Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 319 Aren’t you going in?

MJ, Calvin Klein, David Geffen and others also reached the second floor through the VIP elevator. Through the waiter, we found Ronald and Diane who had returned to the box after dancing the disco. Calvin Klein introduced Ronald to Jackson, who had just released his latest album, "Thriller."

Michael Jackson was very thin and had black natural curly hair. His nose is also a typical black type, very wide. He has only two big eyes with double eyelids and is very charming. He is a handsome black guy. He looked sparkly in a shirt studded with pearls.

"Ronald, can I call you Ronald? I really liked your dance on the catwalk just now." MJ spoke softly, but very confidently.

"Hello, MJ. I see they all call you that. I like your new song." Ronald doesn't listen to black music very much, but his "that girl is mine" has been playing on the radio recently. , duet with original Beatle Paul McCartney.

MJ chatted with Ronald for a while and realized that Ronald was not a dancer. He asked Ronald about the origin of this dance.

"Is it this moonwalk? I saw this on the set of 'Flashdance,' and I learned it from Crazy Legs, a New York breakdance expert." Ronald did a few moonwalks , "The key point is to use force when standing up. Their movements are different from those of Soul Train. They retreat in a straight line. I find it very interesting."

"Yeah, crazy legs? Is he in New York?"

"I don't know either. You can ask their agent. They have a dance troupe, and there seem to be many people doing this kind of dance in Los Angeles."

"Michael, I'm Andy Warhol. I interviewed you over the phone a few months ago. Do you remember?" Andy Warhol squeezed out of the crowd and pinched MJ a few times with the camera. shutter.

"I went to see the band Blondie I told you about last time. It was great. Have you ever watched them?"

"I've never seen them." MJ replied politely.

"I'm going to the Ritz Club later. There's a new band Duran Duran playing there. Do you know them?"

"do not know."

“You should go check them out, they’re really good, a British new wave band that’s very popular right now.


"I just came here."

"A lot of people were here just now, including JFK and Brooke Shields."

"Has Poji gone too? Well, I want to chat with my friends for a while. Just call me when you go."

MJ turned around to chat with other people, and Andy Warhol felt close to him and continued to ask questions.

"Your new song is so good, I have your tape in my Walkman."


"When you are in Los Angeles, do you usually stay at home or go out to play? Have you been a singer since you were a child? Do you go to the movies? Do you play video games?"

Warhol asked a bunch of questions.

MJ was more of a gentleman and tried to keep his answers brief, until Warhol asked him about et’s video games.

"Oh, that game didn't impress me. It's too bad. You fall into a trap and you can't get out. I don't like it. But I like Steven's movie very much. The interaction between the children and et is very touching. I watched it several times. .”

“Great,” Andy Warhol wrote furiously.

"What magazine reporter are you? I am Minahan Golan, the producer of Brooke Shields' new movie." Seeing the lively circle of people here, Fatty Minahan also squeezed in. I happened to see Warhol interviewing MJ and quickly stepped forward to introduce myself.

"Oh, very good. I am the editor-in-chief of Interview magazine. May I ask about your new film?"

"Sahara, it's a big production, it's 'Lawrence of Arabia' and it's set in the desert in my home country of Israel, it's the Paris-Dakar Rally.

Brooke will win an Oscar for this movie..."

"Oh, shxt", Ronald thought badly. Minahan kept talking about Brooke winning the award, and this time he said the same to the media. It would be bad if the box office and reviews were not satisfactory. He quickly pulled Minahan's sleeve.

"This is a big production from Cannon Pictures," Minahan waved his arm and continued to brag about his investment and Brooke Shields' wonderful acting skills.

Ronald looked around. Except for MJ, who was still listening with interest, everyone else showed a meaningful smile.

"Hey," Ronald sighed, and stopped trying to persuade him. This big mouth kept talking nonsense, and it must have become an inside joke.

"What, is this inappropriate?" Diane quietly poked Ronald's waist and asked quietly in his ear.

"Minahan is a foreigner. If he is so high-profile, Brooke will be hurt if he is not nominated for an Oscar." Ronald covered his mouth with his hand and whispered in Diane's ear.

"It doesn't matter. Andy's 'Interview' magazine is quite famous. He knows many celebrities in the entertainment industry in New York, so he probably won't write anything wrong."

"What, you know Andy Warhol?"

"He interviewed me last year and took a few photos of me, but later he used other photos of me for the cover of his magazine."

Ronald and Diane started chatting.

"Let's talk somewhere else. It's too tiring." Diane was squeezed twice by the crowd and pulled Ronald.

"Well, I know there's another one next door."

The two slowly squeezed out of the crowded box and went to a nearby room. People here were running to see celebrities such as MJ and Calvin Klein.

"You said you have several scripts for you to perform?" Ronald remembered what Diane said just now.

"Yes, one is about a female rock star, and I was invited to be the lead singer. The other is about a fairy tale mermaid, but it has a different ending."

"Which one do you want to play?"

"I want to play a rock star, and this movie has a lot of room for me to express myself. The story of the mermaid is too cliche, and Bert also said that the ending didn't work well. The mermaid didn't turn into a human, but instead the male protagonist grew fins, and She went into the sea together.”

"Why?" Ronald didn't follow Diane's train of thought.

"Burt said, Mermaid Story has been filmed many times, so my performance space is limited. But Rock Star is different."

Ronald had a strange feeling in his heart. In fact, there was a big difference between the performance of the movie actors and the actors' characters presented in the movie itself. Simply pursuing acting skills may not necessarily lead to reaching a higher level and becoming a big star.

"What, you think I should choose a mermaid?"

