Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 24 Dreaming of a Mermaid

"There's an electronic keyboard slide at the beginning of this song. Do you think we could cut out Cyndi Lauper's portrait and have her move across the screen like she's playing on a piano?"

Ronald and the staff of the ADO computer digital special effects machine worked together to add many special effects to the MV. In addition to trying to display various special effects and surprises, they also had to consider the rhythm of the special effects and the MV.

After much deliberation, there was still no good place to arrange this special effect of panning on the screen after keying. Finally, Ronald thought of placing it after the intro, so that Cyndi Lauper's grimace could flash across the screen, creating a scene. A funny atmosphere.

"Dang-dang-dang..." The secretary at the front desk knocked on the door and came in. "Ronald, I think it's your cousin calling to remind you to go home for dinner."

"Oh? It's already half past five? Thank you, let's stop here today, and we will continue tomorrow. I promised my family to go home for dinner." Ronald said to the staff, got up, dressed and went home.

"I will complete this special effect tonight, and you can see the final effect when you come tomorrow..."


When Ronald returned home, he hugged Aunt Karen as soon as he entered the door. They hadn't seen each other for several months. Aunt Karen and he both missed each other a little.

"What are you watching?" Ronald saw Aunt Karen watching CBS TV again. It seemed like a TV series. A military Bell helicopter appeared, and there was a wounded man on a military jeep below.

"Today is the finale of 'm·a·s·h,'" Donna said to Ronald.

"Oh," Ronald smiled and sat down on the sofa. This TV series, which reflects the American war in Northeast Asia in the 1950s, has been on CBS for more than ten years, longer than that war. Much longer.

My aunt likes to watch it, mainly because the TV series does not actually have much exaggerated background of war. She actually views it as the Vietnam War. Many weapons and plots in it are actually based on the Vietnam War. Anyway, soap operas are not so sophisticated. .

"I love watching this TV series, but I didn't expect it to end soon. Today's last episode is very long, two and a half hours long. The name is also good, it's called 'Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen.'"

Aunt Karen was having dinner while watching the finale. As the last scene ended, Colonel Porter, Max Klinger and Father Mulcahy, who had accompanied their aunt and countless American families for twelve years, finally waved goodbye to everyone.

"Dear, I'm going to bed first,

It reminds me of your uncle Steve. "Auntie came to hug Ronald after watching the finale, don't make it too late.

Ronald didn't follow the TV series very much, so he went to the room early to read the two scripts Diane Lane gave him, preparing to give Diane a recommendation tomorrow.

"Hey Ronnie, are you free?"

Donna knocked on Ronald's door and walked in.

"Which movie are you going to recommend Diane to star in? Do you have any news to share?"

"Um, I haven't finished reading the script yet." Ronald rubbed his eyes. He had done a lot of things today and was already a little energetic by the evening, but he had to finish what he promised.

"I think mermaids are good, what do you think?"

"I don't know, choosing a script is actually a difficult choice. As a director, of course I hope that actors can act in my script, but on the other hand, from an actor's perspective, it is not that easy to choose. It is difficult to judge which Movies will accelerate your career."

Ronald asked Donna to sit down, just in time to chat with her and take a break.

"Huh? Can't you just choose based on the script?"

"It's hard to say, some movies actually don't tell much from the script. You know Spielberg's E.T., I read the script before filming, and to be honest, when I watched it, I couldn't tell the final part at all. The finished film is so touching.”

"Then what should we watch?"

"In addition to the script? It also depends on the performance of the actors and the effects of some special effects. Sometimes, actors' improvisational performances will be better than those in the script. Some directors will give actors more room for improvisation, while others are more strict. , stick to the plot and dialogue on the script.

For example, in this book "Mermaid", I can see that the screenwriter and director have a general grasp of the movie scene, so the script is very detailed. I can see that in some places, they have already thought about how to assume the shots and how to put these words. Take pictures.

But this untitled project leaves a lot of blank spaces. I can’t tell whether the director doesn’t pay attention to the script, or whether he has already thought of those places for the actors to improvise..."

Ronald explained to Donna the difference between a script and a movie. In fact, he was not very optimistic about the unnamed project. Many parts seemed very rough. If he were to direct it, he would definitely have to rewrite the story and fill in the details.

"Oh," Donna nodded, secretly remembering what Ronald said in her heart, "Ronnie, what kind of director are you?"

"Me? I'm probably in between the two. When you encounter good actors, let them play more. When the budget is tight, shoot according to the script to speed up the progress."

"Okay, I'm going to bed. I won't disturb you anymore." Donna stood up and walked out of the room.

"The script depends on the performance of the actors and director. A good script does not necessarily mean a good movie. It depends on the performance space and the special effects..." Donna muttered to herself, ran to the room, picked up the phone and dialed, "I I asked you about it, and he said that a good script doesn’t necessarily mean a good movie... Uh-huh..."

