Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 5 I don’t like you

"Mr. John Muto, my idea is to make 'Night of the Comet' into a post-apocalyptic zombie film with a romantic comedy atmosphere. The two heroines are valley girls, yearning for romantic love. They are destroyed by the comet. From now on, I will not give up the spirit of modern civilization..."

"A cross between a romantic comedy and a zombie exploitation film? Sounds like a comic book vibe."

"That's pretty much it. Another name for this movie may give you more inspiration, it's called 'Comet, Girl, and Zombie.'" Ronald smiled and continued to explain his thoughts on the overall visual style of the movie.

"This is really easy to understand. The comet is the dark red color that destroys the world, the girl is the bright bright color, and the zombie is the dark brown color." Muto took out a disk full of colors and pointed to a few colors for Luo Nader looks.

"That's true, that's what I want."

Muto was introduced to art director Ronald by Cameron and Gale. He had played the role of art director in "Out of the Galaxy" and worked with Cameron, who was the special effects director, and Gale, who was the associate producer. tacit agreement.

Ronald fell in love with this personable artist after meeting him. The two had similar ideas, and the salary requirements were not high. After two chats, Ronald decided to sign a contract with him. .

"When will our scene start? The most important scene is an empty city. Do you use a studio to set up the scene, or do you shoot it in person?" Another middle-aged handsome guy asked Ronald.

Arthur Albert was the director of photography that Ronald looked for. Unlike art directors who are relatively cheap, good photography directors, especially those with special effects experience, are not cheap.

Ronald searched around, and finally his agent Niceta recommended him one with a suitable price.

Arthur Albert was born in Venezuela. He has been making small-budget exploitation films in Spanish before. He has experience in shooting zombies and science fiction themes. He has just entered the English film market, so he is not expensive and has experience.

Ronald prefers Arthur's hard-working spirit. Although this guy was born in Venezuela, he actually comes from a good family, received an English education, and has no problem communicating.

"This is the biggest undetermined issue. I can't tell you until I meet the new CEO of the publishing company today."

Ronald shook hands with the two crew members who had arrived earlier and said goodbye. The handover process of the new world has not yet been completed, and the salaries of both of them were personally advanced by themselves.

I’m going to have a meeting with the new CEO of New World this afternoon. If their additional investment is enough, they will use better performance methods. If there is no additional investment,

We had to find a way to find connections with the Los Angeles police and close the road for the actual filming.

Niceta had promised to help if necessary. However, the budget is limited, so I can only choose important lenses to shoot. The final result of the film will depend on the outcome of the meeting with the new CEO.

Ronald saw off the two crew members and returned to CAA's office. Niceta agreed to lend her office to Ronald to meet with important people. Although Niceta couldn't invest in herself due to the broker's laws, she was still very helpful in other ways.

"Hey, look who's here? Are you going to join CAA from William Morris?" Rick Niceta stood up and greeted his fellow Italian, WMA's senior agent Ed. Limato.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm here to see Ronald. Can we chat?" Limato waved his hand like a fly to make Niceta disappear so that he could chat with Ronald.

"This is Niceta's office, Ed." Ronald laughed. "Tell me, there's nothing I can't say to Niceta."

"Well, it's Nick's business. He was spotted by the director of 'racing with the moon' released by Paramount, and he was going to play one of the leading roles alongside Sean Penn and Elizabeth McGovern. , rehearsals are scheduled to start at the end of February and filming will begin in March, will your movie be available in time?"

"Is that so? It should be in time. The filming of my movie only takes two weeks. With the pre-rehearsal, it will be completed in mid-February. There may be some reshoots."

"That's okay, a day off?"

"Okay, Nick has a lot of scripts now?"

"Yes, he will be filming 'Birdman' later, directed by Alan Parker... Why don't you like him?" Limato noticed Ronald's discomfort after hearing Alan Parker's name. .

"He and I have a bit of a problem."

"Then I'll sign a contract with Nick, because he's afraid of your schedule conflicts here."

"It won't delay his new movie."

"Okay, now that we've agreed, I'll leave now. If I stay here for just one more minute with Niceta, there will be one more person outside spreading rumors that I'm going to quit CAA." Limato hurried away again.

"Let's go too. I don't know what the new CEO's temper is like in the new world. There's no harm in leaving early."

The biggest change of New World is the new sign at the entrance that says "New World Productions". It seems that the new boss has not maintained Coleman's low-key style.

The new CEO works in Roger Coleman's old office. Ronald and Niceta waited outside the door for a while, and were invited into the office by the blond female secretary.

"Mr. Raimi, Mr. Ronald Lee, the director of 'Night of the Comet,' is here.

"Come in."

A familiar name, a familiar voice.