Seeing that he was silent, Diane asked proactively.

"As the old saying goes, it's not convenient for me to give you any advice on selecting scripts. However, I don't think it is necessary to pursue the performance of acting skills completely. The quality of an actor's performance is related to the quality of the entire movie's performance. Two different things.”

"What you said makes sense. I won't care about these troubles. When the two movies made by Coppola are released, Bert said that I will receive movie scripts from major studios. There are more scripts sent now. Quite a few, but most are small and medium-sized multi-million dollar productions.”

Diane shook her head, as if she wanted to get rid of the pressure of being a teenage star and enjoy the pleasure of fooling around.

"By the way, when will your new movie be shot? Do you want me to be the heroine?"

"Haha, shooting will start next month. But my movie only costs over one million, so it can't be any smaller movie."

"Sorry, Ronald, I didn't mean that." Diane stuck out her tongue.

Ronald smiled and ruffled her hair, "It doesn't matter, I know you don't mean that. I will move forward step by step. If I'm lucky, I can direct a movie from a big studio next time. I will definitely give the script to Bert when the time comes.”

Ronald looked down at Diane, sister Donna's best friend, whose face was getting rounder and rounder now. She was also an actress, but she didn't pay as much attention to keeping in shape as Helen did.

White girls all have a period of rapid growth and baby fat. Ronald looked at Diane condescendingly and noticed the rapid changes in Diane's appearance in the past six months.

When Diane was auditioned for the role of "The Naughty Child", she still looked exactly like a little girl and had grown a lot taller. By the time I finished filming "The Kid" and "Betta", I had gained weight instead of growing taller. It seems that I have gained a lot of weight now.

Diane didn't know Ronald was thinking about this, and her face felt a little hot when he saw her. She touched her hair. The red color she dyed during the filming of the movie had faded a bit. Now the tips of her hair are still dark red, and the roots have revealed their original color. Dark brown.

Her heart was beating faster and faster, and Diane closed her eyes slightly, feeling some expectation in her heart.

"Why is there a scar next to your eye?"

Ronald discovered a small scar at the corner of Diane's right eye and touched it gently with his hand.

"That was when I was a kid." Diane was a little annoyed and turned her face to Ronald for a closer look. "Don't you think it looks good? Should I have plastic surgery? My agent also said this. You can see it clearly in the close-up."

"It's not necessary. I think it's best not to have surgery as long as it doesn't destroy your beauty." Ronald recalled what Ingrid Bergman wrote in her autobiography about her refusal to have plastic surgery.

"I think the audience is very familiar with your appearance now. If you lose the features of your face after plastic surgery, it will be detrimental to your stardom."

"Oh, I think so too. I'm a little scared at the thought of having to go under the knife on my face. Bert also said it's best not to do it, otherwise the facial muscles will be damaged and some subtle emotions won't be able to be acted out."

"Yes, I remember when I was watching Johnny Carson host the Oscars, he made a joke about celebrities having plastic surgery. How did he say it?" Ronald thought for a moment, "He said, I am very happy to see a lot of plastic surgery today. New faces, especially those made over old faces.”

"Hahaha", Diane smiled happily, "By the way, my agent said that he is arranging for me to appear on Johnny Carson's show, but it will take half a year for the schedule to be available."

"Oh, really? Is it to promote the movie?"

"I'm very happy to see a lot of new faces today, especially those who have been repaired on the old faces." In the corner next to him, Woody Allen also happened to come out for some air. He took out a small notebook and quickly jotted down Ronald's joke.

"Woody?" Ronald spotted Woody Allen in the corner.

"Hey Ronald, I thought your joke was funny so I wrote it down."

"This is Diane, Diane Lane, the heroine of the new film directed by Coppola." Ronald introduced quickly.

"Hello, hello..." Woody Allen was a little shy in front of strangers, "I have to go back to find Mia."

Ronald chatted with Diane for a while, saw that it was already late, and offered to send Diane home.

Diane Lane happily agreed. Sitting in the passenger seat of Ronald's car, he happily talked about a lot of things during the filming of "Betta".

Soon the car arrived at Diane's house, and Ronald got out of the car and walked her to the door.

Diane stood at the door and looked at Ronald with a smile, "Why don't you go in and sit down?"

"It's very late, I have to go back early." Ronald looked at his watch.

The lights in the room turned on, "Diane, is that you? Who else is there?" The voice of Diane's father Bert came out.

"It's me, Ronald. I'll send Diane back." Ronald replied.

"Ronald, long time no see." Bert walked out of the room and hugged Ronald.

"I heard that Diane has a lot of offers recently? I heard from Diane that she has a lot of offers from Hollywood now, and I saw a lot of them today." Ronald and Bert chatted about Diane's acting career.

"Yes, the situation is much better than last year. Director Coppola will definitely invite you to the premiere when he holds it."

"Okay, I'll definitely go. Bye, Bert. Bye, Diane."

"Bye." Diane watched Ronald get into the car.

"Next time you go out, tell me. No one is home when I come to see you." Bert complained to his daughter.

"I know, I'll tell you later. I'm going to bed first." Diane entered her room silently and closed the door.

"Boom!" She kicked the wall and threw herself on the bed.

"I'm back, are you still asleep? Donna." Ronald drove home and saw Donna still sitting in the living room.

"Not yet. I'm watching TV. Have you seen Diane?"

"Yes, she has changed a lot now. She will probably become a movie star next year." Ronald yawned, "I'm going to bed first, and you should go to bed early."

"I'm going to sleep right away." Donna saw Ronald going to the bathroom and immediately picked up the phone and dialed, "He's back and didn't go to other clubs."


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