The plane flew over the densely populated residential areas and landed at the Ocean Terminal of Heathrow Airport. Britain's largest aviation hub is located in the middle of a dense residential area, and the old terminal building has no parking.

A long time after the flight landed, Ronald appeared at the arrival exit and found the playing card with his name in the crowd.

"I am Ronald Lee." Ronald, carrying his luggage bag, feebly addressed the assistant from the CAA London office who came to pick him up.

"Hello, Ronald. What happened? I see your flight arrived early, but not many passengers came out."

"My luggage was lost at the airport and I only had a carry-on bag... They asked me to register my name and address, so I wrote down the address and phone number of your office."

"Don't worry, this happens all the time at Heathrow. One out of every hundred bags is stolen or misplaced. So many people on the same flight lose their bags. It doesn't look like someone stole the baggage, but more like it was stolen by a worker." Mistaken."

"Whatever..." Ronald and his assistant got into the car together and drove to the Pinewood Studio.

"This is your access card. Please sign here and write your name here." The staff at the Pinewood Studio took an identity photo of Ronald with a Polaroid and then issued the lowest-level card. visitor ID.

"Don't forget the flowers." The assistant handed over a bouquet of roses. Ronald took it and walked towards the location where the crew of Supergirl was filming.

Pinewood is the largest film and television shooting base in the suburbs of London. It has more than 20 studios and some locations with British classical architectural style, which is convenient for filming period dramas of Shakespeare and Jane Austen.

The "Supergirl" crew occupies the largest super studio among them. Movies such as "Superman" and "Star Wars" have been filmed here, and it is especially suitable for science fiction movies that require tall sets.

"Excuse me?" Ronald stopped a staff member and asked where Helen Slater was now. In order to give Helen a surprise, he did not inform her in advance that he was coming to visit.

"Sorry, we are during tea break. If you have anything to do, come back in half an hour."

The staff politely but firmly refused his inquiry, which made Ronald very angry. This stupid system is implemented very rigidly.

Someone from CAA said that when George Lucas was filming Star Wars here,

Many people ignore the rest as soon as afternoon tea arrives, often leaving a shot in the middle of filming, which makes Lucas so angry that his throat becomes inflamed and he loses his voice.

After finally waiting until the afternoon tea time, Ronald woke up from his drowsy jet lag and finally found a middle-aged female staff member who looked kinder and asked about it.

"Sorry, I am not responsible for finding movie stars for tourists. If you want them to sign autographs, you might as well come before ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Some stars will sign autographs for the fans waiting here. I wish you good luck."

"No, I am the heroine's boyfriend."

"Oh, you think so."

Ronald was expecting to be overjoyed to see Helen, but was completely defeated by these staff members.

"Hi, Ronald. Is that you?"

Ronald turned around and saw that he was an acquaintance. Woody Allen's partner Mia Farrow looked at him with a smile.

"Mia, it's nice to see you here." Ronald told Mia Farrow his idea of ​​coming to visit Helen. She was cast as Helen Slater's mother on Krypton, replacing Jane Fonda, who did not want to star.

"Ah, then you happened to be a little late. Helen just finished rehearsal and went back to the hotel to exercise."

"Huh?" Ronald cast a resentful look at the staff, these bastards.

Mia Farrow saw the rose in Ronald's hand and said, "Sir, let me take you there. She usually goes to the hotel swimming pool to train at this time. She is a good girl and works hard every day."

"I know, thank you." Ronald heard Farrow praising his girlfriend and smiled so much that all eight of his teeth were exposed.

Mia Farrow took Ronald by bus to the hotel where the crew was staying. There is a large glass house in the annex building of the hotel. The mist is steaming inside, which is a heated swimming pool. There were not many people swimming in the afternoon. There was only one man on the shore, cheering for the people in the water.

"Helen, come on, swim one more lap and you can eat chocolate energy bars." The coach-looking man was a middle-aged man, applauding the people in the water rhythmically, asking her to keep challenging her limits.

"I don't want to eat a chocolate bar, I'll get fat. I've already put on twenty pounds."

In the water was Helen, whom he had not seen for several months. She was wearing a red one-piece swimsuit and was swimming toward the pool with gritted teeth.

"This is the reward for your hard work. Come here and eat it." The coach peeled off the energy bar and seduced Helen.

"No, no, no, I don't want to eat. I want to resist your temptation. I don't want this reward." Helen swam to the shore and stopped to breathe heavily. This coach turned out to train Superman actor Christopher Reeve. He gave Helen the same training method, not just strength training.

Instead, he takes her to do various sports, swimming, fencing, and horse racing, which are relatively classical training methods for nobles. In the movie, Helen has to be suspended in mid-air by a wire and perform various actions, so the training also requires a combination of strength, coordination, flexibility, etc.

"Come on, eat it. It's good for your health. Don't vomit it up secretly. I'll watch you eat it. You just finished swimming and need energy replenishment. After eating it, let's do a few more laps. .”

