourself will save you a lot of work, and from time to time, Thompson will be able to perform extra well. This is the benefit of imagination.

"Lee..." Seeing Ronald shouting to stop, Dennis Quaid, who was already waiting next to him, walked in and hugged Thompson enthusiastically.

"Dennis, we have another shot. Can you wait nearby?" Ronald greeted Dennis Quaid.

"Of course, Ronald. It's best to hurry up. Li and I haven't seen each other for a long time." Dennis showed a warm smile, a broad chin, and a strong figure, which indeed fit the American audience's imagination of a handsome man.

Quaid yawned and sniffed, "I'll go out and have a cigarette first."

Lea Thompson looked at Ronald's even colder attitude towards Dennis Quaid, and seemed to understand something in her heart. She spoke:

"Ronald, I...Dennis helped me a lot. I was able to get a job on the set of Jaws 3D so I could get my Screen Actors Guild card."

Ronald smiled and said, "Dennis's wife PJ and I are old friends. She was the heroine in the first movie I participated in. Of course this has nothing to do with me, so you don't have to think too much about it."

"Dennis said that he has completed the divorce procedures with her, and now he just needs to wait for the procedures to be completed..." Leigh Thompson did not expect that Ronald and Dennis's wife would still have this kind of relationship, and she wanted to explain it.

"Then there's nothing to worry about, Li. Isn't it? Clean it up, we're going to have another one soon."


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