Ronald looked up and saw a tall figure sitting in a wing-backed chair with his back to them, and then Remy turned the chair around to face Ronald.

"Ronald, we meet again."

"Haha, hello, Mr. Remy."

Ronald sat down carelessly and crossed his legs. He could tell from the voice that it was Robert Raimi, the original vice president of Universal. This man once accused himself of being morally corrupt and immoral during a screening of "Fast-paced Richmond High School."

"Would it be okay if young people in America grew up watching this kind of movie?" were his exact words. And Raimi and Tom Mount were in the same camp, voting against a "fast-paced" release.

Robert Raimi, with his sinewy face and narrow eyes, is a common Hollywood creature. Most of them serve as leaders in the sales department. Regardless of their appearance or style, they are like bulldozers. He is always exploiting and squeezing his subordinates, and he is groveling to his customers, just to sell movies.

When Ronald saw that he was the CEO hired by New World, he knew that the production of "Night of the Comet" would be in trouble. Now that he has come, he makes peace with it. He simply sits on the chair and crosses his legs, looking at Remy nonchalantly.

"Calm down, if it doesn't work, I'll find another publisher for you. Don't start a fight here." Manager Niceta was also stunned for a while, and then warned in Ronald's ear.

He knew that this client was good at wrestling, so he just didn't want to get into a fight with a leader like Remy who often threatened his subordinates physically.

Robert Remy squinted his eyes and looked at Ronald, feeling a surge of hatred in his heart. Tom Mount failed in Spielberg and Ronald's film and was kicked out of Universal, which affected himself, a die-hard supporter.

Mount was protected by a golden parachute and left the Globe with good conditions.

I have just joined Universal for a year, but I don’t have such good conditions for leaving. I have been working in small-budget film companies for more than ten years. I didn't expect that when I first joined a large company as a senior executive, I was immediately kicked out. This contains the "credit" of this young director.

"I have read your script and there are some serious problems, so I hope you will make some changes, and then New World will discuss the filming process with you."

Remy took a baseball bat from the bookshelf next to him, held one end in his right hand, and slapped the other end on his left hand to accompany his words.

"What's the problem?" Ronald asked casually, looking at the furnishings in the room. Remy's taste was much worse than Coleman's. He had bought a lot of leather furniture into the originally simple and tidy office. , completely inconsistent with the original modest interior decoration.

"There is a problem with values. Young people in America cannot grow up watching these anti-government ideological propaganda, and these x-rated marginalia, and they must be revised. I will not repeat Universal's mistakes."

Seeing Ronald's nonchalant look, Remy became even more angry. Why doesn’t this young man respect an industry expert like himself? Do you think that after making a blockbuster movie, you can become lawless?

"Universal's mistake?" Ronald sneered, "Or is it yours?"

Robert Raimi was heartbroken, but this young man was still irritating, "Don't be ridiculous, kid. Universal ignores the public's perception for the sake of temporary box office results. Under my management, this kind of thing will not happen in the New World. What we want to do is make films that are more socially responsible.

If your film can be modified in the following areas and I agree, then I will agree to fund the filming.

First, there can be no more pornographic sidelines. New World is a medium-sized production company and does not have the same influence as Universal in the rating agency MPAA. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to pass the rating. If we cannot even get an R rating, then it is impossible to have a good film. issuance results.

Second, in the end, the only remaining government research institute in America cannot be the villain. The movie is not only about box office, but also in line with the spirit of America. I don’t like this plot setting..."

"Tsk, I don't like this kind of plot... setting..."

Ronald was still nonchalant, picking his ears with his fingers and quietly imitating with Niceta to laugh at Remy's way of speaking.

"Bang...bang...bang" Remy was finally so angry that he banged the baseball bat on the table.

"Did you hear what I said clearly? I ask you to re-revise the script and not start filming until I agree."

"Hey, let's be frank, Robert." Ronald stood up. He was about the same height as Remy and walked to the desk. He stared into Remy's eyes and said every word.

"You don't like me, and I don't like you either. Put away those nonsense and lies, and if you don't want to watch my movie, then find another producer. I signed a contract with New World."

"Kid, you haven't seen the true dangers of Hollywood. You might as well ask your lawyer to come and see what he tells you. In short, I will not give you the green light for such a movie."

Ronald grabbed the baseball bat that kept swinging and banging in Remy's hand, "This is good, I like your frankness."

"Let's go, Niceta." Ronald ignored the astonished Remy and asked his manager to leave together. Before leaving, he threw the baseball bat at the door. "Didn't your mother teach you not to hit the table with a baseball bat?" ?It’ll knock holes out of your desk.”

"Let's go find Roger Coleman and see what he says." Ronald closed the door and cut off Remy's shouting inside, "Damn it, call the furniture supplier, they There is a hole in the desktop."

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