"Oh, I don't want it. I'll become a ball if I eat it. You want to give me some other prizes to motivate me." Helen started acting coquettishly towards the coach.

"Ah woo..." the coach made a mouth gesture of eating, "You really don't want it? Helen, have a piece? Smell it, how fragrant it is?" Gu Zi

"No, no, I won't listen anymore. You can get some other prizes."

"How about my prize?" Ronald walked to the edge of the swimming pool in two steps, squatted down and said to Helen in the water.

"Ronnie!" Helen happily jumped out of the water and grabbed Ronald.

"Ahem..." Ronald didn't expect that after three months of training, Helen's strength had increased so much. He suddenly lost control of his balance and was dragged into the swimming pool by Helen with a pop.

"Pfft..." Ronald raised his head from the water and wiped his face, "It's over now, I only have this outfit, the other clothes were lost at the airport."

"Ronnie, Ronnie, why are you here? I miss you so much." Helen put her hands around Ronald's neck, hung on him from the water, and kissed him happily.

"Oh, it seems that your prize today is much better than an energy bar." The coach interrupted on the shore.

"My boyfriend is here today. I'm so happy." Helen grabbed the handrail and got on the shore. "I just want to eat, but I will just train today."

Ronald walked with Helen to her room with his soaked shoes in hand. After changing his shoes and clothes and putting them away, Ronald rushed first and put on his pajamas.

Helen had already changed her clothes and placed the wet roses in a glass vase. She sat on the bed and looked at Ronald with a smile.

The two looked at each other affectionately for a moment, then Ronald picked up Helen again and pressed their lips together fiercely.

"Am I getting fat?" Helen put her legs on Ronald's waist again, hugging him and not letting go.

"You're so strong, Superwoman, I think you're so sexy." Ronald touched Helen's arms and thighs. They had indeed grown a lot of muscles compared to their previous thin state.

"Superwoman is invincible, and all the bad guys can't beat her." Helen pushed Ronald onto the bed hard, and he bounced on the mattress. Then he jumped up and jumped on his boyfriend.

"Really? I, an Earthling, want to challenge you." Ronald also hugged Helen, and the two rolled on the bed.

After a long time, the two of them lay flat on the bed, panting.

After talking about the situation after the two separated for a while, Helen still touched her face, "Am I really fat? I have gained almost twenty pounds. The director also said that I am not strong enough. Look at my face. ”

Ronald touched Helen's face and it was indeed rounder. But you can't say this, "Really, Helen, you look much better this time. I think you are the healthiest since I have known you."

"Really? Hehe. Let me tell you, the people here are very nice to me and pamper me. The coach teaches me fencing, equestrian, and wrestling... Actors have also come here these days, including Youmi. Ya Farrow, Faye Dunaway, and Peter O'Toole.

Peter plays my good friend Wang Nianyan in the movie. He is a very good actor. Let me tell you, a few days ago he taught me how to read Shakespeare's lines, and I read them like an American girl. It was he who told me the secrets of British Shakespeare actors. "

Ronald said nothing and looked at Helen quietly.

"Don't swear by the moon, it is fickle, waxing and waning every month; if you swear by it, maybe your love will be as fickle as it." Helen said in her uptown New York girl accent Read it once.

"Then Peter told me to pronounce the Shakespeare rhyme and imagine that I was holding a delicate dandelion in each hand."

Helen closed her eyes and her hands seemed to be pinching the dandelion carefully.

“Do not swear by the moon, for it is fickle, waxing and waning every month;

If you swear by it, maybe your love will be as unpredictable as it. "

"How was it? Did I say this line like a Shakespearean actor?" Helen opened her eyes and smiled to express her gratitude to her boyfriend.

"Of course, of course it's good, Helen. But movies are actually different from Shakespeare's plays. The lines should be more natural, and the actors' performances are also directed at the camera, so the lines and body posture are actually not that important."

Helen was a little unhappy. She had learned a trick from Peter O'Toole, the veteran actor in "Lawrence of Arabia." She originally wanted Ronald to praise her, but she didn't expect him to have this kind of attitude.

"Well...are you jealous, Ronnie?" Helen thought about it and became happy again, "Are you jealous?" She raised her hand to scratch Ronald's waist.

"Hahaha, I'm" Ronald was made to laugh by her, and he also raised his hand to scratch Helen's armpit.

"Haha... um..." Helen closed her eyes and felt her lips being enveloped by Ronnie's warm and moist lips again.

"Oh... I think I exercised too much today." After a long time, Helen raised her hand and looked for it in the bedside drawer. She took another chocolate biscuit, put it in her mouth and ate it happily and distressedly.

"It's all your fault. If I gain weight from now on, it's all your fault."

"It doesn't matter. If you become fat in the future, I will open a movie specifically for you to be the heroine."

"Hahaha, okay, I'll see when you can open a movie for me."

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