The night was getting late, and Ronald also lay down on the bed, reading the script under the lamp.

The script for "Untitled Project" was thin, and Ronald read it quickly. The copper nails of the binding were passed through, and a large length was protruded from the back cover. Ronald was poked twice in the hand when he saw it, and simply threw it away.

Besides, Ronald didn’t like that the characters in this script were exaggerated and caricature-like. The main story is very old-fashioned, and you can guess the plot direction a few steps in advance from the beginning to the end. It's not much different from the story of "The Spy in North Africa".

He prefers to watch "The Mermaid". The story of this movie is very interesting. The story begins almost the same as Andersen's "The Daughter of the Sea", but adds many modern American values.

For example, the Little Mermaid quickly accepted modern civilization and learned to use money to buy things. At the end, the tragedy of the original version is not reduced to bubbles, nor is it the cliché transformation of a human being and the male protagonist living happily together. Instead, the human protagonist is transformed into a fish and goes to live in the sea with the mermaid.

This ending of escaping the busy work in the urban forest and returning to a happy childhood may really resonate with some men and women in the city. After all, who doesn’t want to put aside the frustration of reality and return to the carefree childhood?

"Here is a plot where after the Little Mermaid came ashore, she arrived at the Statue of Liberty. There was a language barrier and a barrier to customs. The Little Mermaid could not communicate with the tourists. However, she was kind and beautiful, and she quickly won the heartfelt love of tourists from all over the world. It is more suitable Diane showed off her acting skills." Ronald made some pencil marks on the script and then wrote a paragraph of his own comments.

A sudden sleepiness came over him, and Ronald felt that the hand holding the pencil was getting heavier and heavier, and he struggled a few times. The script fell to the floor with a thud, and Ronald fell asleep.

A familiar feeling came to his mind again, and Ronald vaguely felt as if he was watching TV, and the voice on the TV was Chinese that he had not heard for a long time.

"Next up is 'Modern Mermaid,'"

A burst of theme music sounded, and a large TV screen began to play the movie "Mermaid".

Ronald felt very tired and could hardly keep his eyes open. He kept falling asleep while watching TV. There seemed to be Chinese subtitles at the bottom of the screen.

"Where is this? Why are the subtitles still in Traditional Chinese?"

On a yacht, two children were looking at the sea on Cape Cod. A fat child threw a handful of coins at the lady's feet, then lay down to pick up the coins and peek at them.

On the other side, a thin and melancholy child stared at the sea. He seemed to see a little mermaid jumping down into the water.

The little mermaid rescued him, who couldn't swim, and sent him back to the boat, where he was rescued ashore by an adult. His wallet was left at the bottom of the sea and was picked up by the Little Mermaid.

"Is this the scene at the beginning when the two protagonists met when they were children? Not to mention this mermaid flashing by, she also looks a bit like Diane." Ronald thought in a daze.

"Hey, hey..." The camera turned, and a fat young man started to play the trick of throwing coins and peeking again, and was caught red-handed. Ronald opened his eyes and saw that the person playing the fat man was an old acquaintance who invited him to watch John Candy in the NFL playoffs.

"Huh? Isn't it because of Diane that you dreamed about it?"

Next to him was the fat man's brother, the little boy who was rescued by the Little Mermaid, who was still so thin and melancholy.

"Hey, this is also an old acquaintance. He participated in a fast-paced audition, but later gave up due to TV series schedule conflicts. What is his name? I remember his name is also Tom."

Ronald fell asleep again.

"Ah...ah..." A scream woke him up. A blond beauty, naked from behind, walked onto Liberty Island from the sea. She was discovered by a group of tourists visiting the Statue of Liberty and screamed.

"Is there a nude scene?" Ronald thought to himself.

"Huh? It's not Diane, but a tall, beautiful actress with blond hair. She's more charming than Brooke Shields. "

"Ah..." Ronald was awakened by another sharp scream. On the screen, in a place that looked like a department store, the TV screens on the wall exploded.

The mermaid learned human language by watching TV. When she said her real name to the male protagonist, she spoke it too frequently, causing the TV to explode.

"Buzzing..." There was a sound of a hair dryer, and the mermaid revealed her tail when she encountered water in the bathtub. The male protagonist Allen wanted to see her, so she dried her tail with a hair dryer and turned it into legs again.

"Bang, bang", finally the mermaid and Alan escaped from the scientist's laboratory, and the police car came to chase them. The mermaid asked Alan what he was thinking, and the two jumped off the pier and started living happily in the sea.

"Wow", early the next morning, Ronald opened the window and the sun shone into the room. The movie in Dreamland was shot at a good level, but the unnamed movie was not in Dreamland. I and Diane would recommend choosing "Mermaid".

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